Rescuing Xiao

Krr…! Boom! Boom! Loud banging sounds were ricocheting in a jungle as large trees were felled in dozens. More than half of the jungle had already been cleared. A cultivator was sprinting through the forest, clearing it out, destroying the rich flora and wrecking up the ecosystem uncaringly.

Swoosh! Shink-shink-slash! Krr…Boom! Deodomus sprinted and slashed around with his sword, chopping trees left and right, letting them fall noisily in his wake.

Deodomus was now a desperate miserable man. It had been 12 days since Xiao was abducted by the goblins. The aphrodisiac she had consumed could only keep her incapacitated for 11 days. She'd have awoken right afterwards and wiped the floor with the goblins and massacred her way out of wherever she had been held.

But that hadn't happened. Xiao was still missing.

"I'll find you Xiao." Deodomus muttered to himself. "Don't you worry now. I'm coming to save you. I'll definitely save you! I'm bringing you back no matter what…"

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Three figures approached him from behind. Alerted; Deodomus swerved in the air and slashed with his sword.

Clang! Hailey parried his attack.

"Daddy, it's us!" She shouted.

Skrr….t! Deodomus' feet skidded backwards after he landed on the ground. From the blank expression on his face, it could be guessed that he didn't recognize Hailey at once.

Then suddenly his eyes dilated and his memories jogged up.

"Oh, it's you." He uttered.

"Oh daddy! What has happened to you!" Hailey felt like crying as Deodomus looked like a thorough mess. She hugged him tightly but he seemed unfazed. His almost vicious gaze swept at Muchen and Gyoro.

"We're here to help." Gyoro spoke. "Your weapon is ready, my lord."

"I managed to revive Luna!" Muchen spoke in an almost jubilant tone. "She is merely resting now in my ring.

Deodomus stared at him menacingly at once but then ignored the fact that an unprecedented accomplishment had been achieved. A seemingly dead and decapitated person had been brought back to life!

Deodomus cared nothing about anything. He hadn't slept in 11 days. He was beyond tired and functioning primarily on his mercenary instincts.

"Wake her up. Work alongside her to clear the jungle." Deodomus said. "Where is my weapon, Gyoro?"

"Here, my lord." Gyoro summoned a unique weapon from his spatial ring. It was like an ominous large version of a windwheel. Its wheel consisted of 8 sharp & broad blades, attached to the tip of a spear.

"It has two modes." Gyoro explained. "You can use it as a mace or detach the flywheel, hurl it around while using the spear separately. The strategy installed in the flywheel will always bring it back to the spear where it can attach itself."

There were grooves in the center back of the flywheel which could move mechanically as the flywheel attaches or detaches itself upon the will of the user. This was an ingenious weapon, made with the best quality metals, strategy and had great functionality. It still had a learning curve to it but given Deodomus' talent in combat and cultivation, he could master it in no time.

Deodomus weighed the weapon in his hands one by one and swung it around. He learned the functions and memorized them. As soon as the ownership was transferred, the flywheel came to life upon Deodomus' mental command.

WHIRRRRRR!!! It spun crazily fast, looking like a blurry discus. Its large size was intimidating too and as Deodomus swung the spinning flywheel, everyone took a step back subconsciously.

Deodomus swung it vertically and the flywheel detached itself, shooting off like a shuriken shredder. It changed its angle by itself, sensing the type of the targets in front of it. It cut through a dozen trees cleanly before swinging back towards the spear that was in Deodomus' hand.

THUNK! It clanged as it attached itself to the spear head while still whirling.

"You will eventually be able to manipulate the flywheel mentally while it's in the air." Gyoro said. "Although wind & solid obstructions will also be crucial."

Deodomus nodded and stopped the flywheel before running his dirty hand on it. "This much control is already splendid. All this without using any technique…you've created a masterpiece, Gyoro. You'll be handsomely rewarded."

"Thank you, my Lord." Gyoro bowed politely.

"Give me my limbs at once." Suddenly Luna's voice gained the attention of the two. She had been summoned by Muchen half a minute ago.

Muchen glanced at Deodomus who didn't seem to care; so Luna's limbs were summoned and attached to her stumps. She stood up at last and sighed, clenching and releasing her metallic fingers. Her right hand had her spatial ring on it from which she summoned her white leotard costume & slipped it on.

It was a ridiculously erotic clothing that was like a second skin which clung to Luna's body, perfectly revealing the curves of her big breasts and hips, the recesses of her cleavage and ass crack, and the protrusion of her erect nipples.

Women would often choose clothing that revealed their assets in order to attract men's attention that would eventually lead the women to their destiny of becoming child-bearing fuckdolls. This was part of a series of the universal subconscious sluthood ingrained in their brains that ensured that they'd meet their fate. Even if women masked it all as a display of their feminine strength and tough character, deep down they were just sluts craving to be ravished by men. Xiao was the perfect example and so was Luna.

Shink! Two daggers appeared in Luna's hands and she stared at Deodomus.

"You owe me an explanation." She snarled.

"About what?" Deodomus asked languidly.

Luna brought her dagger to her neck which had a broad metal neckband wrapped around it. This was the thing keeping her head attached to her body. When Deodomus didn't reply, she scowled angrily.

"Why was I decapitated? How dare you harm me?" Luna snarled.

"It wasn't me but Muchen who did it and upon your own request too." Deodomus told a half truth. Muchen glanced at him gratefully. Now that Luna was on her prosthetics, was sober and enraged; she was fairly capable of killing all of them. Deodomus could have sacrificed Muchen to make peace with Luna but he chose to cover for him. This moved Muchen with gratitude.

"Upon my request?!" Luna barked. "My request!? What kind of woman requests to be beheaded? Do you take me for a fool? How dare you act so obstinately shameless in front of me!"

Bwoosh! Energy rippled out of Luna's body, pushing everyone a step back. Her white hair were whipping upwards, giving her a menacing appearance.

"What kind of woman hmm…" Deodomus hummed, staring at her mirthlessly. "A masochist kind of woman. You are a masochist, Luna, that's why you requested to be beheaded in your heat. Your lust truly knows no bound. It led you to your demise. At the very least, you should be grateful to Muchen who spent tens of days and nights working tirelessly to revive you."

Muchen felt like crying now. He saw Deodomus in a new light. Not only was Deodomus vouching for him, he was doing it with such a fierce retort at Luna!

