Xiao's Revival

"Xiao!! You can't die! Nooo!!" Deodomus screamed hysterically.

"Shut up! She's still alive!" Knightmare spat angrily, stunning Deodomus.

"Ming Sheng!!" Both Knighmare and Deodomus shouted at the same time and looked at the old doctor who had already set up an operation table and summoned all the needed chemicals and elixirs.

"I already paused her death process inside the spatial ring." Ming Sheng said while summoning a saw. "But she can't regenerate. If we don't transplant her head onto a body, Xiao will soon die!"

Saying so Ming Sheng grabbed Yana and prepared to cut her head off!

"Oye-oye-oye! Wait!" Deodomus hurried towards him. "You can't kill Yana!"

Ming Sheng stared daggers at Deodomus. Here he was, the somewhat righteous doctor, resolved to kill an innocent woman in order to save Xiao's life; and there was Deodomus, Xiao's beloved, a heinous perverted criminal, refusing to kill the woman to save Xiao's life.

"Knightmare, could you please kill this man?" Ming Sheng asked. He had had enough of this Deodomus.

Knightmare cracked his neck and summoned a sword.

"…" Deodomus ignored him and summoned Tian Mei from his spatial ring.

"You idiot, kill her instead. Yana is needed by Ryuga, Xiao is needed by all of us; Tian Mei…is cannon fodder." Deodomus said.

Ssstak! A loud slap resounded in the ruined level. There was a glowing hand imprint on Deodomus' face where Ayla had slapped him.

And that was all. Ayla did not try to pull Tian Mei away. She too had chosen Xiao over Tian Mei. But that didn't mean she was guilt-free. She directed it all in the form of anger towards Deodomus and kept glaring at him. Deodomus snorted but did not say anything. He had seduced Tian Mei, fooled her, exploited her, impregnated her, ruined her & now he was going to have her killed without any remorse. Such a man was damnable.

"If Xiao's life wasn't in danger, I'd have killed you." Ayla growled.

"Hmph. If Tian Mei wasn't here, I'd have killed you instead and used your body to revive Xiao. Heck, if needed, I'd massacre everyone in my range to get a compatible body for Xiao." Deodomus growled back.

"Both of you shut up and take it somewhere else!" Ming Sheng scowled while placing Tian Mei on the table. "Knightmare, please bring Xiao's head here."

Knightmare and Ming Sheng immediately began the preparations. Ayla sighed and walked away. She was feeling absolutely pathetic. A Sage realm warrior, failing to protect an innocent woman. Deodomus on the other hand felt no such thing. But he was anxious about Xiao's well-being and was staring at her intently.

"Whoever did this, must die a hundred deaths…" He muttered.

"Even that won't be enough." Ayla replied, gazing at the countless corpses everywhere around them.

"Quick! Fetch me that green elixir." Ming Sheng asked. Knightmare complied. Deodomus was curious as to why was knightmare so eager to save Xiao. He wondered if Knightmare was yet another man who had fallen for the gorgeous milf princess.

The operation began swiftly. Xiao's head was first properly secured in a small vat filled with healing elixirs. Then Ming Sheng drugged Tian Mei and started cutting her neck carefully.

But Ming Sheng's hands were trembling. Not only was he full of guilt for killing an innocent but he was also very old. Right now, he was having a minor fit. His hands continued to tremble while he felt weak and exhausted. He glanced at Xiao and sighed sadly while thinking something.

Then with another deep sigh, he summoned a certain pill and ate it. His hands stopped trembling immediately and his complexion got ruddy. Now just that, his appearance grew younger. This was apparently some special youth retention pill.

Ming Sheng resumed the operation and started sawing Tian Mei's neck. After 10 minutes, Tian Mei's head and part of her spine were removed from her body and placed into the same vat as Xiao's.

Then Xiao's head was taken out and carefully attached to Tian Mei' body. It took a lot of time as each and every nerve, blood vessel and tendon were connected with the body. The spine was basically chi-welded and healed and finally the neck was sewed and healed with more elixirs.

Throughout the process, Ming Sheng continued to grow younger. By the time operation was completed, Ming Sheng had transformed into a handsome man seemingly in his 40s. However, his hair and beard were still white. They were even bright looking. Everyone stared at him in awe but didn't question him just yet.

Ming Sheng scrutinized Xiao thoroughly before heaving a sigh & finally relaxed. Xiao's head was successfully transplanted onto Tian Mei's body. They didn't match though. Tian Mei's body was sickly thin and frail while Xiao had a fuller face, owing to her previous milf appearance.

"She is breathing…! You did it Ming Sheng!" Deodomus exclaimed.

"Of course. Let's just wait a while. Xiao is in comatose condition. Her brain will take some time, fully connecting and adjusting to the new body." Ming Sheng said.

Blub-blub-blub… Suddenly bubbles began to emerge from Tian Mei's torso and spread throughout the body which was beginning to morph!

