Chapter no.202 Offer to an Alliance

Lin Lingtian stopped before the crystal jade wall and placed his palm on its surface. Traces of mysterious light started to spread through the air.

The crystal jade wall immediately glowed with a harsh light that made everyone shield their eyes.

"What's going on?" Zhen Yuan said in astonishment.

" Quick, stop him!"

Hearing the words, two demon clan experts who were closest to the Lin Lingtian had a flash of understanding. They stood up and pounced towards the Lin Lingtian.

However, Lin Lingtian body rapidly turned illusory and vanished into the crystal jade wall. He'd disappeared, like a drop of water that had fallen into a lake.

The two demon clan experts missed their target and dumbfoundedly stared at the crystal jade wall.

"What happened?"

"He disappeared?"

"He entered the crystal jade wall!"

At the sight of this, all of the experts were inwardly vexed. They'd been comprehending this crystal jade wall for so long, but none of them had ever been able to enter. But someone who'd appeared just a few minutes ago had actually managed to solve the inscription patterns in one go.

The crowd had watched Lin Lingtian disappear, but the only thing they could do was return to comprehending the crystal jade wall with indignation.

Some of the experts approached the crystal jade wall to study it.

One expert copied Lin Lingtian as he touched the Jade wall.

He thought about it a little. That person wrote some inscription patterns before entering... Therefore, he too, began writing on the wall. The inscription patterns glowed brightly as they sunk into the crystal jade wall.


That expert couldn't help showing an expression of glee as he watched the wall in excitement.

Suddenly, with a *boom*, that expert was sent flying by a surge of energy that shot out from the crystal jade wall. He soared for a few dozen meters before he landed heavily on the floor. His entire body was charred and smoking. His legs twitched a few times before his entire body stilled.

At the sight of that, the other experts who were trying to enter all decided to back off. Their hearts were stunned and their scalps tingled as they no longer dared to experiment.

The crystal jade wall wasn't that easy to solve. One wrong move and a price must be paid.

They'd managed to enter the Void Illusionary Divine Palace only with great effort, and had been given a chance to comprehend an exceptional cultivation technique. How could they bear to leave?

The experts returned to their seats and continued comprehending the crystal jade wall.

How did that person enter the Jade Wall ?

[ Void Illusionary Divine Palace, Main Hall ]

A long scarlet carpet led directly between the towering pillars and into the main hall.

Even inside, everyone's auras seemed to be frozen and their soul realms remained useless.

Lin Lingtian looked out in front of him. At the end of the main hall sat a cross-legged statue of a white-bearded elder, five or six meters in height. Even though it was only a statue, its craftsmanship was vivid and lifelike, as if it was a real person.

The statue was imposing and majestic, influencing others to have thoughts of worshipping him.

This was the Ancestral Master Daozang, spoken of in legends!


[ Sky Origin Sect ]

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The audience of elders and disciples looked on in a daze a shockwaves were felt when Lin Lingtian and the Patriarch clashed but no one could tell where they were as they were fighting un speeds much greater then the speed of light.

What they could see was the aftermath as the air was lit on fire and the shockwaves.

" I.... I d.....don't believe it."

Lin Lingtian and the Patriarch's blurry image flashed in the distance.

" Just w...what am I watching ?"

Someone in the crowd absentmindedly said as Lin Lingtian and the Patriarch's battle was something that casted a seed of doubt in the heart of everyone watching.

No matter how much I try, I will never reach their level.

This seed of doubt caused the disciples to clench their fist's in anger.

Anger at themselves.

Anger at their own powerlessness.

Anger at their own ability that limited them to their position as they saw a moutain so big that the summit couldn't be seen from where they stood.

" Welkin Void Fold, Palmstrike !" The Patriarch shouted out as he wrapped void Attribute to his palm before striking out.

Lin Lingtian in response just struck with an overhead hook.

( ~ Boom ~ )

A flash of light covered the entire sky leaving everyone in a daze.

Just how powerful are these monsters ?

" Just where are you from young man ?"

The patriarch asked in a multilayered voice that had both masculine and feminine traits in it.

" Why ? You want to send a marriage request to become my bitch."

The patriarch ignored Lin Lingtian's comment.

" How about we make an alliance? With our power combined not even the Sage Emperor could fight us."

" .... "

" So why don't you join me and we'll split the heavens in two ?"

" ( ~ Sigh ~ ) Yeah, sorry but I have to decline. I have no interest in the puppet throne of the Heavens."

" Very well."

The void attribute spiraled around the patriarch's hands as he lashed out with a whip towards Lin Lingtian.

Lin Lingtian tried to dodge but the whip twisted in a perpendicular angle before wrapped around his wrist.

Lin Lingtian's eyes narrowed as he felt his body burn up.

" You should have accepted my offer when you had the chance."

The Patriarch shouted out as thousands of void whips converged towards Lin Lingtian before exploding out in such a manner that the surrounding matter was instantly destroyed.


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