Fateful War-IV

In the morning, the troops were all assembled and ready for battle. Xiao and Deodomus were at the forefront, gazing down at their enemies where Koldorus stood at the forefront, gazing up with fervent desire for Xiao. A massive army stood behind him that dwarfed Carny's army in comparison.

On Carny's side, the most powerful warriors were Xiao, Deodomus, Yingjie and Gyoro. Secondary ones like Peng Cai, Mingli and Howin had fair potential too. But only Xiao and Deodomus were at Master realm.

On Kol's side, Koldorus, Plant King, Pyrus, Kim, Ling & Solzar were all Master realm warriors with many Commanders and deputies and a large army. The odds were clearly in Kol kingdom's favor.

"Why hasn't Luna returned?" Xiao murmured.

"She probably decided to bail out." Deodomus muttered.

"She wouldn't!" Xiao shook her head. She had no idea that Luna had been killed by some dumb sadistic assassins and now Carny's fate was resting solely on Xiao and Deo's shoulders.

"Well then let's hope she returns eventually. I'm still going to take Koldorus down to hell with me if it's the last thing that I do." Deodomus snarled. Xiao looked at him and nodded. At least the two of them had the same enemy.

Xiao unsheathed her long sword and raised it high. Its blade gleaming in the sunlight, flashing as if divine.

"Attack!!" Xiao roared and led the troops that barrelled down the mountain. Spears and arrows preceded them, raining down on Kol troops who retaliated with their own but had little impact against the gravity. The high ground was showcasing its value.

Meanwhile Carny troops gathered up a threatening momentum! Once they crashed into Kol troops they could inflict great damage! But Koldorus smiled confidently. "Kim!" He shouted.

Rumble! The mountain shook and large boulders of stones emerged from the ground, toppling Carny troops while a thick slanted stone wall arose in front of them. Unwilling to cancel the momentum from earlier, Carny troops slammed hard against the wall and were crushed by the weight of their comrades coming on from behind.

Boom! Xiao blew a large hole in the wall and stomped through. Deodomus leapt in the air and spun, hurling dozens of spears which also blew up the wall on dozens of spots. The Carny troops carried on but their momentum had been lost and hundreds of them had suffered injuries already.

Xiao scowled. The territorial advantage was meaningless now while Kol army was yet to make a move.

"I thought he was dead!" Deodomus snarled, glaring at Kim from a distance.

"He will be now!" Xiao snarled, summoning a spear and hurling it towards Kim with a deafening boom.

"Death Spear!" Boom! The spear reached Kim within a few seconds. He had only managed to erect a single boulder in defense which got obliterated before the spear pierced through his shoulder, destroying it.

Boom! A crater formed behind Kim, killing several soldiers while he too collapsed in shock.

"What..power!" Kim's eyes widened. Death Spear was an Empyrean technique. Of course its trump card moves would have ballistic power. Kim swallowed a healing pill, ignoring the utterly destroyed right arm and manipulated the ground to attack Carny troops again.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boulders emerged, harming the Carny troops.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Spears rained down on Kim, hurled by Xiao and Deodomus both.

With a cacophony of the explosions, Kim was taken out of the battle. His body was mangled and he seemed to be taking his last breaths. Kol soldiers quickly took him away while the Commanders and Deputies took the lead.

From Carny's side, Yingjie led a battalion to meet them and a battle started between them.

Ling was staying low. His water element technique was very tricky to handle but it lacked the power somehow. Plus, his body was weak. He had been nearly killed by Deodomus a day ago and was still trembling in fear. He secured himself in the middle of his army and instructed the Commanders and Deputies from behind to lead the charge. Peng Cai met this army with his battalion.

Solzar and Pyrus began assaulting Carny troops with fire. Solzar had made a full recovery thanks to Plant King.

This fiery duo of Solzar and Pyrus had to be countered by Deodomus while Xiao charged towards Koldorus. Plant King made his move, assaulting Xiao's army. Vines arose from the ground, wrapping around the soldiers' feet and toppling or ensnaring them. Tall red leafless trees grew rapidly, attacking the Carny army with sharp tipped branches, sucking out their blood. What made things worse was that these trees could actually move! Their roots worked like legs, enabling them to move around at Plant King's command, taking out their targets. Carny soldiers retaliated, using techniques to cut down the trees but they had been effectively held back and now Xiao was marching on with only a Valkyrie brigade. She had Gyoro by her side as her aide who seemed determined to prove his worth.

