Xiao VS Khaldun

Shew! A spear flew towards Khaldun speedily. He dodged it by leaping away. The spear pierced into the floor and wobbled while another spear came at Khaldun.

Shew! Shew! Shew! Xiao kept hurling spears at Khaldun who snorted while dodging and moved towards her, reducing the distance between them. Xiao's eyes narrowed as she calmy observed.

"He's fast enough to dodge the spears. I should not reveal the trump card of Death Spear technique until he's unable to move so swiftly." Xiao thought. "Now let's see how much faster he can move. Will I be able to outmaneuver him through Wingfeet technique?"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Both Xiao and Khaldun's bodies turned into blurs. Apparently Khaldun was holding back earlier to probe Xiao. Only now he revealed his full movement speed.

Swish-swish-swish-swoosh! For several moments, the two of them kept probing. Khaldun came closer and Xiao retreated. Then she approached and Khaldun retreated. It seemed as if they were equals in speed.

"Sprint gu!" Xiao suddenly used sprint gu which along with Wingfeet technique allowed her to move at mind blowing speed!

Swoosh Bam! Boom! An explosive collision occurred and a large section of the building's wall was broken. Then Xiao appeared in and stopped in the middle of the hall.

"What the hell just happened?!" Someone shouted.

"Was Khaldun just blown away into that wall?" Another person exclaimed.

"Apparently so." Someone said.

Observational techniques were fully used by the audience and they revealed shocked expressions as they found Khaldun shaking pitifully when he stood up from the rubble. There was literally a dent on his chest! His bones had broken and his chest had caved in from Xiao's punch! The faster she was, the stronger the impact of her punch.

"Ohok! Not bad, woman. I'll repay you right away!" Khaldun coughed out blood and growled while his chest healed. Xiao observed and scrutinized.

"I can momentarily surpass him. Next time when I land a hit I will-" Xiao's thoughts halted as Khaldun's figure appeared before her. There was a flash of light. Xiao disappeared from her spot and appeared several feet away, skidding backwards on the floor.

Spproof---! A jet of blood spurted out from Xiao's body. She had been slashed from her collarbone to the belly.

"…." Xiao stared at the curved sword in khaldun's hand. She knew that Khadun was good at using maces, clubs and at some point, practiced swordsmanship as well. But to think that he was this good when coupling his skills with his speed…

Xiao's wound healed at visible speed. She was using the Healing gu. To cover for it, she was releasing and dropping her chi level, fooling any observational techniques that the audiences might be using on her. Though she could not use any gu excessively that might give away her secret, she could still use the ones like Sprint gu, Healing gu & Chi gu to some extent. But gu with visible effects like Giant gu and Demon Club gu must not be used.

A long sword appeared in Xiao's right hand. She glared at Khaldun, actually feeling excited to clash swords with him.

"Woha! What a view!"

"Nice milkers, Xiao!"

"Hey, turn this way!"

Suddenly the audiences became loud. They whistled and called out to Xiao. Frowning, Xiao realized what the reason was. In Khaldun's previous attack, he had cut Xiao's upper clothes. Her humongous breasts got their chance to sneak out of the clothes and bounce around erotically. She was partly naked with her perky pink nipples visible to everyone.

"…" Xiao had no time to do something about it as Khaldun's body turned into a blur, approaching her speedily.

Swoosh! Clang-Clang-Clang! Xiao and Khaldun began sword-fighting speedily. Their swords clashed a hundred times within a few moments. They moved all over the place. Only cultivators at Master realm and above could observe this speedy fight. Those below them saw only sparks of sword clashes and gusts of winds. Occasionally, blurred figures of Xiao and Khaldun.

Bam! Xiao was flung away, and she rolled on the floor up to several feet before stopping. She groaned and quickly got up but a shadow fell upon her already. Khaldun was a few hands distance away, jumping down at her with a club in his grip. He had switched his weapons with a sleight of hand and thus taken Xiao by surprise.

Bam! The club connected. Xiao blocked it with her left forearm. She felt a strong impact which shook her insides. But her body was still tough enough to endure it. She swung her right hand, jabbing her long sword towards Khaldun's throat.

Swoosh! Khaldun disappeared and reappeared behind Xiao, swinging his club again.

Bam! Xiao flew several feet away and collided against a wall with a loud collision. Bricks fell down & dust arose, obscuring her figure completely.

Shew! A spear erupted towards Khaldun at incredible speed, piercing through the dust clouds. Khaldun's eyes dilated as he moved agilely.

