The Last Raid- II

Warning: Gore.

Note: Jiao is pronounced as (Ziyao) & Xiao is pronounced as (Shao). Their spellings match is all.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Explosions occurred as hundreds of techniques clashed with each other. Jiao's chariot was a walking fortress, containing many strategies in it. It had powerful defense, offence and even scouting methods. Jiao had already discovered Xiao but he merely smirked and showed no haste. He was having fun battling the Raiders after all. His chariot cut through the Raiders and often flew up in the air, attacking everywhere wantonly.

"Raging Tiger!" Rage shouted, activating his best technique. His strength multiplied manyfold and he lunged at Jiao, fighting with his gloved fists.

"Hahaha!" Jiao laughed, as if he was enjoying himself.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Thowk! The two of them exchanged several moves. Rage's fists created loud thunderous sounds but caused no damage to Jiao. To the contrary, Jiao punched Rage with the back of his hand and that immediately knocked him out cold, flinging his body away that smashed into a hillock of the 8th level.

"…" Reseleth stared intently at Jiao and his chariot. There were many human heads tied up on the chariot's cannon barrels. These heads belonged to the talented cultivators of Han faction that Jiao had recently killed. Han Wei and Liu's heads were also hanging there. This was Jiao's way of mocking Reseleth and intimidating the Raiders.

"You should leave. We'll hold him off." Tengfei said to Reseleth.

"No. How can I not avenge my wingman when he sacrificed his desires and life for me?" Reseleth said resolutely. She then looked at Silver Knightmare who had been attacking Jiao from a distance. Knightmare seemingly sensed Reseleth's gaze and glanced back at her. They both nodded before flying towards Jiao's chariot. Xiurong and Lifen followed along.

"Look! It's the Silverians and that Han marksman!" Someone shouted.

"They are all so powerful! This prophet is going to get his teeth broken!" Someone exclaimed.

Knightmare's spatial ring glowed continuously as thousands of weapons flew out like a torrent, spiralling around Knightmare's group defensively while majority of the weapons attacked Jiao like a maelstrom.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Boom! Boom! Clang! Swords, sabers, spears, halberds; all lunged at Jiao whose chariot hurled uncountable fireballs everywhere, countering the weapons.

"He seemingly has only two offensive techniques installed in the chariot." Xiurong spoke. "One is fire element, the other is lightning. Against weapons, only fire element is mildly effective while the lightning can work with defensive techniques to keep us at bay."

"But the defensive technique is only an energy barrier." Lifen deduced. "Even with lightning, Knightmare can close-in and attack."

"Destroy the chariot's defence and then I'll be able to fully aid you." Reseleth said to Knightmare who nodded and took lead; flying straight towards the chariot.

"Heh, come meet your doom." Jiao snickered and increased the intensity of his attacks. At once the momentum of the fight reversed. Knightmare, who was the attacker, suddenly ended up defending passively as the amount of fire element moves increased manifolds.

Bang! Bang! Boom! Clatter! Numerous weapons were blown to smithereens and their broken bits were falling down like rain. Knightmare's advance however continued. Within a minute, he was solely defending with weapons spiralling around him like a tempest.

Boom! Boom! Fwoosh! Flames were unleashed upon him. At once, nobody could see either Knightmare or Jiao as the flames and weapons were everywhere, obstructing the view.

BOOM!! A chariot was flung away after an explosion. It swerved in air multiple times while spewing out thick black smoke.

In the sky as smoke moved away, Knightmare's figure came into sight. He was holding a greatsword in his right hand. It was white with a unique jagged edge that looked like shark teeth. The back of the blade was shaped like bat wings. Its hilt was silvery with studded elemental stones.

"Million Arrow Rain!" Reseleth shouted, shooting arrows in a frenzy. Each of those arrows multiplied dozens of times and hurled down on the descending chariot, exploding upon contact.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang! The chariot was blown to bits and Jiao was forced to fly on his own. His black armor had sustained small cracks on the surface but he was smiling.

