Return of the Moonlight Assassin

In Metah city on a dark night, a man's screams were echoing through the marketplace. This man was Owl who was being tortured by Luna.

Bam! Bam! Thwok! Luna punched and kicked Owl's groin.

"Gaah! Ahh!! Fuck! Kill me, you fucking bitch!" Owl screamed hatefully in pain.

"Why, don't you want to play some more?" Luna asked. "You were having fun hunting Skird down, weren't you? Now that the tables have turned, you don't want to play anymore?" Luna started running the dagger's tip on Owl's body, carving a bloody line all over his skin.

"Ahhh! You sick bitch! I'll fucking gut you alive!" Owl cussed.

"Now that's a good idea. I should gut you alive. It will appease Skird's soul." Luna said expressionlessly.

"…Help! Somebody! Peacock! Ahhh!!!" Owl screamed, begging for help. Peacock frowned and looked away. She was a captive too. The same fate awaited her for sure.

Luna grabbed Owl's groin, squeezing his penis and balls tightly & a ruthless gaze glinted in her eyes. Owl's face paled as he shook his head in fear.

"N-no…please!" He begged but Luna jabbed the dagger in his nutsack, making him scream and squirm in pain.

"Gyaaah!!" As Owl's screams echoed, Luna cut off his balls and started chopping his penis into little pieces. Other men looked away, feeling tingles in their balls, and shivers running down their spines.

"Fuck. This woman…" Muchen shivered. He wasn't a proper warrior and the gory torture made him internally afraid.

"Pss...t! Hey..!" Peacock whispered to him from below. Muchen looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Untie me. I…I'll give you everything I have."

"…Your spatial ring is already in our possession." Muchen said.

"Please…! I-I will give you hot sex! Who doesn't want to fuck a sexy assassin?" Peacock offered the only thing she could in this situation.

"Yeah right." Muchen scoffed.

"I…I'm very good at sex! I'll be your little slut! Please..! Please!" Peacock begged while Owl's painful screams echoed, rattling Peacock's heart. She did not want to end up like him.

"Ehem…" Xiao cleared her throat as she appeared behind Muchen and rested her long arms on his shoulders, looking at Peacock with a mocking smile. "Bitch, please!" She said.

"Pffft…" Muchen almost laughed while Xiao giggled. Peacock's expression turned morbid. Obviously, Muchen had been getting hot sex from Xiao throughout the journey. Which woman could hold a candle to Xiao? None of the men in Xiao's group could be eluded with feminine charm by any other woman.

"Ahhh! AHHHH!!" Owl's screams continued to echo, getting more intense as Luna tortured him. She had already chopped off his sexual organs, flailed his torso, and plucked out an eye. After letting him squirm and scream for a minute, Luna proceeded to finally kill him. She stabbed his head ruthlessly with Skird's dagger many times. Blood and brain matter splashed on her hand, face, and breasts but she didn't stop until Owl's entire head and face were riddled with stab wounds. She left the dagger stuck in Owl's head and walked away; her gaze, icy cold as she looked at Peacock.

"N…no…" Peacock shuddered and moved backwards. Muchen let her as she could not possibly run away with her hands and feet tied with chains.

Luna squatted in front of Peacock. Her vagina spread open like a beautiful flower. Her big breasts wobbled slightly. It was quite a sight for the men who eyed her from different sides. But Peacock was only seeing a grim reaper in Luna's form. She was terrified!

"Get it over with, Luna. We've got company." Deodomus said, cracking his neck and flexing his arms before he summoned a spear.

"Oh yay! Are we going to fight?!" Hailey jumped up.

"Not you. Get in the ring." Deodomus said. "You're not ready for a life & death battle."

"Wha…? But I want to fight too! I already mastered the moves you taught me!" Hailey protested.

Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh! Suddenly many dark figures arrived at great speed and surrounded Xiao's group. These people were all masked, wearing different colored clothings. Luna recognized some of them. They were wearing white clothes; remnants of the Moon Gang.

"Hah, so you were alive after all!" A man exclaimed. "Ah, Luna, we're so happy to see you hehe."

"It seems that you are with the enemies of Assassin Squad. Come to our side. We've already merged with the Assassin Squad and are treated quite nicely. You can be a team leader here!"

"Oh man, look at that body of hers! Fuck, I can't believe I'm seeing her naked!"

"Haha, Luna are you perhaps so horny that you walk around naked? Come, there's plenty of us men here to sate you."

Chuckles and vulgar comments were passed around while the assassins offered Luna to join them. Luna could easily guess what her position will be in such a perverted group of assassins. She'd be their whore, subservient to the original Assassin Squad members.

