Assassins No More

Inside a room in Blue Raven inn, a group of cultivators was finishing their dinner. They were none other than Deodomus, Xiao, and others.

"…and then we ended up coming here. Onwards to Carny now." Deodomus finished telling Gyoro about the group's journey. He cautiously removed the details and any information about Moon Gang. What he told Gyoro was a mixture of truth and lies. Muchen kept quiet. Xiao was snoozing. Hailey was in a world of her own thanks to the large amounts of liquor she had consumed.

"Hah, well thank you for the good meal and fine wine." Gyoro wiped his mouth unkemptly. "I shall return to…hikk!" He hiccupped, being plenty drunk.

"Haha. Stay over tonight." Deodomus said in a drawn-out voice. He was drunk as well.

"I think…I will-hikk!" Gyoro said and with a loud thud collapsed on the table, falling asleep. His snores echoed in the room.

Muchen walked away, swaying side to side. He could not make it to his room and fell on the carpet, falling asleep there.

"Deeooo…. Fight me…" Hailey pulled her fists and punched the air; her short arm unable to reach Deodomus.

"Let's all just go to sleep Hailey…yawn." Deodomus yawned and forced himself to get up. He picked up the loli on one shoulder and the milf on the other before staggering toward the bed where he threw them like sacks of potatoes and crashed there himself too. Silence filled the room, broken repeatedly only by Gyoro's loud snores.


Shew! Shew! Clang! Knives flew in the air, attacking Skird who agilely swerved in the air and deflected them with his dagger before continuing his sprint.

"Hehehe! He's running away Owl!" Peacock danced on the rooftops as she casually kept pace with Skird. Her movement technique was strange. She seemed to be walking slowly, but a large distance was covered as though she were sprinting at full speed.

"Hahaha! All the more fun! You shut your mouth and just watch!" Owl said before suddenly vanishing.

Skird's heart skipped a beat. He sensed imminent danger!

Swoosh! Owl appeared before him, knife poised. Skird was too fast to be able to dodge completely. He defended with his dagger but Owl moved faster.

Slish! A red streak of blood appeared on Skird's chest. He had been slashed. Not caring to retaliate, he resumed his run. But at the same time, his mind was experiencing a storm.

"He's better than me in everything!" Skird thought. "Not just cultivation level, movement technique but attack speed and possibly combat technique too. Then there is the peacock girl…heh, I cannot escape them. They are merely playing with me while I struggle to keep my life."

Bitterness filled his heart and he sighed inwardly.

"Should I crush the emergency beacon? Would Deodomus come to my aid?" Suddenly this thought flashed in his mind. He felt hope flicker before it died abruptly.

"Haha. Why would someone like him bother to save an assassin pawn like me? I became his follower to preserve my life. He doesn't owe me anything." Skird sighed. "Ah Luna, perhaps I should have died fighting for you back in Kros city. That would have been better than betraying the gang, harming you, and then being chased like a dog and killed in this dirty street."

"Owl Howl!" Owl suddenly exclaimed and howled. A beam of powerful soundwaves attacked Skird, engulfing him like a torrent.

Boom! He was struck by a strong force and flung away like a ragdoll; his daggers, flown away.

Bam! A wall broke his free flight and he dropped to the ground, bleeding under the rubble.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Skird cussed, summoning a healing pill and chewing on it. Sirens blared in his mind as Owl approached him and struck again with another sound beam.

Boom! This time Skird was injured more severely.

"Owl Howl! Owl Howl! Owl Howl!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of deafening soundwaves boomed through the street, destroying walls and ground alike while battering Skird.

Dust arose, engulfing everything. Some screams could be heard as the residents awoke whose houses had been damaged.

"Hahaha! Scream some more! Hahaha! Tremble in fear before me! Hahaha!" Owl cackled madly.

"Kyahaha! Not so silent for an assassin you are." Peacock commented from the roof. "So childish."