Koldorus took off his shirt, baring his fit upper body and cracked his neck muscles. He flexed his muscular arms and stretched himself while smirking.

"Come Xiao, let's dance!" He howled and moved, disappearing from his spot.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Koldorus and Xiao left their armies behind and went for each other, weapons in hands.

Clang! A sharp metallic sound echoed as the two of them met midway. Their swords broke from the impact and were quickly replaced by new ones.

"Finally! We finally got to fight again Xiao, hahaha!" Koldorus was ecstatic. Ever since Xiao had beaten him to a pulp, he had been simmering for revenge! He wanted to fight her again, defeat her, fuck her and make her his woman!

"We have fought before?" Xiao smirked, feigning to have forgotten; which she actually had before, but then she regained pieces of the memory of her fight with him. It had puzzled her if anything, because Xiao didn't remember about the gu worms. She hadn't had enough time to ponder over it all with the war upon her.

"Ah, you sure like to tease." Koldorus sneered. "I love that about you."

Swoosh! Swoosh! They moved again, no longer caring for words.

"Sparrow Steps! Sword Lotus!" Xiao struck first and a silvery lotus flashed around Koldorus, injuring him deeply.

"Ahh! Damn woman! Hahaha!" Koldorus cackled. "Take my move! Crimson Streak!" The sword flashed in crimson, a streak flashed past Xiao's body, slashing her between the breasts and her jade white armor endured a deep cut.

Swoosh! Xiao bent and spun, using a move she had copied from Deodomus. Sparrow Step, 20 Swirls!"

Swish-whish-whish! The sword moved like a shredder, cutting Koldorus on the belly shallowly as had used a defensive technique to endure the move. He didn't want his intestines hanging out as he fought after all.

"Crimson Cleave!"

"Sword Lotus!"

Crimson Spiral!"

"Cutting Down the River Stream!"

Clang! Clang! Clang! Swoosh! Fwoosh! Boom! The two of them tangled in a heated fight. Trump card moves flashed every moment. It was a dazzling fight to behold!

As the two rulers battled it out, A large area was vacated around them by the warring armies. The nearest soldiers had stopped to watch the fight.

Meanwhile Deodomus was fighting intensely with two elders who kept bombarding him with explosive moves.

"Fireball!" "Flame Pillar!" Solzar and Pyrus attacked together.

Boom! Fwoosh! Fire blazed towards Deodomus who moved quickly, dodging the fireball but the flame pillar chased after him as Pyrus moved his firing hand.

"Lightning Cat!" Deodomus summoned a cat-shaped armor of lightning around him for defense & speed.

"Oh? Lightning element! How rare!" Pyrus smiled and increased the intensity of his heat pillar.

Crackle! Swoosh-swoosh! Deodomus ran around Pyrus in a circle and eventually managed to reach him, having escaped the fire.

"Lightning Death Spear!" He shouted, using the signature move of Death Spear with lightning, giving Pyrus no chance to escape.

Boom!! The Kol elder was blown away with the lower half of his body obliterated!

"Firebird!" Solzar struck Deodomus at the same time with a trump card move.

Bwoosh! Flames enveloped Deodomus entirely, blowing him a few feet away and burning away his protective barrier.

"Ahh!" Deodomus screamed while activating a defensive technique. It halted the damage & the flames were doused by yin water.

Deodomus' face and hair had been burnt off, giving him a terrible appearance. He groaned in pain while more firebirds flew at him.

"Lighting Cat!" Deodomus reactivated the defensive move and charged toward Solzar, dodging the firebirds left and right.

Chir-chir-chir-chir! Blue lightning arcs were erupting from his body while he sprinted agilely and rapidly. Spears appeared in his hands momentarily before disappearing as he hurled them continuously.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bwoosh! Solzar also dodged while retreating, managing to keep distance from his foe, having learned the lesson from Pyrus' mistake.


Plant King surveyed the battlefield. He saw Pyrus getting blown away and biting a healing pill. He would survive but was effectively out of battle unless Plant King helped him. Solzar seemed to be on his last legs too. Deodomus was simply too fierce in fighting! Kim had been defeated, barely kept alive by a doctor. Ling had managed to surround Yingjie with his army and their fight would end soon. The main fight between Xiao and Koldorus was at its climax. Both of them had been using trump card moves furiously and must be approaching their limits. But of course yang & yin pills existed. Plant King gritted his teeth. He decided to ignore all of his comrades and solely focus on Xiao now. He had made a promise to himself that he will protect Xiao…by killing her when the time arrived.