"Good-good. At least you are of some challenge to me. I will hang your heads on my next chariot." Jiao snickered. Neither Reseleth nor Knightmare replied.

Swoosh! Knightmare flew like a comet and closed in on Jiao who welcomed him with a scythe in his hand.

Clang! Clang! Whoosh! Boom! The two Empyrean grade weapons collided and the greatsword spewed fire, exploding on Jiao's face and chest.

"Hmph! Quite some tricks your weapons has." Jiao said. He was unscathed. Apparently, his defence didn't comprise of his armor alone. He had defensive techniques up his sleeves too.

Swoosh! Knightmare rotated on his spot, swinging the heavy greatsword in a circle and struck Jiao's waist heavily.

Bam! Crackle! Boom! This time lightning burst upon contact, pushing Jiao several feet away.

Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh! Kaboom!! Dozens of arrows struck Jiao at perfect timing. He frowned, wanting to attack Reseleth but Knightmare was already upon him. The two began exchange moves again.

In this manner, Silver Knightmare and Reseleth tag-teamed against Jiao, constantly keeping him busy. Neither side seemed to be winning though. Jiao's defence was robust but Knightmare and Reseleth were yet to use all of their trump cards. Speaking of those, how could Jiao not have any trump cards? He had barely begun to fight on his own. All this while it was mostly his chariot doing the fighting.

"Quick! Quick!" Tengfei urged the cultivators who were setting up a formation on the ground. They dug holes and installed pillar-like structures in them. In Raiders there were no array masters but Tengfei had some level of proficiency in it and he carried a bunch of average strategies in his spatial ring all the time. He was setting his strongest strategy in hopes of tilting the battle in Raiders' favor. Every bit helps after all.

"Now!" Suddenly Xiurong shouted and turned visible, attacking Jiao from the side.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Her hands moved like a whip, hurling countless sword strikes at Jiao with two swords.

"Sulphur Field! Flame Bloom!" Lifen shouted, appearing out of nowhere. Apparently, she had been using a technique to turn herself and Xiurong invisible, in order to ambush Jiao.

Lifen's trump card move was activated swiftly. Countless red flowers spread under Jiao and immediately spewed out intense flames that seemed like plasma or lava. They created a thick pillar of flames rising up, engulfing Jiao entirely and licked the clouds.

Swoosh! Silver Knightmare flew into the sulphur field, attacking Jiao while Xiurong had retreated timely.

Boom! The flames dispersed with an explosion and Sulphur Field deteriorated. Jiao was seen to be completely engulfed in ice!

Crack-crack-crack… The ice continued to grow out of the greatsword. Silver Knightmare was panting. His ultimate trump card was this sword that gave him power and traits to control all the elements. With his knowledge of all the weapon based elemental techniques, he could become unrivalled as long as he had this greatsword in his hands. But this sword used to consume energy rapidly. Silver Knightmare was already half exhausted.

Krack! Bam! Jiao exerted strength and broke the ice coffin he was sealed in. large chunks of ice flew here and there.

Swoosh! An arrow swiftly stabbed into his armor.

There was a momentary silence.

Crack-crack-crack… Jiao's armor started cracking and crumbled within moments, revealing his black noble clothing underneath.

"So that's how it is. One bitch distracted me, the other burnt me up, raising the temperature of my armor greatly. Then you used ice to rapidly cool it down & weakening it. The other bitch struck the last nail, destroying my armor with an energy clad arrow. Hmph." Jiao deduced. "Not bad. Even without exchanging words, you're all working cohesively. You must be an old team!"

"Why are you after Xiao?" Lifen asked since Jiao seemed talkative at the moment.

"Hmm… she has something I want. So, I'm going to take it from her corpse." Jiao answered.

"Could have just asked nicely, you dumb fuck." Xiuron sneered.

"What fun would that be?" Jiao smirked. "And oh, I'm also on a mission to eliminate Raiders." He added casually.

Bwoosh! A large amount of energy erupted outwards from Jiao's body, fully revealing his level 8 Sage realm cultivation base!