"Ah? Fuck you Peacock! You're one to talk! Your prey can see you glittering from a mile away! So much for assassins who should be blending in the shadows!" Owl shouted.

As the two bickered and the confused and terrified people screamed, Skird got the chance to slip away.

"Hmm? Oya… where did that man go?" Peacock suddenly spoke, turning her neck everywhere to look for Skird.

"Gah! It's your fault! Why must you tag along all the time huh? You always ruin my hunts." Owl felt annoyed.

"Ah? I'm your partner! This is according to the rules! Fuck you Owl! Who the hell wants to tag alongside you?" Peacock finally snapped.


Swoosh! Swoosh! Skird sprinted madly. The wind whistled past his ears. The rain started as a drizzle while the clouds rumbled like a dragon preparing to attack its foes.

Swish! Skird exited the street and reached the open road. It was a junction in the middle of the marketplace.

"Huff…huff…" Skird panted. Blood was still oozing out of his body. The scar on his chest had turned blue, signifying poisoning. His thighs felt heavy, his ribcage ached as he breathed heavily. A fire burned in his chest. Quickly he summoned a healing pill and a common antidote that could work on the majority of the poisons. To heal a particular poison, its composition needed to be learned. Only then a suitable antidote could be administered for treatment. Otherwise, a general antidote was the best bet. But would a deadly assassin like Owl use a simple poison?

"Heheh…well this is it then." Skird sighed. His ring glowed and Luna was summoned out. She was stumped, suddenly facing rain which bathed her sexy naked body and her prosthetic limbs. These were the items that Skird had brought for her earlier. Luna looked at Skird for an explanation. Surely they weren't going to have sex in the middle of the city in the rain? Her eyes then widened as she saw how battered Skird was. The rainwater had turned red underneath his feet.

"Assassin Squad." Skird explained simply. Luna frowned. "Seemingly most of the Moon Gang branches have been assimilated by them too. I was careless today and got spotted." Skird said.

"What's the plan?" Luna frowned.

"Heh, there's no plan." Skird smiled bitterly. "They are too strong for me, and you cannot use your energy. Go to Blue Raven inn and find Deodomus. Then escape with him and others. It's best to not tangle with Assassin Squad. They will be satisfied after killing me as they don't know that you're still alive. You just have to hide your identity."

Luna frowned deeper, staring at Skird. Many emotions flickered in her black eyes before she calmed them down.

"Why are you doing this? This is not the way of the assassins." Luna asked. She could not understand why an assassin would sacrifice themselves for another.

"…I don't know. Honestly, I don't know what has come over me lately." Skird said, looking at the dark sky. "Go now. Don't stop even for a moment."

Luna turned swiftly. Her white hair whipped the falling raindrops before she sprinted away. Skird watched her disappear into the darkness of the night before dragging himself in the opposite direction and started running. His feet felt heavier than before. His muscles ached. His stamina vanished. The blue spidery webs of poison had stretched to his neck as though trying to strangle him.

Splat-splat-splat! Water splashed under his feet as he ran.

"Well-well, why don't you save your energy for a last melee?" Owl asked as he appeared a few meters away. Skird paused in his tracks. His eyes darted around, searching for Peacock.

"Did she not follow? Could she have noticed Luna and gone after her?" Skird thought but then shook his head. "No. They don't know that Luna is alive. She can't even use her energy anymore. They couldn't have spotted her unless…by chance." The possibility was there. Skird's heart felt heavy.

"Ah well, I've done all that I could. It's all up to fate now." He thought, pulling out new daggers. His vision blurred for a moment. Owl appeared right before him.

"!!" Skird slashed forth.

Bam! A kick to the chin sent him flying up and backward before he crashed on the hard road.

"Slow... Weak…hmph." Owl snorted unhappily. "That peacock ruined my hunt after all. You! Why did you spend so much energy running? Come on, get up! Look alive! Give me a better fight before you die."

