Chapter no.215 The War God's Army

[ POV Change ]

" What do we have here ?" The Ancestor Crimson Serpent snorted with a terrifying bearing permeating from him as he gazed upon the small human woman infront of him.

Brushing her Orangish Yellow hair aside, Xiao Ning'er smirked as she looked at the crack in the seal of the Tiny World.

" Human, you dare ignore me while in my presence !" The Ancestor Crimson Serpent screamed out as he converged his aura towards Xiao Ning'er who just smirked.

The entire sky suddenly began to lit up with tiny cracks causing the Ancestor Crimson Serpent to feel the fear of death.

' I must escape.' The Ancestor Crimson Serpent thought.

At this moment, he was akin to a fish on the chopping board without the ability to resist.

" Senior I...." The Ancestor Crimson Serpent couldn't even speak as the entire sky was covered in a blue checker board.


The Profound Netherfrost Bird suddenly stopped mid air as spike nails riddled his entire body.

The Profound Netherfrost Bird couldn't even scream out as the astral poison eroded him.

" Hmm, looks like Lin has done it." Sitting onto the corpse of the Demon beast was a purplish blue haired beauty.

" Madam, the demon beasts that attacked Glory City have been killed." Euronymous ' The Shadow Devil' answered back to Yang Xin.

" Call upon everyone. It's time to leave the Tiny World." Yang Xin ordered she stood up as she shot an astral nail towards the Blackfog Earthen Dragon who couldn't even put up a resistance.

" Are you ready ?" Yu Yan asked as flicked away the remaining Demon Beast. Burning them to ash that was blown away by the wind.

" Ready as I'll ever be." Yang Xin answered back with a fist bump.

" Let's go get our idiot back."


[ Draconic Ruins Realm - Heavenly Spirit Axis ]

Hundreds of thousands of Demon beast were mobilized for the task as they attacked Lin Lingtian and Ying Yueru.

Lin Lingtian was busy destroying the Supreme Seal over the Tiny World so Ying Yueru had to step up to defend them.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The head of a demon beast flew through the sky as Ying Yueru held her position in between Lin Lingtian and the Sage Emperor's Army.

" Get that human."

More and more demon beast charged at her yet non could hit Ying Yueru who calculated each move of that will happen in the future.

Each action her opponents would take was within Ying Yueru's grasp as she cleaved through the Demon beast.

Her attacks seemed unnecessary yet everytime she moved a demon beast will fall.

Lin Lingtian glanced at the Demon Beast sitting on top of his throne looking down on the world.

Multiple artifacts attached to the body of the Sage Emperor as his body looked robotic. His abdomen showed off the anatomy from within along with a golden skull decorated by a crown.In both of the Sage Emperor's hands, lied golden skulls.

( A.N : Imagine this )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

Space around the Sage Emperor's Thorne broke as the Five Deity Spirit Realm Generals flew out.

Lin Lingtian's eyes widened as he immediately communicated with his clones who were fighting the same Five Generals.

Just what was going on ?!

Lin Lingtian thought as the Five Deity Spirit Realm Experts converged towards Ying Yueru who couldn't dodge in time.

( ~ Boom ~ )

The dust cleared revealing the cracked hand of one of the generals.

Ying Yueru used Lin Lingtian's shoulder to jump over to the Deity Spirit Realm General.

Calculating her opponents every move, Ying Yueru shoved her scythe up the eye of the General who tried to attack but all he met was Lin Lingtian's fist.

( ~ Boom ~ )

A pillar of air was left as the general gritted his teeth.

The other four generals also converged towards Lin Lingtian.

" Get him." The other subordinates of the Sage Emperor charged forward towards Lin Lingtian before the entire sky was lit up by tiny stars.

A checker board pattern formed killing off many of the Heavenly Dao Ranking.

" So you managed to someone else fall for you." Xiao Ning'er called out as she appeared besides Lin Lingtian and Ying Yueru.

" It's good to see you. That new hairstyle suits you." Lin Lingtian complimented caused Xiao Ning'er's cold exterior to melt away leaving behind a blushing woman.

Kicking Lin Lingtian's foot, Xiao Ning'er pouted," You should have done this sooner."

" Miss me."

" Yes."

" I missed you too."

" Hate to interrupt this moment but we have a battle here." Ying Yueru shouted out.

" Oh, don't worry. I brought an army with me."

The small crack in small began to expand into a giant worm hole as the members of the War God's Army broke out.

One of the Six Deity Spirit Realm Generals' Dong Fei took a step back as he gazed upon Yu Yan, the Holy Maiden of the Ancestral God Land.

" Long time no see." Yu Yan stated as a heat wave blasted from Yu Yan's being.

All the water in the entire Draconic Ruins Realm began to boil.

" Yu Yan seems pissed." Lin Lingtian said as he glanced at Xiao Ning'er who just said," She has been waiting for her revenge."

" After this you are telling me everything I missed."

" Gladly." A seductive voice called out into Lin Lingtian's ears as Yang Xin nibbled on his ears.

" Not the time, Xin."

" Awe, I thought you missed me."

" Let's talk after we win."

Lin Lingtian said as he received a message from all his clones.

The generals that they were fighting broke like glass.

As soon as Lin Lingtian received those memories, the five deity Spirit realm experts aura blasted through the roof.

This can't be.

They are breaking into the Emperor Realm.


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