"Kill him! It's now or never!" Reseleth shouted and all four of them attacked Jiao madly. Explosions occurred continuously for several minutes.



"Hahahah!! Is there anybody else who wants to entertain me?" Jiao cackled and asked as he stepped upon Reseleth's back. In his right hand was his scythe while in his left hand were decapitated heads of Xiurong and Lifen. Shock was still plastered on their lifeless faces. Blood was dripping down their necks continuously.

Silver Knightmare was half kneeling in a crater nearby, completely exhausted. He spoke nothing and remained unmoving like a statue. He had lost his devoted comrades. The two women he had trained, protected and fought countless battles alongside with. They were his only friends. Now they were gone and he had not an ounce of strength left to avenge them.

"You bastard! You heinous demon! I'll kill you!" Reseleth shouted angrily.

"Hahaha!" Jiao cackled victoriously. "Why so upset? So what if I killed them even though they had surrendered? I mean, do you care before stepping on an ant?"

"You rascal! Do you have no honor?!" Reseleth struggled futilely under Jiao's foot.

"Fuck honor. In this world the strength is supreme. Why should I entertain weaklings' ideologies of honor and justice?" Jiao sneered. "I'm strong, you are weak. Now crawl under my feet and entertain me."

Crack! Jiao put pressure on Reseleth's back, breaking her backbone.

"Gwahh!!!" Reseleth spat out blood and screamed in pain. Everyone shuddered and hesitated. They had first-hand seen Jiao's prowess. Even Silverians could not take him down despite aid from Reseleth. How could mere advanced realm cultivators make a difference when even the Master realm bishops were no better? Everyone watched on with fear.

"Haha, looking at it… You have quite a big ass." Jiao sneered as he lifted his foot and watched Reseleth's big hips lustfully. "You have had great experiences in sex, huh bitch?" Jiao stepped on her hips and started squishing them playfully.

"Gah… Just kill me you bastard!" Reseleth knew she was finished. Fixing a backbone was not easy. Ming Sheng could do it, but could Reseleth manage to reach him when nobody was coming to her rescue? Reseleth looked at all the Raiders. Some of them had pity on their faces, some had fear, some seemed unconcerned. Reseleth had seen such expressions many times before. Her memories resurfaced.


When Reseleth was 10 years old, she was given, or rather sold to a shrine by her poor parents who were on the verge of starvation themselves. Whether they sold her to get money for themselves, or to secure at least her future, Reseleth couldn't find out. She had no contact with them ever again.

On the very first day in the shrine, young Reseleth was molested by the priest in front of other shrine folks. They all held the same expressions of pity, fear, unconcern and even lust.

Molestation and hard labor became part of Reseleth's daily life. At the ripe age of 16, she was properly raped by the priest in the name of a ritual and later every other male member of the shrine joined in to fuck her. A helpless weak girl could not resist it at all. Then r@pe became part of her daily life. By the age of 20 she had been fucked about 10 thousand times!

Reseleth was an astounding beauty and had done her puberty right. After so much sex, her hips became bigger and wider and her nipples became long and slightly irregular since they had been chewed off thousands of times. Her pear-shaped figure became an eye candy for everyone.

Then one day, the shrine was raided by cultivator bandits who killed all the men and abducted all the women; destroyed the shrine and looted all the valuables. Life did not change for Reseleth as now she was raped by the bandits on daily basis. In fact, she was their favourite cocksleeve. All the other girls were sold away to brothels for money but Reseleth was kept and taken advantage of so many times that she grew a liking to it. She finally began to enjoy sex and molestation. She grew a taste of semen and enjoyed drinking it every day. She almost became depraved and corrupted.

The bandit leader got his hands on a dual cultivation technique which led him to initiate Reseleth into the realm of cultivation and she began learning all about it. She was now part of the bandit group. Naturally she'd be made to use her ability to fight and raid. Reseleth showed great talent in archery. At the same time, her dual cultivation performances satisfied every man.