"Eh!? What's going on!?" Ayla exclaimed.

"Elemental constitutions. So mysterious. One cannot really decode their profundity." Knightmare remarked.

"Indeed. It seems that Xiao's brain is trying to adjust with the water element constitution." Ming Sheng guessed.

But the next moment, more changes occurred. The body began to change radically. From sickly thin, it quickly became fuller and curvaceous! The breasts grew larger and so did the hips, raising her waist area up. Everyone watched with impressed and curious gazes.

"Ming Sheng, explain." Deodomus asked. Ming Sheng rolled his eyes.

"Water element has the ability to take any shape and form. People possessing water element constitution can transform their bodies. Tian Mei was capable of turning into a mermaid. Now that the owner of the body has changed, the water element traits are causing a bodily transformation in accordance to Xiao's memory of herself.

"Marvellous…" Ayla uttered.

"Please grow four breasts! Please grow four breasts!" Deodomus muttered while crossing his fingers. Ayla looked at him and her mouth twitched.

Xiao didn't grow four breasts but she regained her curvaceous youthful appearance just what she had when she first met Deodomus. Xiao was still in her twenties after all. Though her body was definitely milfy with slim waist but wide hips and huge dense breasts. Now her head matched with the body flawlessly. Xiao had been revived!

"What about Tian Mei?" Ayla asked, gazing at the pitiful young woman's head in the vat.

"Let's just put her out of her misery." Knightmare suggested.

"Wait, can't we turn her into a battle puppet or a fuckdoll?" Deodomus asked. Everyone stared at him, impressed at his infinite shamelessness.

Shakk! A spear was stabbed into Tian Mei's forehead, killing her instantly. The spear then hovered back up and disappeared into Knightmare's spatial ring.


Tian Mei's head was buried in the 8th level by Ayla who then placed a flower upon the small grave mound.

"I hope you live a better next life." Ayla uttered and sighed. "Please don't go around loving unworthy men though. As for your daughter; worry not. I'll take care of her."

Ayla sat cross-legged next to Tian Mei's grave and summoned the two babies out to breastfeed them. As the two babies suckled on her big breasts, she looked over at the two men who were burying the rest of the raiders. Well technically, only one of them was.

Knightmare was an upright warrior who performed the duty of burying his fallen comrades. Deodomus was a scum who scurried around, looting all the spatial rings and unloading their contents into the treasure pool ring. He was a mercenary who could rob even the dead without an ounce of guilt.

Xiao was still unconscious and Ming Sheng was monitoring her continuously.

"What pill did you take earlier?" Ayla asked, now that they were free. Knightmare and Deodomus perked up their ears. Warriors had strong senses anyway. They continued what they were doing while listening in to Ayla and Ming Sheng's conversation.

"It's a fake ever-youth pill." Ming Sheng answered.

"Ever-youth pill!?" Ayla exclaimed. "Isn't that the legendary medicine which can turn anyone young for the rest of their lives?"

"Indeed. Although it's also said that the pill pauses the consumer's cultivation ability. They can never progress further in cultivation but they will remain youthful and maintain their cultivation base for the rest of their lives." Ming Sheng replied. "But the one I concocted and consumed is a fake. It was merely a replica of the ideal Ever-youth pill."

"Oh? So its effects fades off like other youth retention pills?" Ayla asked. "She had taken plenty youth retention pills herself in the past. This is why she looked so much younger than her real age.

"Well no. I will remain young for the rest of my life." Ming Sheng said with a sigh. "But my lifespan has been reduced. I now only have 1 month left to live."

"…! What!?" Ayla was shocked. And so were others. "Why'd you take such a pill then? It's basically poison!"

"I know, sigh. But I couldn't revive Xiao otherwise. My hands were shaking. I was just too old. This was the most complicated surgery I've ever performed. I could not risk Xiao's life. And how much longer could I possibly live anyway?" Ming Sheng smiled. Ayla was left speechless. Ming Sheng was truly loyal to Xiao. To preserve her life, he resolutely sacrificed his own. Now he only had 30 days to live. But he didn't regret it in the least. Ayla sighed and didn't say anything else.


It took Knightmare an hour to dig up over 300 graves with help of his numerous weapons. The dead were buried rather simply. Eventually everyone gathered around the unconscious Xiao, waiting for her awakening.

"Shouldn't we move to a safer place?" Deodomus suggested.

"No need." Ayla said. "Council is busy. Their minions won't dare fight Sage realm warrior like me and the perpetrator of this massacre has nothing left for him to return to."

"Hmm. Speaking of this perpetrator. Who was he?" Deodomus asked Silver Knightmare.

"Jiao of Mizu empire." Knightmare answered. "Level 8 Sage realm cultivation. He's one of the Consulate's prophets. Mighty powerful and cruel."

"I see…" Deodomus muttered. "What did he come here for?"

