Chapter no.212 War Heart

[ POV Change ]

[ Astral Realm - Trail of the Moonlight Blade ]

( ~ Clash ~ )

( ~ Clash ~ )

( ~ Clash ~ )

Sparks flew out as the moonlight Blade and the Læveteinn meet in the middle.

The dance of War God and War Goddess continued as Lin Lingtian's adaptability and versatility alongside his numerous abilities helped him keep up with the War Goddess.

" If you remain like this, you will never defeat me."

The War Goddess said this as if it was fact and yet Lin Lingtian didn't even try to rebuke the statement as he knew that the only reason he was even alive in this place was because of his hacks. If not for them then the War Goddess would have long since killed him.

Lin Lingtian thrusted his sword towards the War Goddess's head who dodged the attack with the most minimal movement.

Lin Lingtian took a step back as he parried the Moonlight Blade.

Each thrust, each slash carried the sword intent refined from hundreds of thousands of years in the battlefield yet Lin Lingtian was still able to stalemate it.

Lin Lingtian's sword intent twisted and turned in circles like a chainsaw as he vibrated the intent to the same frequency as that of War Goddess's sword intent but Lin Lingtian's attempt at mimicking the sword intent failed.

" Why follow the path of someone else when you could make your own ?" The War Goddess exclaimed as she swiped her blade up causing Lin Lingtian to lose his balance on the void.

" Haaaa !" Lin Lingtian twisted his hips as his flying energy slashes covered the sky.

Each slash of intent was directed at the War Goddess who used little to no energy when parrying Lin Lingtian's attacks.

Lin Lingtian outstretched his hand to launch a Scripture attack but suddenly found himself stopping.

Why am I using the easy way out ?

Am I on the backfoot so will I resort to using cheap tactics to win ?

No ! I will use you to further my prowess.

Lin Lingtian screamed in his head as he charged towards War Goddess who smiled in response.

" Looks like you finally decided to meet me. Let us talk with out blades."

Lin Lingtian didn't respond to the criptic words of the War Goddess.

The War Goddess took a step back as Lin Lingtian found himself surrounded by swords.

What was that ?

Lin Lingtian didn't have time to think as he look up to see an anomaly like energy covering the War Goddess's blade.


Lin Lingtian's læveteinn transformed into a spear as he threw it towards the War Goddess at his speeds.

Using the law of Nothingness, the distance between the spear and the Moonlight Blade cessed to exist.

The sheer speed of the throw, disturbed the War Goddess who was pushed back.

Lin Lingtian grabbed the Spear mid air and transformed it into a halberd before bringing it down.

Lin Lingtian's sword intent covered the halberd.

' I will admit, you are different but you will not be able to defeat me at your level.'

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Time seemed to stop for everyone as Lin Lingtian's halberd broke into two.

Lin Lingtian was barely able to dodge the War Goddess's thrust but a large chunk of his torso had been vaporized.

Lin Lingtian used this opportunity to attack the War Goddess with a scissor attack.

Sword Intent channelled through Lin Lingtian's fingers as he gouged out the War Goddess's eyes.

" Argghhh !" Lin Lingtian and the War Goddess simultaneously screamed out as they charged towards one another.

Sword Intent met sword intent in a battle of dominance that lit up the entire astral void.

The lit dimmed down revealing a clean battlefield as the War Goddess calmed her heart as she coldly gazed upon one of the few individuals who had scared her body.

( ~ Splash ~ )

Blood flowed down from Lin Lingtian's stump of an arm and the hole blown in his torso.

Lin Lingtian's faced didn't change as he lodged a piece of the læveteinn into his stump of an arm making into a makeshift weapon.

The War Goddess smiled at Lin Lingtian's resolve and will power.

Lin Lingtian barely managed to stand up straight as he pointed his blade towards the War Goddess who looked at him with pity.

I don't need your pity.

Lin Lingtian thought and as if his words were conveyed to the War Goddess she bowed her head in apology before charging forward.

The Moonlight Blade passed through Lin Lingtian's heart.

" You are amazing, to think you would withstand my sword intent through your heart." The War Goddess complimented Lin Lingtian who didn't say anything as he gazed upon her.

He could see the flow of intent through her being.

Lin Lingtian's body erupted in a bright aura of power as he exploded a few supernovas inside his inner world.

Lin Lingtian's body was covered by a cloak of flames that burned brighter.

" What the ?"

The War Goddess wondered as she found Lin Lingtian's hand jammed into her soul.

With a palm attack from the War Goddess, Lin Lingtian was thrown back.

Why did he do that ?

The Goddess wondered as she saw Lin Lingtian raise up again.

Lin Lingtian closed his eyes as he breathed in and breathed out.

His soul's rhythm played throughout the Void causing the War Goddess to smirk.

Yes, yes, feel it.

Feel the essence of the concept of War.

Feel the essence of the meaning of Battle.

A Battle isn't a means to an end, it is a conversation between the blood, sweat and tears of the combatants.

Streaks of distortion formed all around Lin Lingtian as his dual heart began to merge into one.

[ Essence of the Abstract Concept of Duality is forming. ADDED STATUS: War Heart ]

[ War Heart : [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ] [ Duration: [][][][][][][] ]

Lin Lingtian's abstract form opened up as he found himself floating inside a river of light.









The War Goddess stared at her opponent with a smirk.

" So you conquered the wall that I couldn't."

" I was lucky."

" Luck is also a powerful weapon."

" I guess."

Lin Lingtian and the War Goddess smirked before they lunged at each other.

This battle wasn't over, not by a long shot.


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