"This woman must be contained, no matter what." Deodomus thought. He didn't care about Muchen. Everything he said was to suppress Luna. Muchen was just a tool. "Alright, blow up in anger now." He thought. "I must snuff out your flame repeatedly to make you admit defeat."

"Fuck you!" Luna shouted. "How dare you spout all this nonsense about me! It is you folks who are fucking sadists! The things you do to women are unforgivable!"

"We haven't done anything that the women do not beg us to do." Deodomus said casually. "Take Xiao for example. She's a whore. She enjoys being beaten, being objectified, being raped and passed around. So, we do it all to her. Similarly, Hailey enjoys being fucked hardcore by elder men, and you too are a whore who enjoys a rough fuck and endless torture."

"You… you really have thick skin!" Luna was fuming now. She clenched her teeth hard and her hands shook heavily in rage.

"And like you're one to talk about crimes against women." Deo snorted. "Aren't you the one who kidnapped, killed and bathed in the blood of other women? You would even go so far as to try to kill a little girl like Hailey. You're like a pot calling the kettle black."

"Kuh…!" Luna scratched her foot on the ground, almost stomping. She had been slapped with hard truths and could not find retorts for several moments.

"The-the fact doesn't change that I have been harmed!" Luna finally regained her bearings. "I saved your lives! I spare you, I forgave you, I joined you! And you…"

Deodomus raised both hands in defeat and sighed. "Alright, what do you want? Revenge? Wanna kill us all? Surely you, the moon light assassin can certainly do that even though you yourself are responsible for what happened to you. You threatened Muchen with his life to decapitate you when you were drunk and in heat. What has a man got to do to appease a crazy woman like you? Maybe we should have let you stay dead, then you won't be standing here, acting as if you're the victim and we're heinous criminals."

"…." Luna's lower lip trembled and her face flushed. She had been verbally defeated. It was funny that a Sage realm warrior was getting manipulated like this. But Luna was yet to give up. She stomped her foot again and pointed a finger at Deodomus.

"You promised to marry me! Don't you have a responsibility toward me? How could you let your woman be decapitated even if by her own volition?"

"Marriage? My woman?" Deodomus blinked. "Luna, you're a filthy manipulative whore. Even the baby in your womb isn't mine & you know it! I don't love you but you forced me to submit to your marriage demand. Then you showed your true colors, spreading legs to every man around you, and I bet you'd blame me for forcing you into it. As if it makes any sense? You're in the Sage realm. I'm in Master realm. It must feel great to manipulate and boss a man around while faking to be the victim. How much sicker can you be?"

"Y-you…that's not-!" Luna's eyes became teary. She was about to break down and cry.

"Mommy Luna, don't be sad!" Hailey suddenly exclaimed and leapt to her, hugging her tightly. "Nobody is mean to nobody here. We're all a team, aren't we? Daddy cares about you. He punished Muchen and threatened to kill him if he failed to resurrect you! Gyoro has been gloomy about you, and I cried so much for several days after learning about what happened to you."

"…" Luna stared at Hailey's head, stumped at once.

"We love you, Luna. Please don't accuse Daddy and Muchen. They tried their best to appease you and heal you. They care about you. But you keep coming at them so angrily. Why don't you accept them as they accept you? I bet mommy Xiao would have been sad if she were here. But she would have sided with you in the quarrel because she's that nice! But she's not here…sniff-sniff… and you all are here fighting while she suffers at the hands of goblins. Please don't do this Luna!"

"Kuh…" Luna swallowed hard and sighed. If she wasn't guilty enough earlier, she was now. Unknowingly, Hailey had concreted Dedoomus' claims. Now Luna believed that she was the one at fault!

For a few moments there were just Hailey's sobs echoing around while the men stared at her and Luna silently. Luna sighed, rubbing Hailey's back. She had gone soft. Something that was the effect of continuously getting dominated by men and the company of submissive women like Xiao and Hailey. Such an environment had softened her. Plus Deodomus' accusations had no loopholes.

"Xiao was taken by goblins?" She finally murmured. "How did that happen?"

"A goblin horde attacked the temple ruins on the wedding night." Deodomus spoke. Xiao, like you and Hailey was incapacitated with alcohol, She got abducted while I was away fighting the goblins." He mixed truths and lies to pose as a righteous victim.

"We think she's still in this forest area but the search hasn't yielded any fruit." Gyoro spoke.

"So I'm destroying the trees. There must be an underground passageway somewhere in this jungle." Deodomus said. "Help me out or stay back. Just don't waste my time. Xiao is waiting for me."

For the first time Luna noticed the state Deodomus was in. His filthy clothes and dirty armor, bloodstained face, messy dirty hair and hands, bloodshot eyes and eyebags underneath painted a sad image.

"I thought she was just a cumdump to you." Luna muttered.

"Yes, she's a cumdump to me." Deodomus nodded. "And a whore to be passed around. But she is also my wife and the love of my life. The only woman who'd stick with me despite my ill-doings and love me despite all my flaws. The woman I've killed countless people for. The woman I love."

"…" Luna stared at him silently, wondering how it must feel to be loved like this by someone, even if that someone was Deodomus. She quickly shook her head inwardly and sighed but the thought had taken root. She coulndt' help but steal glances at Deodomus and she felt butterflies in her belly.

"I…I'll help you." Luna uttered. "And once we've rescued Xiao…you'd better marry me!"

"Can't refuse a Sage realm warrior's command, can I?" Deodomus snarled. Luna felt a pang in her heart and her face flushed. She wanted to lash out at him and make him speak nicely to her but she restrained herself.

"He's right…" She thought. "I'm overbearing and force myself upon him. If I wasn't stronger than him, he would have left me after fucking me. Aren't I a mean pathetic woman?" Then she felt even more furious.

"No! I'm not mean and pathetic! I will make him love me the way he loves Xiao!" Luna decided. Women would often find ways to delude themselves in love and end up in clutches of the worst men possible for them. It was all part of their destiny that would lead them to becoming a sexual object.

Unaware of Luna's foolishness, Deodomus had turned around to scout the jungle again.

"Gyoro, go in that direction. Muchen, Hailey, go there and there." Deodomus instructed. "I want the jungle cleared up in an hour."

"Yes, my lord." Gyoro and Muchen spoke in unison.