"To obtain the Shadow technique from Xiao. He chased her all the way from 7th level, obliterated Han faction and ultimately Raiders too." Knightmare answered.

"So he knew about the technique? It is indeed something great to kill for." Deodomus spoke.

"Not just him, everyone in the elders' council knew about it. Others just have been busy grabbing the better treasures." Ayla spoke.

"Please explain further." Deodomus requested. "Also, what is your relation with Silver Knightmare? How do you two know each other?"

"Well…" Ayla began but paused to look at Xiao. "Let's wait until she awakens. She'd want to know everything too."

"Hmm... Then, Silver Knightmare, tell me about the fight with Jiao." Deodomus asked. He needed to gather as much information as possible about his enemy. Someone who dared to almost kill Xiao; was his mortal enemy. A battle to death with him was certain!

"Hmm… Jiao mostly preserved his energy. That showcases his self-restraint and cunningness. Only foolhardy goes to battle directly. Jiao used his strategy-laden chariot to do most of the fighting. Though it was destroyed by us and from his words, it seems he doesn't have a spare chariot." Knightmare began to explain.

"Next was his special armor. It was very tough, much like my own but without the ability of recovering from damage. Thus, we managed to destroy that too but he might have a spare." Knightmare continued. "Finally, he fought himself. His main technique is a weapon-based assault technique. He uses scythe but might have expertise in other weapons too. His unknown defensive technique was on par with his armor. But he can be injured by Sage realm warriors. Rage, at his last moments managed to beat Jiao up badly. Rage was displaying Sage realm prowess at the time."

"I see… So, I presume Jiao has healing techniques as well?" Deodomus asked.

"No. He clearly relied on medicine." Knightmare replied. "Now, his ultimate technique is something that he shouldn't be able to use. It's called Emperor technique. Only Emperor realm cultivators can use that."

"!!" At once everyone was stunned. They stared at Knightmare in shock.

"Then how did he use it? He's only at Sage realm!" Ming Sheng asked.

"I don't know. I could not deduce." Knightmare frowned. "But it didn't seem like he was able to use the full prowess of the technique. But even so; with it, he was able to defeat both me and Xiao." Knightmare looked at Xiao and sighed.

"Xiao is truly formidable. I've never seen someone with so many techniques and such great talent. She displayed several Empyrean grade techniques and even mysterious ones. She healed herself, turned into a giant and then bashed Jiao up badly. Her healing technique was phenomenal and her spike club arm seemed indestructible. Adding my countless weapons and special greatsword with elemental moves; we should have been able to kill Jiao. But he defeated us and technically killed Xiao too. She was still charging ahead with her trump card move when her head was literally torn off from her body."

"…" There was a momentary silence. Deodomus was frowning deeply. He knew most of Xiao's secrets. But he didn't know where she learned the giant transformation technique or the healing technique. For sure she never mentioned it to him. Also, as long as she had a trace of energy and consciousness, she should have been able to escape death and heal her body. But she was beheaded and left to die. It didn't make sense.

Of course, Deodomus would be confused; he didn't know about the existence of gu worms and their miraculous effects.

Also, back during the fight, though Xiao's Giant gu was damaged, she sacrificed the healing gu after recovering her limbs & healed the giant gu enough for one final use. Thus, she regained the giant body with which she fought hard until the time was up and giant gu died. Soon afterwards, Xiao was defeated and beheaded by Jiao.

"So, what are the characteristics of this Emperor technique?" Deodomus asked.

"He can push-pull the opponents in his range. That alone can disrupt their moves and render them incapable of fighting him properly. He continuously distracted us while using the assault moves of that technique. Those assault moves are rather simple but powerful, enabling him to move his limbs at unimaginable speed." Knightmare answered.

Silence befell. Everyone contemplated silently. This Jiao was not only stronger than them but also had powerful technique which he shouldn't even be capable of using. There was a lot of mystery about him.

"Ayla, help me with Yana." Ming Sheng suddenly spoke and got up. Ayla looked at him and nodded.

"What's this about?" Deodomus enquired.

"She's about to give birth. Might as well get it over with." Ming Sheng answered while summoning Yana out. He placed her on another table and prepared for her childbirth.

"Remember. That baby belongs to me." Deodomus declared. "Whoever dares to take her will have to fight to death against me."

Ayla gave Deodomus a deep look. This person was oddly possessive about his children & that was contrary to his usual nature.

"I'm keeping Adria." Ayla said.

"No, you're not. She is my daughter." Deodomus glared at her.

"You raped her mother, broke the pitiful woman's mind, turned her into a sex slave and ultimately killed her off. You don't deserve to even touch her daughter!" Ayla growled.

Shink! A sword was unsheathed by Silver Knightmare.

"I will fight to death against you." He challenged Deodomus.

