Chapter no.204 Void Illusionary Palace

[ POV Change ]

[ Sky Origin Sect ]

( ~Shritch ~ )

The patriarch's energy whip tore through the air creating a thunderous melody of terror as it converged towards Lin Lingtian.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Lin Lingtian tried to dodge the whips but the patriarch was using an extremely weird technique that cut off pieces of the whip from the physical world and inserted them into the astral world making it impossible to dodge.

Lin Lingtian frowned as he felt the burning sensation of his body eroding.

Lin Lingtian's body exploded out in a burst of aura as he lunged forward toward the patriarch.

The ground burst open revealing thousands of thin whip-like wires spiraling all around Lin Lingtian's body.

The patriarch smiled a little as he saw Lin Lingtian phase through the void whips.

" Looks like you're going to finally take this seriously."

Lin Lingtian's hands began to glow with an azure aura as he converged the surrounding heavenly energy into one point within his palms.

The patriarch responded by using his most powerful attack.

Lin Lingtian and the patriarch's attacks battled for dominance over the other causing the entire realm to shake.

" Welkin Lightning Blood Void !" The patriarch shouted out as the reality of the Sky Origin Sect's Subsidiary Realm began to be covered by the void itself.

Everyone had disappeared from the battlefield as they ran for their lives but they quickly realized that there was no escape.

One of the escaping disciples stopped before turning back as he rushed to the patriarch's side.

" Patriarch, please stop this. The disciples and elders will be killed otherwise."

The disciple pleaded for everyone's safety but the patriarch didn't even pay attention to him as he looked at Lin Lingtian who was fully submerged in the void.

Come on, try to escape now.

The patriarch was so focused on Lin Lingtian that he didn't realize it as the disciple tried to stab him in the back.

" You dare" The patriarch calmly asked the disciple who decided to be the hero that saves everyone.

" Stop this immediately!"

Ignoring the shout of the disciple, the patriarch smiled before saying," You are no longer the disciple of the Sky Origin Sect."

The patriarch nudged his elbow back a little and the brave disciple was reduced to a pile of red mush smeared across the land.

The disciples and elders look on as they saw the patriarch in a light similar to that of a monster that would kill them.

" Charge!"

No one knows who shouted it out but the effect could be easily seen as everyone charged toward the patriarch with the intent to keep on living.

" Fools!"

The void covering the surroundings exploded out in an orangish pink hue that spread out like a wave, intent on killing everyone who dared to go against the leader.

" Disappointing." A calm voice called out before reality distorted for a second.

The Void of the patriarch that covered the subsidiary realm was gone replaced by something that couldn't be described in words.

" Let's go for another round." The voice called out to the patriarch whose body seemed to freeze by the esoteric presence of Wuji.

" Look!"

People of the Sky origin sect and sky blaze sect called out as they gazed upon the sky which had a hole ripped through it.

From that hole, everyone could see an eye peeking through.

" Boo!"


"My mission is complete, and soon my intent will dissipate. It is a shame I couldn't pass on my legacy but the chosen of the heavens would rise against the Sage Emperor."

Lin Lingtian sweatdropped at the ancestor's words. If only he knew the truth.

" You have chosen a dangerous path that I have no control over, so do your best.

One last thing. There are many treasures hidden here; take them if you wish. But remember that at least tens of millions of people have died here. Even though I control the Void Illusionary Divine Palace, I did not build it. Consider carefully!" As the voice spoke, it drifted away, and finally disappeared.

Lin Lingtian realized that Ancestral Master Daozang had faded away. He fell silent as he tried to digest all the information he'd just received. He knew that the Sage Emperor was powerful, but that couldn't deter him.

He wondered about the treasures still concealed in the Void Illusionary Divine Palace.

Lin Lingtian decided that he'd search out those treasures first. Suddenly, a burst of laughter resounded off the walls.

"AHAHAHAHA! That Ancestral Master Daozang has finally kicked the bucket! From now on, I'm in charge!" the voice announced.

Lin's brows frowned. Who's that?

Everyone throughout the Void Illusionary Divine Palace could hear that thunderous voice. They raised their heads towards the empty air with puzzled expressions. No one knew what was going on.

The Holy Son of the Divine Flame furrowed his brows for a moment as he stared into space. His underlings had already determined the location of the life gate, and they were currently on their way to it. However, that voice made him hesitate. Could there be a supreme expert concealed in the Void Illusionary Divine Palace?

Yan Yang and his group had just reached the outside of the Void Illusionary Divine Palace. Aside from his Skyblaze Sect, the others had also arrived, including the Divine Feathers and Heavenly Note Sects.

They still didn't know how to break the massive array inside the main hall.

The voice laughed again. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the Void Illusionary Divine Palace. Over the past ten million years, I gradually formed my consciousness. I never showed myself because of that old fart, Ancestral Master Daozang. But now, I've gained my freedom. From now on, everyone inside the Void Illusionary Divine Palace has to obey me!"

To think that this Void Illusionary Divine Palace had formats powerful intent!

The Void Illusion Palace shrieked with mocking laughter as it continued, "I've sealed all the exits. There are a total of twenty-three thousand six hundred and seventy-two people trapped in here! Now, let's play a game. You have two choices. First, die and go home. Second, I've hidden a lot of Ganges Crystals inside the palace. The six people with the most Ganges Crystals will be allowed to distribute the treasures amongst themselves and leave the palace alive! You have three hours. The game starts… now!"

The Holy Son Li Huo's expression turned stone-cold. He still wasn't sure of what'd just happened.

Even Yan Yang was puzzled.


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