Chapter no.208 Myraid Ancestor Sword

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Feather Sect ]

" Sister Ying, may I come in ?" Long Yuyin asked Ying Yueru as she wanted to discuss something with Lin Lingtian.

" Junior Sister, Lin Lingtian is currently busy right now."

" Ok but can I still come in ?"

" I don't see why not."

Long Yuyin felt herself going through the semi permeable barrier as she saw the entire house covered in darkness with only one source of light. She saw Lin Lingtian sitting in a lotus position with six sword fragments floating all around him being the actual source of light.

Ying Yueru stopped Lomg Yuyin from stepping any further.

Trusting her senior sister, Long Yuyin obliged as she felt a sudden burst of aura from the floating swords.

Ying Yueru pushed Long Yuyin back as she erected a barrier of causality in between them to stop the sword intent of the myraid ancestor sword fragments.

Lin Lingtian's body flickered with light before the læveteinn flowed out of Lin Lingtian's pores.

Lin Lingtian's blood was like a stimulant to Long Yuyin's bloodline as the mere presence of Wuji caused Long Yuyin to go into a trance like state where her cultivation began to Sky Rocket.

Within light was a mysterious energy that was, at the same time, flickering with a trace of the Original Dao of the Cultivation.

Lin Lingtian knew that the myraid ancestor sword was an artifact from the Era of True cultivators. It was the prized possession of the King of Blades.

Every time Lin Lingtian tried to activate the sword soul of the myraid ancestor sword fragment, he could sense a portion of the energy within his body turning restless.

A surge of majestic force was released from the Myriad ancestor sword fragments. Ying Yueru could not resist taking a few steps back as that intent scared her a little while Long Yuyin used this intent to increase her own understanding of the Dao.

Lin Lingtian lightly frowned his brows, since he could vaguely sense that the Fragments of the Myriad Ancestor Sword that were floating were also becoming restless.

The six flickering lights vaguely felt as if they wanted to break through all obstacles. However, they were completely surrounded by a cage of Causality.


[ Void Illusionary Palace]

Lin Lingtian didn't know whether the voice really belonged to the Void Illusionary Divine Palace; however, he was certain that it wanted to slaughter everyone by using the Ganges Crystals to turn them on each other.

As for the six people who could gather the most Ganges Crystals being able to split the treasures of the palace — that was clearly a lie!

That voice was so stingy, it couldn't bear to part with even a single piece of gold spiritual stone essence. Forget about all the treasures!

Lin Lingtian was certain that the voice had purposely distracted the experts outside in order to keep them from coming in here.

Hundreds of experts charged into the main hall and began searching for treasures. They scuttled back and forth over the inscription pattern array without realising what it really was.

It should've been extremely difficult for someone to break the crystal jade wall and enter this chamber. However, the reality was that large numbers of experts had made their way here. Lin Lingtian was sure that the Void Illusionary Divine Palace had done it on purpose, to keep him away from the inscription pattern array!

"There are Ganges Crystals!"

"So many of them!"

Hundreds of thousands of Ganges Crystals suddenly rained down in the center of the inscription pattern array. Everyone's eyes turned red with greed as the slaughter resumed.

A chaotic battle broke out.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Energy swept through the room as the fresh blood splattered.

All of them seemed as though they'd gone insane as they fought over the Ganges Crystals.

After all, there were several hundreds of thousands of Ganges Crystals gathered here. If one of them managed to kill the others and collect all the crystals, they'd instantly jump into the top six.

Lin Lingtian meanwhile stood to the side wondering what should he do next.

Another five or six hundred experts flooded into the chamber and fueled the battle.

A brief moment later, another group flew in, bringing two or three hundred people. It was the Holy Son Li Huo and his men. The Holy Son swept an eye over the fighting experts and the Ganges Crystals littered on the ground and said, "Kill everyone. Don't let a single one go!"

The experts standing behind Li Huo leapt forward and began killing.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The Demon God's Sect members slaughtered hundreds at a time. It was a one-sided massacre.

Five of them pounced towards Lin Lingtian who was picking his nose.

Lin Lingtian yawned and flicked his bogger at the five experts who couldn't even register what had happened before their bodies were turned into mush.

The Holy Son Li Huo had provoked the other experts. They realised that if they continued fighting each other, then they'd all be killed by the Holy Son; therefore, they quickly joined forces to confront the Demon God's Sect.

The Holy Son Li Huo eyed the experts and coldly snorted, "You're overestimating yourselves!"

Lin Lingtian's eyes lit up as he saw the Holy Son of the Demon Sect before causally walking towards him.

Everyone's attention was on Lin Lingtian who causally walked towards Li Huo. Many to Li Huo's subordinates tried to stop Lin Lingtian but it was a weird spectacle when everyone saw Lin Lingtian walked through the attacks of Dao of Dragon experts.

Lin Lingtian smile at the Holy Son who was too afraid to speak.

Just who was this expert ?

Everyone thought but what Lin Lingtian did next shocked the entire room as Lin Lingtian placed his hand on Li Huo's face as suddenly Lin Lingtian's face turned into that of Li Huo.

Lin Lingtian's aura, demeanor and attitude mirrored Li Huo who was frightened beyond belief.

Lin Lingtian smiled as he said in Li Huo's voice," Count this as your bad luck."

With these words, reality all around them broke down as a void outstretched through everything.

Lin Lingtian who absorbed Li Huo's soul couldn't help but smile as he found it.

The location of one of the Sage Emperor's Generals.


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