At the age of 25, Reseleth reached level 10 Advanced realm. And then she killed all the bandits. She was strong after all. Why should she remain a sexual object for these wretched men? But there was still one bandit that she spared as she had grown a liking to him. He was a new member, a handsome lad younger than her who had been in love with Reseleth.

The two of them roamed the lands as adventurers, earning honest money and living a moderately fine life. Reseleth was finally happy. But during one of the missions, this young couple was ambushed by their new adventurer teammates. Reseleth was subjugated and raped in front of her lover who in turn was decapitated soon afterwards.

Anguished, Reseleth swore to kill her criminals but she was helpless. That day, a Consulate bishop was passing by and noticed the commotion. Taking pity and a liking to the beautiful girl in distress, this bishop killed all the rogue adventurers and rescued Reseleth before making her his wingwoman.

Within a few months Reseleth learned many assault techniques from her mentor and even offered him her body as he was fairly righteous and charming. Reselth however was left heartbroken again as the bishop died during a mission. Death was very common in the world of cultivation.

Reseleth took her mentor's position and became a bishop herself after passing the tests. She showed great valor and talent and was coveted by many people, including the Han faction prophet who used his seniority to make her have sex with him. Reseleth merely wanted to live an honorable life with someone to love her. But time and again her hopes were crushed. Her lovers died and she was forced to have sex with villains every now and then.

Thus, when she was being humiliated by Jiao after her defeat, she wished for nothing but death. She was sick of this world and her continued harassment by the people and her fate.


"Now-now, what fun would that be without making use of you?" Jiao sneered and crouched down, grabbing Reseleth's trousers and pulling them off of her before ripping her panty to shreds.

"No! No! No! You bastard! Don't touch me!" Reseleth shouted furiously & struggled but Jiao merely laughed while enjoying the sight of Reseleth's huge peach.

"Hehe, you'll be begging me to never stop touching you, after you get a taste of my secret weapon." Jiao said, unleashing his meaty bulging penis which was almost as long as a horse's penis! Then without any delay, he kneeled behind Reseleth and shoved his penis all the way inside her tight vagina. The thrust was so powerful that the penis tore its way into her womb!

"Ahhh!!" Reseleth screamed in agony while Jiao began raping her mercilessly while slapping her big hips.

Ssstak! Ssstak!

"Ahh! Ahhn! No!" Loud screams & slapping sounds echoed as Reseleth was raped hardcore.

"Hahah such a nice vagina. Though it's not too tight. You've been getting ample sex lately, huh? Little cumslut!" Jiao mocked and yanked Reseleth's purple hair.

"Ahh! You bastard! Kill me! All of you scumbags! Kill me please!" Reseleth screamed until her voice became hoarse. No one helped her and Jiao continued to fuck her in many different positions. Sometimes Reseleth was pounded from behind and her hips made loud clapping sounds; sometime she was made to bounce on Jiao's lap. Her clothes were ripped away and her naked body was up for everyone's viewing. None of her holes were spared. Her asshole was turned into a cocksleeve and her belly inflated as many loads of semen was ejaculated down her throat & pumped into her ass.

"Uhh… huhhhg…" Resleth moaned feebly after half an hour of intense r@pe. Her face was a wreck with slimy semen layered upon it. Her lips were bleeding, her eyes were red due to crying nonstop.

"Hah…this was refreshing." Jiao said, resting his large penis on Reseleth's face. "Hmph, it seems I've already broken you. Oh well, now I will grant you your wish." Saying so, Jiao grabbed Reseleth's head and pulled it up forcefully, directly ripping it off her neck!

Proofft! A blood fountain erupted from Reseleth's neck as her eyes widened in shock.

"Ahhh!!!!" Reseleth's head screamed as her life began to wane.

"Hmph noisy slut!" Jiao shoved his flaccid penis into Reseleth's mouth, shutting her up and then he began urinating in it.

Psssh… Urine and blood fell down from Reseleth's ripped throat onto her headless corpse. Jiao held her head by her hair and urinated all over her face and head before casually tossing it away.

