
11. Emma

Emma woke up groaning as she rubbed her head. She was in the same simple white shirt and tattered brown pants that Zeik had been in back in the challenges. She looked around wondering where she was since she thought the dog man was gonna kill her. Her gaze fell on Zeik beside her and she squeaked at the state he was in. He looked totally different then she'd remembered, more grown and manly looking. However he was banged up pretty bad with blood still oozing from a few of his wounds.

Crawling over she gently started to take everything but his clothes off and neatly set it all in a pile. She made sure she tucked what looked like an egg securely in his vest before attending to him. He was shirtless with the tattered brown what were now shorts on and that was it at this point. She rolled him onto his back gently before she used the shreds of shirt he'd made into a sling to clean then wrap his wounds. She found the potion vials in his pack and forced a red one she was pretty sure was a healing one down his throat.

After she'd finished tending to Zeik she dragged him and his things into a big hollow tree before situating him carefully inside. "I don't know if it was you but it feels like it was who got me out of there. This is the least I can do for you now. When you wake up my life is yours seeing as you saved it. If I'm wrong, well then I'll just go on my way and get out of your hair." She whispered to him, making an oath then and there. She'd been thinking about it the whole time she was tending to him and couldn't see any other way she'd have gotten out if there. She didn't know how he did it but she owed him a life debt now.

Shaking her head and confident he'd be safe here till she got back she went out to collect up some firewood. While out she spotted a tree that had beautiful first sized golden peaches hanging from its branches. Her stomach rumbling and mouth watering she went to collect up as many as she could carry while still carrying the wood. Soon she had about 15 peaches in her shirt she was holding out like a bowl. Her other arm carried a bundle of firewood. Smiling at herself she made her way back towards the tree shed left Zeik in. Soon she returned to where she'd left him to find him still passed out. Sighing in relief she quickly stacked the peaches inside the fallen tree before starting a fire at the mouth of the opening to keep them warm. Soon she got it going and she smiled before settling down beside Zeik. She noticed he was really warm like a human heater and she shyly moved a little closer to him letting her leg rest against his. She shivered at the warmth that spread out from him and how good it felt before she relaxed and picked up a peach. She started thinking while she ate,' this crazy ass kid. I decided to follow him because he seemed interesting and he ended up saving my life. Not only that in the matter of a few short days he's grown so much into a fine young man with the power to pave his own way.' When she'd removed his vest she was able to feel his raw power in the air and he felt strong, maybe even stronger than herself. She couldn't wrap her mind around how he'd come so far in such a short time. 'I think I want to stick with him if he will let me. I want to stay close to him and see what journeys and wonders await. I can already tell this boy is going to take his own fate into his hands and do amazing things with it.' She smiled softly as she stole a glance at his beautiful face, currently sleeping peacefully beside her. Soon time passed and Zeik woke up.

( This ones a short one I know but it's just a short side story for Emma to get some of her time. don't worry this isn't the only chapter today and is just the beginning of some good things. I'm glad y'all are enjoying this and I'm overjoyed with all your support! Thank you guys so much!)