Last Fuckfest

In Carny, a new wave of hope and enthusiasm had flooded in with Xiao. There wasn't a single person who wasn't singing songs about her. The level of reverence Carny's people held for Xiao was simply unattainable for most of the rulers. Xiao's magnanimity and kindness along with pragmatic effectiveness had been unprecedented which led to this reverence toward her.

Deodomus and others were simply speechless at this. In Carny, Xiao's words were absolute. She could demand everyone to behead themselves and it would be followed through! How many rulers could incite such self-sacrificing love from the people?

Yet, it was certain that Xiao wouldn't make any such illogical demands. She was always the one who would lay down her life instead, for her people. Deodomus had personally witnessed it. This was one of things about Xiao which had made him fall in love with her.

However, there was always a shadow beneath a lamp. Deodomus remembered clearly how Xiao's elite brigade had abandoned her in Vrime city during the war with Han Mo. There were always such people and so Deodomus did not let the ongoing reverence of his wife fool him. Similarly, Luna was having trouble digesting it all too. She had been following the way of the assassins all her life. They were naturally untrusting folks. Ironically, Luna and Deodomus' gazes often met with similar expressions in them- distrust towards whoever fawned over Xiao.

Within half an hour, everyone in the courtroom was done with their personal greetings that Xiao had allowed them to say. She then followed up with a little speech, encouraging everyone about the ongoing war and assuring them that Carny will definitely be victorious. Then she introduced her entourage, starting with her husband Deodomus, adopted daughter Hailey, friend Luna, and subjects Gyoro & Muchen. She mentioned Peng Cai's recent bravery, and promoted him from Captain to a Battalion Commander on the go.

Happy exclamations echoed in the hall. Congratulations fell in heaps and praises were sung about the new Lord and the Princess of Carny.

Deodomus conducted himself neatly, smiling and nodding at the people while Hailey hopped & chirruped happily. Her cuteness infected everyone with smiles.

When someone inquired how Deodomus was still alive when Xiao had clearly mentioned the last time that he had died in a battle; Xiao admitted that she has recently lost her memories and doesn't remember much of what has transpired since last year or even before that.

It was received with much shock and the 2 royal doctors vowed they'll concoct a superb medicine for her. Xiao thanked them and steered the conversation towards war-discussion at last.

Firstly, she demanded a concise report regarding the war and other important subjects such as the economy, weather, neighboring nations' attitude etc. All of these factors were important to assess the current situation & get a better understanding of things. 

Economy played an important role in war because only a nation with a strong economy could handle a war. If the enemy's treasury was emptying quicker than it was refilling, then that was positive news. While the same for one's own country would be a disaster and would require contingency solutions, better planned in advance. 

Weather would affect the economy, agriculture, landscape and the morale of the public & allow the rulers to make suitable preparations in a war. 

Attitude of the neighboring nations deduced from different things, determined if they'd be willing to lend a hand if needed, or would side with the enemy instead, or if they'd remain neutral.

It took well over an hour for the reports to finish. Xiao listened attentively and asked follow-up questions, getting a clear image of her state, and of Kol kingdom along with others'.

Luna was finished judging everyone present in the courtroom. Deodomus was still doing the same but also listening to the report. Hailey had dozed off within minutes of the report and many officials were smiling at her cuteness. Gyoro and Muchen remained stoic and didn't dare do anything. Fear of Xiao was deeply ingrained in their minds now. Peng Cai was still reeling in excitement at his promotion. A big smile was hanging on his lips.

"Alright, that should do it." Xiao spoke. "We shall now hold a war meeting in the designated room. All present members of the council must attend it. The rest of you may disperse and carry on with your designated duties."

"Yes, Mistress!" Everyone shouted in unison and stood up to cup their hands. Then they all started scampering away.

"Where is my son?" Xiao asked an attendant while getting off Deodomus' lap.

"Young Master Wind is with Sui Lu." A handsome man spoke, approaching Xiao. This man was Yingjie who had been waiting silently all this while. Yingjie was said to be a simple bodyguard of General Fang's, but his position was actually quite special. He was the eyes & ears of Fang in his absence. Plus, he was personally responsible for the security of young master Wind; Xiao's son. Though Xiao didn't remember all that.

"Oh?" Xiao frowned. Her memory of Sui Lu was vague too. Sui Lu was a prostitute who had been freed by Xiao in Feur state from Ryuga's brothel. She then came to Carny with Xiao and helped her secretly, during the turmoil of revolution. Eventually she had hidden Xiao's son Wind at Fang's place, taking refuge there. Fang had at some point officially married her, to protect her and to get her some authority so that she could take care of Wind properly. Sui Lu had eventually escaped the capital with Yingjie and Wind during the revolution. She eventually returned and reared Wind all this time as she would her own son.

"Well, I'd like to meet my son before the meeting." Xiao demanded. Yingjie nodded and politely gestured to her to follow him.


Within a few minutes, Xiao & her entourage were in Wind's room, in the inner section of the palace. Everyone surrounded the pretty Sui Lu who was smiling happily, holding a year old Wind in her arms.

"Oh my son!" Xiao exclaimed, taking him from Sui Lu and hugging him lovingly. She sighed, smiled, cried and kissed the baby. Deodomus smiled proudly. His son was quite a looker!

"Haha, I bet he's going to bang countless beauties when he grows up!" Deodomus remarked. Xiao rolled her eyes.

"Of course. Apple doesn't fall from the tree. But I'm going to make him the kindest ruler in the world!" Xiao declared.

Everybody shook their heads. People like Xiao were rare. In the cultivation world, kind people were the first to die. But nobody ruined Xiao's reunion with her son.

"Oohh! My baby brother sure has a charming smile!" Hailey exclaimed, reaching out to him and squeezing his puffy cheeks softly. Wind giggled cutely and everyone chuckled. Even Luna smiled lightly.

"Thank you for taking care of him, Sui Lu." Xiao beamed.

"Anything for you, sister Xiao." Sui Lu bowed. Xiao raised her eyebrows at the word sister but didn't enquire out of courtesy. In fact all the whores from Feur were used to calling Xiao 'sister', which they technically were, having bonded deeply while serving and suffering the same fate together in Ryuga's whorehouse.

Suddenly Wind started crying. Xiao tried to appease him but it was futile.

"Hold on." Luna suddenly spoke and stepped towards Wind. "Why is his dantian burning up?" Of course, she had scrutinized him. Habits of an assassin were difficult to get rid of.

Xiao's expression fell as she too scrutinized Wind and found his tiny dantian overflowing with Yang chi.

All eyes moved to Sui Lu who was fussing with her spatial ring. She quickly summoned a vial of yin water and offered it up.

"Young Master Wind was recently diagnosed with a medical condition, Mistress." Sui Lu said. "He is suffering from Extreme Yang Syndrome."

"What!" Xiao exclaimed.

"Extreme Yang Syndrome..!" Deodomus frowned.

"It's even more dangerous than a chi deviation." Luna muttered.

"We keep him stable with yin resources." Yingjie spoke up while Sui Lu put the vial to Wind's mouth, making him drink the yin water. Immediately, the dantian cooled down and Wind calmed down enough to fall asleep in Xiao's arms.

"What caused it? Why haven't the doctors cured him yet!?" Xiao growled.

"It's a natural disorder, Xiao." Deodomus placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Young Master is too young to receive treatment." Sui Lu spoke. "Not that anybody here has a cure for him anyway. It requires an Empyrean level doctor."

Xiao looked at Muchen with a snap. Muchen nodded.

"I can help stabilize the Young Master better." He said. "But indeed, he can only endure treatment when he enters his teens."

Xiao frowned. This was terrible news. She knew enough about Extreme Yang Syndrome. It was a disorder that caused male's dantian to generate intense yang chi which could even burn the meridians and blast the dantian once accumulated. This was a deadly problem. The bright side was, that if a cultivator with this syndrome were to be cured, his natural yang chi would be more powerful than any other man's. Of course he couldn't match someone with an elemental constitution.

"Do not worry sister Xiao, things will get better soon!" Sui Lu assured Xiao who sighed with a frown.

"Mistress, the meeting…" Peng Cai reminded.

"Hmm, alright. Alright…" Xiao sighed and looked at her son pitifully. Then she gave him back to Sui Lu and walked away, wiping her teary eyes.

Yingjie skulked behind and planted a kiss on Sui Lu's forehead before walking out. Needless to say, the two of them were lovers. Even though Sui Lu was married to Fang, it was only in name. Fang had allowed her to keep her affair with Yingjie whom he trusted like a brother and had no problem with regarding this matter.


The war meeting room was filled with most of the council members who originated from the military.

Then there was Fayina whom everyone was gawking at. Fayina was the leader of Valkyries who were a separate force loyal to Xiao. But Fayina's position didn't make the men gawk; her appearance did. She was wearing loose silky pants which had slits on both thighs. Her upper body was bare naked, save for 2 golden nipple caps custom-made to accommodate her nipples for a snug fit. Her large dense breasts, fair skin, beautiful face, tall hourglass figured body and long black hair made her a coveted beauty! She carried an expression of fake indifference.

Deodomus' eyes flashed as he observed her. He could tell in first glance, that Fayina was a real whore, itching to get fucked or molested. He chuckled inwardly and licked his lips sinisterly.

As though sensing his gaze, Fayina stole a glance at him & as their gazes met, unspoken words were exchanged. Fayina blushed like a virgin and fluttered her eyelashes. Deodomus snickered & scratched his groin. The two of them had silently decided that they would fuck at the first chance!

But not all men gawked at Fayina. Some had their eyes on Luna who was still wearing that impossible clothing which stuck to her body like a second skin, revealing every sexy curve of hers. Even her nipples' shapes and buttcrack could be seen.

Then there was Xiao. Whoever saw her, stirred in their pants. But courtesies were maintained and eyes were controlled in her presence for the most part.

Xiao leaned over the large table which had a full model of Carny. Xiao's humongous breasts squished against the model while her big hips were propped backwards. Deodomus sneered and ran his hands on her big wide child-bearing hips. Xiao blushed slightly. Since nobody could see what was going on behind her, she didn't mind her husband taking advantage of the situation.

"Alright, so those are the enemy legions, eh?" Xiao asked, pointing at the black wooden pieces which signified Kol army.

"Yes, Mistress." Yingjie spoke. "Our spies are updating any changes throughout the days and reporting back actively. This is the most recent location of enemy legions."