"Okay daddy!" Hailey exclaimed and sprinted away before the men.

"I…I'll help you in the remaining direction." Luna said softly.

"Suit yourself." Deodomus said coldly. Luna bit her lower lip and followed behind him.


In the dimly lit dark cave, a breeding fest was still going on. Human females were getting fucked by multiple goblins, getting pregnant and birthing goblin babies continuously. The priestess from Metah city now had a lewd expression on her mature face while her eyes were blank. She had been mindbroken by continuous r@pe and birthing. Close to her was the most fertile breed cow getting showered by purple lights of magic.

"Kakakakaka!" The ugly goblin queen cackled hideously and then spat on Xiao's face which now had none of its original beauty.

Xiao's body had been transformed by magic. She had become about 70 years old, fatter than before and had a wrinkly face puffy face. Her humongous four breasts were saggy and flopping sideways. Multiple goblins were gorging on breastmilk while clawing her soft mammaries. Then there were two goblins underneath her, fucking her in the ass while two goblins were between her fat thighs, digging her vagina with their thick penises.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh-spurt! All kinds of fleshy and wet sounds occurred Xiao was fucked and her milk was drunk. She was in a state of euphoria. The aphrodisiac had waned long ago but the magic was keeping her horny and muddled. Then she had been a sucker for sexual pleasure anyway, so it played a part. Xiao moaned and enjoyed as she was fucked endlessly. Her large belly was nurturing another litter of goblin babies. They were moving and kicking around in her belly, making the surface protrude sometimes.

The goblin queen barked some instruction in an intelligible goblin language and one of the goblins fucking her vagina, ejaculated inside her before getting away. The other goblin looked at his queen expectantly and the queen zapped him with a spell.

Immediately, the goblin's penis enlarged. It grew bigger and fatter until Xiao's loose vagina was fully filled and stretched beyond limits. The goblin penis then grew blunt meaty spikes on the shaft. The goblin started thrusting and the penis rotated left and right due to magic, churning Xiao's love juices inside her vagina.

Whirr-whirr-slosh-slosh-slosh-fwap-fwap! Meaty wet sounds continued while Xiao's fat body jiggled from the impact of the thrusts.

"Ahh! Ahhn…! Ohhh! Mmmh!" Xiao's erotic moans were a musical piece. The goblin queen was amazed at how well this human woman could take a gangbang and not scream from pain even as a massive spiked penis drilled inside her vagina. If only she knew that Xiao had taken bigger, fatter penises of numerous beasts and been gangbanged by thousands of men in the past, she'd realize that this little goblin fuck fest was merely a like a tea break for Xiao.

But for what it was worth, the magic kept the milf sedated and willing to be a breed cow. The goblin queen however grew nastier, not seeing the desired reaction from Xiao. She barked more instructions and the goblins brough out rough ropes and started binding Xiao in them. This was supposed to be another form of torture for Xiao. The pain-relieving magic spell had been quelled by the goblin queen. But little did she know that Xiao was a masochist! No matter what the foolish goblin queen did, she could not possibly break Xiao.

The goblins wound the ropes around Xiao's four breasts, squeezing and deforming their shapes lewdly, turning the skin red and forcing the nipples to lactate continuously. Her legs and arms were also folded by the knees and elbows and tied up. She was yanked around by the hair as they roughed her up, tying more ropes around her body.

Soon Xiao was hanging in the air with multiple ropes tied around her. The fat of her body was flabbing down. Her deformed breasts could not paint the perfect picture they could have if left unwound but they were turning blue and red, speaking of the torturous tightness of the ropes. The goblins hopped up on her body and started molesting her; clawing her already tortured breasts, chewing her milky nipples, licking her vagina and kissing her lewd mouth.

Magic circles appeared in the air which were stepped upon by other goblins and moved around by the goblin queen so the wretches could reach her lewd holes with their magically enhanced penises.

Spiked club-like penises were soon thrust inside Xiao's vagina, asshole and mouth and the breeding fest resumed.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap! "Ungh! Ungh! Urk!" Meaty clapping sounds and muffled moans echoed in the cave as Xiao was fucked speedily. A long bulge could be seen moving back and forth on her throat as she took the penis deep and even sucked on it like a thirsty whore. Her asshole had stretched loose to a gaping fist-sized hole but the goblin penis inside it was thick enough to grant her pleasure. Xiao's belly had grown much bigger now and she looked grotesque in her current wound up fat & old state.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap!

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Three massive loads of goblin semen were released inside Xiao's three holes, filling her up and intoxicating her. Semen was Xiao's favorite drink in the world anyway, so she gorged upon it. In the meantime, her belly bloated even more. The three penises were pulled out together. Although she kept her mouth shut, the two holes on her bottom leaked out thick streams of semen.

Prooft!! Poot-poot! As the semen escaped from Xiao's holes, her vagina enlarged even more. She was giving birth to her litter!

"Ahhn!! Ohh! Hnnnngyaa!!!" Xiao screamed erotically as one by one green goblin babies came out of her vagina.

Plop! Plop! Pop! Plop! The litter was born and collected magically. Their cords disappeared while Xiao panted with a lewd expression on her face.

Bam! Suddenly her body slammed down on the hard ground, making her breath get stuck in her lungs. Her babies crawled up on her body and started sucking on her four breasts while more and more goblins surrounded her to fuck and impregnate her.

"Kakakaka!" The goblin queen cackled. She was enjoying this thoroughly. On her command, the breeding resumed its pace.


Outside the next day had already begun. The once lush jungle was now scorching coal on the ground. Deodomus and others had cut down every single tree and burnt every bit of vegetation to the ground. They were now able to scout the whole large area thoroughly now.

"There! I see something!" Luna pointed her mechanical finger in a direction. Everyone sprinted there and soon surrounded a thick burnt stump of a chopped-up tree.

"Hmm, I see nothing." Deodomus uttered.

"Me either." Gyoro shakes his grizzly head. Muchen and Hailey said nothing. They apparently were equally confused as to what exactly they were supposed to be seeing.

"Really?" Luna frowned. "There's purple light coming from underneath this stump."

Deodomus stared hard at her. Luna faltered, wondering if he didn't trust her. To the contrary, Deodomus had finally realized that his theory about Luna was correct! She had elven traits. She was definitely a descendent of the elves. As for the purple light, what could it be but magic? Even in the historical tales it is said that magic mostly could be viewed as purple or green lights.