The Carny troops had thinned by now. There weren't many of them to begin with. In just an hour, victory would belong to Carny unless Xiao and Deodomus turned the tables on them. But knowing Koldorus' prowess, Plant King found it unlikely. Plus there was the floating ship lying in wait.

Suddenly a large shadow befell Plant King. He jerked his head up to see the source. There was a large man leaping down at him!

"Horaahh!" Gyoro roared, bringing a heavy spiked club with him and smashing it down at Plant King who dodged at the last moment.

Boom! Shockwaves rippled out and the ground caved into a small crater while stones and dirt erupted from the impact.

Swoosh! Gyoro swung the club with great strength and speed. Plant King blocked by crossing his forearms, reinforced by a tough armlet.

Bam! The armlets shattered and so did Plant King's bones and his arms turned into a mangled mush while his whole body was flung several feet away from the force.

Bam! Bam! Skrrrt!" Plant King bounced on the ground and rolled pathetically while Gyoro charged over, stomping the ground with his heavy feet.

"What…power!" Plant King praised inwardly. "And he's still only in Advanced realm? Must be using a brute strength technique."

Within a few moments Gyoro reached him again and swung his club but Plant King effectively dodged this time around, no longer daring to take a hit. His mangled arm had already healed, looking good as new!

"Take this! And this!" Gyoro grunted, swinging the club savagely.

Bam! Bam! The ground shattered with his blows but he couldn't hit Plant King who seemed far more agile than he was letting on. This was a man who was confident in killing Xiao. Only Koldorus could pose a threat to him.

Gyoro seemed powerful but he was simply outclassed by Plant King. It showed after a few minutes when Gyoro had spent much of his energy in crude powerful moves and landed only a single hit on him.

"Hmph! Come and fight like a man! Don't just keep running!" Gyoro challenged while summoning yang pills and chewing them.

"Can you hear it?" Plant King asked calmly. "The screams of your soldiers?" Gyoro blinked before glancing over. He could not hear their screams because they were all dead.

"It's your turn to be silenced." Plant King said, slapping the ground. "Forest of Bloodthirst!" "Trap Vines!"

Red bloodthirsty trees grew around Gyoro while green vines emerged from the ground, wrapping around his strong legs to capture him. Gyoro tore them off with mild difficulty before switching his club with a large double-headed battle-axe.

The vines had grown everywhere but were targeting only Gyoro. No matter where he ran, they obstructed him and slowed him down. Eventually he decided to let them capture him while he trusted the strength of his arms to deal with the forest of bloodthirst.

Krr…! Fwip-fwip-swish! Whish! The sharp-tipped branches moved and struck like pikes from all directions while Gyoro swung his axe around fiercely, chopping them all down and hacking down the trees that he could reach. The bloodthirsty trees finally revealed the flaw in them. Their branches could not extend over a limit. This is why they had evolved to move around, using their roots as feet. So to kill Gyoro, they each had to approach him and all he had to do was hack them all down. It had become a battle of attrition, but only in Plant King's favor.

Plant King ignored the boor, focusing on Xiao again. He could kill Gyoro in a heartbeat if he simply used poisonous thorny vines on him. But then Plant King would become officially free and would have to fight someone else to keep up the pretense. He wanted to fight no one. Not Deodomus, not Xiao. Thus he chose to occupy himself by keeping Gyoro alive while waiting for the conclusion of this battle. He was prepared for quick action, regardless of who lost. If Xiao lost, he'd kill her before she can be raped and exploited like Chloe, Xu and the Valkyries. If Koldorus lost by chance, then Plant King was duty-bound to save him and protect him with all his might. He thus waited, watching the fight.


Clang! Clang! Clang! Whoosh! Swords clashed as Xiao and Koldorus battled. They had already switched many swords by now as they couldn't keep up with the powerful moves. Oddly enough, Koldorus was using the same weapon as Xiao's, seemingly wanting to defeat her with the same type of weapon to prove that he was better than her in all sense. Xiao on the other hand was solely focused on killing him.

"Cleaving the Mountain!" Xiao shouted, swinging her long sword with great speed, shooting an arc of energy at Koldorus who took it head on and got a deep cut on his body from left shoulder to the right side of his waist.

"Ahhh!! Hahaha!" Koldorus screamed and cackled as he felt his strength surge again. He could now match level 2 Sage realm warriors! This meant it was time to utilize his strength better. It was time to go Herculean!