"How many warriors do Koldorus have?" Xiao enquired.

"Three times ours. That's about 90 thousand. Plus he has multiple Master realm warriors. Eight we know for certain."

"Hmm, Kol elders eh?" Xiao muttered.

"Yes. All 8 are on three different fronts. They split two days ago and spread the battlefield over different areas, possibly to weaken our limited troops as they are forced to spread out thin." Yingjie spoke.

"Smart. Kol kingdom had 3 more hidden elders too. They are thoroughly prepared." Deodomus pointed out.

"3 more elders!?" Yingjie looked up in astonishment. The council began muttering too and pointing at the model, whispering their suspicions.

"We encountered one of them in Hucheng city. Upon interrogation, he revealed that 3 of them were deployed to cause massacres in the outskirts of Carny." Deodomus replied. "We killed the one named Wu Fu. Two more elders remain."

A few people drew sharp breaths in. The murmurs intensified.

"But what purpose would that achieve?" Fayina inquired.

"Koldorus has been building a ship." Xiao said solemnly. "It requires blood as fuel."

"!! What!?!" Everyone exclaimed in shock.

"Heinous! Killing innocent people to get fuel? How evil!" A minister shouted.

"Kol kingdom has gone overboard!"

"Let's find those remaining 2 elders and kill them!"

"Yes." Xiao agreed. "A team of assassins need to be dispatched with a Master realm warrior to find & tackle the enemies one by one."

Everyone started looking at each other dismally.

"But Mistress…We only have 1 Master realm warrior other than you, and that's General Fang who is already injured." A minister said solemnly.

"There's me as well." Deodomus muttered. He didn't mind going back to take care of a few mutts. Although he would rather be at the center of operations in the capital, keeping a hawk eye at everything.

"I'll do it." Luna spoke coldly, surprising everyone.

"No, you're pregnant! You must not engage in battle!" Xiao declared.

"I'm the most suited for this, coming from an assassin background. Finding and killing those elders would be a piece of cake for me." Luna reasoned. "Plus, you're forgetting…" Whoosh! She let out a pulse of energy from her body, revealing her cultivation base.

"Level 2 Sage realm!" Someone exclaimed in shock.

"Sage realm! Oh, my Goddess!"

Everyone was startled at once. Even Master realm was too much for most of them; let alone Sage realm!

"V-victory is in the bag?" Someone muttered. Smiles spread like infection as the realization hit them. How could anyone fight a Sage realm warrior? Their victory was a certainty now! They could win the whole war!

"War is not only about cultivation bases." Xiao said solemnly. She had witnessed lower-level warriors taking out a senior. "But yes, we have a powerful one among us. I acknowledge your willingness to go through this for us, Luna." Xiao relented & Luna nodded.

"But the baby…" Xiao frowned.

"I don't care if the bastard perishes." Luna said before looking at Deodomus hatefully who frowned and looked down.

"Sigh, pick your assassin team then. You can take all of them with you. We have about 300 of them here at present." Xiao said.

"Okay, I'll join in the battle with them eventually." Luna said, walking ahead.

"What can I offer you in exchange for your aid." Xiao asked.

Luna shook her head smilingly, approaching Xiao and grabbing her waist. Then she kissed Xiao full on the lips. Both of them closed their eyes and moaned into the kiss. Luna's hands ran down and grabbed Xiao's hips while the two of them moved slowly, almost rotating, with no sense of direction & surroundings. Their warm breaths were colliding and mixing, their soft lips were caressing each other, their tongues were sliding in and out of their mouths, tangling and slurping as they kissed heatedly.

The council was surprised, watching this sudden display of affection. They witnessed it with much enthusiasm and exchanged smirks. Many of the men were hard in their pants while the women were breathing heatedly. Fayina in particular knew how good it felt to kiss Xiao. They had dual cultivated in the past at great lengths. Back then Xiao even had a big thick penis with which she fucked every single concubine in her father's harem. Fayina being their leader was Xiao's favorite cumdumpter.

As Luna's hands fondled, kneaded and squeezed Xiao's huge hips in front of everyone and then slapped them hard, making them jiggle; she broke the kiss and inhaled deeply, looking at Xiao with a heated gaze.

"Just love me. That's all I want." She said emotionally.

"Of course. I'll love you with all my heart." Xiao said, biting her lower lip and kissing her one more time before they parted. Luna did not dawdle and left the room immediately to gather her team of assassins.

As Xiao turned around, she acutely sensed the mood in the room. Everyone was gazing at her heatedly. The men had ridiculously hard boners in their pants and women's breasts were heaving up and down heavily. Without a doubt, Xiao's sexual charm was incredibly strong. She snickered and sauntered back to the table. But just as she leant over it…

Sstak! A clear loud slap landed on her big buttocks. Xiao gasped and looked back at Deodomus who was grinning challengingly.

"Did you forget the promise you made to me in Vrime city?" He asked. Xiao narrowed her eyes before shaking her head. The promise made back then was that Xiao would let Deodomus touch her anywhere anytime, even if inappropriately.

"Okay, so there are 3 war fronts…" Xiao resumed the meeting, ignoring Deodomus's hands on her hips. As Deodomus was standing right behind her and no longer hiding his movements, it became difficult for the council to focus on Xiao's words. Everyone was more curious about what he was doing to Xiao's big lewd buttocks!

Chhhrr!! Suddenly a cloth's ripping voice jolted everyone and Xiao's face flushed red. Her dress had been torn from behind and her huge hips were now hanging out of the wide gap! Xiao felt her panty being slid aside, and then squirmed.

"Hnnng!" She exclaimed as she felt a finger jabbing straight into her vagina, hooking inside it and shaking her big bottom vigorously! This was harassment in public but Xiao could only smile awkwardly. She didn't want to fight Deodomus in front of everyone and paint a bad opinion in everyone's mind. If the council thought that the Lord and Mistress were hardly in unison, it would make them apprehensive. But being openly perverse and sexual was yet another blow, though it could be passed as a joke. And since everyone was already horny, Xiao didn't think letting Deodomus molest her would be too bad. It might actually raise her sexual charm and make these council members fall deeper for her. Xiao was already thinking like a prostitute due to her deep metal rewiring done in the Kros city.

And then Xiao felt that finger being replaced by Deodomus' big penis!

"This…this BASTARD!!!" Xiao roared in her mind while her eyes widened and her face became red.

"Please continue what you were about to say, Xiao." Deodomus said politely, as if he wasn't fucking her from behind in front of everyone! Others weren't able to see it but they were cultivators with good eyesights and ears. They could discern much from their bodily movements and could hear the soft erotic sounds of a penis sliding in and out of a wet vagina and light clapping of the hips. Everyone felt mortified and yet astonished and excited. The Lord and Mistress of Carny were having sex openly!

"Ehem! R-right..." Xiao controlled herself, playing along, pretending that they weren't having sex. Even though she knew that they were fooling no one.

"So, t-there are 4 forces in our army. The 10 thousand soldiers under General Fang, 3 thousand Valkyries under me & Fayina; more than 300 assassins, & 17 thousand regular troops under different Commanders. Am I correct?" Xiao asked.

"Yes, Mistress." Yingjie said before glancing sideways at Xiao's hips where Deodomus was digging with his penis. Since Yingjie had been standing right beside Xiao, he was able to peek just enough. Deodomus caught his gaze and sneered, turning Xiao's bottom slightly toward him and pulling his penis out to reveal her twitching asshole and wet vagina. Yingjie's eyes bulged out and his heart leapt to his mouth. He gazed so intently at Xiao's honeypot that everyone looked at him and immediately realized that he had gotten lucky!

Deodomus sneered, pushing his penis back inside Xiao's vagina and resumed fucking her. This time, with less caution.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap… light meaty sounds could be easily heard by everyone.

"Hufff…so..hhh…" Xiao said while gasping & blushing. "Basically, we're not just outnumbered but also unprepared. Enemy has multiple powerful Generals but we have only a few. But this doesn…haah…mean that we will loseee…unh..!" Xiao snapped her head back toward Deodomus with a glare, signalling him to fuck her slowly, but Deodomus merely grinned and picked up the pace instead.

"Yes, Xiao. We won't lose. We have me, Luna, & talented people like Gyoro, Muchen & our special daughter Hailey." Deodomus said.


"Y-yes! Mmhn..!" Xiao exclaimed. "Wee ahh… we will definitely winnn!"

"Yes, Mistress is right!" Someone exclaimed.

"Yes-yes. Mistress, allow me to point out a crucial point." Howin, one of the 2 strategy masters of Carny approached from the other side, standing right beside Xiao. Xiao's face blushed red, knowing full well that Howin would be able to see what was going on. Although she was a shameless exhibitionist, she didn't want to show her true colors in her own kingdom in the company of her loyalists. But there was little that could be done now that her hips were out in the open and her horny husband was fucking her carelessly.

Howin had actually already fucked Xiao in the past. But of course he yearned to get another shot with her. He glanced boldly at her huge hips and Deodomus turned them towards him so he could get a clear view. Xiao decided she will kill Deodomus for this after the meeting.

"W-what point did you want to show?" Xiao asked while flustering.

"Oh, it's right here." Howin said seriously, pointing at the fake mountains, valleys, rivers and marshes. "We have the territorial advantage as we know our state more than them."

"Indeed…" Xiao narrowed her eyes.

"We have already taken the high point at all three locations. Thus we're able to hold off the enemy." Mingli chimed in. He was the 2nd strategy master. He had once served Zhang but betrayed him to save the lives of the Carny citizens. Mingli and Howin were both crucial in Carny's revolution.

"With you joining the war, we can go all out and take them down." Mingli added, approaching Xiao.

"But the two of us came up with a contingency plan too." Howin added.

"If the enemy can be lured through this impasse here…" Mingli pointed at the narrow valley which led to Yanfan city. "We can assemble a strategy there as a trap and kill the majority of Kol troops."

Xiao nodded, musing. Meanwhile, Mingli too stole a glance towards her hips and Deodomus turned the milf to his side to give him a full view of Xiao's hips.

Mingli and Howin's loyalties shifted from Xiao to Deodomus' feet. Their Lord was so kind! Letting them see his wife's ass as he fucked her! They beamed at him smilingly and Deodomus snickered.

Peng Cai rubbed his face in frustration. His erection was throbbing in his pants, threatening to burst into a climax if he didn't get an outlet! This Xiao…how dared she be so sexy? This Deodomus; how dared he showed her off while having sex?

