Chapter no.218 Lin Lingtian vs the Sage Emperor part 2

Lin Lingtian's blazing aura covered the entire sky of the Draconic Ruins Realm in a glow yet the Sage Emperor wasn't impressed.

" You think this will stop me."

The Sage Emperor curiously asked as outstretched his hand forward.

Streams of Heavenly Energy and The power of Madness converged into a sphere that was fired at Lin Lingtian. As it rocketed closer and closer to Lin Lingtian, who just raised his hand in response.

"HA!" Lin Lingtian shouted, forming a rune in front of his hands, "Yang Dao Scripture: Twin Emperor Strike".

Lin Lingtian's attack seemed to project two astral beings that struck the Sage Emperor's attack with their spears. The attacks began to send off electricity as they collided which tore up space and time all around the duo.

The Sage Emperor showcased the true power of a Supreme Realm expert, as his attack tore through the astral warriors.

The speed of the attack forced Lin Lingtian to try and hold it off with his gloved hands. Suddenly, the attack began to glow brighter and brighter. Until it exploded, point blank range in front of Lin Lingtian.

A Few Moments Passed as the Explosion covered the Entire area where Vegito was. The attack appeared to have transformed the Sky as well, making it now a mix of multiple different colors. Lin Lingtian was nowhere to be seen at all.

What a waste of time!

The Sage Emperor thought as he turned around to see his generals being pushed back by the War God's Army.

" You know it's rude to not face your opponent in a fight!" A voice shouted as Lin Lingtian appeared behind the Sage Emperor who was left shocked. Clutching his arm. Lin Lingtian's shirt was ripped completely off and so were his gloves. His Pants were torn and cut.

Lin Lingtian's prized blindfold that Xiao Ning'er had knitted was torn, Lin Lingtian's cosmic eyes glared at the Sage Emperor. "You aren't ever going to do something like that again, are bitch boy! I am kicking it up a notch now!" Lin Lingtian shouted back as he condensed all his radiating power inward.

Lin Lingtian's muscles began to bulge and his eyes began to something beyond a mortal's comprehension. Lin Lingtian's aura became Dark Blue as well with yellow lightning dancing around it.

Lin Lingtian then smiled even harder as the Sage Emperor charged up another Sphere. It began much bigger than the last one before it shrank in size. The Sage Emperor seemed a bit agitated at the fact Lin Lingtian was even alive from his last attack.

"I am not sure how you survived my attack. This just proves you are smarter than what I gave you credit for. However… this is even stronger than that last one."

The Sage Emperor said to Lin Lingtian whose aura was causing the space beneath him to crack. " Judgement" The Sage Emperor announced, as he released another Sphere at Lin Lingtian.

"Tch. An attack like that only works once!" Lin Lingtian said as he held out his left hand and stopped the attack as he twisted the energy flow to destroy the attack from the inside out.

He then smiled as he caused the attack to shatter. "Now then Heavenly Slut. What else do you have up your sleeve?" Lin Lingtian asked as he launched after the supreme realm expert who dashed at Lin Lingtian both charging their fists full of Heavenly Energy and the power of Madness. As they slammed into one another, their fists clash sending out lightning that struck everything behind them both.

Lin Lingtian then delivered a kick to the Sage Emperors' face, knocking him away. The Demon God then spun around and with great speed, slammed Lin Lingtian in the stomach with his palm before using a tail made of Heavenly Energy to smack Lin Lingtian who grabbed the tail and spun the Sage Emperor by it. He then tossed him away before flying after Sage Emperor, delivering multiple gut punches and finishing it all off with a War Heart Intent charged punch that slammed the Sage Emperor into the ground below causing a massive 1000 kilometers-wide crater to form. Lin Lingtian then flew back up into the air to smile back at the Sage Emperor who was slowly picking himself up noticeably struggling.

"You might as well give up now Lord Heavenly Bitch. Your Strength and Stamina all have been depleted because of you using that power for the first time in a long time." Lin Lingtian said.

The Sage Emperor then rushed at Lin Lingtian without warning, keeping his eyes closed. Lin Lingtian blocked the Sage Emperors' first strike. Lin Lingtian then thrust a quick barrage of jabs at the Sage Emperor, who dodged each and punched Lin Lingtian right in the gut. As the Sage Emperor opened his eyes, Lin Lingtian got a good look at them. A Silver Cosmic Gray. The Sage Emperor was now using the true power of the Supreme Realm.

"Never thought that a newly awakened Supreme Realm would be so powerful!" Lin Lingtian shouted as he clenched his fists and powered up, his energy rising higher and higher the Draconic Ruins Realm shaking and shifting colors. As Lin Lingtian's hand glowed with a mystical bright purple and blue aura. He then smirked as he began to use causality. Lin Lingtian's use of causality began, causing a Beam to be Shot into the Sky of the Draconic Ruins Realm, the sky now alternating colors every second because of Lin Lingtian's power. "Let's begin the Final Round of this Ultimate Battle!" Lin Lingtian shouted and he and the Sage Emperor charged at one another.

Lin Lingtian and the Sage Emperor clashed against one another, moving at high speed around the entire realm. The Sage Emperors' strikes were sending out shockwaves with Lin Lingtian's bare hands. The War God was dodging and countering instinctively. However, because two users of such Godlike power were the ones battling, they were striking each other. With every strike and every dodge, they became faster, adapting to one another. Lin Lingtian smiled at the battle he was being presented with as he caught one of the Sage Emperors' punches and delivered a kick right to the stomach, knocking the supreme realm away. Lin Lingtian then smiled as the Sage Emperor rebounded off the spirit tree, and leaped right back at Lin Lingtian, delivering a punch to the face that knocked the War God away. The two continued going at it without a care in the multiverse. As many experts from the subsidiary realms looked on, there was no telling who would win.

They knew that the Fate of their lives and the rule over the Draconic Ruins Realm will be settled in this match.

Lin Lingtian smiled as he delivered an uppercut to the Sage Emperors' chin and barraged him with punches before the Sage Emperor dodged the last strike and grabbed Lin Lingtian by the face and flew him into the spirit tree slamming him into it before delivering a strike that knocked Lin Lingtian through it. Lin Lingtian and the Sage Emperor then ran at one another and struck one another, their fists colliding with the other person's face. Lin Lingtian and the Sage Emperor then began punching and kicking each other while flying around the arena, slamming into one another. There wasn't even a second of calm as the two beings with Powers that rivaled one another clashed.


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