Clang! Clatter..! He threw away his sword and smiled evilly at Xiao who gnashed her teeth in frustration. She knew what was coming.

Swoosh! Koldorus vanished from her sight and appeared behind her.

"Herculean Punch!" He shouted, punching her in the ribs.

Bam! Crack! The powerful punch sent Xiao flying several feet away after cracking her ribs and destroying the armor on that area.

Bam! Skrrt…! Xiao fell and skidded on the ground.

Whoosh! Koldorus was upon her again.

"Herculean Kick!" He kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying again while she vomited blood. Before she could even fall down, Koldorus appeared above her, smashing her down with both hands joined as a single fist, fingers interlocked.

"Herculean Smash!" Boom! Boom! Two explosive sounds echoed in succession. One broke Xiao's backbone and back side of the ribcage, the other was from her collision into the ground. A crater formed there in the middle of which, Xiao laid defeated.

"Xiao!" Deodomus shouted from a distance. He was still tangled with Solzar who had been putting up a desperate last fight, keeping him occupied. But now Deodomus ignored him and sprinted towards Xiao to save her.

Bwoosh! Boom! Boom! Firebirds struck Deodomus from behind, blowing him forward while burning his armor.

"Xiao! Don't worry, I'm coming for you!" Deodomus exclaimed in his mind, seething in desperation while flames licked his skin and the melting armor threatened to brand its shape on his torso.

"Death Spear!" Boom! Boom! Boom! He threw multiple spears at Koldorus who chuckled, dodging them agilely. He jumped into the crater where Xiao was, landing upon her cruelly and then broke her finger while snatching her spatial ring away.

"No healing pills, sweetheart." He whispered in Xiao's ears while she grunted helplessly, spewing blood from her mouth and unable to move.

Bwoosh! Solzar landed before Deodomus, burning bright in flames, willing to take him down to hell and showered Deodomus in golden fire.

"Fuck off!" Deodomus growled. "Triple Lighting Death Spears!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Solzar's body was utterly destroyed as he was flung dozens of feet away.

The human torch Deodomus landed in the crater the next moment.

Boom! He flew upwards, punched by Koldorus; his jaw and chin utterly crushed.

Swoosh! Koldorus appeared above him, smashing him away and then chasing after him repeatedly.

"Herculean Punch! Herculean Gatling! Herculean Smash!"

Boom! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Explosive sounds boomed with each strike of Koldorus' and Deodomus was beaten black & blue. His level 8 Master realm cultivation could not match Koldorus' level 4 Sage realm strength.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Koldorus was now simply punching Deodomus' face in, not killing him yet but toying with him instead.

"Hahaha! Is that all you had? Come on! Fight me some more!" Koldorus laughed evilly. "Ah, such a weak pathetic man you are, and Xiao chose you? Hmph, foolish woman! But don't worry kekeke, now I'll be her new husband after you're dead hehe! Hahaha!"

Bam! Bam! Bam! Punches kept raining down, beating Deodomus to unconsciousness.

"Damn it…I'm still too weak!" Deodomus thought as he lost the sense of his body. "I'm sorry Anek, I could not avenge you… I'm sorry Xiao…"

Crackle! KABOOM!! A lightning blast occurred, blowing Koldorus several feet away.

"Stay away from my daddy!" Hailey shouted, sprinting rapidly, covered in protective blue lighting formed like a cat.

Swoosh! She reached Deodomus who had fainted and held his face, crying.

"Oh,what has he done to you daddy! & where is mommy?" Hailey asked but no answer came. Her heartbeat escalated while she noticed Koldorus getting up in the distance. Quickly, she slipped a healing pill in Deodomus' mouth but before she could warp him into her spatial ring, Koldorus emerged next to her.

"Herculean Kick!" Bam! Hailey was kicked dozens of feet away. She collided against several soldiers, toppling them and rolling in the ground before stopping. Her nose and mouth were bleeding. Her defensive barrier had been destroyed by the Herculean Kick.

"How interesting. I didn't know Xiao had a daughter, that too in her teens!" Koldorus muttered walking towards her. "How odd that you don't resemble her in the least bit, but still, you're like a beautiful doll." He sneered, vanishing from his spot and appearing before her. His tall muscular body was casting an ominous shadow over the loli's small body.

"I'm not some doll." Hailey snarled. "I'm the princess of Carny!"

"Oh but you will become a doll…" Koldorus sneered. "Fuckdoll princess of Carny!"