"Hmm, your points are all g-good indeed." Xiao said, fidgeting a bit. She looked around her and not one face could fool her. She knew that everyone knew that she was getting fucked at the moment, and that Mingli, Howin and Yingjie were getting the best view!

Xiao's face flushed redder and involuntarily a smile rolled on her face. She felt thrilled to be desired by so many people with such intensity yet them not getting a shot at her filled her with a smugness; until Deodomus slapped her hips again and picked up the pace, no longer caring about pretenses!

Sstak! Fwap-fwap-fwap-clap-clap!

"Kuh! Huk..! Hnng!" Xiao clasped her mouth to suppress her screams but the sound of her ass cheeks clapping against Deodomus' thighs was too loud. The cat was out of the bag. Everyone gasped and shifted around to get a view.

Plap-plap-plap-plap! Spurt! Spurt! Deodomus fucked Xiao speedily and then ejaculated a big load of semen, filling up her vagina and pulling his penis out. He sprayed ropes of semen on her big hips. Then he wiped it with her dress, tucked his penis in, zipped his pants and walked to observe the model on the table from other sides, leaving his still twitching and gasping wife to her devices while semen was dripping down her hips and thighs & people were watching her heatedly!

"Huff…huff…" Xiao panted, almost in a defeated manner. She was resting her forearms on the table. Her head was hanging low and her hairs were covering her face. Mingli, Howin and Yingjie did not hesitate to take advantage of this moment and stepped behind Xiao to get a full view of her massive hips hanging out of her ripped dress, covered with ropes of semen. Her vagina was oozing out fresh warm semen and leaking wet with her own fluids too. It was a lewd sight. The three men's expressions were more than just lust, but also of pure happiness and marvel. Everyone on the other side watched their expressions with much envy!

At this point, Mingli took out a small strategy device and aimed it toward Xiao's bottom, clicked a button, and grinned at Howin. This was their new invention. A painting strategy which could capture a real scene and paint it immediately on a parchment which would get stored in the inlaid spatial ring.

The rest of the council looked at them with heated dangerous gazes. They started making inconspicuous hand signals, entering a bid! Apparently, this strategy had gained fame already in Carny palace some time ago. The council knew now that they could see Xiao's lewd bottom now if they paid the right price!

While this folly unfolded on the hindsight, Deodomus pointed out a few more favorable areas and a few dangerous ones and then entered a deep contemplative state.

Xiao stood straight at once. The three men behind her quickly shifted around. She cast warning stares at them and they lowered their heads politely. Xiao snorted and summoned a shirt, & tied it around her waist to cover her obscenity.

"Xiao, let's battle." Deodomus said so seriously that Xiao's intention of using snide taunts on him faded. "Take the Carny troop pieces. I'll use Kol troops. Let's do a strategic battle emulation and see to it that no possible situation is left out." Deodomus added.

"Hmm." Xiao nodded and took control of the Carny pieces.

"Koldorus isn't blind of course." Deodomus muttered. "He can see the advantages Carny holds. If I were him…" He split a small force from the main force besieging the hill. It circumvented and attacked from the back.

"It is a steep incline but can barely delay the cultivators; good move." Xiao praised, adding a stone piece. "But boulders and logs are effective on cultivators too."

"Of course, but if I added that earth element elder; then those boulders might as well roll upward and hit Carny forces at the top." Deodomus said, adding a piece.

"That elder has better usage in the marsh." Xiao pointed out. "But if he does come to the mountain, we abandon the hill and barrage downhill, taking out the enemy on the other side and then moving to meet the other forces in the valley."

"Great sacrifices." Deodomus pointed out.

"Fighting an earth element user would cause even more sacrifices. Thus, the less injurious path." Xiao clarified.

"Who protects your troops now if the earth elder comes swooping down with the full earth resources of the hill at his disposal?" Deodomus asked.

"We have someone with an earth element move to create a defense long enough for the escape." Xiao said, tossing a gem piece signifying a General. Apparently this was supposed to be Deodomus.

"Good, but if I move the fire elder to the marshes, your advantage will be reduced. Better if he attacks before the two Carny battalions meet.

"Hailey, I choose you!" Xiao exclaimed, throwing a white marble piece that signified a Commander.

"Hey-hey-Hailey!" Hailey exclaimed and lightning buzzed around her.

"Woha! Hailey can use lightning?!" At once everyone exclaimed in surprise.

"Princess Hailey has a lightning element constitution!" Yingjie exclaimed. Hailey snickered and took a bow. The council praised her endlessly. Meanwhile Xiao and Deodomus continued moving the pieces.

several hours later, they finally ended their strategic emulated battle. All scenarios had been played and brainstormed thoroughly. The outcome deduced was that Carny and Kol had an equal chance at victory. The territorial or numerical advantage could only help them to this conclusion. This was going to be a tough war!


"Alright; as learned earlier; Kol kingdom has two goals for which it has waged war on Carny." Deodomus spoke. "One is you, Xiao, and the other is Carny heirloom? What is this heirloom, really?"

This much information had been gained during the court session earlier. It was only now that Deodomus felt it right to discuss it.

"Well, I don't really remember." Xiao replied. "I have no memory of it."

"Allow me to pitch in then." Yingjie bowed and Xiao nodded.

"Carny heirloom is a unique blood that runs in the veins of the ruler. It is passed down generation to generation. Only one person at a time can have it. Mistress Xiao obtained it from her father after killing him. This blood provides great strength and power. The previous Lord Zhang was mighty powerful, owing much to this heirloom." Yingjie disclosed.

"Oh, so that's why Xiao is so powerful?" Deodomus realized.

"No." Yingjie shook his head. "Only a male can wield the power of Carny heirloom. Females can only be temporary hosts of it and would never be able to utilize it. Mistress Xiao's prowess is her own."

"…" Deodomus nodded at Xiao, impressed at her natural prowess and Xiao smirked smugly.

"This information was disclosed by Mistress herself later on, but the enemy doesn't know it yet." Yingjie said. "However, I do not doubt that they would try to take the heirloom anyway. The lure is too strong!"

"Indeed." Deodomus agreed. "But if we offer them some other invaluable thing…"

"This is an all-out war." Chen Tao, a minister in-charge of spies spoke up. "Our spies have relayed that Kol kingdom has no backup forces left behind. They have mobilized every able-bodied soldier for it. It is unlikely that they will retreat."

"Hmm…" Deodomus stole a glance at Xiao. She narrowed her eyes. She could tell that the invaluable thing that Deodomus was talking of was her body. He just couldn't say it aloud just yet because many of the council members were still loyal to Xiao. Offering her to the enemy would be an act of treason! Even a Lord would face immense backlash. Thus Deodomus skirted around, choosing alternate words.

"Since they are determined to take me or die; I will meet them boldly in battle and either die or kill them." Xiao said confidently.

"We will lay down our lives before any harm befalls you Mistress!" A minister shouted.

"Yes-yes! We all will!" Others also spoke animatedly. Their perversion from earlier aside; their loyalty for Xiao ran deep.

"Well then, battle unto death it is." Deodomus spoke darkly. "Now, let us tackle the most dangerous hurdle. Cultivation bases. Enemies are strong. Their king and all the Generals or Elders are in the Master realm. That's at least 9 powerful opponents while we have only 2 Master realm and 1 Sage realm warrior. The latter is pregnant and cannot fully battle, despite what she claims. Not to mention, her prowess is entirely dependent on the robustness of her prosthetic limbs. If they are taken out somehow, she's as good as a fuckdoll."

"…" Silence befell at once. While everyone was full of hope earlier, especially because of Luna; now, they seemed bitter and dejected.

"W–where is Miss Luna's mate?" Someone asked. He was a rather young minister with a flushed face and immature whiskery mustache. There was no lack of idiots in the world. In a strategy meeting regarding a precarious war, this boy was showing interest toward Luna. "He might be a strong person, I think and could help us."

"Who knows?" Deodomus shrugged. He was about to spout how Luna got raped by multiple men countless times over the past month so no one can tell who the real mate is, but a vicious glare from Xiao silenced him.

"Her mate will be joining us in the war alright." Xiao said. Deodomus flashed her a warning glare but she didn't care. "He's standing right here." She pointed at Deodomus.

Everyone gasped aloud and silence filled the room. Deodomus and Xiao glared at one another silently.

"You fucking bitch…" Deodomus seemed to be saying.

"You will not dishonor her any further, even with your words." Xiao seemed to be replying.

"Luna's child would officially be a Young Master or Young Miss of Carny and compete with Wind for the rulership in the future if they desire it." Xiao declared further and more gasps echoed.

"Ah, you stupid woman…" Deodomus cursed inwardly. He had done so much to avoid exactly this kind of situation in the unforeseeable future but now Xiao had gone and stamped it with her royal seal. Deodomus couldn't understand how women's seemingly stupid brains worked.

"We will all take responsibility for our actions and make sure justice is held. Everything must be fair!" Xiao spoke through her stern expression and gaze.

As she and Deodomus fought as if telepathically, the council murmured. This was big news. So apparently Xiao, Deodomus and Luna were a trouple (couple but with 3 people). But Xiao's honesty and magnanimity had won the council all over again!

"Very well…" Deodomus minced his words. "The problem remains that we are not that strong, nor do we have enough numbers to cover that up. The entire future of Carny and its populous is at stake here. Something must be done!"

"Oh? What do you suggest?" Xiao asked, sensing a possibly dubious plan brewing in her husband's head.

"Level up of course!" Deodomus said, relaxing his expression and smiling. "It's easy. We level up rapidly!"

Xiao's eyebrows arose. "How? Unless…" She uttered.

 "Yes…" Deoomus smirked.

"No…" Xiao shook her head, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes... We dual-cultivate." Deodomus smiled wide.

"Dual cultivation! That's it!" Someone exclaimed. "It guarantees quick level ups! I know a technique! It's when the female turns around and…"

"I have a unique strategy for the purpose." Deodomus intervened. "It aids dual cultivation greatly! Hailey has personally tested its effects and leveled up in the recent past."

"Yes-yes!" Hailey exclaimed happily. At once, everyone was appalled. This cute loli princess had been indulging in dual cultivation? And it's no issue for her parents?!