"Tch." Deodomus scowled. He wanted both the children, largely due to their elemental constitutions but it was going to be a tough battle against both Silver Knightmare and Ayla. Especially when Xiao was incapacitated and Ming Sheng would not help him in the fight.

"Hmph fine. You can have Adria. I'm keeping Yana's child." Deodomus caved in. Or did he?

"Hehe. All I have to do is wait for an opportunity." Deodomus thought in his mind. "I will stab you in the back and steal Adria from you!"



An hour passed. There was cry of a new-born echoing in the sky. Yana had given birth to a healthy daughter!

"Oh she's so lovely!" Deodomus exclaimed reaching towards the baby.

"Indeed! Indeed! Don't touch her with your filthy hands!" Ayla slapped his hands away and grabbed the baby, quickly pulling her into her bosom. Ayla was half naked at the moment for the purpose of tending to the baby and feeding her right away since Yana had no milk in her dried-up breasts.

As the baby suckled on Ayla's milk, Deodomus snorted but didn't protest. He glanced at Yana instead who seemed like a shrivelled mummy, barely breathing. She already had no limbs and now she looked downright horrible. This baby had sucked everything out of her. Despite Ming Sheng's caring, Yana could not properly recover. However, at this point, Ming Sheng fed Yana some pills and her pale complexion began to get better. She was slowly recovering!

Deodomus heaved a sigh. Yana was important to Joseph and thus to Ryuga and thus to Deodomus. This had led to her survival.

As Ming Sheng cleaned up the mess, Deodomus and Knightmare sat down to discuss more details of the fight with Jiao while Ayla tended to the babies Adria, Yasmin and the unnamed new baby.




When Xiao was little, she'd often go to the jungle nearby. Exploring the nature was so fun. She had many little friends back then.

"Xiao, look! There's a river here! A river!" An ugly snotty kid said with the most beautiful smile in the world.

"Ooh! It really is! Nobody ever knew about it!" Xiao screamed.

"I know right? This is a hidden river! It's our river! Let's name it!" The snotty brat shouted excitedly.

"Yes-yes, let's name it!" Another kid said as all of them gathered quickly.

"Oh! Name it after my granny. She was so calm and secretive like this river!"

"No-no! I want to name it after my horse!"

The children shouted aloud, bickering, fighting, laughing; uncaring about how their voices echoed in the jungle. Nor did they notice the burbling on the surface of the river.

"I think we should name it… The river of…m-monster!" The snotty kid shouted, pointing behind Xiao who turned around and stood dumfounded, staring at the tall water beast that looked like a giant serpent. Its body covered in white scales, its long tongue licking the air, its jagged sharp teeth reflecting the sunlight us as it pounced upon the children; biting, strangling, ripping them to shreds. Their pained screams echoed throughout the jungle.


"Xiao, have you awoken my child? How are you feeling? Oh, I was so terrified!" Yuxian- Xiao's mother, hugged her tightly and sobbed. Xiao was now in her room with Yuxian.

"M-mother…" Xiao uttered as she gradually awoke. Her little arms hugged Yuxian tightly. "Mother! E-everyone…they…"

"I know child. I am so sorry. If only I had gotten there earlier, I could have saved all of your friends." Yuxian cried. She was a cultivator and had heard the commotion in the forest. Knowing that Xiao was around there, playing with her friends, Yuxian had hurried there, only to find corpses of little kids mangled by a beast who was about to strike Xiao! Immediately Yuxian had attacked the beast, saving Xiao timely.

"That… monster…" Xiao muttered in Yuxian's bosom.

"It ran away but don't you worry, I will go back tomorrow to kill it!" Yuxian promised.

"No…mother." Xiao looked up with determination. "I must kill it myself!"

Yuxian's eyes watered again as she patted Xiao. "Oh Xiao…sigh, it is indeed your right to claim your revenge."


Clang! Clang! Swords clanked together as little Xiao parried Yuxian's sword moves. It had been several weeks since that incident. Xiao had been training under her mother's tutelage.

"Why do you refuse to wield a short sword? A normal sword is too big for your size Xiao." Yuxian said as she found Xiao swaying and stumbling, unable to control the weight of the sword.

"But a short sword will never pierce through that beast's scales!" Xiao scowled. "I must use a long sword. Even longer than this one!"

"Hehe. Alright. Then you must become strong enough to wield a long sword. Strengthen your arms and practice your stances." Yuxian said. "General Fang will help you train whenever I'm not available."

"Leave it to me Mistress." A handsome young man bowed elegantly. The x scar on his chin left a deep impression on Xiao as she gazed at him.


"Mother, why am I so weak? I can't practice more than two hours!" Xiao whined and sobbed one day. Her hands were in terrible shape, full of bristles and bruises. Her training clothes were in tatters, speaking volumes about her hardcore training.

"You're already doing great for a 10 years old girl." Yuxian said smilingly. "How many warriors begin training this early in age?"

"But I get battered so quickly. Fang is too strong!" Xiao complained.