Bam! The spear pierced through the entirety of the building, creating a large hole om the wall and leaving the building. In its wake, Khaldun could be seen standing with his left arm ripped off of his shoulder & destroyed.

Sproooff! A fountain of blood spurted out from his shoulder. "Ahhh!!" Khaldun screamed and clutched his shoulder, immediately using a healing technique to stop the bleeding.

Swoosh! Xiao reappeared, aiming her long sword at Khaldun. The sword tip was burning.

"Blazing Yin Stab!" Xiao exclaimed and stabbed at Khaldun's chest.

Boom! Skkkrrtt! Chi waves rippled out at their contact. Khaldun was pushed backwards, his feet dug into the floor, creating two long streaks on the floor while Xiao sprinted with her long sword stabbed into his chest.

Bam! Khaldun was pushed into the wall. His eyes exuded a death threat while Xiao panted. Her attacks had failed. The Death Spear did not kill Khaldun. Nor did the Blazing Yin Stab manage to pierce his chest entirely.

"Hmph! Xiao held the sword with her left hand and pulled back her right hand before slapping at the hilt of her sword with sheer strength.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Khaldun felt as though a nail was being hammered into his chest. His sight darkened as blood continued to pour out of his body and his chi level plummeted. Xiao's long sword was now 4 inch deep inside Khaldun's chest.

Suddenly Khaldun slapped Xiao's hip.

Ssstakkk! A loud sound echoed. Xiao's big hips jiggled lewdly. Her eyes widened and she immediately retreated several feet away, abandoning her advantage. In her left hip a dart could be seen, sunken into her flesh.

"…." Xiao's feet wobbled and she fell on the floor.

"…" Sher and others watched from a distance. Even if poisoning the opponent was a cheap move; intervention in a duel was prohibited by law. Thus Sher, Hiram and Shorya could only watch and wait for the result of this duel.

"Wh-what's going on? Healing gu is not activating?" Xiao was shocked in her mind. She could not move her body at all.

"Ohok! I've stabbed you with a paralysis potion. You're strong but not sharp enough." Khaldun spoke while wobbling. He poured out his chi, finally stopping his blood. Next, he consumed a healing pill, further aiding his recovery. The stab wound in his chest also healed. However, now he was very low on chi.

Not wasting any more time, he approached Xiao. He was unaware of which healing technique Xiao had used earlier. She might recover from the paralysis potion any minute. Khaldun needed to win before that.

Xiao meanwhile looked at him hatefully. If it was any other poison, she could heal herself. But her whole body had been paralyzed instead. The gu worms were also affected. She was currently vulnerable.

A club appeared in Khaldun's right hand as he panted, staring down at Xiao.

"It's time for your punishment, lewd bitch!" He snarled, swinging his club down.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Khaldun struck Xiao in a flurry. The heavy club rained down on her body.

"Urghh! Ahh! Arghh!" Xiao's repressed screams followed each strike. Khaldun vented his anger on her for several minutes, bashing her up. He failed to break her bones or inflicting severe damage as her body was tough. But Xiao still felt pain all over her body.

Khaldun then crouched down and started ripping Xiao's clothes off.

"Oye-oye, coward! If playing dirty wasn't enough, now you're even stooping this low? Why don't you fight her properly?" Sher called out.

"Yeah! Where is your honor, scumbag!" Hiram yelled.

"Duel-overseer! What are you doing just standing there?!" Shorya asked.

The observer sneered while not taking his eyes off Xiao's sexy body. "There is no rule against stripping your opponent or even raping them. Only murder and crippling is not allowed." He said shamelessly. "

"Ohh!! Give us a good show!" Someone in the audience shouted.

"Yeah, hoist her up. Let us see her lewd body properly!"

"Fuck her Khaldun! We're rooting for you hehehe!"

Apparently, there was no lack of scumbags in the Consulate. Xiao groaned in pain while she was stripped naked. Then Khaldun pulled her up by the hair, showcasing her body to everyone while sneering.

"Now I will use my special technique to pierce you." Khaldun said viciously before pushing Xiao on the floor and then taking off his pants.

Whistles blew and everyone cheered. Khaldun was soon standing before Xiao with his big black penis casting a shadow upon Xiao's face. Khaldun sneered viciously.

"Do your worst!" Xiao growled as she looked up angrily and helplessly.

Soon her erotic screams began to echo in the entire building.