"It is called, fuck-floor." Deodomus revealed and summoned a large stone platform from his spatial ring, dropping it slowly on the floor on the side. It was big enough to accommodate 4 large double-beds. "Whoever fucks on this floor, gets a speedy increase in cultivation. We will let our strongest warriors take the benefit of it while others help them in dual cultivation."

"A sound option!" Someone exclaimed.

"Dual cultivation is the way to go! We have the Valkyries to fill the roles of female partners!" Chen Tao said.

"Oye! Valkyries are not whores!" Fayina snapped.

"Eh? But weren't they all whores before becoming Valkyries?" Chen Tao sneered. This was the truth. All the women of Carny had been forced into prostitution by Zhang during his era. After Xiao liberated them, she gave them the offer of becoming warriors by learning Valkyrie technique. And so in essence. All 3000 Valkyries were actually whores!

"Y-you!" Fayina growled.

"This war is a grave business. Everyone must volunteer to help." Deodomus said. "But the main person we all need to help level up is none other than my brave wife Xiao."

"You…" Xiao narrowed her eyes but couldn't help smiling. She was already imagining hundreds of men banging her on the hard floor till she begged for mercy! Her face blushed red and she licked her lips in anticipation. Deodomus sneered, knowing her mind full well.

"M-misress Xiao? Dual cultivate?" Yingjie uttered in amazement. His imagination was flying.

"Right now, Xiao is at level 4 Master realm while the enemy Koldorus is well above level 8 Master realm. This difference must be meted out. Heck, let's fuck Xiao to Sage realm!" Deodomus said. "Xiao must hold back until absolutely necessary to join the war. She must stay in the capital and get fucked! I mean, dual-cultivate! …For Carny!"

"For Carny!" Peng Cai echoed.

"For Carny! For Carny! For Carny!" Everyone barked excitedly, looking at Xiao heatedly. She was fresh meat on chopping board now. These men were eager to sink their teeth into her tender flesh. They were craving to fuck her!

Xiao twisted her lips and snorted. She understood the underlying emotion all too well. But she didn't hate it. She could use a good hard fuck before she battles unto death.

"For Carny!" Xiao joined in and everyone felt even more ecstatic!

"Yes-yes! For Carny! Let's start right now!" Yingjie, grab her!" Deodomus barked. "Howin, Mingli, start undressing your highness! Everyone get your penises out! For Carny!"

"For Carny! For Carny!" The meeting room echoed with thundering voices. Hailey couldn't help but laugh aloud, realizing the humor of it all. Gyoro rubbed his hands, wondering if he'll get a shot at banging Xiao again. Muchen fidgeted fearfully. He was still afraid of Xiao.

"Gyoro." Deodomus suddenly spoke, approaching the two men while the council surrounded Xiao.

"My Lord." Gyoro bowed.

"Make battle prosthetics for Muchen. One spare set for Luna as well." Dedoomus instructed. "Time is of essence. Also, add the penis feature for Muchen." He smirked. "I guarantee you, you two will definitely get some hot action. But your services are needed urgently. Muchen, do something about my son's condition will you?"

"Yes, my Lord." Muchen bowed.

"We understand, my Lord." Gyoro bowed too & they both slid out of the room.

"Hailey. Are you pregnant yet?" Deodomus enquired in whispers to the happily gawking loli.

"Umm, no! Mommy had me eat a pill…" Hailey replied.

"Okay... Well, come dual-cultivate with me. I need your lightning element traits." Deodomus said.

"I'm all yours daddy!" Hailey chirruped.

In this manner, the arrangement was set. Deodomus left the room with Hailey, leaving Xiao behind; but he didn't forget to wink at Fayina who blushed and followed him immediately.

Meanwhile, Xiao was grabbed, pulled, kissed and molested. Hands were roaming everywhere on her lewd body. Her dress was being torn. Everyone ditched their own clothes too, and soon Xiao was swarmed by over 20 naked men. The female members of the council chose to walk away, fearing that they might get raped in the fuckfest too.

"Easy now, boys!" Xiao smiled awkwardly while the men groped and dragged her to the fuckfloor.

"With your permission, Mistress." Yingjie said politely, grabbing Xiao's face and kissing her deeply.

Meanwhile Mingli grabbed Xiao's dress and ripped it from the top. Howin tore apart the lower part of the dress. Peng Cai snatched the metal bra away and Chen Tao became the first lucky bastard to grab Xiao's massive udders. He gave them a firm squeeze before getting pushed away by someone else and then men climbed over one another to grab Xiao's milky breasts.

In all of that pushing and pulling, Xiao was hurled to the floor and pressed under the naked men & someone tore her panty off her and stole it. Someone shoved his penis right up her ass and another person shoved his inside her royal vagina and few moments later Xiao was being fucked in all the three fuckable holes by perverted men. The rest of the men were running their hands all over her lewd body, kissing, licking, sucking on her nipples, earlobes, armpits and even toes.

Someone grabbed Xiao's shining black hair, wrapped them around his penis and started masturbating. Everyone forgot that this was supposed to be a dual cultivation session and not a free-for-all fuckfest!

"Ahh Mistress! What tightness!" Yingjie exclaimed amidst the loud noise of others'. He was the one now lying underneath Xiao and fucking her in the ass. He hugged Xiao's belly and kissed her neck fervently. Even though he loved Sui Lu, how could he refrain from the sexiest woman on the planet?

"Oh! I'm doing it! I'm fucking the Mistress!" Peng Cai exclaimed as he thrusted inside Xiao's vagina heatedly.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Meaty sounds echoed in the room as multiple men fucked Xiao.

"Ung! Ung! Ungg!" Xiao moaned; unable to scream as Chen Tao was fucking her mouth. His hairy balls were slapping against her chin; his pubic hair were tickling her pretty face. For someone as ugly as Chen Tao, it was almost a sin to even be touching Xiao! Yet, the magnanimous milf mistress didn't differentiate between her mates. She sucked on the penis while flicking her tongue under its shaft, enjoying the juices flowing into her mouth. She inhaled the sweaty musk of Chen Tao's hairy crotch like an addict.

Slosh-slosh-slosh-spurt! Spurt! Chen Tao suddenly ejaculated his load of semen inside Xiao's mouth and she in turn swallowed it all. Immediately, Chen was pushed away by many others and one of the competitors managed to put his penis inside Xiao's mouth, taking over.

This person was a fat old man. The finance minister Teng Zedong. He was even uglier than Chen Tao but his penis was fat and big. Xiao almost choked on it but then opened her mouth big and sucked in even his filthy hairy balls!

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Slosh-slosh-slosh! Wet sounds occurred as Teng fucked Xiao's mouth heatedly. He might be old but he had plenty of energy. He grabbed Xiao's head in his fat hands and pushed his penis hard in her mouth. Xiao's face got completely obscured in his hairy smelly crotch. At that point, Teng Zedong signaled Mingli and flashed his thick gem studded ring. Mingli understood that to be the payment for his painting-strategy's work. He snickered and summoned his strategy and just then Teng pulled back a bit so Mingli could get a few good shots of Xiao's face adorned with pubic hair stuck to it and Teng Zedong's fat penis & balls stuffed inside her mouth. As soon as the work was done, Teng resumed fucking the unknowing Xiao.

Mingli continued snapping several paintings of Xiao's during the fuckfest with different members of the council. He was going to get rich! And he would definitely die once Xiao heard of it, but the thrill of the crime was filling his head with absolute confidence and strong lust. Howin nodded at him but didn't partake. He wanted to be in the clear of it. That didn't stop him from fulfilling his perverse fetishes. He slid his penis underneath Xiao's armpit and began thrusting speedily.

Swish-swish-swish-squelch-squelch! Meaty sounds continued to occur.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-clap-clap! Men were still fucking Xiao's asshole and vagina heatedly while groping her breasts and doing lewd things to her entire body.

At once, Xiao surrendered herself fully to the men, closing her eyes. She relished in the pleasure, the sensations of the flesh, the perverse touches, the lewd thrusting, and the rush of sex intoxicating her fully.


Meanwhile in another room, Deodomus was plowing Hailey hardcore. The little loli was hanging in the air and her limbs were dangling limply as Deodomus kept a firm grasp on her slim waist and repeatedly brought her back and forth on his crotch, fucking her vagina with great speed and vigor.

Fwap! Fwap! Fwap! Fwap! Clap! Clap!

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahhn! Ohh! Daddy! Ahhn!" Hailey screamed aloud. Her arms and legs flailed, and her hair danced wildly. Her little body was like a doll in Deodomus' muscular arms. He fucked her with such ferocity that Hailey peed herself.

"Hmph! Such a dirty little slut you are, Hailey! No manners eh?" Deodomus snarled. "You're no princess. Merely a pathetic sex slave!"

"Ahh! Ahhn! Yes daddy, I'm a pathetic sex slave! Ahh!" Hailey screamed. Deodomus' bulging hard penis was stretching her vagina to the limits, granting her great pleasure. Also, being a masochist, she was enjoying being used like a sex slave or a fuckdoll.

Bam! Deodomus suddenly threw Hailey on the floor wet with her own urine and climbed on top of her small frame, shoving his large penis inside her tiny asshole and began raping it intensely!

"Ahhhn!!!" Hailey's lewd scream echoed before the meaty clapping sounds.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Meanwhile Fayina watched this scene unfold, sitting obscenely naked on a wide padded chair, masturbating. She was warming up before the beastly man Deodomus would ravish her too.

Deodomus soon pulled his penis out and turned Hailey around. He then landed a few strong slaps on her cute face, making it swell up blue.

Sstak! Sstak! "Tighten your holes, you little whore! Make your father feel better with your useless body!" Deodomus spouted, getting into a wild mood.

"Ahh! Ahhn!! Yes..!" Hailey cried, enjoying the harsh treatment. She tried her best to copy Xiao to tighten her vagina but her legs were too small to wrap around Deodomus' waist; thus she failed and was slapped even more in turn before Deodomus used a dual cultivation technique.

"Motherfucker technique!" Deodomus exclaimed and immediately his energy assaulted Hailey with precise jabbing at certain energy nodes in her body.

"Ahhhn…!" Hailey's erotic scream echoed in the room. Her dantian suddenly overflowed with energy, comprising 90% of yin chi. This technique was a unique type of unorthodox dual cultivation technique. Its primary function was to extract hidden yin chi of the females.