"Hehe, well he's an adult." Yuxian giggled.

"I'm sorry princess; mistress." Fang apologized, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"No need. You're doing a good job at training my daughter." Yuxian smiled.

"Don't worry Xiao, I'll give you something that boosts strength in a natural manner." Yuxian said, unlacing her gown and letting her huge fair breasts out.

Boinnng! The huge dense breasts bounced around, reflecting a sheen on the fair white skin. Yuxian's pink nipples were erect and twitching, inviting any viewer seductively.

"!!!" "!!!"

Fang's nose bled as he stared at the massive milkers. Xiao's mouth dropped open.

"Mother, you have such beautiful big breasts!" Xiao exclaimed while her eyes sparkled. "When can I have breasts like yours?"

"Hehe. You are already developing yours. You are my daughter after all." Yuxian smiled, caressing Xiao's head. "Come, drink mother's milk. It will make you stronger & give you a yin boost. It will also facilitate your breasts' growth."

"Thank you, mother!" Xiao exclaimed, hugging Yuxian and putting her nipple in her mouth. As Xao started to suckle the nipple, cool milk flowed into her mouth and trickled down her throat. It tasted like nectar and felt like liquid yin. Its yin chi began spreading out in Xiao's meridians and entered her dantian.

"This is a special technique I inherited from your grandmother." Yuxian explained to Xiao. "It is called Yin Cow technique. It allows the user to generate 20 litres of milk which is transformed off of the user's yin chi. It can be considered a top-quality yin chi product. But it is still milk & thus can strengthen the human body when consumed."

Xiao drank and drank, grabbing the huge breast and squeezing it, while sucking the nipple and enjoying the wonderful tasty milk. Yuxian looked at Fang who was drooling by now while his penis was erect like a pagoda tower in his crotch.

"Heheh. Come here Fang. You deserve a reward for training Xiao after all." Yuxian said, gesturing with her index finger, inviting him. Fang swallowed hard. He wanted to refuse out of courtesy but… he could not. His feet moved towards Yuxian and his hands reached out, grabbing the huge dense breast that felt tight yet tender. It squished and a jet of white milk sprayed on Fang's face, emitting fragrance of pure yin.

"Oh Mistress… Thank you for the milk!" Fang uttered, putting Yuxian's nipple in his mouth and started sucking and licking the soft delicious nipple.

"Ahh…haannhhh…" Yuxian moaned and lied back on her chair. Xiao was sucking her right breast and Fang was nibbling on the left breast. The Yin Cow technique apparently had turned Yuxian's breasts sensitive to the point where her face flushed red and she felt turned on. She grabbed Fang's hand and dragged it on her tender fair thigh, pulling it towards her crotch. Fang looked up, locking his gaze with hers and played along. His hand was soon rubbing Yuxian's crotch, feeling up her mature flower that soaked her garments wet already. At the same time, Fang sucked on the soft pink nipple and bit on it, squeezing the breast with the other hand and stimulating Yuxian on both sensitive spots.

Xiao, unable to comprehend, continued to feed on her mother's milk until she was asked to leave and get some rest while Fang stayed behind for some 'discussion'.



Splash! Splash! Splash! Xiao ran on shallow water as she lunged at the giant water serpent beast. She had already grown to the age of 14.

"Cutting down the river stream!" Xiao shouted, slashing her long sword in the air and an energy arc slashed forth, cutting through the serpent's scales, making its blood splatter out like a fountain.

Hisss!! It hissed and moved its large body to strike Xiao head on. Xiao continued to run. Her already big breasts were bouncing all over the place. Her large hips were squeaking against one another inside the wet dress.

Boing! Boing! Boing! Splash! Splash! Splash!

"Blazing Yin Stab!" Xiao shouted as her long sword caught fire at the tip and her speed arose too.

Whoosh! Bam! Splat! Xiao pierced through the beast's forehead and came out from the back of it, killing it with her trump card move.

Bam! Splash! Water, mud and blood splattered at once as the large beast body fell down dead. Xiao was bathed in it but she cared not. She panted heavily and a mad smile rolled on her lips while her eyes teared up.

"I… I killed it! I killed it after so many years and attempts." Xiao uttered. "Everyone…I've avenged you!"

Splash-splash-splash! Rapid footsteps were heard. It had begun to rain as well. Xiao looked at the group of soldiers that had just arrived the riverbank.

"Princess Xiao!" Fang called out but paused, staring at Xiao's seductive wet body, barely covered in her tattered clothes.

"Yes Fang?" Xiao asked, waking him from his stupor.

"…It's the Mistress… She wishes to see you… one last time…" Fang's eyes drooped in sadness.

Kroom! A lightning crackled in the sky, flashing light at Xiao's shocked face.


