Chapter no.197 Celestial Bound Inscription Array

[ Outer Hall of the Void Illusionary Divine Palace.]


Massive beasts lunged towards Lin Lingtian from all directions, as their majestic auras washed over him.

Lin Lingtian walked through the illusionary image of the Thunder Beast a Dao of Dragon level being.

But to Lin Lingtian's eyes, nothing could fool him.

Lin Lingtian dodged the blade coming from his right side before using the Læveteinn in the form a kunai to pin the puppet that was designed to the kill any intruder.

The Puppet glowed with a bright light before exploding out causing Lin Lingtian to be annoyed as everyone he currently meets always explodes for some reason.

' I get I am hot but do you really have to explode everytime you meet me.' Lin Lingtian thought as he flew along for a little more, before landing at the entrance to a side chamber and walked up to it without a second pause. Even though he was still standing outside, he could already sense the rich Heavenly Energy that filled the chamber's interior.

There must be some kind of treasure concealed within!

Lin Lingtian stepped into the side chamber and were greeted by the sight of a grand hall, hundreds of meters in radius, supported by towering stone pillars that were dozens of meters high.

Everything, from the ground to the pillars to the walls, was filled with mysterious inscription patterns.

The designs spiderwebbed over every surface and filled every possible crack and crevice.

Dozens of chests, forged of pure gold, were scattered throughout the hall. Each one was tightly shut, concealing its contents from prying eyes. Embedded into the lid of each chest was a Luster Pearl, magnificent and dazzling to the eyes.

One could tell that the chest's contents definitely weren't ordinary, just by looking at the craftsmanship of the chest.

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow as he saw that the floor, the walls, and even the pillars are filled with inscription patterns. Those are all part of the Celestial Bound Inscription Pattern Array. One wrong step will set off the trap. The patterns will melt into formless chains that will bind you, causing you unable to breath and in the end, dying from burnout. Not even Heavenly Axis nor Dao of Dragon Realm experts can escape it.

Lin Lingtian seven steps forward. Three to the right. Six forward… while making sure his steps are three feet wide.

The inscription patterns under him remained inactivated as he reached the first Gold Jade Treasure Chest, leaned down, and opened it.

A golden-armoured puppet popped out and brandished its fist towards Lin Lingtian.

This puppet was at least of the Heavenly Axis Realm!

There was no treasure; instead, Lin Lingtian been attacked.


A shockwave resulted from the powerful impact when the puppet's fist hit Lin Lingtian's body. Even though the golden-armoured puppet had a 5-stage Heavenly Axis Realm strength, it was still too weak compared to Lin Lingtian who had just destroyed it by tanking it's attack and the rebound force had crushed it.

Lin Lingtian took three steps forward, six left, two back and three left.

Lin Lingtian moved forward, arrived before the second chest, and carefully lifted the lid.

A brilliant sheen lit the room and a majestic Heavenly Energy poured out, both stemming from the treasure within the chest.

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow at the treasure ; Gold Spiritual Stone Essence.

Gold spiritual stone essences are extremely rare and can be used for cultivation, much like ordinary spiritual stones. A single piece of gold spiritual stone essence is equivalent to a hundred spiritual stone essences, which is also equivalent to hundreds of thousands of regular spiritual stones. If used to forge artifacts, the results would be Grade 8 or 9, at the very least!

Lin Lingtian smiled a little as he was enjoying opening these treasure boxes.

He could see why his friend was obsessed with playing gacha games.

Lin Lingtian stood before the third treasure chest, which was located at the heart of the Celestial Bound Inscription Pattern Array. This spot was surrounded by traps, and was the one with the most security measures.

It was very likely that this chest contained the most valuable treasure!

Lin Lingtian lowered his head to study the chest that was covered with strange inscription patterns, different from the chests before. This pattern was rigged; if you couldn't unlock it on the first try, it would trigger the traps!

Lin Lingtian began writing inscription patterns onto the chest. The lid creaked open, inch by inch.


The inscription pattern lock opened all the way.

Lin Lingtian leaned down and lifted the chest's lid away. The instant he did so, the brilliant glow of the treasure within leapt out of the chest and dazzled their eyes.

A flood of Heavenly Energy saturated the hall.


[ Sky Origin Sect ]

The disciples and elders of the Sky Origin Sect and Sky Blaze Sect stared at their patriachs new form in fear.

Demonic dark crimson skin covered the being in such a way that it felt as if the thing wasn't something that should exist.

Four black horns formed into a crown as spikes covered the wrists and back of the being made from the Blazing Origin Technique.

The aura of the patraich was suffocating from everyone except Lin Lingtian.

" Splendid!" The Patriach said as he swung his hand towards Lin Lingtian.

Lin Lingtian's eyes widened as converted his staff into a spear.

( ~ Boom ~ )

A giant wave of energy tore through the land as Lin Lingtian smiled.

He could feel his bones shaking.

This was unlike what he saw from the Human Face Spider Queen.

This guy as on another level.

" Where are you looking when I am infront of you ?!" The Patriach said as he appeared infront of Lin Lingtian with palm attack.

Lin Lingtian blocked it with his Læveteinn only for it to completely shatter into two.

Lin Lingtian's chest caved in with a palm imprint as a wave of energy shot out from behind him.


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