"Shall we uproot this stump?" Deodomus asked Luna.

"I'd say yes." She nodded, feeling relieved that her claim was still trusted.

Gyoro grabbed the stump and pulled it out with a grunt. His thick arms bulged up with veins and he looked really impressive as the large tree roots were pulled out and then tossed away with a loud bang.

Everyone peered into the hole.

"There is a tunnel!" Hailey exclaimed. "You did it Luna! You've found the goblin hideout!" She hugged her waist and Luna smiled, looking at Deodomus furtively who nodded.

In, they went, led by Luna because of her special elven perception. Deodomus right behind her, followed by Hailey and Muchen. Gyoro had stayed behind for just a while. He would barge in upon signal from Deodomus. Since Gyoro was a large man and the tunnel could barely fit him, the others wanted to probe it first.

The tunnel was several feet deep vertically before curving into a horizontal one and getting smaller in width. Gyoro couldn't possibly traverse it.

Everyone used their observational techniques but only Luna picked up lights further ahead.

"It's almost half a mile from here. It's definitely a cave!" Luna said.

"Hmm." Deodomus hummed. His eyes were staring at Luna's big butt swaying hypnotically in front of him. Before he could help it, his hands were on those supple big hips, squeezing them.

Luna gasped but bit her lips, smiling. Without her realizing it, she had become submissive toward Deodomus. She was strangely falling in love with him. Deodomus had that effect on every woman he met. If he played it, all of the women would swoon for him and become his cumdump. But he only played with a few. The rest were just fucked and tossed aside like those milf slaves, maids, Asha, and Nina. Apparently Deodomus had decided to play with Luna. He wanted her for her elven traits. She was a threat but could be controlled through various methods. Wasn't Xiao also a dangerous woman? Now she had been turned into a masochistic nymphomaniac whore.

Deodomus wrapped his arms around Luna's waist and breathed against her neck.

"Thank you, Luna." He said emotionally. "Without you I couldn't have found Xiao. She means everything to me. But only because of you, I could hope to be together with her again."

Luna didn't know what to say to this. To be put below another woman was never accepted by any woman. But she couldn't help but feel happy that she had Deodomus' emotions roiling around her as his hands roamed her body now that he was hugging her from behind.

"After we've rescued Xiao." Deodomus whispered. "Let's get married."

Luna let out a happy smile and sighed. She was definitely caught in Deodomus's trap now. Only a future as a whore awaited her, just like Xiao.

"Hmm." She said lightly, reached her mechanical hand toward his face and caressed his cheek softly.

"Ehem…" Hailey cleared her mouth playfully. "So, mommy Luna, what else is up ahead?"

"Hehe." Luna chuckled. Hailey was truly a lovable child. Luna couldn't believe now that once she wanted to kill her. "There's a cave and some strong purple lights."

"That's magic for sure." Deodomus said. His hands were still on Luna's body, caressing her softly and running over her big supple breasts. If not for the upcoming battle, he would have stripped her naked and fucked her hard.

"Alright, listen up." He finally stopped groping her but kept an arm around her waist while turning around to face Hailey and Muchen. "Here's my plan…"


Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! "Ahh! Ahh! Ahhn!" Sexual sounds and erotic moans were echoing in the cave. Many women were lying defeated on the ground, getting fucked and birthing babies. Xiao was being railed on top of a boulder. Ropes were still bound on her arms and legs and the bottom of her breasts, making them red and blue, forcing them to lactate continuously.

One goblin each was fucking her three lewd holes. Four goblins were fucking her one breast each, shoving their thick penises inside the nipple vaginas.

Goblin Queen watched excitedly. She raised her staff every now and then, beating Xiao with it. But with each hit, Xiao moaned with pleasure. It eventually irked the goblin queen and she stomped on Xiao's bulging belly, causing a great pain that finally made her scream agonizingly although in a muffled voice as her mouth was still clogged with a meaty penis. Snickering, goblin queen watched Xiao getting fucked some more.

Fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh-slosh! Xiao's breasts made lewd sounds as milk leaked from her gaping nipples which were being fucked by goblin penises. The goblins were grabbing and squeezing her breasts, deforming their shapes and enjoying the warmth and wetness of their insides with their meaty penises moving in and out of the breasts.

"Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" Xiao moaned and groaned repeatedly.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Four loads of semen were ejaculated inside her breasts. Four purple symbols glowed on her breasts before the size of them started increasing gradually. Xiao's breasts were like vaginas and had magically created wombs inside them. Like her pregnant belly, her breasts also swelled up, pregnant with one goblin baby each.

After 10 minutes and continuous sex later, Xiao was once again in a lewd bloated shape. Her belly was bulging big with the quadruplet babies being grown magically quick. Her breasts were like watermelons too, pregnant with more babies. In this way, cow Xiao was nurturing 8 babies in total at once.

Crackle! Boom!! Suddenly a thunderous explosion shook the cave, startling the goblins.

Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh-swoosh! Four speed-blurred figures streaked from four corners of the cave, plunging straight toward the center where Xiao was with the goblin queen.

"Lightning Cat!" Hailey yelled, summoning a lightning figure of a cat around her which zapped and blew away the goblins in her path.

Bzzt! Boom! Boom! As goblins got blown away, the goblin queen looked around in terror. Her observational spell was telling her that the opponents were powerful human cultivators!

"Moonlight Storm!" Luna shouted as multiple blades unfolded from her mecha arms and she spun in air, ripping the goblins left and right, carving a bloody trail behind her.

"Sword Dash, 100 Swirls!" Deodomus carved another bloody trail behind him as goblin corpses were butchered into pieces which flew everywhere.

"Poison Rainbolt!" Muchen fired up his crossbow, raining bolts down on the goblins, killing one with each shot.

"Khaaa!!!" Goblin queen screeched angrily and finally sprung into action. She stomped her staff on the ground and purple lights billowed out, engulfing the goblins nearby and immediately their body sizes increased manifolds. From midget bodies to rather giant ones, 10 goblins surrounded their queen forming a defensive circle.

"Hmm, so that's their beast king. It's not fast but is quick-witted." Deodomus narrowed his eyes. He wanted to use Death Spear technique from the get-go but he was unsure who the beast king of this goblin horde was. Thus he and others spread out and attacked from all sides at the one holding the staff who was standing out like a sore thumb, but it was crucial to be certain.