"Silence, you fools!" A man barked as he stepped forward. He was wearing a golden feathery costume with the mask of an eagle.

"Moonlight Assassin Luna, I'm Hawk, leader of Assassin Squad." The man said, revealing his level 1 Sage realm aura.

Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh! Immediately, Xiao's group huddled together and took defensive stances. They were murmuring inaudibly.

"You assured me it would be just a bunch of assassins that you can handle!" Gyoro complained to Deodomus. "I'm just a weaponsmith! I will not die for you!"

"Calm down, I didn't realize there could be a Sage realm cultivator with them. It's too late to get out now. They consider you one of us. You must help us fight if you want to survive." Deodomus said. "We'll compensate you handsomely afterwards."

"Compensate my corpse, you mean?" Gyoro scowled.

"Gyoro, even if you offer them your allegiance and they accept, it might be a trap you'll realize too late to escape. You have better chances with us in that regard. We do not backstab our comrades." Deodomus suggested.

"We still have a hostage." Muchen said, yanking Peacock's long hair who gnashed her teeth and stared defiantly at her enemies.

"Assassins don't care about comradery." Xiao spoke with a frown. "We can only fight our way out together. It's kill or be killed."

"…" A moment of silent contemplation passed.

"Gyoro, I'm the princess of Carny state. If we make it out of here alive, I'll make your life!" Xiao offered.

Gyoro sighed while frowning. This was the safest and best offer he could get. It was better to trust this bunch of seemingly better people than a group of coldblooded assassins. He nodded at Xiao wordlessly.

"Deo, I'm going to fight too!" Hailey announced.

"Okay, but stay with Muchen as a support." Deodomus said. It was time to use every hand on deck.

"Listen well, we're all going to stay in close proximity. Do not let the assassins split you away." Xiao said. She was more experienced than Deodomus in group combat. She had led legions to fight and had won a great many wars.

Deodomus stole a glance at Xiao and smiled. He missed this part of Xiao's nature. Xiao continued to give hushed instructions and nobody rejected a word. It had taken only over a minute for this conversation to be over. Now all of them looked at Luna. It was her decision that mattered. They could use her help, but chances were that she would join the Assassin Squad and regain her former glory. She had a bone to pick with Deodomus while the assassins were of her kind. She belonged with them.

"…so what do you say?" Hawk asked, offering a hand. "Become a division leader in our organization. You'll get to select your own people and you'll get benefits that will dwarf the ones you used to get as leader of the Moon Gang."

"I'm the one who killed Owl." Luna said, probing.

"I'm sure he had it coming. You can even kill Peacock if you like." Hawk said.

"…" Muchen's grip loosened on Peacock's hair. The plan of using her as hostage had failed.

"Hawk! How can you say that! I've been a devoted member all these years!" Peacock shouted. "These people killed Owl! How can you be so-"

"Shut it! You think you can compare to Moonlight Assassin? How dare you even harm her!" Hawk roared, his energy overflowing.

"…" Peacock shuddered. She had been abandoned!? She was as good as dead now. She felt betrayed and devastated.

"…Join us." Deodomus offered Peacock. "You're going to die either way. Escape is foolish to even imagine. Join us and we'll spare your life if we win & if you're not already dead by then."

"...Untie me." Peacock asked. Deodomus nodded at Muchen, who quickly broke the ropes and then offered her a few yang pills, with yin water. Peacock chomped the pills and swallowed them, guzzling all the yin water. Her energy returned. She stretched her body and flexed her muscles. Deodomus passed her spatial ring to her too. Though she could not be trusted, Xiao's group needed all the help they could get.

"I accept." Luna said, taking Owl's hand. Immediately loud cheers erupted from the Assassin Squad. Deodomus sighed.

"Of course, she'd join them. We've only caused her harm." He muttered.

"Luna!" Xiao called out at this point. "You can be the leader of Carny's assassin brigade or an army General. I'll give you the title of nobility. Never again will you have to live in the shadows, killing recklessly for others. Never again you'll have to face humiliation. If it satisfies you, I will even castrate Deodecuck and Mucucken."

"What the fuck, woman!" Deodomus and Muchen blurted out. Xiao waved them off.

"Pffft….hahaha!" Hailey couldn't help but laugh at the incredulity of Xiao's offer. Even Luna smiled in amusement. She liked Xiao. Their gazes met for many seconds before Luna summoned her spare white leotard which wrapped itself onto her body immediately as she took out two curved moonblade sickles and took a stance. The Moonlight Assassin was back and out for revenge.

"That settles it." Hawk said, summoning a trident and aiming it toward Xiao's group. "Kill them all!" He roared.

The battle, thus begun.