Plant Beast

Deep in a jungle, two cultivators were speeding through the treetops. They were Deodomus and Xiao. Having lost their memories in the battle of sage strategy, they had forgotten that they can actually fly! On foot, their speed was ordinary and they only traversed 40 miles a day. But then suddenly, their speed got a great boost! The reason was…

"Quick! It's catching up!" Xiao shouted and almost immediately a green vine-like figure caught up to them. It looked like a green squid with several meters long tentacle-vines and had no eyes or head.

"What kind of a beast is this? Never in my life have I seen or heard of it!" Deodomus shouted as he dodged an incoming vine by jumping and flipping. At the same time he summoned a spear and boom!

The Death Spear move blasted a hole in the beast's body and pushed it several meters back, granting Deo and Xiao the time to gain more distance from the beast.

Swish-swish-swoosh! Winds whistled by their ears as they ran at their top speed.

Slish! Slish! The green vines appeared in their peripheral view again.

"Damn it! This thing is regenerating too quickly!" Deodomus cussed.

"Let's burn it down!" Xiao suggested.

"I have neither elemental stones, nor a handy flammable material." Deodomus frowned. "But I have an idea!"

Saying so, he quickly summoned a villager woman from his spatial ring and threw her towards the beast.

"Ahhh!" The woman screamed in fright as the long vines captured her within a moment.

"Deo! What the fuck!" Xiao shouted. She hadn't expected such an action from him.

"They are ordinary humans. What does it matter if some of them die for our sake?" Deodomus scowled and looked back at the woman who was now being violated in all her holes by the plant beast. She could not even scream as her mouth was clogged up with the vines.

Within a minute the woman's body was thoroughly violated before it bloated up from slimy green semen. But the next thing terrified Xiao and Deo. The woman's body grew several saplings that grew rapidly, consuming her meat and developed into small vine-like beasts that chased after the duo but could not catch up.

Horrified, Xiao and Deodomus ran more speedily. They were sweating and panting while the beast seemed too tenacious to give up.

"Alright, this calls for more sacrifices." Deodomus muttered as he heard the beast catching up.

"NO!" Xiao protested but all the villagers were in Deodomus's spatial ring. He ignored Xiao and brought the villagers out one after another and fed them to the plant beast. What was surprising was that not only women, but men were also equally violated by the plant beast and suffered the same fate of becoming manure for the plant beast babies.

Within 20 minutes, the duo had traversed 10 miles, stumbled upon many beasts and slain them and had to sacrifice 22 humans!

Finally they were cornered against a mountain. They were too tired and their energies had mostly run out. Before they could consume yang pills and such, the beast was already upon them!

"Sigh, no point in holding back." Deodomus sighed. Xiao did not object this time.

One by one, all the villagers were brought out and offered to the plant beast. But Deodomus didn't sacrifice the children. As the plant beast pounced on the terrified humans who were screaming aloud and begging for mercy and help, Deodomus and Xiao replenished their energies and prepared for a final showdown.

"No! You said you'll protect us and give us a better life in Carny!" A woman screamed as she ran towards Deodomus and grabbed him.

"Hmph!" Deodomus kicked her in the stomach, making her cough out blood. Immediately green vines wrapped around her and pulled her to the beast that shoved extra vines inside her holes to violate her; then filled her with its semen and tossed her aside as the saplings started growing on her body just like others'.

Whoosh! A cool breeze blew through the jungle. Xiao was mortified. She and Deodomus were surrounded by dozens of small plant beasts while the big one cast a large shadow upon them.

"Alright, you distract it, I'll use the Death Spear Bombardment. You might get hurt though, but I'll heal you right afterwards." Deodomus said. Xiao gritted her teeth and took a step forward.

The plant beast however, slithered back and halted.

"Why isn't it attacking?" Xiao asked. Deodomus observed carefully and deduced the reason.

"It wants to train the baby beasts." Deodomus said while the small plant beasts leapt on both of them.

Whish! Whish! Xiao swung her longsword around, killing the incoming plant beasts while Deodomus stabbed at them with his spear. But the numbers were too overwhelming. WIthin moments, both of them had a thick green cover of plant beasts on their bodies.

"Ugh! Get off me!" Xiao screamed and pulled them off by her hands but more and more beasts attached themselves to her and crawled all over her body, trying to find her lewd holes.

Deodomus was suffering the same but was calm. Since techniques and physical force wasn't working out, he started experimenting with other things. He had some potions or chemicals in his spatial ring. He picked the ones with a strong smell. After dousing himself in a few of them, the plant beasts quickly left his body and attacked Xiao instead.

"What liquid was it?! Lend me some!" Xiao quickly shouted.

"Uhh, sorry Xiao, there was only one bottle of it." Deodomus said helplessly. "But I'll find something else, don't worry!"

Saying so, Deodomus started splashing the potions on Xiao but these only made her body even more fragrant!

"Damn it! Not there! Ahhn!" Xiao shouted as the plant beasts had entered her clothes successfully. Her breastband had come off. The baby beasts started suckling on her nipples through the vines while rubbing the nipples & squeezing her huge melons. At the same time, some of them managed to slide inside her panty and their vines slithered into Xiao's warm vagina and asshole.