Now Deodomus' greed held him back. He thought of capturing the goblin queen alive so he could make her cough up the knowledge of magic. At the same time, they were a bit wary of her magic.

Boom! Boom! Hailey was causing lightning blasts every few moments. She reached the center first and attacked a giant goblin, killing him in one shot.

Bzzt! Boom! The goblin's body burst into pieces which rained down with blood everywhere. She reached the goblin queen who was poised for attack.

With a screech, the queen struck with her staff, shooting purple light at Hailey, but the girl moved with lightning speed, dodging it. The ground blew up at her original spot, creating a deep crater.

"Explosive spells, hmm." Deodomus observed while killing, reaching the center too at the same time as Luna. They both started fighting the giant goblins while Hailey distracted the goblin queen. Muchen fell behind, surrounded by the horde of goblins but was taking them down by dozens every few moments.

Xiao was bloating at the center as her babies grew bigger and bigger. She would soon give birth.

"Moon Slash!" Luna shouted, killing a giant goblin and lunging at another. These goblins were just big and strong. But meat was still meat. Choppable with bladed weapons. The goblin queen hurled purple lights at Luna but she was saved by Hailey. Now Hailey's role became clear. She must protect others as she was the fastest due to her lightning element.

Deodomus killed 3 more goblins. The remaining formed a dense circle around their queen while she chanted a spell. Then suddenly a flash of purple engulfed the cave. The goblin horde screeched aloud. A defensive purple layer was protecting them all now. They rushed toward the center and Deodomus' group found it difficult to cut them. They had to use more than one strike to kill each goblin. Hailey was panting and her speed was slowing down. Her stamina was the lowest other than Muchen's. She was suddenly caught by the last giant goblin who without giving her a chance, tore her pants away and shoved his huge penis inside her asshole.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Hailey screamed as her ass was broken and the giant penis was lodged deep inside her small body. She half-fainted while the goblin began fucking her speedily.

"Hailey!" Deodomus shouted and leapt at the giant goblin. A flash of purple and a deafening explosion later, he found himself several feet away, having been blown by the explosive spell. His armor had cracked everywhere while his ears were bleeding. He could not hear anything and his head was dizzy. Reflexively, he summoned healing pills and chomped on them.

By the time he regained his vision and senses, he found that Luna was fighting off a persistent continuous attack from the goblin horde to protect him. Muchen had been cut off from them and was barely standing his ground. Piles of dead goblins were surrounding him while alive ones kept climbing up and jumping at him from all directions. He was sweating and apparently losing his wits. Meanwhile Hailey had fainted. She was still being raped and her body looked like a fucktoy being used for masturbation by the giant goblin.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh-spurt! Spurt! A massive load of semen was released inside Hailey's ass and it burst out from her mouth. The giant goblin tossed her away casually and the horde engulfed her entirely. The goblin queen was sneering and mouthing spells. Xiao was giving birth to a new litter right behind her. Loud screeching was echoing in the large cave. It was all very confusing and intimidating.

"Alright, I guess we should have killed her right off the bat." Deodomus realized his fault. He summoned a spear and spun it. He took a deep breath and a stance while Luna fended off all the goblins coming at him.

"Death Spear!" Boom! The goblin queen was pierced by the spear, flown backwards into air, pinned to the cave wall before the rocks broke and a rocky landslide engulfed her. The cave trembled and the roof began to collapse. Large rocks and soil fell down, killing and burying the screeching confused goblins.

"Let's go!" Deodomus barked and with Luna sped toward the center. He warped Xiao into his ring before going to retrieve the goblin queen's corpse. Luna split to retrieve Hailey. Muchen used the chance to escape toward the tunnel. Before long, they were all sprinting madly towards the exit while the cave was destroyed and the tunnel was collapsing behind them.

Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh! They exited in the nick of time. A burst of dirt and rumbling of the ground finalized that the goblin horde had been buried alive along with their human captives. Gyoro was fully armed and ready to strike but no goblin came out. He looked at his comrades and was rather stumped.

Muchen was gasping madly, clutching his ribs. He was sweating and terrified. Even though this was a small battle, it was still very dangerous and he didn't have the heart of a warrior.

Luna was laying Hailey down gently who in turn was looking like a ragdoll. Her gaping asshole was bleeding profusely and her face looked white with all the semen she had vomited and also the lack of blood.

Deodomus was the only one standing. His left hand gripped the broken neck of the goblin queen. His right hand carried two pieces of her broken staff. He tossed them both on the ground and rushed to Hailey.

Muchen hurried over. He was still panting and his hands were shaky. He summoned healing pills and fed them to her which quickly melted in her mouth. The bleeding stopped at once and her asshole began healing.

"She'll be fine in no time." Muchen said and Deodomus sighed in relief. Luna sat beside Hailey, stroking her hair. She had apparently developed motherly feelings for her just as Xiao had.

"What happened down there? Did you get Xiao?" Gyoro asked.

"Goblins dead. Cave fell in. Xiao's here." Deodomus said and summoned Xiao out of the ring. At once everyone stood dumbfounded. They hadn't noticed in the cave earlier but now they could see Xiao clearly in the daylight. She was barely recognizable. Her hair were white; her body was fat and flabby; Her face chummy, her beauty faded; her breasts were four; sagging & with large penis sized nipples with vaginal holes in them. Her real vagina and asshole were gaping wide from overuse and breeding. She was grunting and smiling like a deranged broken fuckdoll.

Deodomus clenched his fists, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, taking a deep breath. It took a lot of effort to not stomp toward the goblin queen and hack her into pieces.

"I can fix her perhaps." Muchen said and got down to work.

"No, wait." Deodomus blurted out. "See if you can revive that goblin. It's crucial to get our hands on magic."

"Magic!" Everyone exclaimed in their minds. At once everything became clearer. The staff, the incantation, the magical buff the goblin horde received. The giant goblins, the explosive light. Those weren't technique moves but magic instead! Gyoro was still confused but still astounded at the mention of magic.

Muchen leapt at the dead goblin queen, checking her corpse.

"Mmmm no can do." He shook his head. "She's not just dead, she's unfixable. Look, her head is bashed in with those stones. Brain matter is leaking out."