Reseleth's head rolled on the floor, passing by many Raiders's feet. They all looked at it in horror. Reseleth's red eyes were staring directly straight as if glaring into the souls of these cowardly men & women, holding them responsible for her death. It sent shivers down their spines!

"Alright, time to resume the action." Jiao said. "Oh wow, none of you fled? Were you all enjoying the show? Hahaha!!"

"Tch… this wretched scoundrel…" Someone cussed but made no move while Jiao casually put on his pants.

"Ugh… What's going on?" Rage asked as he awoke with a headache. He had been unconscious all this while. He quickly scrutinized the silent surroundings. Everyone was just standing, staring at Jiao who was zipping up his pants. Rage then looked down at Reseleth's naked headless corpse. He noticed the heads of Xiurong and Lifen in the dirt and soon he saw Reseleth's head too, covered in semen and urine.

Crack! Rage's armor cracked on its own before getting blown to bits as massive amounts of energy was unleashed from his body, radiating outwards, causing wind currents that startled everyone.

"You…you…you…!" Rage glared at Jiao. His face was red in rage with veins popping up on his forehead. He had never been this angry in his entire life!

"You miserable monster…! And YOU! Hollow cowards!!" Rage shouted. This inhumane act has occurred at your watch! Do you still dare to continue living?! Are you even human anymore!? Watching your comrade face such humiliation and barbarism… I… I HATE YOU ALL!!!"

BOOM!!! An explosion occurred as Rage flew at several time the speed of sound, reaching Jiao in an instant. His indomitable fist landed on dumbfounded Jiao's face.


Shockwaves toppled everyone on the 8th floor while Jiao was flung away at great speed!

Boom! Rage flew at greater speed, catching up to the heinous man and unleashed a flurry of attacks on him.

Bam! Bam! Boom! Kapow! For Two full minutes Jiao was beaten brutally! Everyone watched with wide-opened eyes and open mouths. They could not believe their eyes! A level 2 Master realm warrior was beating a level 7 Sage realm warrior like a punching bag!? Unbelievable! Inconceivable! Impossible!

Boom!! Jiao was thrown on the 8th floor and broke through its entirety due to the momentum. Rage was hovering under there already, waiting for Jiao.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Hundreds of thousands of punches and kicks bombarded Jiao's body, making him cough blood and battered his large muscular body. Rage's unique type Empyrean grade technique could allow his strength to increase in parallel to his anger. Right now, he was boundlessly furious! His strength thus knew no bounds!

Boom! A final punch, the strongest ever, landed on Jiao that flung him down all the way to the main ground.

Boom! A large crater was created instantly, flattening out large area of land and destroying all the vegetation and life there.

"Huff-huff…" Rage panted. His vision was blurring. His right arm was destroyed in the last punch. His left arm was oddly twisted. The veins on his body burst out and blood splattered. Rage's dantian had gone overboard in producing energy and strength for him. His body was unable to handle it. Even though at this point, Rage was perhaps even stronger than Jiao, he could no longer move a single muscle!

Swoosh! His body fell down.

Bam! Rage collided against the ground in the crater and all of his bones broke. Blood splattered and pooled underneath him. He was dead.

"Ugh… Ahh!" Jiao screamed and groaned as he got up. He was greatly injured and his vision was spinning. His left arm was badly twisted and broken. Blood was seeping out of his entire body. His skin was red and blue everywhere while his clothes were in tatters, making him look like a bagger. Rage's last punch was aimed at Jiao's head but the latter managed to defend with his left arm, rendering it in such a state.

Rage had once killed the mighty floor guardian with once such punch & yet, even after taking the punch, Jiao was still standing! This man's prowess was much-much higher and his defence incredibly robust.

"Fuck, that was unexpected…" Jiao muttered as he clasped his head, gathering his senses. He then looked around and saw Rage's dead body nearby.

"Hmph. So, all that strength was too much for you to handle huh?" Jiao deduced. "Everything has a cost after all. But you fought well, puny ant. You managed to sting me, hmph!" Jiao stumbled as he climbed up the crater. He also summoned a healing pill and ate it. His injuries healed rapidly!