"Gahh! Ahh! Fuck!" Xiao cussed and screamed, rolling on the ground, pulling the plant beasts with her hands and expelling energy to blast them away but they were clinging to her tightly!

A minute later, she was being violated in all three holes! The beasts entered her vagina and rampaged inside it, using their tentacle vines excitedly. Xiao's body trembled in pleasure while her belly inflated. The beasts had entered her guts and stomach! As the bulge in her belly moved and squished continuously, it created a lewd scene.

Deodomus watched helplessly before realizing that the plant beast babies were not really the problem, their semen was; which was yet to be released inside Xiao's body.

"Xiao!" He immediately shouted. "Burn their semen off through your energy or if possible, consolidate the semen into energy beads! Their semen ought to be filled with yang energy or wood element traits. If you transform it all, your body won't become fodder for new plant babies!"

"Ahhn! Gyaah! A-Alright Deo!" Xiao screamed.

Spurt! Spurt! squish-squish-squish! The baby beasts fucked Xiao continuously, moving back and forth inside her wet vagina. For them it was a fun game. Xiao clenched her teeth and circulated her energy through her meridians vigorously. At the same time as the plant beasts ejaculated inside her every now and then; their semen was broken down into yang energy and wood element energy which mixed with Xiao's own energy and continued coursing through her body.


"Ahh! Ahh! Ahhn! Ahhn!" Xiao screamed erotically as she twitched on the ground while surrounded by plant beasts that were entering and exiting her body continuously.

"Unnh! Ahhn! Uwak!!" Xiao vomited a plant beast out which had traveled from her anus to her mouth. "Ugh, gross! Fuck! Ahhn! Ahhn!" Her screams continued.

"I think it's working, Xiao. No plants are growing on you! Keep it up!" Deodomus encouraged. "Actually, you might as well enjoy it."

"F-fuck! Shut..uhhnnn…" Xiao panted and moaned. Her belly had inflated too much with the plant beasts.

"You probably should shit them out." Deodomus advised, "I'll give you some aphrodisiac as well."

"Fuck! Ohh! I can't take this anymore!" Xiao clenched her teeth and squatted, pushing forcefully.

Squirt! Squirt! Prooft! Plant beasts came out from her vagina and asshole.

"And I thought I've seen everything…" Deodomus muttered, watching this insane scene unfold.

Now there was a heap of plant beasts underneath Xiao's bowels and their slippery tentacles were groping her huge buns again, trying to slide back into her warm wet holes.

"Fuck off!" Xiao shouted and rolled away. The plant beasts chased. "Deodomus, help me!" She shouted.

"On it!" Deodomus exclaimed and leapt at her. The next moment, he splashed a liquid on her.

"Hey, this doesn't stink, is it a different potion?" Xiao asked. Deodomus blinked.

"It's an aphrodisiac." He replied.

"You..!" Xiao's eyes widened before slowly turning towards the plant beasts which were crawling towards her. At the same time, the big plant beast also made his move.

"Sorry Xiao, we can't do anything about this. You must try satisfying them all!" Deodomus said and ran away.

"You! Come back here, you coward!" Xiao shouted but then a plant beast leapt at her face, covering it entire as its tentacles wrapped around her head and a thick tentacle entered her mouth, clogging it up.

"Unngg…! Uggh!" Xiao groaned and struggled while the remaining plant beasts caught her, and began groping her sexy body and erotic lumps. At the same time the big plant beast grabbed her and lifted her up. Three of his already-thick tentacles joined together, forming a rope-like massive tentacle penis. There was no way it could it inside any of Xiao's holes.

But it did!

Fwoop! "Guuhhhhh!!!" Xiao's muffled scream echoed in the surroundings while her body struggled helplessly as the massive tentacle pushed its way into her little vagina, tearing through her skin, stretching the pitiful vagina wide and infiltrating her womb. At the same time, more tentacles joined together, forming another equally big tentacle and soon destroyed Xiao's asshole while entering it brutishly. Xiao was feeling great pain and pleasure at the same time as she got fucked.

"Holy shit…" Deodomus uttered, watching from afar. His lips twitched before forming a smile. He took out his penis and started stroking it while enjoying the show.


The day turned to night and at the break of the next dawn, the plant beast was finally done with Xiao who was still hanging in the air, held by many tentacles. Her face was slimy and her eyes were unfocused. She was smiling hollowly. Her nipples had puffed up and enlarged, becoming as long as a finger and as thick as four thumbs. They had holes in them which were continuously leaking out plant semen. Her breasts had enlarged too. If they were like watermelons before, now they were almost twice as big! Apparently stuffed full from semen. Her belly was big as if she were pregnant. Her vaginal lips were swollen red, tightly wrapped around the big tentacle just as her broken asshole was.

Sprooft! Two jets of green semen leaked out of her holes as the plant beast pulled out his tentacles and casually tossed Xiao away.

Bam! Sprooft! Xiao fell on her belly and that resulted in large amounts of stocked up semen to burst out from her three holes. As she squirted, shitted and vomited the semen, her body twitched and slowly rolled in the sticky fluid. She turned and her belly was still plenty swollen, wobbling grossly.