"Hmm. A great loss then." Deodomus muttered. Getting their hands on magic could have been game changing for them. They had an elf origin woman with them who could possibly wield magic. Explosion spell, enlargement spell, defensive spell. The wide range of usage, the lack of dependence on dantian energy…the prospects of magic were great! Alas, not everything could be obtained in the world.

Swoosh! Deodomus suddenly moved and kicked the goblin queen away. Before her corpse landed, he arrived below her and swung his sword, hacking her into tiny pieces. Blood and meat splattered everywhere, drenching Deodomus in it too, giving him a scary look. He spat on the gore and crushed an eyeball under his boot before walking away. His anger for Xiao's condition had been appeased enough.

"Now, you can work on fixing Xiao." He said to Muchen.

"Let's get back to the city first." Luna said, approaching him. "You need to rest, and wash up."

Deodomus grunted with a scowl and agreed. Soon they all left the scorched place.

At the city gates, guards stopped them at once but seeing Deodomus' savage look and deathly glare, they stepped aside and let the group pass.

"Send someone to my workshop at night. I'll explain about the forest." Gyoro whispered. Everyone knew him in the city as he was the best weaponsmith. He also understood that the forest fire needed to be explained as the city had just lost a primary resource of meat, herbs and wood.


The group arrived at Blue Raven. Their appearance caused quite a stir but no one asked anything. Deodomus was scaring everyone off with his mere bloody appearance. He took a long bath once reaching their rooms. Luna took one as well. Hailey and Xiao were resting while Muchen tried different medicine on Xiao. Gyoro decided to cultivate while on standby.

The day passed in silence. Gyoro kept cultivating. Hailey and Xiao stayed asleep. Muchen failed in all his attempts but didn't give up on fixing Xiao. Luna found her way into Deodomus' arms, smothering him with her naked body and kissing him like a lover.

Before long they were having sex and Deodomus wasn't gentle. He was frustrated at how the whole thing had played out. It showed in his thrusts as he pinned Luna down and rammed his penis deep in her ass, fucking her savagely.


"Ahh! Ahh! Ahnn! Oh!" Luna screamed in pain and lust as Deodomus sodomized her. He yanked her white hair and ejaculated inside her ass many times, owing to a dual cultivation technique.

After an hour of ruthless sex in the same position, Luna was feeling sore in her ass and was tired too. Her belly was bloating with all the semen stocked up in her guts.

Plop! Suddenly Deodomus pulled out his penis and a jet of semen leaked out from Luna's asshole.

Prooft! As though she was shitting out in diarrhea, Luna groaned and released the extra semen from her ass, ruining the bed and the floor.

Plop! Suddenly Deodomus yanked her head off! Her body collapsed on the bead while Deodomus carried the head and shoved his penis in her mouth, fucking it as he walked around casually and entered the other room to check up on Xiao and Hailey.

Luna's eyes widened in shock. She had almost forgotten that she had been decapitated and her head was merely attached to her neck with the help of a strategy installed neckband.

She wanted to voice out an objection but Deodomus was choking her with his long meaty penis. He placed her head on a table and started thrusting faster.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Bam-bam-bam! The table slammed against the wall noisily as Deodmus's thighs struck it repeatedly.

"Ung! Ung! Ung!" Luna's muffled moans were drowned out by the sloshing sounds of precum mixed with her saliva inside her mouth.

At this point, in the other room, Gyoro took a hold of Luna's headless body. He removed the prosthetics too, turning it into a true fucktoy and started fucking it intensely. Luna didn't have a connection with her body when her head was detached so she couldn't tell.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Slosh-slosh-slosh! Meaty sounds occurred as Gyoro fucked Luna's tight vagina, stretching it to the limits. He groped her big breasts and kneaded them mercilessly. Then-

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! He started punching the headless fucktoy, letting out his sadistic side. The ribs cracked, the breasts were beaten and bitten blue and red. He then turned it around and started slapping the big hips hard while his penis rampaged inside the vagina. But he was very careful to not punch the belly. He was aware that Luna was pregnant. Although with whose bastard child, it was unknown. But he dared not get on Deodomus' bad side. He still used Luna's body thoroughly like a fucktoy and by the time he was done with it, it looked like a ragged worn out broken fucktoy.

Gyoro stood back and watched his handiwork. Then he leaned on it again and shoved his flaccid penis inside Luna's asshole and took a piss in it, using her body as a human toilet. Afterwards he clogged it up with a big cork, slipped a healing potion into the throat from the little cavity on the neck stump and tossed the body aside. He told Deodomus that he was going to his workshop and Deodomus asked him to make a new armor for him.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Deodomus was still fucking Luna's mouth, rather casually. Thick semen was filled up in Luna's throat, mouth, nose, and even oozing out of her ears. Her eyes were rolling up.

Plop! Spurt! Deodomus pulled out his penis and the semen flowed out of Luna's mouth like vomit. She seemed out of it as apparently some dual cultivation technique had been used on her.

"Catch." Deodomus said to Muchen, tossing Luna's head toward him casually but it fell to the floor and rolled toward him. Much causally picked her up by the hair, wiped her wet white hair out of her face to take a look at her. He glanced up at Deodomus, unsure of what to make of it. One day he was about to kill him for having harmed Luna. And now he was casually tossing her around like a fucktoy. It confused him. He couldn't understand Deodomus' character at all.

"There's a difference between taming a woman, and killing her." Deodomus explained, as though reading his mind. "Everything I do to her is a step towards turning her into a cumdump whore. While you just go around amputating and decapitating women."

Muchen nodded embarrassedly before shoving his penis inside Luna's mouth, fucking it to relieve some stress.

"Any progress?" Deodomus asked, gesturing toward Xiao. Muchen shook his head.

"Holes have been tightened but that's about it. She remains fat, ugly and old." Muchen spoke. "It's magic. Medicine apparently can't counter it. Our best bet now is that maybe the magic on her will wear off in a few days."

Deodomus sighed sadly. The one woman he loved and loved to ruin was now fucking ugly and not sane. And there was no medicine that could heal her. This was truly a tragedy.

"What if…" Deodomus muttered, before going silent. His mind was churning ideas. "Explain how you revived Luna and what is that neckband's function." He asked.