The ideal female partner for this technique would be a woman who has given birth at least once in her lifetime. Otherwise, the technique would only grant 40% effect. Since Hailey was still a teenager, this technique wasn't so effective and also not so harmful on her. But this technique guaranteed impregnation and would afterward leave her sucked dry of her yin chi and elemental traits.

"Sorry Hailey…" Deodomus thought as he fucked her. "I can't let you join this battle. An impregnation and lack of yin will ensure that you stay out of it. Let the adults fight it out. You're too young to die!"

Thinking so, Deodomus continued assaulting Hailey. He fucked her in missionary position while the girl screamed her head off with the multiple times the pleasure she was experiencing in a hazy lustful state.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh! Wet meaty sounds occurred. The yin was overflowing from Hailey's body. Deodomus hungrily absorbed it all, consolidating it into yin beads inside his dantian for further usage.

For next half an hour, Deodomus cruelly fucked Hailey even after she had fainted. Her body looked like a broken fuckdoll as it was bent in odd angles for various positions. Having no response even made her seem like a corpse. It was oddly erotic for Fayin who was dripping wet by now, heaving her large breasts up and down excitedly.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!

"Kuh! Get pregnant, you little wench!" Deodomus growled and unloaded a large amount of yang-enriched semen inside Hailey, filling her womb and vagina before he stuffed a dildo inside her vagina, ensuring that the semen doesn't dribble out. He then proceeded to stroke his penis and sprayed several ropes of semen on Hailey's little body.

"Huff..hufff…what a good warmup!" He exclaimed & then turned towards Fayina who was gazing at him heatedly.

Fayina was an experienced whore who fucked her way to the top of Carny and became previous Lord Zhang's head-concubine. She was a veteran! But Deodomus looked at her confidently as he walked over and stepped on the chair so that his erect penis was presented to Fayina, throbbing in front of her face and its musk wafting into her nostrils.

"You seem hungry. I have just the thing for you." Deodomus said snickering and Fayina purred smilingly before she licked her lips and opened her mouth and took the hard penis in it and started munching on it.

Deodomus grabbed her head and started fucking her in sync of her head movements.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Slosh-slosh-slosh! Lewd sounds occurred. Fayina moaned and sighed, enjoying the juicy penis. She had never tasted such a masculine miracle before. It was big, hard, supple and veiny with precum oozing out of it continuously. It was a penis that women dreamt of! Fayina gulped down the precum mixed saliva and reached for the shaft, stroking it while bobbing her head up & down and sucking. Deodomus let her take control for a while before gripping her head tight and pushing his penis into her throat until she choked.

"Ohok! Offfk!" Fayina snorted out bubbles from her nose while choking, and tried to push Deodomus away but it was futile. She was no match for the strong muscular man who decided he wanted to fuck her throat, and began thrusting wildly.


Whoosh! Fayina's energy erupted at once, granting her the strength to push Deodomus' penis out of her gagging throat and had a fit of violent coughing.

"Ohok! Ohok! Ohok!!" She spat slimy saliva and gasped while Deodomus shook his head.

"Pathetic! You're no match for Xiao. She is truly the best woman in the world!" Deodomus muttered. Fayina immediately looked up angrily. No woman liked to be compared negatively with another woman.

"Is that right? I'll show you my true prowess!" Fayina growled, grabbing Deodomus' penis and clenching it tightly as if she wanted to break it apart, but Deodomus chuckled and his penis remained rock solid and unbending!

"Let's see it then, who remains standing at the end of our session." Deodomus sneered, accepting her challenge.

"Whore Power technique!" Fayina exclaimed, rotating her energy in her meridians in a particular fashion, activating a dual cultivation technique which allowed her to negate gag reflex, tighten her holes and grant her a strong libido comparable to a strong dosage of aphrodisiac.

"Hahahaha!" Deodomus couldn't help but laugh aloud. "Whore Power? What a fitting name! So you're a whore after all? Hahahaha!"

"Hmph! You won't be laughing after I'm done with you!" Fayina growled and stood up. She pushed Deodomus on the chair and climbed up on him, adjusting her vagina on his penis head.

"Heheh let's do this, you fucking whore…" Deodomus snarled, not giving any respect to the valkyrie.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Clap! Clapping sounds echoed as Fayina bounced on Deodomus' lap having taken his penis deep inside her vagina.

"Ohhh! Not bad…!" Deodomus praised, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them as she hopped up and down. Fayina's vagina was experienced yet tight, granting great pleasure! Her hips & breasts couldn't compare to even Luna's but they were big and more supple than ordinary women. There were even stretch marks on the hips declaring her experience in child birth.

Fayina and Deodomus continued dual cultivating for long. Fayina displayed many moves in different positions and managed to force Deodomus to climax but the latter recovered immediately thanks to yang pills and after an hour, Fayina's energy ran out and she couldn't continue her technique.

"Huff…huff.." Fayina panted and slumped onto Deodomus' chest, snuggling into his neck.

"Hehehe, how cute. Tired already?" Deodomus asked, kissing her cheek and rubbing her hips before squeezing them. This was a good fuckworthy woman. "Now I suppose I'll show you my true prowess?"

"W-what? But you already climaxed three times!" Fayina exclaimed.

"I'll tell you something…" Deodomus sneered. "7 times is just a warm up for Xiao. Sometimes I have to fuck her 18 times in a day!"

"Wh- what? You two are animals!" Fayina blurted out. Deodomus chuckled.

"Hahaha, well I'm not just any animal… I'm a yeti!" Deodomus' body suddenly enlarged, getting buffier and taller and hairier.

Yeti Power technique! This was a brute force type combat technique which allowed the user to resemble a yeti and gain great physical strength & endurance! And only someone as vile and perverted as Deodomus could use this technique for sex!

Obviously, Deodomus' penis enlarged as well, turning into a 30 inch long and 6 inch thick meat rod which could beat any woman to death in bed. It was a malicious tool for vaginal destruction, ass-brutalization & a jaw-unhinging action! Even women like Xiao and Lyra had been defeated and tamed by yeti penises. Once assaulted, they had become docile like pets and their holes had been gaping wide for a whole week! Now Fayina was about to experience what Xiao did so many times in the past.

"Bend over for me." Deodomus said, pushing Fayina on the chair while getting up himself and adjusted the massive yeti penis on her pitiful tight vagina.

"N-no!" Fayina finally managed to break out of her stupor. "That thing won't fit! It will break me!" She shouted.

"That's the plan." Deodomus sneered & pushed.

"AHHH!!" Fayina screamed aloud as her vagina was ripped open and forcefully penetrated by the yeti penis. Deodomus grabbed her waist with one hand and clenched her head with the other and started humping speedily.

Fwap! Fwap! Fwap! Fwap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Loud clapping sounds occurred.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahhn! Ohh!" Fayina's screams continued echoing for long. Deodomus pounded her hardcore, not letting her rest a bit. His massive penis had pierced deep into her womb and was fucking it as an extention of the vagina.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Sstak! Sstak! Two loud slaps landed on Fayina's round hips, turning them red like apples and then Deodomus thrusted so hard that a big bulge poked out on Fayina's belly.

"AHHH!!! Sstop! You're killing me!!" Fayina screamed hoarsely.

"Bwahaha! Xiao would be begging for more at this point!" Deodomus laughed. "You're no match for my wife! Shut up and let your Lord enjoy your slutty body, you pathetic weak whore!"

Plap! Plap! Plap! Clap-clap-clap! Meaty clapping sounds continued as Deodomus fucked Fayina mercilessly and then finally ejaculated a big load of semen inside her womb and still kept thrusting until it was spurting out from her vagina and she had collapsed on the chair.

"Wahh…not bad though. You're still alive!" Deodomus mocked and pulled his flaccid penis out, stroking it and showering Fayina's hips with semen.

Within a few strokes, the yeti penis came alive again; fully erect and ready to fuck. Deodomus adjusted it on her small asshole. Fayina's usage of Whore Power technique was only proving a wrong move now as her holes had been too tight and hence causing much more pain to her.

Fwoop! The yeti penis was shoved into the tiny asshole mercilessly!

"GYAAAAAH!" Fayina screamed at the top of her voice before fainting. Any other female would have died at this point but Fayina's Valkyrean body was robust and hence preserved her life. She still couldn't endure the torturous impalement!

"Hahaha! Pathetic! You wanted to compete with Xiao? She could take on a hundred bitches like you." Deodomus sneered, shaking his head and slapped Fayina's hips before pounding her ass hardcore.

Fwoop-fwoop-fwap-fwap-fwap-clap-clap! Erotic sounds occurred as Fayina was sodomized by yeti penis mercilessly. Blood was pouring out and mixing into the blood-mixed semen oozing from her destroyed vagina. Fayina's face had lost all color and she resembled a corpse with her zero voluntary movement. Deodomus kept fucking her for another half an hour, reaping every bit of yin chi her body held, except the hidden yin.

Fwap-fwap-plap-plap-plap-spurt! Spurt! Finally, Deodomus released a large load of semen inside Fayina's ass and kept ejaculating for two minutes. Fayina's belly grew big as her guts were flushed full with semen. By the time Deodomus pulled out and stopped, Fayina looked like a pregnant woman with a swollen belly.

"Hehe. Use that semen well." Deodomus said, patting Fayina's cheek. All that semen could be turned into yang chi and could help the whore to breakthrough to another level.

Deodomus slipped a pill in her mouth which started healing her holes. He then stowed her & Hailey in his spatial ring and walked out.

Deodomus enquired a few guards about some things and soon walked into the armory where Gyoro was working on a complex metal piece. A fiery furnace was blazing by his side.

"I brought you your reward." Deodomus said, summoning Fayina and tossing her casually on the floor. Gyoro's eyes shined. "She can handle brutalization. Go crazy." Deodomus sneered. "Just don't amputate her. She's a precious commander."

"Understood. Thank you, my Lord!" Gyoro cupped his hands and pulled Fayina into his spatial ring.

"Keep up the good work." Deodomus added before leaving the armory and soon walked out of the palace. His next destination remained unknown.


Meanwhile, in the meeting room, Xiao was bent over on her knees, getting plowed by men fiercely. One man was fucking her vagina from behind while many others stood in line behind her. Another man was fucking her mouth. Two lucky men were lying on the floor and drinking milk from her breasts & supporting her body up too. Xiao was stroking two penises with both hands. A few men were sprawled here and there, too exhausted to continue. Before the fuckfest began, everyone was too excited. Now, they felt frustration and dejection. Their decades of sexual life meant nothing as they couldn't even last more than a few rounds against Xiao. The milf had sucked their balls dry or squeezed every ounce of their yang chi. Xiao remained unconquered even after multiple hours!