Swoosh! His large fist came rushing at Hailey's face.

"Herculean Punch!" "Lighting Blast!" Both of them exchanged moves.

Boom! Crackle! Koldorus was flung away. Lightning was faster than any fist. Hailey watched Koldorus fall while her heartbeat and breathing turned faster. She realized at once that as long as Koldorus doesn't land a hit, he can't hurt her!

Swoosh! Koldorus appeared before her again and whipped out a kick but now Hailey vanished and appeared several feet away. Lightning buzzed around her while the Kol soldiers hurriedly ran away from her.

Koldorus moved swiftly but Hailey was faster. She managed to keep distance while hurling long ranged attack moves on him.

"Lightning Bolts! Lightning pillar! Lightning web!"

Crackle! Crackle! Kaboom!

Koldorus' scowl grew uglier by the minute. He was unable to land a single hit on Hailey but inwardly he grew more and more excited at the prospect of having Xiao's daughter as his lightning element sex slave!

Meanwhile a figure rushed into the crater where Xiao was taking her last breaths.

"Ah damn it, this isn't something I can fix!" Muchen muttered as he scrutinized Xiao's body. Xiao's eyes moved toward him, almost pleading. "Pl..ease…" She uttered.

Muchen shook his head and sighed, kneeling before her and slipping a healing pill in her mouth. Xiao's injuries began to heal but she still couldn't move around. Her whole body seemed paralyzed.

"I'm sorry Xiao, backbone is an intricate thing. No one can fix it in a short time. It will take my, Shao Fen and Zhu Hong's united efforts. Even then it's uncertain that you'll ever be able to fight again." Muchen revealed. Xiao's face paled. She never expected to go out of battle like this!

"You're already paralyzed and your spinal cord will keep getting injured from the broken bone fragments. You might die if transported incorrectly. Come into my spatial ring." Muchen said.

Plant King made his move now. He needed to check Xiao's condition but going there would be too suspicious while his opponent remained alive.

Bam! Bam! Thwok! Loud sounds occurred as Gyoro still fought the unending Forest of Bloodthirst. His energy was nearly exhausted and he was panting heavily.

With a snap of his fingers, Plant King tossed a certain seed into the ground which bore into the soil, moved over to Gyoro as it grew and then emerged as a thorny plant that climbed up on his body, reached his neck and scraped his skin, giving him a quick poisonous death.

Swoosh! Plant King moved, ignoring everything else around him.

"Plant King, tackle this bitch with me!" Koldorus yelled. "She's Xiao's daughter! I must have her!"

"Even her daughter?" Plant King felt horrified at Koldorus' depravity. He hesitated but moved to help anyway. He had been spotted. There was no way he could reach Xiao without looking suspicious.

Muchen left the crater as fast as he could and ran away from the battlefield, climbing up the mountain where Carny camp was, devoid of soldiers by now.

As he reached a tent, he summoned Xiao out and laid her safely on a table.

"Wasn't there a medical corps among the troops?" Muchen asked.

"Couldn't…find…dead, perhaps." Xiao mumbled with difficulty.

"Tch, glad I came over. Hailey had been crying about wanting to go to battle to aid you and Lord Deodomus." Muchen said. "I volunteered to come along."

"Hailey…where is she?" Xiao asked with a frown.

"Fighting Koldorus." Muchen said gravely while taking out his surgical equipment and set of elixirs.

"No…! Please! You must…bring her…away…" Xiao begged frantically.

"Last I saw, she was holding herself well against him. He could not even reach her. I think Hailey will be fine." Muchen assured Xiao. We need to save your life first. Then I'll go & bring Hailey, alright?"

Xiao merely panted in frustration of not being able to defend her daughter.

"What I'm about to do is the only way Xiao…" Muchen suddenly spoke, picking up a sharp and thin sword. It reflected light on Xiao's pale face.

"No…you can't! My…body…" Xiao uttered.

"Your body is only good to be a fuckdoll now." Muchen said. "I'm sorry but that's the truth."

"But…no… I don't want this…" Xiao said in a shaky voice.

"Nor do I. But I promise we'll find you a suitable body. There are still many Valkyries in Carny. I happen to have a fuckdoll in my possession too. I can install your head in that for the time being. There's a spare set of prosthetics that Gyoro had made for Luna. It'll be alright, Xiao…trust me."

"I…but…." Xiao sobbed. "O-okay… Do what you must."

Muchen nodded gravely. But as Xiao closed her eyes, he revealed a venomous smile.