"Shit…all that for nothing…!" A Raider muttered watching this.

"…" Tengfei had lost his voice. He was not only guilt stricken but also dutybound. He could not get out of the strategy and fight Jiao alone. Thus, he could only watch Rseleth get raped and butchered to death! Then Rage died fighting Jiao too. Tengfei only watched. It was his crime but also his quality. He stayed his hand to protect rest of the Raiders who were inside the strategy, unable to manipulate it.

"Now then. I think you've had enough entertainment." Jiao said as he flew up the floor. "Time to die, motherfuckers."



Inside a strategy, Ming Sheng was trembling and sweating profusely.

"Uhh…no more… I can't…!" Ming Sheng spoke shakily.

"Mmmm? Just one more shot old man. Come on. Give me every last drop!" Xiao demanded as clutched Ming Sheng's erect penis strongly and stroked it hard. She apparently had awoken some time ago and had continued dual cultivation with him unaware of the fight outside.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Semen spurted out of the old penis and landed in Xiao's wide opened mouth.

"Ahhnnn…" Xiao moaned erotically while her eyes rolled up. Her tongue was out, receiving the holy potion and her taste buds were getting intoxicated.

Glurglugrr... Xiao gargled with the semen and then swallowed it before sighing in satisfaction. Ming Sheng slumped down on the floor, panting heavily. Xiao giggled and crouched over him, licking his penis clean and kissing it repeatedly. She then stuffed her beautiful face into Ming Sheng's bushy groin, inhaling the manly musk and began kissing the shrivelled hairy balls.

"Uhhh…Xiao…" Ming Sheng moaned and grabbed Xiao's hair, caressing them slowly.

"Hehe, thank you for all your help, Ming Sheng." Xiao said, as she soon climbed over Ming Sheng on all fours. Her current posture was highly erotic as her back curved beautifully, her huge butt was raised up and her huge melons rubbed against Ming Sheng's chest.

"After this whole Consulate gathering is over…" Xiao continued, "…come to Carny with me. I'll treat you as if you were my husband. Heck, I can even marry you!" She spoke seductively, kissing Ming Sheng's cheek and breathing against his ear.

"Heheh, ahh… I'm a bit too old now Xiao." Ming Sheng spoke feebly.

"Hehe, then I'll consider you my naughty grandfather and give you lots of hots every night." Xiao said, sitting on his crotch and rubbing her soft bottom against his flaccid penis. "You'll like that, won't you?"

"Heheh." Ming Sheng smiled and drifted into sleep. He was too tired. Research, battle, healing and then back-breaking dual cultivation with Xiao until the last drop of his semen was extracted by the milf whore; had worn him out.

Xiao took off Ming Sheng's spatial ring and wore it on her own finger. Her own ring was left behind on the 7th level where it was in Han Wei's possession. Now it was utterly lost.

"Alright. Let me see who is craving to die at my hands." Xiao said, stretching her sexy naked body before summoning a white robe. She casually wore it and walked out of the strategy. She had been completely unaware of what had been transpiring all this while. Otherwise, she would have rushed out already and staked her life for Reseleth and Rage.


Swoosh! Smoke and winds were flowing everywhere. Xiao's robe fluttered, revealing her fair legs up to the thighs. Her humongous breasts were basically out in the open with much of her pink areolas visible. Her long loose hair were dancing in the winds as she scrutinized the area around herself.


Corpses were littered everywhere. Xiao was left speechless. Every single Raider was dead! Xiao stared wide eyed and found Tengfei ripped into many pieces. His head was hanging on a pike. She also found Reseleth's mutilated body and piss dripping head. Fire was raging, burning many corpses; smoke was bellowing. And at the center of it all stood the perpetrator of this massacre. The one who had ended Raiders' last raid- Jiao.


Author's ramble:

A Holy War webcomics launched on webtoons. You can also search by my name- inkyug.

Title: A Holy War


Since those pages were drawn months ago, it is packed with exposure. New chapters won't be that much revealing. :3