Fwap-fwap-clap-clap-clap-slosh-slosh-slosh! Lewd sounds occurred continuously. Some men were still pushing on with the aid of yang pills and dual cultivation techniques. Fuckfloor was aiding them too, doubling their sexual prowess. But the same was true for Xiao who became an unquenchable whore.

"Ahh! Ahhn..! Fuck me harder! Put some strength in those hips!" Xiao shouted. "Are you even men? Teenaged boys fuck better than you!"

"Th-this…" Someone muttered as the council members exchanged pitiful looks. Each of them had ejaculated at least 20 times already and it still wasn't enough for Xiao?

"M-mistress has ample experience, hehehe." Chen Tao probed from the side.

"Hmph! Of course! How else did I get my hips so big?" Xiao snorted and slapped her own big buttocks.

Ssstak! With a crispy loud sound, the huge hips jiggled, creating an erotic scene. Mingli, ever ready with his handy strategy, clicked a painting and grinned.

"Do you know how many men I've fucked?" Xiao sneered smugly.

"A…about 100?" Chen Tao guessed.

"Hmph!" Xiao snorted, turning to the side and looking at him disdainfully.

"About t-three hundred for sure! My eyes can discern the truth!" Teng Zedong boasted, slapping his naked fat thigh.

"Bah! You morons dare insult me?" Xiao scowled and everyone shriveled in fear.

"W-we dare not, mistress!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Hmph! I've fucked over 40 thousand men!" Xiao boasted. Everyone drew in a gasp and silence lingered for a good few moments. Xiao was wrong. She only remembered her fuckfests and rapes from Vrime city, Gen state, & Kros city. She had forgotten all about the Consulate where she was dragged around like a cheap whore and fucked by countless others. Eventually she was even decapitated and her body was turned into a fuckdoll which was possibly still in Jiao's possession, being used for casual sexual relief. Then there were the goblins and beasts and whatnot! Xiao was an unparalleled woman whose sexual adventures knew no precedent! She had been fucked by countless people & beasts!

But just 40 thousand was large enough a number to stump anyone.

"Ho-holy shit!" Someone blurted out.

"M-mistress is amazing hahaha!"

"Such great prowess to subjugate 40 thousand men to fuck her! Our Mistress Xiao is the best!"

"Ah? Who said I subjugated them?" Xiao scoffed, getting up "Those bastards drugged and raped me over and over and over again!" She spoke passionately, as though reminiscing about good times. "Ah, it felt sooo good!!" Xiao ran her hands on her huge breasts, kneading them and then lowering one hand to rub her horny vagina.

"Ahhn… ahnnn… it was true bliss! Being taken for a ride in all holes and then slapped and punched around, spat upon and peed on, forced to drink their semen and urine and then being sold as a prostitute and dancing on customers' laps, getting impregnated and dragged around in public and raped by men of all ages every day! Ahhn…ahnn…! And you morons can't even make me feel a quarter of that pleasure?!" She moaned and then snapped. "Shame on you! Is Carny lost on vigorous men? Show me some manhood & fuck me harder!" She slapped her huge breasts making them jiggle lewdly.

"This…!" Everyone turned sour. Xiao was insulting them thoroughly.

"As you command, Mistress!" Peng Cai chewed on multiple yang pills, almost going crazy with determination to beat pleasure into Xiao's vagina!

"Hahah! Good! That's the spirit!" Xiao cackled excitedly. "Come now! Fuck me! Rape me! Treat me like a cheap whore! Show me no mercy!"

"Horaa!!" Howin roared, erupting with yang chi and together with Peng Cai, leapt on Xiao, tackling her on the hard floor. Everyone else moved in closer too, rousing each other's spirits. Pills were consumed, dual cultivation techniques were activated; nobody showed any more hesitation now that Xiao herself demanded to be treated like a cheap whore. Men pounced on her, groping, scratching, slapping and grappling. Penises were poked on her curvaceous boy everywhere. Her holes were penetrated and once again the fuckfest resumed with great vigor!

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap! Sstak! Sstak! Meaty clapping sounds of fucking and sharp sounds of slapping echoed in the room.

Sstak! Sstak!

"Take this! Take this, you fucking bitch!" Teng Zedong shouted boldly. He was truly in the mood. This was a rare chance for these men to fuck their Mistress like a cheap whore and offend her. The boost in their ego was phenomenal! It made them feel unlimited confidence and vigor.

Sstak! Mingli managed to slap Xiao's face and yanked her hair, laughing at this unbelievable scene before he was pushed away and replaced by Howin who spat on Xiao's beautiful face and punched her on the nose.

Bam! Bam! "Take this, you whore and open your mouth!" Howin roared, fueled by manic confidence.

"Ahhn! More! More!" Xiao begged for more, being a true masochist.

Then everyone went batshit crazy. They attacked without holding back. Combat moves were used to punch & kick Xiao. For a full minute, the sounds of physical assault ringed in the room.

Bam! Bam! Thwok! Bam! Bam!

"Ahh!! Ahhn! Oh! Fuck!" Xiao was reeling in sick pleasure. She spread her legs and the men kicked her in the vagina. She presented her face and the men spat, slapped and punched it everywhere, making her eyes swell blue and nose turn crooked and bleed.

"Make way!" Teng Zedong the perverted fat man came up with a bottle of elixir and splashed it on Xiao.

Hiss…!!! "Ahhh!!!" Xiao screamed in agony as her flesh burnt with fumes.

"Ho-holy shit! What have you done!" Someone grabbed the fat man.

"She asked for it!" Teng Zedong defended himself. "Anything is game, right?"

"K-keep it..up!" Xiao groaned while popping a healing pill in her mouth. It was low grade and thus would act slowly.

The men exchanged glances. Apparently they had underestimated Xiao's masochism. Then they all pounced on her again. One of the men yanked her by the hair and dragged her on the floor. Another one started shaving Xiao's head, taking out slices of her scalp skin with the hair. Yet another creative man pierced her ridiculous finger-like long nipples and attached hooks to them, linked with metal chains. At the same time, punches and kicks were raining down on her entire body.

Someone punched Xiao in the vagina and began fist-fucking her. Another one copied and shoved his arm up to the shoulder inside Xiao's ass and began fucking her deeply. Xiao's screams were drowned in the chaotic noise. Ultimately Teng Zedong threw another bottle of acidic elixir on Xiao's body, bathing her from head to toe in it, while someone pulled the chains too hard, ripping halves of the both nipples off!

"Ahhh…! Ahhh!!" Xiao screamed and writhed on the floor in agony. Finally, at least her masochism had been fully satisfied. It had been a long time after Kros city since Xiao got to enjoy such animalistic torture.

At once, the men watched in silence, coming out of their mania.

"Wh-what have we done?" Someone uttered.

The Mistress of Carny whom they had all respected, loved and sworn to die protecting, had been raped and brutalized by them! Xiao laid in a pool of blood, and urine, having pissed herself. Her head had been shaved, her nose was crooked and swollen, her teeth broken, her lips cut open, her eyes were swollen blue while her nipples were bleeding and lactating at the same time. Her vagina and asshole were gaping wide and oozing with blood & semen. Her skin was riddled with burns and boils and soon she fainted. The most beautiful woman in the world was suddenly grotesque and unrecognizable!

Then someone stepped forward. He was Mingli. He clicked several paintings, moving around and capturing different angles. Another man moved and using a sickle, he cut off Xiao's right breast and stowed it into his spatial ring! Another man cut off her left breast! These humongous breasts were treasures!

"At this point, we all must agree that this was Mistress Xiao's command!" Chen Tao exclaimed. Everyone nodded in a stupor. What else could they say? That they got carried away and almost killed Xiao?

"Well, now would be a good time for healing pills! Summon the doctors too!" Peng Cai roared. Someone scurried off to call them.

"I…always wanted to try this…" Teng Zedong muttered meanwhile, approaching the unconscious Xiao and aimed his penis toward her. Then… he urinated on her.

Pssshh…! A stream of golden piss splattered on Xiao's cut off breasts. Another man joined in and started urinating on her. Then another man, and soon the whole council was pissing on their mistress, enjoying the last rush of having defeated the strongest woman they had ever known.

This was the true base nature of men in this particular cultivation world. Where women were treated as sexual objects and their progress was stunted by every method possible; those women who managed to get a high standing in the community, would be envied and hated. Men would conspire against them and sooner or later, manage to degrade them. History was filled with countless instances of female warriors getting tricked, raped, gangbanged and forced into prostitution, or killed and turned into fuckdolls. The stronger a woman, the stronger her sexual appeal and the more the men wanted to ravish and ruin her! It was the same for Xiao. When she demanded to be raped and harmed, she signed up for this fate. She didn't even get the chance to fight, owing to her stupidity.

Bang! At this point, the door was banged open and two doctors rushed in. They were appalled at the gory sight of a mutilated Xiao being urinated upon.

"It was her desire and command!" Someone clarified before the doctor could fly into rage.

"Hurry! She's lost too much blood!" One of the doctors reminded the other.

"Which motherfucker dared to cut off her beautiful breasts!?" The other doctor roared.

"I have one. Can you turn it into an unrotting fucktoy?" A man asked the doctor. "I'll let you play with it on weekends."

"Deal!" The doctor agreed but jumped to heal Xiao first. As everyone watched and recovered their energies, the two doctors cleaned and patched up Xiao and started feeding her pills and elixirs for quick recovery.


Meanwhile, Deodomus entered a tall building and closed the heavy iron gate behind him. Inside on the first floor was first a large hall where dozens of beautiful strong women were loitering around. Some of them were sharpening their swords, some were weight-lifting, some were drinking booze, some were kissing each other and getting sexual. Almost all of them were wearing skimpy matching outfits befitting prostitutes. Their leather bras and panties hid less and revealed more. Their boots and arm-guards were also made of leather and feathery soft hair. Some of the women had short capes hanging on their backs and had helmets with red feathers on top, some didn't bother to put them on. Some were wearing nothing except panties and boots. Their large dense breasts were bouncing here and there as they walked or lounged.

This was the base of Valkyries. Out of the 3000 Valkyries, about 300 were still stationed in the capital in the military camp field in this secluded tower-like building.