Shakk! The sword landed on Xiao's neck, cutting it half.

"Guh! Ughhhahhh!" Xiao screamed in a guttural voice.

Oh sorry, I forgot to knock you out!" Muchen said, faking innocence but inwardly he was enjoying tormenting Xiao like this.

"Haha bitch, enjoy! This is payback for cutting my limbs!" He exclaimed in his mind and continued to cut Xiao's neck. Then he grabbed her by the hair and lifted her head up in the air. Blood was pouring down her neck while her eyes widened like saucers.

"Guh! Gwohaa…Gah!" Xiao uttered intelligible words while Muchen relished in her agony and pain. Then he put her head on a plate, summoned a disc strategy like the one he had used to retain Luna's life, and began installing it on Xiao's neck all the while causing her more pain and agony. Eventually darkness enshrouded Xiao's mind as she fainted.

Muchen worked on her body next; installing another disc on her neck. Now although Xiao's body was still alive with dantian active, it was still unusable for combat until her backbone was fixed. To ensure that never happens, Muchen cut open her back and started damaging the backbone thoroughly!

"Hehehe…now you can be nothing but a fuckdoll, Xiao. A fuckdoll! HAHAHAHA!" He cackled evilly.

"Ara-ara, aren't you one evil doctor?" A lovely female voice called out from behind. Muchen turned on his heel, utterly shocked.

"Who are you!?" He shouted before his head was detached from his neck.


Deodomus opened his eyes after his ears picked up the loud din of battle around him.

"Ugh…" He groaned, getting up groggily. His body had healed but his energy was yet to recover. His head had new short hair grown over it.

"Xiao…" He muttered looking for the crater and used his observational technique but could not find her. Then he scouted the surroundings and instead of Xiao, found Hailey instead, fighting two Master realm warriors.

"Lighting Cat Claws! Lighting Bolts!" She shouted hurling trump card moves on Koldorus and Plant King.

Chi-chi-chi! Boom! Koldorus was flung backwards with a burn injury on his chest. He laughed, feeling even stronger than before while Plant King merely healed himself on the go, reaching the exhausted girl at last.

Swoosh! His leg arced in the air and landed on Hailey's neck.

Bam! The loli was flung several feet away. Plant King reached her immediately and started raining down punches and kicks.

"Hahaha! Good-good! You're finally enjoying fighting with bare hands eh Plant King? I always told you it's the best feeling in the world! Go on practicing it on her thoroughly hahaha!" Koldorus shouted, swallowing a tiny piece of healing pill to stop his bleeding. Even though his wounds compensated him with superior strength, he didn't want to succumb to the mounting injuries. Even great cultivators could die from blood loss and other deep injuries.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Punches landed on Hailey's small breasts and delicate stomach, making her spew out blood.

Chi-chi-chi-chi-! Lightning crackled around her continuously, harming Plant King who kept healing himself with ease.

"Listen to me, girl. I'll create an opening for you." Plant King whispered as he stopped punching her and grabbed her throat instead, choking her. Hailey looked at him in astonishment; her eyes widening. "Take your mother and leave the battlefield. You have lost the war but no matter what, keep Xiao away from Koldorus. Please! Please! Ill find you two later and heal you both." He slipped a healing pill in her mouth while still pretending to strangle her.

Hailey kicked the dirt, acting along. She was seeing Plant King's face clearly. The expression of sadness & helplessness that he exhibited could not be fake. He was begging her!

"Please..!" Plant King said again; his eyes moistening. "But if you two get caught and are defeated yet again anyway…" His voice saddened even further as he tucked two green pills inside Hailey's blouse. "That's the quickest poison in the world. It's better to die than be turned into a sex slave." His expression hardened.

"Ahh, what a good fight!" Koldorus said walking over. "She's as feisty as Xiao! Now, it's time to tame her hehehe. Move away, Plant King."

"Yes my-"

Kaboom!! A loud lightning explosion blew the two men away. Hailey had spent almost all of her remaining energy in this attack. She spared some for her escape.

Zoom! She sprinted toward the crater, just to check if Xiao was there. Otherwise Muchen must have taken her away. She didn't find her there and smiled, then she turned to look for Deodomus.

"Hailey!" Deodomus cried out, running towards her.

"Deo!" Hailey shouted, running towards him. Smiles appeared on their lips. They had been defeated, yes; but they were alive and they were going to make it out of there.