Swooosh! Owl dashed forth. Bam! He kicked Skird again, causing him to skid and roll on the wet road.

"Come on! Where is your persistence? You're an assassin aren't you?" Owl urged. "Show me your passion to take down the enemy with you!"

"…Fuck off…" Skird muttered, shaking, as he got up. Owl paused.

"Good-good, that's it! Struggle! Try hard! This is your last moment, assassin! Hahaha!" Owl shouted.

"Huff… Assassin…" Skird muttered.

"Assassin…" Luna muttered as she ran through a dark street. "Always running, always killing… No one to trust, no one to care for… Always alone…" She paused, panting. "Then why…?"

"Then why did I do this?" Skird wondered. "For what reason?" He gripped his dagger tighter and dashed forward for a final attack.

Swoosh! Momentarily his speed increased manifolds! A final resistance against fate.

"That's it! Hahahaha!" Owl shouted, welcoming him.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Daggers and knives collided speedily as the two assassins fought under the raining sky.

Swish! Swish! Skird dodged and lunged; Owl dodged and returned. The two of them fought without using energy moves. Skird had but little energy left. Owl had no need to use his. The victory was his already. He was simply enjoying the last struggle of his prey.

Clang! Clang! Slash! Spurt! Slash-slash-clang! Injuries piled up on Skird's body as he was slashed again and again by Owl's merciless knives. Blood splattered but Skird held his ground, although quickly getting slower.

"Right…why did I do it? Why am I not feeling myself?" Skird thought as his life flashed before his eyes. He saw himself raised in an assassin clan, harshly trained; killing people as he grew up, fighting alongside other assassins, always wary, reflecting their gazes of distrust and caution. Killing and running. Killing more and hiding. Then he saw himself traveling with an odd bunch. A cunning mercenary, a beautiful slutty princess, a strange botanist, a cheery teenage girl. Their eyes didn't carry distrust and caution in them. The meals they shared were warm. The orgies they had were passionate, and the journeys they had were adventurous.

Clang! Clang! Slash! Slash! Slash! Srrr…. Clatter! Skird's daggers were struck away and his body was full of deep cuts. He finally stopped and fell to his knees. Blood pooled underneath him as rain washed over his body.

Kroom! Lightning flashed in the dark sky, illuminating Owl's mask as he stood poised to deliver the finishing blow.

"Not bad. I finally had some fun." He spoke and stabbed forward. The time seemed to slow down as Skird watched the cold steel of the knife coming at his face.

"Right…I get it now!" Skird thought, smilingly.

Bam! Suddenly a metallic foot struck Owl's head, flinging him several feet away. Luna's figure flashed under the thunderlight.

"Damn it Skird! You bastard! You fucking rapist!" Luna shouted, stopping before him and slapping him hard with her wooden hand.

Sstak! Sstak! The crisp slaps echoed before Luna choked his throat.

"I get it now…! I get it, you bastard..!" Luna growled. Her eyes, teary... This betrayer was the last of her comrades. The partaker in the crimes done against her. But also the one who gave her a chance at life again. The one who finally risked his life so that she could get away. But why?

"Why…are you…doing this?" Skird mumbled as his vision blurred.

"For the same reason as yours…" Luna smiled while crying. "The way of the assassins no longer applies to us; for we are assassins no more."

Swa… Swa… Rain kept pouring down. Luna lifted Skird up on her shoulders and made a run toward Blue Raven while Owl gathered himself.

"Oya…going somewhere?" Peacock asked as she landed in front of Luna and Skird.

"Oye-oye, now I'm pissed!" Owl growled from behind. His mask had broken from the cheek.

"Hehehe. So you were alive after all, hmm?" Peacock asked Luna, summoning taloned gauntlets that appeared on her hands readily worn.

"Stay back Owl, this woman is my prey. You've had your fun already, right?" Peacock warned Owl who was slowly closing in.