All of these Valkyries were once whores in different brothels of Carny. They had been fucked by numerous men and birthed many bastard children. They were then liberated by Xiao and offered a chance to turn their lives around by becoming female warriors-Valkyries. They quickly became strong warriors whom the men loved and hated at the same time. Valkyries had maintained their autonomy all this time, not taking orders from even General Fang, as they were a separate force from the army, directly under Xiao, in absence of whom Fayina had led them. But right now, Fayina was fucked and waiting for more sex while these women were about to remember their happy days when they used to be taken for pleasure by men and had served their roles in the society better.

"You! Who are you?" A Valkyrie shouted at Deodomus.

"How dare a man step inside Valkyrie tower?" Another one snarled, taking up her sword.

"Hahaha!" Deodomus laughed. "I'm elder Cuckoldokol from Kol kingdom! I have already defeated and raped your leader Fayina. Now, the time has come for the rest of you unruly Carny women to be tamed!"


"An enemy!"

"He got Fayina?! Impossible!"

 "Kill him!" The Valkyries reacted as expected of stupid arrogant women. If they were normal female soldiers, they would have flocked to see Xiao's entourage and seen Deodomus. But in their arrogance, these foolish women stayed in the Valkyrie tower and thus didn't recognize Deodomus now that he presented himself. Nobody even bothered to check his cultivation level or signal the rest of the army camp about the enemy's infiltration. They simply pulled tight their panties and charged at him.

"Come!" Deodomus sneered and summoned a large metal club. He had once used it to fuck Xiao in the ass. Now was the time to show its other usage.

Swoosh! He swung it easily and landed a direct hit on the first Valkyrie's ribs, flinging her away like a ragdoll.

Bam! Swoosh! Crash! As the Valkyrie was flung away, bashed against a wall and fell out of it, having broken through; the others pounced on Deodomus.

Swoosh-swish-bam! Bam! Bam! Clang! Clang! Thwok! Punches and kicks rained down on Deodomus who parried the barrage with his metal club. He easily managed to defend and then struck back.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! The Valkyries were flung away again, crashing here and there, groaning in pain while more of their comrades attacked Deodomus.

"Meteor Punch!" A Valkyrie came down from a high jump , landing a powerful energy infused punch on Deodomus.

"Sword Step, 20 Swirls!" Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! As Deodomus dodged, jumped, swirled and struck 20 times in a second, the Valkyrie was taken out with ease and fell like a dead bird on the floor. She was accompanied by other Valkyries soon.

"Meteor Hurl!"

"Meteor Shower!" Some of the more capable Valkyries posed some challenges.

"100 Swirls!" "Troll Bash!" Deodomus bashed his way through them easily. His superior Master realm cultivation gave him a strong boost. All these Valkyries were in Advanced realm. They were like a gang of noisy brats fighting an adult man. All of them were beaten by a stick and left wailing and groaning.

But as Deodomus moved up the tower to higher floors, his opponents got stronger, faster and sharper. He faced some resistance but then used sneaky moves, dirty tricks and mixed his combat techniques to confound them and got the upper hand.

Valkyrie technique was a brute-force technique which made the women really strong! But a strong woman was still a woman who could be slapped around, fucked hardcore and shown her place at men's feet. Even Xiao had been raped and brutalized in her own palace and was now lying a pool of urine. What were these Valkyries in comparison?

In just 15 minutes, Deodomus wiped the floors with them. Since they mostly used their fists and kicks to fight, they were easy to deal with. A few exceptional Valkyries who used swords and spears were effectively dealt with. Who other than Xiao could match Deodomus in weapon mastery?

"So this is the elite force of Carny? The fabled Valkyries?" Deodomus sneered, standing on top of a defeated Valkyrie. "Pathetic!" He kicked her in the face, breaking her nose and then crouched down, ripped her panty apart and shoved his penis inside her vagina, raping her ferociously!


"Ahh! Ahhn! Ahh!" The Valkyrie screamed and groaned. She managed to kick Deodomus who sneered and fucked her harder in response, after forcing her into doggy position.

"100 Thrusts!" Deodomus used a dual-cultivation move and thrusted 100 times in a single moment, destroying the Valkyrie's vagina, womb, and knocking her out in the process.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! A big load of semen was released inside the Valkyrie's broken womb. But this semen was devoid of yang chi. Deodomus tossed the Valkyrie aside and jumped to the other one who was sprawled and moaning in pain on the floor.

The Valkyries allscreamed and struggled but against Deodomus' strength, but they were all subjugated and raped one by one. Deodomus even used dual cultivation techniques on a few good ones, impregnating some and later stowing some of them in his ring for later abuse.

In this manner he raped all the 300 Valkyries thoroughly and even many times, the entire night; reaping their yin and hidden yin of some, consolidating 714 yin beads in total!

"Wah…that felt good." Deodomus smiled, wiping the sweat off his face with a panty and tossed it aside. Then he climbed to the top of Valkyrie tower after putting on his noble attire. He welcomed the sunrise with glee as he basked in its light on the top of the tower.

"Such a wonderful day! I might do some good deeds today! But first…" Deodomus muttered. Then he used a support technique to increase his voice and shouted at the soldiers in the army camp.

"Arise! Warriors of Carny!" His voice boomed, jolting everyone awake. "This is your Lord Deodomus! We shall soon be marching out for battle! But before that, you must give one last push to breakthrough to the next levels! Battle prowess is all that matters in our world! To fight and rip your enemy's throat, you need to be even stronger! And for that purpose, I offer you, the Valkyries! Come to the Valkyrie tower and take these women for yourselves! Fuck them till you drop tired. Take their yin, give them your yang. Dual cultivate, and use that energy to level up!"

As his words ringed in the army camp, every soldier was left dumbfounded for long.

"Lord Deodomus?"

"That's him, alright! I saw him in the palace yesterday!"

"Heavens, he's at the top of Valkyrie Tower! Is this a display of his supreme authority?

"Fuck the Valkyries? Did I hear that correctly?"

"We can do that? Did the Valkyries consent?"

"Our Lord must have subdued them haha! He's truly a man of culture!"

"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Fuck the Valkyries for Carny! For righteousness!"

"Knock them whores up! For Carny, bravery and whatever!"

And everyone raced to the Valkyrie tower in a frenzy, kicking up a dust cloud.


"Ugh…what just happened?" A Valkyrie groaned as she got up. "Was someone just shouting?"

"Ah…! I've been raped!" Another Valkyrie screamed.

"Fuck that Cuckoldokol! He raped us all!"

"Ah, I feel empty! My hidden yin has been stolen!"

"Woha, what's that rumbling?!"

Bam! Bam! Suddenly the doors were flung open and a mad crowd of male soldiers barged in. The Valkyries' faces paled. They screamed hysterically before the roars of the horny men drowned their voices and their bodies were engulfed by theirs. A massive rapefest thus began.


"Ugh…" Xiao groaned, getting up. "Fuck…! What happened? Did I pass out?"

"Good morning whore Xiao." A random minister said mockingly. Xiao didn't even know his name.

"You? What the fuck did you just…" Xiao started.

Sstak! A loud slap landed on her face, ringing her ear. Then the man spat on her beautiful face & shoved his erect penis in her gaping mouth.

"Suck it, you masochistic slut!" The man sneered and began thrusting too.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh! Xiao's eyebrows twitched in anger but the warmth of an erect penis in her mouth and taste of precum was enough to calm her down. She took her surroundings in and realized that she was surrounded by the council who seemed energetic after the full night's rest. They were all naked and surrounding her with erect penises.

"Did you enjoy the action last night, Mistress?" Mingli probed. Xiao frowned thinking while unconsciously sucking on the juicy penis, bobbing her head back and forth. She remembered shouting at the council to fuck her harder and beat her. Then she remembered being beaten like a bitch and passing out from pain and pleasure.

"I think I passed out once you all started manning up." Xiao said, after pulling the penis out of her mouth and smiled. "Good work, everyone. I think I must have enough yang…"

"No Xiao, we're prepared to go all out for you!" Someone objected.

"Yes, we'll fuck you till we drop dead!"

"That won't be necessary…" Xiao spoke but another man intervened. He yanked her by the hair, forcing her to get on all fours and then shoved his penis in her mouth, much to her shock at this treatment.

"It's our duty to serve you, Mistress! If you want to be fucked hardcore, we'll do it! We will even beat you up, piss on you and call you a whore from now on just how you commanded us to, last night!" This man said, grabbing her head and starting to fuck her.

"Eh!? Eh?? I said that? Aren't they spouting nonsense…?" Xiao thought. "Wait, I did say something along the lines but that wasn't a perpetual command! How can I let my subjects treat me like this? What happens to my position as the Mistress?!"

Suddenly the door opened and more men walked in. They were the remainder of the usual court people and even dozens of guards and all the servants!

"We've called everyone, Mistress whore Xiao." Yingjie said humbly. "You will be fucked nonstop the whole day and treated like a whore and a fuckdoll as per your command."

"E-eh??" Xiao's eyes bulged.

"You'll be used as a public toilet too." Howin added. "Just the way you wanted. You will drink urine and eat shit. Then take a beating and be paraded throughout the palace! Your command is our destiny! We'll fulfill it at all costs!"

"What. The. Fuck?" Xiao mumbled, pulling the penis out again. "Are you all mad? Where is my husband?"

"Lord Deodomus has entered closed-door cultivation. You'll be doing the same by evening in the toilets." Chen Tao said sneakily.

"I will do no such thing!" Xiao stood up. She, despite being a shameless woman, felt a bit embarrassed, surrounded by her entire palace folks while standing butt naked. "Whatever I said was for last night, not perpetually!"

"But Mistress…" Yingjie spoke. "You clearly said it to be 'perpetual', and that we must rape you even if you deny it all because that's how you want to play. You want to be the pitiful ruler who gets railed by her own people and turned into a cumdumpster and a human toilet. You said you enjoy such filthy games."

"W-what!?" Xiao was utterly shocked. Her head spun a little.

"Careful, Mistress. Do not stress your mind." A doctor said. "Too much healing medicines have made your mind feeble. This side-effect will pass. But don't worry. Everything will be okay."

"Yes-yes. Just give yourself to your people. We all love you and we'll make sure to make you scream in agony and piss yourself. You can trust us!" Howin said.

"Wha…." Xiao felt something was amiss but she couldn't quite put a finger on it. By now every man was naked and hands were running on Xiao's lewd body already, turning her on.