Deodomus envisioned living a common life in hiding with Xiao and Hailey, away from bloodshed. His revenge un-exacted but of course he could try again. Even if not, he could live with it. At least he'd have Xiao and Hailey with him. He knew Anek would approve.

"Daddy!" Hailey said, jumping toward him.

Shwak! Then a pike pierced her from the side, and took her along, several feet away.

"NOOOO!!!!" Deodomus roared in horror as he watched Hailey fall down far away, the pike stabbed into the ground, having gone through her heart, killing her. Blood pooled underneath Hailey's awkwardly dangling body while Deodomus' feet leapt towards her only to be stabbed by two more crimson pikes and making him fall forward.

"I think I have let this game go on for too long." Koldorus scowled. "Plant King, kill that man. Now, I have things to do with Xiao. So many things hehehe. Xiao! I'm coming!" He sprinted toward the crater while Plant King reached Deodomus, patting his shoulder.

"Nooo!! No! No! Hailey!!" Deodomus was shouting crazily. He did not know he had such deep feelings for her. Wasn't she just another of his victims? Some stupid girl to be fucked, impregnated and used for dual cultivation? No. Apparently not.

"I'm sorry." Plant King said.

"No!! Where is my Xiao! Xiao!!" Koldorus roared at the distance.

"Go now. This is your only chance." Plant King said to Deodomus while summoning a sword and stabbing it on his shoulder. Deodomus didn't even wince, and kept staring at Hailey's lifeless body.

Shwak! Shwak! Slash! Plant King riddled Deodomus' body with slashes while tossing a healing pill in his lap.

"What are you doing? Get a grip! He'll kill you! Xiao will be widowed! Get out of here! Save yourself!" Plant King growled. "I'm sure Xiao has escaped somehow. She will definitely meet you in your capital. It's only logical that she'd go there. Gather your forces there and retreat. You have lost. At the very least-"

Crackle! Kaboom!! Another lightning explosion blew Plant King several feet away. He fell down with a smile, watching Deodomus's figure disappear from sight.


When Xiao awoke, she was in a spatial ring. She could guess as the surroundings were abyssal black and there were all sorts of things around her, floating without much motion. She saw a pile of healing pills, yang pills, many vials of yin water, gold coins, swords, gauntlets, female undergarments, cultivation books and scrolls.

"Hello…?" She cried out. "Get me out of here! Muchen?"

Of course nobody could hear her. She was at the mercy of the beholder. She worried about what had transpired in her absence; whether the battle was still going on, whether Deodomus & Hailey were alright.

"Oh Hailey…" Xiao cried. "I'm sorry; I have been so useless! I… I hope you are safe…"

Zwoom! Suddenly energy pressured Xiao's head from outside. She was being summoned.

Bright lights flooded into her eyes and she squinted before slowly reopening them. She found herself in a tent.

"Ah, finally, you're awake." A woman said. Xiao could almost recognize her. She raked her brains as she stared at her. This woman had a tall and muscular body with dark brown skin, reddish brown hair, dark brown eyes and bulging muscles. She was a muscle momma with a fierce countenance but sexy appearance. Her breasts were big and dense, covered in a tiny bra which covered only her nipples, revealing much of her large black areolas. Her crotch was covered in a string panty which was digging into her vaginal lips while baring her full big hips for the viewers. One glance at her could tell that this milf was a pure whore!

"I rescued you, thank me, you fucking bitch!" The woman snarled, smiling viciously as she grabbed Xiao by the hair and lifted her head up. "Ahh, your face is still as beautiful as ever, I want to ruin it so badly hehehe!"

"Stop playing with her." A man called out from the side. He was naked, flaunting his gorgeous muscular body with whitish skin, a tough set of 8 pack abs, a head full of shiny red hair and a handsome face. In fact, he was the second most handsome man Xiao had ever seen; the first being Plant King.

Xiao focused on his repeatedly moving waist. He was fucking someone. It was a headless body of a woman with huge breasts and hips. It was Xiao's own body!

"Hey! That's my body! What are you doing!" Xiao shouted.

"What am I doing? Hahah, fucking you, what else? It's been ages since I fucked you. Ahh, this pussy still feels just as great as I remember!" The man said, continuing to fuck Xiao's vagina.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Meaty sounds occurred. The man groped Xiao's huge breasts and fucked her vagina with great passion, groaning and moaning in pleasure.

"Heheh, tell me, are you able to feel pleasure from your detached body?" The woman asked curiously. Xiao's twisted expression revealed otherwise and the woman understood.