"Well, she was in suspended animation, or a coma of sorts." Muchen started, while fucking Luna's mouth slowly. "I mostly only needed to ensure that it attaches to the main body for blood flow to the brain before I bring her back to consciousness. I had the idea of the neckband already. Gyoro helped obtain the right strategy and tweaked it. I cut open her neck stumps and attached the lower part of the neckband. Then the same with the head. The strategy activates the neckband shut close through energy pull and a tiny clamp. The nerves are connected with the right cords. It's an intricate mesh to replicate that section of the neck. The blows through them, reaches the brain and there you have it; good as new. A functional head and body. When the head is detached, the strategy keeps the blood flowing in circuit. Luna can stay alive all her life without a body now."

"…" Deodomus listened and then pondered silently. Only the sloshing sounds of Luna's mouth were echoing in the room.

Fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh-slosh! "Urk! Urk!"

Spurt! Spurt! Muchen ejaculated inside Luna's mouth and then pulled his penis out, stroking it and spraying ropes of cum on her beautiful face. Then he tossed her head towards Deodomus who actually caught her with his foot, playing it like a football, tossing and spinning it, repeatedly bouncing it on his foot. Then he stomped the head down with a kick. His face flashed excitement.

"It's doable." He muttered before causally kicking Luna's head away which rolled on the floor and went under the bed, lying there.

"We wait a week." Deodomus said to Muchen seriously. "If Xiao's condition doesn't change one bit… We decapitate her and replace her body with Luna's. Perhaps the magic will wane off if it's hosted in the body instead of the head."

"…That's a plan." Muchen nodded. "But if it fails…"

"Well, she's not really herself anyway. I can't bear to look at her." Deodomus said with half sorrow and half disgust.

"Alright. If it worked, she'll have a proper body, almost beautiful enough to match her original." Muchen said. "I can make limb-growth medicine for her. In a few months, she'll be good as new. Except, her head will be…"

"I think it'll add to her charm. Fucking her head and body separately would be fun." Deodomus smiled a bit. Muchen dared not. He merely nodded.

"But my lord, let's get a move on." Muchen requested. "We've gathered too much attention on ourselves lately. What with the assassins, the wedding fuckfest and the goblins… Assassin Squad might still be around."

"Hmm, and Luna will degrade into a fuckdoll soon. Can't count on her battle prowess too much." Deodomus agreed. "Xiao is no good either. Alright, let's roll out tomorrow."


That night Luna awoke to find her head attached to her neck again while Deodomus fucked her in the bed under the sheets. Her prosthetics had been attached too. She moaned and snuggled into his body, unaware how she was treated like a fucktoy earlier.

"I love you, Luna." Deodomus whispered in her ear. Her heart skipped a beat and her face flushed. Before she knew it, the words "I love you too" escaped her mouth.


The next morning, Luna and Deodomus bathed together and had a steaming hot sex in the bathtub.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh-slosh! Sexual sounds occurred alongside the splashing ones of the water. Luna was gripping the tub's edge with both hands while Deodomus plowed her hard from behind.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Clap! Clap!

"Ahh! Ahhn! Oh! Yes! Ahh!" Luna's erotic moans echoed in the bathroom.

Sstak! Sstak! Loud slaps landed on Luna's big hips. Deodomus was thoroughly enjoying her body and trying to replicate his sex sessions with Xiao, imagining her head on this body. And to his surprise, he found it a fitting match. Luna's body was just as great as Xiao's, save for the smaller sizes of her breasts and hips.

"Huff-huff…" Luna panted and spoke at once. "When…are we marrying Deo? Huff…"

"Hmm… Before that…" Deodomus stalled while panting too. He then yanked her head off her neck to her shock and turned it around, putting it on top of her back. "You know that I'm a cuckold and like sharing my women."

"Of course." Luna rolled her eyes. "We've had this discussion before. We're good." She said.

"But I also enjoy messing them up." Deodomus said with a smirk as he resumed fucking Luna's headless body. "Will you be able to cope and satisfy my fetishes like Xiao?" He asked. Luna narrowed her eyes. She didn't want to fight him and she knew he knew it well and thus was using the chance to goad her into submitting to a few things.

"Look at me, my body is a headless limbless fucktoy." Luna said venomously but still smiling. "You think I can't handle some fetishes?"

Deodomus sneered. "Alright, prove it and we can get married this evening."

"Do whatever you want with me." Luna challenged.

"Eat this then." Deodomus summoned a pill and placed it on his open palm. Luna licked it up and it melted on her tongue.

"What is this pill?" She asked with a slurry voice.

"It'll make you stupid, just how all women should be." Deodomus smiled while Luna's sanity slurred.

"I…hehehe." Luna giggled stupidly, looking at Deodomus with dove eyes.

"Alright, get out of my face now, stupid cumslut." Deodoms snorted and spat on Luna's face before slapping her head away.

Sstak! Bam! Luna's head flew to the side, slammed against the wall and fell into the open medieval urine-box urinal which already had some of the urine collected in it. Luna said something intelligible with burbling sounds but Deodomus ignored her. He yanked her prosthetics away and took her fucktoy body out with him, leaving her head in the urine box.

Some time later Muchen walked in and was surprised to see Luna's head in the urine-box. He shrugged and took a piss, filling it further while Luna burbled and looked at him with an unfocused stupid gaze.

An hour later, Hailey came in and was surprised too, to find Luna's head bobbing in the pool of urine.

"Oh, mommy Luna! Is this a new game? Hehehe, are you a human toilet today?" She asked playfully before pulling Luna's head out and placing it on the bathroom floor. Then she squatted with her panties removed and pissed a spray of urine on Luna's face, enjoying her facial distortions and senseless words. After she was done, Hailey picked her head up again by the hair and tossed it back into the urine box, watching it splash in the yellow liquid.

"Have fun mommy! See you later! Oh, let me know if you want to be shitted upon too. I can do something about that. Or we can place you in the public toilet in the market!" Then she hopped away after washing hands. 

Meanwhile Luna's body was thoroughly fucked by Deodomus, Gyoro and Muchen. Hailey requested to be fucked too and this time Deodomus relented and the three men fucked the little girl senseless together for several hours.

It was already nighttime when Deodomus finally stopped having sex. He had not only 'not married' Luna, but also forgotten to take her head out of the piss. They had also not left the city. Their plans regarding travels had always been delayed due to unplanned fuck sessions and so it was easily ignored.

Deodomus observed Xiao instead. She was still giggling stupidly and lying flat on her back on the floor. She looked like an abomination. But her vagina was still leaking wet and tight, and Deodomus got an idea.