"Here, whore Xiao, eat this." A doctor showed a mind-numbing aphrodisiac in her mouth and that sealed the deal. Xiao's mind dazed while the men began fucking her in every orifice possible!


Xiao was currently all healed up. It wasn't an easy job. The two doctors Zhu Hong & Shao Fen had used their best healing medicines and performed surgery too. Healing Xiao's skin and recovering her hair was easy. Her broken nose and teeth were also quickly fixed. But her breasts had been cut off entirely. Thus, with careful concoction of limb regrowth medicine, they were regrown and increased in size through usage of an unorthodox medical technique. Although Xiao's new breasts were now smaller, looking like 1 large watermelon each, instead of 3; they had enhanced sensitivity now, owing to the side effect of the unorthodox technique used.

Now, even with a gentle squeeze of her breasts, Xiao could be forced to moan erotically! Her nipples were even more sensitive and basically like clitorises which would secrete yin fluids upon a single pinch!

As for Xiao's skin, it was entirely new and more robust than before. Except of course the sensitivity of the breasts' area. The acidic elixir that Teng Zedong had used was a rare cultivation resource concocted for brute-force cultivators. Its function was to burn away the weak skin and once it healed, it would become mighty durable which could endure even sword cuts with ease, unless chi was infused in the attack. But even then, the impact would be quite reduced. Thus, it was a blessing in disguise.

Xiao was carried to the table and spread eagled. Men started kissing and licking her everywhere while caressing, squeezing, and groping her.

"Ahhn…Ummmh… Oh yess…" Xiao moaned erotically. She relaxed and let the pleasure take control. Her vagina felt like a volcano shimmering with a powerful libido which needed some intense sex and explosions of yang chi to calm it down.

The royal chef put his mouth into Xiao's crotch, sucking and kissing her vagina; slurping on her fluids, appraising its sour sweet taste.

"Mmm..chu~ Wah… Mistress's vagina tastes so good! Her juices are the best!" The cook, Duan Yong praised and continued licking and slurping. He pushed his tongue inside Xiao's vagina and tongue-fucked her, flicking it back and forth speedily like a snake.

"Ahhn…oh yes… keep going!" Xiao wrapped her strong thighs around Duan Yong's head and held it tightly there. The man joyously ate Xiao's vagina and drank her yin fluids while the milf shivered in ecstasy.

"Mmm..! Mistress's new nipples are amazing!" Howin remarked, sucking on the right nipple while Mingli suckled on the left nipple.

"I know right? Oh so juicy! There is yin enriched milk flowing into my mouth ohhh!" Mingli exclaimed.

"Woha, let me taste her too!"

"Me first! Me first!"

"Don't push. Everyone will get their turn with the slut Mistress!"

Meanwhile Yingjie climbed up with Xiao's head between his thighs, and rubbed his penis and hairy balls on her face.

"Alright, time is really tight and there are about 200 of us. Let's all fuck her speedily and let everyone have their turn!" Yingjie announced and got down to business. He did not shove his penis in Xiao's mouth but let her suck on his balls while he masturbated.

Fwip-fwip-fwip! He stroked his penis while Xiao worked her magic on his hairy sweaty balls, licking and sucking them. Soon Yingjie bust a load of semen and showered Xiao's beautiful face with it.

Spurt! Spurt! "Uhh!" He exclaimed while stroking his penis. And once he was finished, he spat on Xiao's face and slapped her hard. He didn't know he had this side to his character but after last night's intensity, no one was showing restraint anymore.

"Uhh, I think I need to pee. Toilet Xiao, open your mouth!" Yingjie spoke and aimed his limp penis toward it. Then he let out a golden stream of urine which Xiao gladly drank and then panted while Yingjie was replaced by another man who chose to spit in Xiao's mouth before fucking it. By now, it was certain that nobody would kiss her dirty mouth so it was used as a fucktoy and a toilet instead.

Meanwhile Xiao's nipples were a delicacy everyone wanted a piece of. They lined up to suck on her nipples and squeeze her breasts to drink that holy milk. Afterwards they were instructed to masturbate on the side and spray their semen on her breasts which would slowly get absorbed by Xiao's body and turned into yang chi. Yingjie ensured that this fuckfest maintained its main purpose, which was to provide Xiao with large amounts of yang chi.

Xiao's vagina was sucked only once, as afterwards when it was fucked and filled with semen, nobody really wanted to put their mouth on it. Thus it was fucked nonstop. Each man got 5 minutes to speedily fuck her and fill her with his semen. Her asshole was equally competed for.

Xiao was turned around and bent over in different-different positions. Men continued to have their turns with her all day, fucking her, filling her with semen, urinating in her mouth and spitting on her face.

Men simply loved to humiliate women. It boosted their ego like nothing else. To urinate in the strongest woman's mouth was unparalleled! They enjoyed doing it and by noon, Xiao's belly was bloating full of urine. She resembled a pregnant woman.

"Hey-hey, I don't think she can drink any more piss!" Mingli shouted while snapping lewd paintings of Xiao's.

"Then it's her asshole from now on. Turn her upside down. Everyone, piss in this bitch's ass. Forget her fucking face!" Howin shouted.

And then Xiao was fucked in head down-bottom up position. Her legs were dangling on the side, her two holes were full on display, oozing with semen. 2 men could fuck her at a time. At the end, they would shove their flaccid penises inside her asshole and urinate in it.

"Uhh…ughh…!" Xiao vomited urine from her mouth and wetted her entire face.

"Ew! The toilet Xiao is leaking!" Someone exclaimed.

"Clog the bitch's mouth!"

And a dirty rag was tied around Xiao's mouth, shutting it tight while the men kept filling her ass with piss.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-slosh-slosh! Wet lewd sounds kept occurring as Xiao's swollen vagina and urine-filled asshole were fucked.

By late afternoon, Xiao was completely bloated and urine was overflowing from her ass and she herself was pissing and all of it was dribbling down on her lewd body, bathing her in piss.

"Hey, she is full now. And we've all had our turn." Chen Tao spoke.

"Fuck that, I still want to go another round on her!" A guard shouted.

"Haha! You and we all, brother!" Teng Zedong said. "But let's empty her a bit."

And so Xiao was made to lie down on the floor and the rag was removed from her mouth.

"Let it flow out now, Xiao. Quickly!" Someone shouted.

"This whore, can't even piss fast!" An eager bastard stomped on Xiao's inflated belly and…

Shproofff!! Jets of urine were unleashed from Xiao's ass, mouth and nostrils.

"Hahahaha! Such a filthy sight! Is this really Xiao?" Someone cackled.

"She's a woman too. They all are filthy lewd creatures in the end." Mingli commented while snapping more paintings.

Bam! Bam! Bam! A few men made sport of kicking Xiao in the belly and forcing the urine out of her body. Finally, as Xiao's belly deflated completely, she was groaning in a pool of piss, and looked pathetic.

"Alright, let's leave her now. Her holes are too loose anyway." Yingjie exclaimed.

"I wouldn't touch that filthy slut anyway. She's bathed in piss!" Someone scrunched up his nose.

"Alright, let's go and get some rest. Remember. This was whore Xiao's demand that we treat her like this. But when she awakens, we must give her due respect even if she's a degenerate woman who likes getting raped, brutalized and drinking men's piss." Chen Tao announced. Everyone agreed & left the meeting room. Only Xiao was left remaining; lying unconscious in a pool of urine.


Later, an intense bidding started in the palace's courtroom. Countless extremely realistic paintings of Xiao's were hanging on wires and men were purchasing them or bidding for the best ones. These paintings depicted Xiao getting naked, then getting fucked, her nipples lactating, her vagina oozing out semen, her different sexy poses; painting of her having sex with multiple men, her giving blowjobs and handjobs, her licking semen off the floor, getting peed upon, being beaten, lying in urine, smiling stupidly while being spat upon. These paintings were selling like hot cakes!

Mingli struck it rich. Within a few hours he became the richest man in the capital! All the buyers were happy too. Now they could masturbate to Xiao's lewd paintings & also show them off to the guests.

Throughout this time, Valkyrie Tower had been erupting with female screams. The proud Valkyries were raped like cheap whores and were utterly destroyed! Each Valkyrie had about 10 men raping her. Vaginas were ripped apart, assholes were stretched open and the beautiful faces were punched and slapped until they became unrecognizable.

By evening, every male cultivator was singing praise of their Lord Deodomus. That man not only offered his wife for a gangbang but also defeated the Valkyries and turned them into cheap whores!

But unaware & uncaring, Deodomus was cultivating seriously in a secret chamber. There was a stern expression on his face. His energy was storming through his meridians and bombarding his dantian. He had already broken through to level 5 Master realm and was continuing on.

"Faster…there's no time!" He thought with a frown. "I must reach Sage realm quickly! It is finally time to have my revenge! Koldorus…just you fucking wait!"

Whoosh! Energy rippled out from his body, expelling the toxins and then he resumed cultivation without any breaks.


Meanwhile in a recently cleaned meeting room, Xiao awoke to find herself naked but thoroughly cleaned. This was done upon Yingjie's command who took charge of everything due to unavailability of his superiors.

"Huff… what a ride…" Xiao rubbed her face and smiled. She didn't remember everything but knew that she had been thoroughly disgraced, abused, tortured, treated like a fuckdoll and a toilet. And she absolutely loved it. She had been thoroughly conditioned by men in her life into becoming this masochistic filthy whore. Be it Deodomus, Han, Kyle, Ming Sheng, her dead husbands- Hiram, Shorya, Sher; then the Consulate members, Trinity; her own father Zhang, the villains like Xong, Ryuga, & Demir; everyone had tamed her and dominated her thoroughly. Whether or not Xiao remembered all the things done to her, the fact remained that she was now a truly depraved woman who craved sex and objectification. In simple words, Xiao was a pitiful whore. But this didn't mean she didn't understand when she should set aside her debauchery.

Xiao took a deep breath, sat cross-legged & scrutinized herself. Her body was overflowing with yang chi. The semen and even the urine she had ingested was filled with yang chi of 200 men. She had ample chi to obtain multiple breakthroughs!

"It is time to level up." Xiao thought. "Just you wait, Koldorus. I'm going to settle our score. For every death that you have caused for your lust and greed, I will make you beg for your own death!" Xiao's eyes flashed with enraged determination before she shut them and started cultivating. She needed to be fast as soon it would be time for the final war...