"Mother! Please tell me it's a lie! You cannot leave me!" Xiao cried in agony as she hugged her ailing mother. Several guards, maids and healers surrounded Yuxian's bed. The scene was solemn but Xiao's large hips were distracting everyone as she wiggled them here and there while crouching on her knees and hugging her mother. Adding the fact that her clothing was white and wet; even her panties could be seen and more, although faint.

Yichen- the Home Minister, Mengyao- the assassin faction leader, Fang- the young General, Howin the strategy master, Chonglin- the secretly brothel minister were all gathered in this room. Only Zhang- the Lord of Carny was missing.

Squish-squish… Xiao's big hips made audible squeaking sounds, stirring up every man and making every woman red in envy. The solemn environment was quickly ruined.

"Xiao, my illness is incurable. I'm sorry child, to leave you so early." Yuxian spoke, rubbing Xiao's back to comfort her.

"No mother! You can't leave me. We have yet to train more! And didn't you want to travel back to your hometown? Let's go there together! Fang will come too and you can feed us your milk as always!" Xiao cried.

-Cough- Fang coughed, avoiding eye contact with everyone who were staring at him with questioning gazes.

"I even killed that beast today! I'll show it to you. I have to tell you all about my blazing fight with it!" Xiao continued to wail.

Yuxian sighed and caressed her daughter's long hair.

"Hush now. It's alright Xiao. Everyone perishes someday. It is the law of nature. Cry not for my demise, pray for my next journey instead. I'll travel into the afterlife and then hopefully a really long-long time later, someday we might meet again." Yuxian comforted Xiao.

"Mother…" Xiao sobbed, hugging her tight. For those standing on the sides, the scene of two pairs of huge breasts squishing against each other was blood-boiling. They stared on, with visible erections.

"Remember Xiao. Warriors must carry on living, fighting, honing their war-craft and increasing their prowess. And they must protect the weak, they must preserve the overall peace, they must safeguard their empathy & protect their honor. Promise me, you'll never give up on these things." Yuxian asked.

"I… I promise. Mother…" Xiao hugged Yuxian tightly.





"Xiao!! Can you hear me?!" Deodomus' anxious voice became clear and his face blurred into clarity as Xiao blinked absentmindedly while being in Deodomus' arms.

"Deo…" Xiao uttered as she sat up.

"Oh Xiao! You're alive! I was so anxious!" Deodomus exclaimed and hugged her tightly. Xiao smiled lightly and slowly caressed Deodomus' hair.

"That's right…there's always this man around, whenever I'm in shambles… Is he here to help…? Or to ruin me some more?" Xiao thought to herself.

"!!" Suddenly, Xiao opened her eyes wide as the memories of her gruesome fight with Jiao flooded in. She quickly looked all around herself, scrutinizing the 8th level.

"Where's that bastard Jiao?!" Xiao spat angrily.

"He left after defeating us." Silver Knightmare answered.

"…He didn't kill us?" Xiao was astounded.

"He thought he did." Knightmare replied.

"He's gone but we'll get him next time together." Deodomus said, patting Xiao's shoulder. "Good thing is that you're alive and safe."

"…" Xiao's lips quivered slightly. "Raiders…"

"I know. They fought hard. They were just outmatched by the enemy." Deodomus consoled. He knew Xiao's nature well. She was the type to risk her neck for her followers. Naturally, the destruction of Raiders left a deep wound on her mind.

"Why does my neck feel itchy?" Xiao suddenly muttered and scratched her neck and throat. Everyone exchanged glances. No one replied. Since Xiao hadn't ask as how she was still alive after getting beheaded by Jiao, it seemed that she had lost some of her memories. After all she was in a suspended animation and comatose condition for quite a while.

Since she didn't remember, the others unanimously decided to keep Tian Mei's sacrifice a secret. Xiao would never forgive herself for being the reason of Tian Mei's death. The woman was killed off so that Xiao could live on. The guilt on Xiao's mind would be colossal!

"By the way, Xiao, you must thank Ming Sheng. Without him, you'd be dead." Deodomus said without explaining much. Xiao nodded and looked around for Ming Sheng but could not find him. Instead, there was a handsome white-haired man in near her, looking at her tenderly.

"Umm, where is he?" Xiao asked. "And who is this gentleman?"

"This is Ming Sheng hahah. He ate some pill." Deodomus chuckled. Xiao's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Ming Sheng!? Is that really… Oh my; I didn't recognize you at all!" Xiao exclaimed. Ming Sheng chuckled.

"Hehe that's alright. I'm glad I managed to-" Ming Sheng paused as Xiao got up and hugged him tightly.

"How can I ever thank you enough for all that you've done? You've always been there for me." Xiao spoke into his neck.

"It's alright." Ming Sheng smiled sadly. He only 30 days left to live & to be around Xiao. "You just take better care of yourself from now on." He said.

"Mmm." Xiao nodded. "I won't make your overwork yourself to the bone for my sake."