"Nonsense! No way I'm letting you claim head of the Moonlight Assassin! She's my kill!" Owl shouted.

"Motherfucker, don't get on my nerves now! I was just in such a good mood!" Peacock shivered in rage. Luna judged that the two assassins didn't have good coordination. Quickly she dashed in a different direction, hoping the two will compete but get tangled with each other.

Splash! Splash! Splash! Water splashed underneath her feet. Water and blood flowed down her neck from Skird's body.

"R-run Luna. Forget about me." Skird whispered weakly. Luna did not reply.

"Oya, you're quite slow." Peacock said, matching Luna's pace as she appeared on her right.

"Hmm, she's not using her energy at all. And look at her limbs!" Owl said as he appeared on her left.

"Haha, don't tell me she got crippled?" Peacock chuckled.

"Seems that way. The fun of killing her will be lessened now." Owl lamented.

Luna's face couldn't be more ashen. These two only had superfluous conflict!

"Alright then, let's kill her together." Peacock suggested.

"Fuck!" Luna cussed, suddenly turning and kicking Peacock's shin. The latter easily dodged by jumping. Owl attacked from behind.

"Owl Howl!" Boom!! Luna and Skird were blown away.

"Aargh!" Luna groaned as she fell and rolled on the wet road. Her prosthetics had cracked. Skird was lying still, a few feet away.

"Damn it! Damn it! If only I could use my cultivation!" Luna seethed in anger and helplessness."

"Hahaha! Ah, poor Luna… tch-tch. So feeble hmm?" Peacock jeered, catwalking toward her.

"Hey, hold on." Owl approached, both of them staring down at Luna.

"She indeed is as beautiful and sexy as the rumors say." Owl smirked underneath his mask.

"Want to fuck her?" Peacock asked.

"You bet!" Owl chuckled and stepped toward Luna. Suddenly a hand gripped his leg.

"R-run…Luna…" Skird mumbled, lying face down on the road. His hand gripping Owl's leg as hard as it could.

"…" Silence lingered as Luna stood up and ran…toward the two assassins.

Swoosh! Swish-swish-thwok! She fought Peacock, using martial arts alone.

"Hahaha! Not bad for a cripple! I'll play with you." Peacock chuckled, fighting her back.

Swish-swish-bam! Bam! Kicks and punches were exchanged. Peacock was surprisingly Luna's equal in martial arts alone. But her moves also contained a bit of energy which resulted in stronger and faster moves.

Meanwhile, Owl crouched down, staring at Skird menacingly.

"Now-now struggling even in this state huh? I should put you out of your misery hehehe." He said, stabbing Skird in the neck with a knife.

Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!

"Hahahaha!" Blood splashed on Owl's mask as he kept stabbing Skird's neck and head.

"Nooo!!!" Luna's blood-curdling scream echoed in the background as she ran toward them.

Bam! Clatter! Peacock's powerful sweeping kick landed on her legs and shattered them!

Bam! Luna fell face-first on the road.

Bam! A strong heel crushed her right arm. Luna paid no heed and dragged herself toward Skird with her lone arm.

"Hahaha this is just too amusing! What got into these two fools? They are not worthy of calling themselves assassins." Peacock chuckled as she stepped over Luna and crushed her left arm as well, rendering her immovable.

"Hehehe true-true." Owl chuckled. "Oh well. Now, it's time to have some more fun hehehe." He walked toward Luna.

"Kuh…" Luna looked at Skird helplessly and gritted her teeth. She didn't know she could care for a scum like him but whatever had come over her, she didn't regret it in the least bit.

"Kill me, you bastards…!" She growled in a deep voice.

"Hehehe. Sure-sure. But what's the hurry?" Owl squatted before her, grabbing her wet hair and yanking them, causing her to wince angrily. "The night is still young. Let's have some more fun…"


As the rain poured down incessantly, Luna's screams echoed through the marketplace, outmatched by the roaring clouds.