Chapter 3: Viridian Forest

The two fourteen year olds have been travelling through a thick forest with their Pokémon Tepig(being carried by Gray) and Mudkip(following Julian) out for a few minutes. This Forrest is Viridian Forest and right now Gray was using her Tepig to battle to battle a Weedle. Weedle is a larval Pokémon with a segmented body ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown. Each segment of its body is a sphere. It has a bulbous red nose, two small, black eyes on its face and two spherical feet on each body segment. The combination of red and yellow in its color scheme creates a bright warning to predators that it is poisonous. Weedle has a conical, two-inch (five centimeter) venomous stinger on its head and a barbed one on its tail.

"Tepig use tackle" Gray watched as her Pokémon charged at the opposing Pokémon and slammed into it.

In retaliation Weedle fired of a string shot that hit Tepig directly and covered him in sticky webs.

"Tepig use ember and incinerate that bug!" Gray commanded the fire pig Pokémon.

"Tepiiiiig" He cried as he shot multible embers at the sticky webs completely incinerating them and the Weedle wasn't much better as it was blasted into a tree knocked out.

"Alright you did it" She congratulated as she hugged Tepig and spun him around while he was making happy sounds.

Suddenly a bush shakes next to them and out comes a Venipede, Venipede is an insectoid Pokémon with a pronounced hump on the upper portion of its body. Its thorax and head are mainly magenta with black markings that consist of rings on its shoulders, a band around each antenna, and an upside-down 'Y' on its neck. A prominent ridge leading down to a pointed tip splits the top half of its head, and its lower jaw is black. It has round, heavy-lidded eyes that bulge away from the head slightly. Venipede's dark green abdomen is segmented, and it has four pairs of stubby black legs. Two short feelers banded with black extend from its hindquarters.

"That's weird Venipede is supposed to be found in the Unova region what is it doing in Kanto" Gray questioned.

"I don't know why it's in Kanto but what I do know is that I'm going to Catch it" Julian answered with a look of determination in his eyes.

"Go Mudkip" at the call Mudkip jumped into action.

"Use water gun" with the command Mudkip fired a blast of water at the Venipede.

"Veni? Veni Venipeeeeeede!" Unfortunately the Venipede noticed them and jumped out of the rode of the water gun and retaliated with a poison sting firing needles of poison at Mudkip.

"Mudkip dodge and use tackle" Mudkip jumped away from the incoming needles and charged at the bug type.

"Veniiiii" Venipede cried out in pain as it wasn't able to dodge the charging Mudkip and fell to the ground unconscious.

Without saying anything Julian enlarged a Pokéball and threw it at the Venipede. The Pokéball bounced off Venipede's head and it was sucked into the Pokéball with a flash of red, when the Pokéball hit the ground it rolled once, twice, and three times that signalled it was caught.

"Yaaay you caught your first Pokémon, i'm so proud of you" Gray then proceeded to glomp Julian.

"Get off! We still need to get out of this darn Forest" Julian huffed as he started to walk away from the pouting Gray.

"Dude your mind is still a guys mind right or did getting isekai'd change that to" Julian complained as he looked back at the still pouting Gray.

"Hmph, well I thought that if I'm a girl now then I should act like it, and I kind of like being a girl" Gray whispered the last part to herself with a small blush.

"But don't worry I'm still into girls, wait does that make me lesbian" she wondered.

"Ahhhggghh, shut up already and move we don't have all day" he complained.

"Fiiinnne" she groaned as she picked Tepig off the ground and followed Julian down the path leading the the end of the Forest.

"At least I get to destroy more perverted kids along the way that think their big stuff to busy staring at my breasts then battling, hmph, my ass is just as good" She said with a pout.

"Wait I need to pee" Gray said suddenly as the feeling of a full bladder came to her.

"Just hurry up" He groaned

Gray hurried deeper into the Forest and went behind a tree. "Know on to the real problem, how do I pee?" She questioned.

After figuring out how to pee she finished up and headed back to find a waiting Julian.

As they were travelling to the end of the Forest they were busy defeating "perverted kids" and Gray rambling on about how being a girl is way different to being a boy and all the changes that happened to her to a bored Julian who obviously wasn't listening to her. Their Pokémon also learned some new moves from so much battling and the training they did.

After a couple of days they eventually made it to the end of the Forest tired, dirty and needing of a good shower and bed. "Finally we're out, I could go for a nice long shower hey cutie. She asked the fire pig in her arms.

"Tepig te" the fire type agreed with her as well as licking her cheek.

"Hehehe, who's the cutest, you are yes you are" Gray giggled to her Pokémon who after several days with her got used to all the cuddling.

"Blaugh, I think I'm going to throw up" Julian joked.

"Just because you can't see pure cuteness even when it's right in front of you" She shot back as she pouted.

"Yeah Tepig is pretty cute" Julian said as he started walking faster.

"Hey you asshole I'm also cute!" Gray shouted as she chased a bow running Julian with the intent to kill.

"Really? I can't tell!" Julian shouted back in laughter as he kept on running.

"I'll kill you!" She shrieked in response doubling her efforts to kill her only friend in revenge.

And with that the two friends were off to Pewter city with Gray releasing her anger on the random trainer along the way.


Wow three chapters in one week I'm on a role. Also please don't call me a womaniser or whatever, I'm only trying to give the story some comedy by making Gray act and say the things she/he is.

And finally here is the Pokémon progress chart. Bye guys

Gray's Pokémon and their moves so far:

Tepig: Tackle, Tail whip, Ember, Defence curl

Julian's Pokémon and their moves so far:

Mudkip: Growl, Tackle, Water gun, Rock throw, Protect

Venipede: Defence curl, Poison sting, Rollout, Protect