"Hey Xiao. Since you were asking about how to thank him…" Deodomus called out. Xiao turned her neck to see him. Deodomus made an OK sign with his left hand and inserted his right index finger into the circle.

"…Cuckold." Xiao spat. Deodomus chuckled shamelessly.

"Don't mind him Xiao. Let's get your prowess up quickly. I presume you'd want to avenge the fallen Raiders?" Ming Sheng asked.

"Yes. But before that…" Xiao grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. She wanted t really thanks him with her body.

Ming Sheng was already filled with youthful energy and his hormones started rippling. He grabbed Xiao's huge hips and squeezed them, kneading them continuously.

"Mmm…" -smooch- "Mmmm" -chu- Kissing sounds and moans began to flow while Xiao and Ming Sheng tangled. Soon Ming Sheng was standing butt naked and he adjust his thick long penis inside Xiao's virgin vagina.

"Ahhn!" Xiao exclaimed erotically as her hymen was torn through. "Tsk… aah, did you grow bigger and thicker?"

"Hehe, I did. You are as tight as usual though." Ming Sheng complimented. Xiao blushed and smiled, kissing him again.

Fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap! Meaty sounds occurred as Ming Sheng fucked Xiao in standing position. His hands were roaming on her seductive sexy body, kneading her huge hips, grazing her slender back and often grabbing her big breasts. Xiao moved her hips, taking Ming Sheng's penis thrust for thrust.

Sstak! Suddenly two hands slapped Xiao's big hips together and grabbed them tightly. Deodomus was standing right behind Xiao, fondling her hips and smirking.

"Hmph, so the cuckold wants to join?" Xiao snarled. "Too bad my royal vagina is taken by this handsome man."

"Kekeke, but you still have the tighter hole." Deodomus chuckled, sliding his hand into Xiao's ass crack and twirling his middle finger on her pinkish asshole.

Xiao scoffed as she felt Deodomus' long finger slowly enter her ass. She spread her legs farther apart, opening her butt crack for easier access to her asshole. But Deodomus pulled back the finger shoved his big bulging penis mercilessly inside Xiao's tight asshole.

"Gyahh!" Xiao screamed before her mouth got locked up in Ming Sheng's heated kiss.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap! The two men began fucking Xiao speedily in heat. Her tight holes were getting stretched by the thick bulging penises while powerful yang chi flowed into her body through their precum.

"Haah! Ahh! Mmmh! Fuck!!" Xiao moaned and exclaimed, enjoying the sex as she was sandwiched between the two muscular handsome men.

Deodomus grabbed Xiao's breasts from behind and started playing with them, focusing on her sensitive nipples while Ming Sheng grabbed Xiao's big hips, scratching, kneading and enjoying their fullness.

Squirt! Squirt! Xiao kept squirting her yin fluids from her vagina and kept clenching her hips, trying to give the two men an incredible time. She knew many sexual moves owing to her experience as a prostitute.

"Uff, Xiao you're damn tight! I might explode a heavy load inside you any minute now hehe. Deodomus chuckled in Xiao's ear.

"Huff, indeed she feels incredible today!" Ming Sheng praised. "Uff this vagina is wrapping so tightly around my shaft. "So wet and tight urgh. I'm nearing my limit too!"

"Hehe, don't cum just yet." Xiao said and reached her hand down while moving her hips up. She grabbed the base of Deodomus' penis and pulled it out before adjusting it onto her vagina.

"Ohh? You horny slut, you want both penises in your vagina?" Deodomus smirked, loving how slutty Xiao was acting.

"Why the hell not." Xiao sneered. "Now, push like a motherfucker!"

"Here it comes then!" Deodomus shouted and pushed hard, forcefully shoving his thick penis inside Xiao's vagina. His penis rubbed against Ming Sheng's penis and both meaty shafts stretched Xiao's tight vagina forcefully.

"Kyaah!! Argh…! Deeper haah..!" Xiao urged and soon both penises were lodged the deepest inside of her, pushing against her womb's door.

"Fuck! Let's pierce into her womb hehe." Deodomus suggested.

"Impossible! That hole is too tiny for two penises!" Ming Sheng spoke.

"Hah…hahh…Do it! Fuck my womb!" Xiao said heatedly. She wanted to have hardcore sex!

"Well fuck it! You slut, take this!" Ming Sheng cussed and pushed. Deodomus laughed and pushed too. Both of them began fucking Xiao's tightly stuffed vagina, trying to push their penises inside her womb.

"Hmph! This slutty milf need some superior fucking." Deodomus said and activated a dual cultivation technique.

"Hundred thrust!" He shouted.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap!! Meaty claps kept echoing as Deodomus fucked Xiao faster and faster.

"Hmph! I'll not lose out either." Ming Sheng said, swallowing a pill that enlarged his penis and gave him a boost. He started Fucking Xiao faster too.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! "Ahh! Ahh! Ahhn! Ohh!" Xiao screamed aloud. She was drooling and her eyes were rolling up. Pain-pleasure wasn't active so this sex was hurting her quite a bit. But over all these past few months, she had become a hardcore masochist. She reeled even in pain.