"Uhh…uhnn…ahhh!!" Xiao groaned and screamed as she folded her legs and pushed, giving birth to a litter of plant babies! The plant beast seemingly had two ways of reproduction. Since the first method of consuming human flesh didn't work on Xiao, the babies were created through normal fertilization. The speed was quick due to wood element energy.

The new plant babies crawled up on their mother's body, finding her breasts and entering them through her nipples. Xiao moaned continuously. Her breasts grew larger in size and deformed in shape as her babies squirmed inside them.

The big plant beast watched this from above and aimed a few tentacles toward Xiao.

Spurt! Spurt! Squirt! Prooft! A lot of plant semen was ejaculated upon Xiao and covered her entirely in a thick layer of it. Then the plant beast turned around and left with its children. The litter born off of Xiao stayed with her, still growing or resting inside her breasts.

Deodomus soon showed up, Scrutinizing Xiao carefully.

"Hmm, this layer of semen is the additional wood element energy that the beast has left behind for nurturing the new litter." Deodomus deduced. "It seems that Xiao managed to satisfy the beast after all hehe."


That layer of semen gradually vanished, getting consumed by Xiao's body and in turn by the babies resting in her breasts. She soon regained consciousness as well.

"Good morning." Deodomus said smilingly.

"Ugh, where am..I?" Xiao asked with a frown and sat up. "What the hell happened?" Suddenly she gasped, remembering that she was getting raped by the plant beasts. She looked around but found no beasts.

"They're gone." Deodomus said. "You managed to satisfy them hehe. Your body is quite something, Xiao."

Xiao scowled and scrutinized herself. First thing that she noticed were the huge breasts that looked like 4 watermelons put together.

"Wh…what the fuck!!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, it's just your babies resting inside your breasts hehe. I'm sure your melons will deflate once your babies come out." Deodomus teased. "There is something else you should be worried about."

At this point, Xiao looked down in the middle of her thighs and found her vagina to be utterly loose! Her vaginal lips were swollen big and her asshole was gaping so wide that a fist could enter it without touching the rectum walls.

"You look the same wide-assholed princess that you were in the past, during the Gen state expedition hehe." Deodomus added.

"Ugh, shut up and give me some medicine!" Xiao snapped.

"Sorry I only have yin and yang pills left, along with some aphrodisiac." Deodomus said.

"What nonsense! We had enough medicines on us." Xiao frowned looking through her spatial ring and found no medicine in it. Her expression froze. Deodomus looked sideways before spouting a well-practiced lie.

"It has been 3 days since the plant beast left. All the healing pills were spent on keeping you alive as you were quite heavily injured." Deodomus said with a solemn expression and nodded to himself. Xiao scowled, half-doubting him.

"Let me check your ring." She demanded.

"You don't trust me?!" Deodomus said dramatically. Xiao rolled her eyes.

"You ran away when that beast was raping me." She said with a dangerous expression. Deodomus snorted before handing over his spatial ring. Xiao swept her perception through it and sighed. There really wasn't any medicine left.

"Glad I hid them away hehe." Deodomus thought.

"Alright, I guess we'll have to find a human settlement quickly and replenish our medicinal supplies there." Xiao murmured.

"Yeah, let's do that. But can you move around like this?" Deodomus asked. Xiao frowned and got up. Her legs trembled and her body swayed. She felt great pain in her bottom!

"Fuck! That motherfucking beast!" Xiao shouted and breathed sharply, enduring the searing pain and took a few steps. Her breasts were too big! They wobbled without restraint and messed up her center of gravity.

"Kyahh!" Xiao screamed as she fell to the side. Deodomus shook his head and smiled.

"Enter my ring. And you might as well take some sleeping pills. It will help you avoid the pain and your body will slowly recover naturally in a few days too." He suggested.

"Hmm…" Xiao sighed. The suggestion was quite sensible. She nodded and consumed a few sleeping pills. Quickly she drifted into sleep. Deodomus crouched down and smiled deviously.

He took off Xiao's ring and summoned another bottle of aphrodisiac from his ring. Then poured it all down on Xiao's sexy body before walking away. He returned to his hiding spot in a tree and waited.

Soon, lured by the aroma of the aphrodisiac, a beast group arrived. These beasts had a long snout like an ant-eater's and their bodies had pangolin-like scales. They were big like horses. As these beasts surrounded Xiao and made excited sounds, Deodomus plucked a fruit from the tree and started eating it while watching Xiao's next bestial r@pe unfold.


Author's ramble:

I don't remember what I've written in this chapter :)

Mom is recovering well. I've taken a months' leave from work to take care of her.

Broke up with my mermaid princess this week too.

Never again will there be an always & forever.

Never in the skies will flow a river.

Never the moon will shine any brighter

Never will the world read our tales or hear.

Let the sky loose its color.

Let the earth wither.

Never will I care.

Never will I care.

//Couldn't write anything erotic for several days. Slowly resuming now.

Side novels (A Mother's Duty & Dami)have been abandoned. Started a new novella on patTre0n titled: Ekluvya Reboot. It shall be launched here in a few days.