That night he dumped Xiao in the local brothel. She might be ugly, old and stupid now, but she was still a Master realm cultivator and many men at lower levels would not pass up on her to gain some precious yin. He told the brothel owner to ensure Xiao's safety and that he'll come back in a few days to take her back. But other than that, the brothel was free to use Xiao however they wanted.

"She might as well stock up on some yang chi." Deodomus muttered under his breath. But the reason he had dumped her was that he couldn't handle the sight of her. And in a way he was enjoying the idea of his wife being used as a cumdump in a brothel. The cuckoldry was super strong in him.


With Xiao and Luna out of the picture, Hailey became the sole woman in the group and was thoroughly used by the three men to relieve their sexual urges. They fucked her hardcore for several days and nights straight, reaping her lightning element traits until she was empty and plucking her yin chi dry.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap-slap! Meaty clapping sounds continued for long with occasional slaps.

"Ahh! Ahhn! Ahh no more! Please!" Hailey screamed.

Sstack! A strong slap made her head dizzy. Gyoro pinched open her mouth and rammed his penis deep inside her mouth, reaching half way down her throat.

"Hehe, come on, Hailey. Be strong like your mommies." Deodomus chuckled. "About time you got pregnant too. Give me a child with lightning element constitution, will you?"

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Deodomus fucked her vagina deep. His wasn't the only penis inside it though. Muchen was lying underneath Hailey and was fucking her vagina too. Both penises stretching the little vagina beyond limits and playing the game of 'who impregnates her first'.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-spurt! Spurt! The two men fucked faster and ejaculated at almost the same time, filling up Hailey's womb and vagina with thick white semen. As soon as they pulled out their penises, they shoved a stopper cork in her vagina, making sure she didn't leak a drop.

"My lord…huff-huff…" Gyoro panted while fucking Hailey's mouth. "Can I let loose on her for a change?"

Deodomus frowned, contemplating. Gyoro letting loose meant brutalizing Hailey and beating her up. Deodomus cared for Hailey and had decided to rear her up properly. But once a while he could allow himself to ruin her or pass her around for it. He nodded. Muchen passed Gyoro a brain numbing pill who fed it to Hailey before pouncing on her like a bear.

Bam! Bam! Sstak! For about 20 minutes it was a bone chilling show of a brutal rape as Gyoro beat Hailey down, breaking her bones and fucking her in the ass hardcore. Hailey fainted within the first minute and wouldn't remember a thing in the morning when she'd be all healed up.

For sadists like Gyoro and Muchen, it was exciting as Hailey was turned into a broken fuckdoll. Deodomus had difficulty digesting it. He walked away when Gyoro was shoving his massive fist inside Hailey's little ass. Muchen had his turn later on and he even experimented on her with some elixirs and medicines.

By morning Hailey seemed dead with her broken arms and legs twisted oddly, her ribcage caved in and her seven orifices bleeding profusely. Her breasts had been tortured and her right nipple was straight up missing. Then there was the bloating belly. Gyoro and Muchen had used Hailey's asshole as a urine box and clogged it up after each use.


On the 6th day, Luna's screams shook the floor. Deodomus pulled her head out of the urine box which also had shit in it and Luna was completely soaked in it. She was still screaming hysterically when Deodomus dunked her head in a bucket and washed her crudely before tossing her head in the empty bathtub.

"What's your problem?" He asked.

"My problem?!" Luna screeched. "What did you do to me?! Why was I in that…ugh!" She retched but couldn't vomit. She had no stomach. Just a head.

"Xiao has eaten enough shit and drunk piss." Deodomus lied. "I thought you were up to the challenge of enduring my fetishes. We've only done one so far."

Luna stared at him in horror. She couldn't comprehend how this man could tell her that he loves her and then toss her head in a box full of urine and shit.

"Cheer up though!" Deodomus faked a smile & lied. "We're married now!"

"What…? But I don't…" Luna stammered confusedly. The last thing she remembered was having sex in the tub and then swallowing a pill and then next thing, she was in the box of scat. When did she get married?!

"I took your body to the temple." Deodomus said casually. "The priest was shocked to see a headless woman hahaha. But he performed the rites anyway and we're now officially husband and wife!"

"Wha…t? But I…" Luna mumbled. She had imagined a proper wedding like Xiao's. Wearing a beautiful wedding gown, riding a chariot, getting married, getting kissed, accepting gifts, spending a hot night with her husband. But all she got was a few days in shit and urine and an anticlimactic declaration of wedding.

"Come on, let's wash you up." Deodomus smiled and started lathering up her hair and her face and washed her in the tub before carrying her by the hair and casually tossing her in the bed where Hailey was sprawled naked after another intense night of r@pe.

"Muchen is fucking your body at the moment. I'll retrieve it in an hour." Deodomus said. I'm going to the marketplace for a while. Do you want anything?

Luna was too dumbfounded to reply. Then Deodomus picked her head up and kissed her on the lips. "I love you Luna." He said before slipping another dose of mind-numbing pill in her mouth and shoving his penis in her mouth to enjoy a quick fuck and unloaded his semen inside her mouth before spraying ropes of semen on her face and wet hair. And then tossing her head back on the bed, he left the room.

This was his plan regarding her. He would fuck her hard, numb her brain, humiliate her by using her as a fucktoy and degrading her head. Then every now and then, he'd reattach her body whole, give her great romance and make her feel loved before continuing to transform her into his personal cumslut. Within a month, Luna would be a submissive fool and no longer a threat. Unless her body is given to Xiao, then a new plan would have to be devised.

Deodomus went straight to the brothel to collect Xiao. This was the day to decide whether to decapitate Xiao and switch her body with Luna's, or to go ahead with her current one if she has shown signs of improvement.

Outside the brothel, many cultivators had lined up. Most of them were city guards. Ever since Xiao became a free for all limited-time-prostitute, the brothel exploded in popularity. Even if Xiao was ugly, fat and dumb, she was still a Master realm cultivator. There was no lack of takers! She had been getting fucked round the clock since the day she was dropped off.

Deodomus entered the brothel and met up with the owner who reluctantly took him to the room where Xiao was. The long line of customers stared at Deodomus as he strolled up to the room. As his gaze landed on Xiao, his jaw gaped open and he froze.

"Well I'll be damned…" He muttered.