"Hmph! Yeti Technique!" Deodomus shouted and immediately his penis became as thick as two fists put together!

Rip! Xiao's vagina was ripped open and blood splattered before flowing down her meaty thighs.

"Ahhh!!!" Xiao screamed but the two men kept plowing her.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Xiao felt each thrust like a punch. Her womb's door was being ripped open!

Deodomus suddenly cancelled the yeti technique. Now the two penises could fit well in Xiao's loose vagina.

"Here it goes!" Both men shouted together and shoved.

Flopp! Their penises were shoved inside Xiao's womb. Xiao grunted while clenching her jaw and breathed heavily. The two men began fucking her at the fastest speed.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap!! "Ahh! Ahh! Fuck! No! Ahh!" Xiao screamed in pain and pleasure.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!! Two thick loads of semen were shot inside her womb, quickly filling it up.

Sprrooof! The semen jetted out as the two penises were pulled out.

"Uhhh…!" Xiao moaned and wobbled weakly while the two men hugged her, continuing to enjoy her warm body. Ming sheng kissed Xiao's lips and throat many times while Deodomus kissed her back and neck.

"Damn, you're amazing Xiao…" Ming Sheng said.

"Xiao, I'm so lucky to have found & tamed you, hehe." Deodomus chuckled. "You even became such an awesomely depraved slut!"

"Haah, fuck off…huff…" Xiao panted. Deodomus sneered and poked his re-erected penis onto her asshole.

"Remember how Lyra used to call you wide-assholed princess?" Deodomus asked.

"…Don't you dare…ahh!" Xiao screamed as Deodomus shoved his penis inside her asshole and began fucking her.

"Come Ming Sheng!" Deodomus urged.

"No! Stop! Not that hole too!" Xiao shouted frantically but Ming Sheng had already made his move.

Fwoop! Fwap! Fwap! Fwap! The two of them began fucking Xiao's asshole heatedly, stretching it beyond limits.

"Ooh! Her asshole is even tighter than her vagina!" Ming Sheng exclaimed.

"I know right? But it won't be for long! Haha!" Deodomus sneered. "Yeti technique!"


For half an hour, Xiao's screams echoed all over the place. She was brutally sodomized by Deodomus and Ming Sheng. By the time they finally stopped fucking her, both her vagina and asshole were so loose and wide that a small watermelon could be fitted into each hole! Semen was flowing out of them while Xiao twitched on the rough floor.

"Haah, that felt great!" Ming Sheng stretched his body.

"Huff, indeed… I can't get enough of ravishing her." Deodomus said.

"Alright, time to fix her." Ming Sheng pulled out a healing pill.

"Hold it. Don't ruin the afterglow of sex for her." Deodomus stopped him with a smile. "Let her be. And let's prepare dinner."

"Why dinner? We are cultivators. We don't need to eat." Ming Sheng blinked.

"This might be our last day if we lose the upcoming battle against elders' council." Deodomus smiled. "Might as well enjoy a meal before that, in the good old-fashioned way."


As the night stretched on, a campfire burnt on the 8th floor. Ming Sheng, Xiao, Deodomus, Ayla and Silver Knightmare sat around it. There was meat being roasted over the fire. Ayla was half naked, breastfeeding the babies while protecting them in a chi cover from the winds and the close flames. Xiao was dressed in a simple maple colored dress that she had borrowed from Ayla.

"Alright, it's time for you two to spill your secrets." Deodomus said to Ayla and Silver Knightmare who didn't mind with blunt tone. They looked at each other and sighed.

"We are best friends and our history is internecine with the Consulate's conquest of this Sage strategy." Ayla began. "It all started 12 years ago…"



Author's ramble:

You won't believe the workload that was subjected upon me since the previous chapter. I barely slept and didn't get any time for anything else. Additionally, the wages keep going up and down like share market. At this point idk what to do with my life. How to make money, where to find financial stability. How to fulfil my dreams. But anyway, I shirked off my responsibilities today to finish this chapter. Idk when the next chapter will get done tho.

//I don't think this arc is ending anytime sooner. The story is unfolding on its own. I'm no longer controlling it. I did try, but then I experimented and ended up giving it free reign and some miraculous things happened. How so many things came together in the time map of this story; how the plotholes got filled on their own & I'm just in awe. You might not notice these subtleties cuz only I have the bigger picture of all the books of this Xiaoverse.

But still, this has further cemented my theory that all stories are created by the universe. Writers are merely possessed by the will of the universe to write it down and share it with the masses.

Anyway, the story continues. Some flashback, some cultivation, lots of action and tragedy. The children are important cuz they'll be heroes of a side novella which i started at some point and then paused for later.

Discord! -