"Who the fuck are you two? Where is Muchen? Where are my husband and daughter?!" Xiao shouted.

"Ah? Which husband? You had 3 of them." The woman asked. "Daughter…which one? There was one you sold to that guy. What was his name…Hyung? Then there were 7-8 more children, but they all died hmm. Did you birth another one? Haha, I bet she too would become a whore like you." The woman rambled on.

Xiao gaped at her in confusion. "What the fuck are you spouting? I have married only once! My husband Deodomus, where is he?"

"Deodomus?" The woman looked back at the red haired man who stopped fucking Xiao.

"So he's alive too! Great! Haha, I knew nothing could kill that man!" The redhead smiled jubilantly.

"Xiao…do you seriously not remember us?" The woman asked seriously, frowning as she put her down, no longer teasing.

"No. Well…I remember having seen you before but I can't quite…"

"I'm Lyra! Your friend!" Lyra barked. "How could you ever forget me?"

"Lyra! Oh my goodness!" Xiao exclaimed. "Of course I remember you! I just… I'm sorry I lost my memories. The treatment hasn't been very fruitful."

"Ah, you poor woman." Lyra sighed. "That explains it. You don't remember about the Consulate gathering either?"

"Consulate…isn't that an infamous military organization? I am said to have joined them but I can't remember anything." Xiao spoke.

"Consulate is no more." The redhead man said. "It was entirely wiped out as the Sage strategy blew up. We survived having been outside. We thought Deo & you had died. We still tried to find you futilely though."

"…Who are you? I clearly remember…that body of yours…" Xiao admitted. There were only so many handsome male specimen she had fucked with.

"Heh, I'm Ryuga. I fucked you in Feur. You became the top whore in my brothel, remember now?" Ryuga said and Xiao's eyes widened.

"Oh shit…" She apparently remembered plenty from that time.

"Haha, you're the best woman I've ever met. I enjoyed ravishing you. The slutty dances you used to do for the customers, damn… I miss those times!" Ryuga sneered.

"I remember beating you to a pulp." Xiao taunted.

"Heh, and then I followed you to the Consulate, trying to take revenge, but Deodomus defeated me before that and we ended up becoming friends. I still got to fuck you hardcore afterwards though, hehe." Ryuga reminisced.

"Xiao, we heard about Kol's attack on Carny. We came to aid your state in order to honor your memory." Lyra said emotionally.

"Oh, you two…" Xiao felt touched. "Thank you…but, how come you heard of Carny? I'd think you must have returned to your clan on that mountain."

"I had, with Ryuga, but then we came down and joined Gen state." Lyra explained.

"Gen Lord Joseph is my best friend. He offered us to join Gen state and we accepted." Ryuga explained further. "We've been staying there for more than a year now. I'm the Supreme Commander there, Lyra is a General, and also a public whore & fuckdoll for the troops along with her fuckdoll mother hehehe."

"Hehehe…" Lyra chuckled along not minding one bit. "And oh, we got married!" Lyra suddenly exclaimed, showing her wedding ring to Xiao.

"And we have 2 daughters now, along with the one she already had with Kyle." Ryuga added. "We used some age growth medicine and damn, they've been developing some fine assets like their mother and grandmother hehe."

"…" Xiao was speechless at the depravity of this couple that kept spilling out through their words.

"Oh, before joining Gen state, when had gone to my mountain and wiped out all the tribes there; we took their women as sex slaves and freed my Maiden tribe survivors. My daughter had been safe there with a friend all along." Lyra recalled. "So there's an elite Valkyrie team with us too that follows my every word. There are the troops. We have brought hell of a force for you Xiao!"

"Troops? You have troops?" Xiao perked up.

"Of course! Almost all the troops of Gen state!" Lyra said proudly.

Xiao could barely wrap her head around all this information. She was amused at least at how friendly yet depraved this couple was, and she was glad that they had brought a whole army to aid her, despite believing that she was dead. Such friendship…it was a rare thing!

"Thank you again, for coming." Xiao smiled.

"Oh, you can thank us with your body hehehe." Ryuga said, resuming fucking Xiao's headless body. Xiao blushed and sighed.

"Sigh, use me all you want, honestly." Xiao smiled. "My body is all I can offer at the moment."

"You're the best, Xiao!" Lyra sneered, picking her head again and kissing her heatedly.

"Mmmwah! Mmm~chu…Mmmm…"

Kissing sounds and lewd moans occurred as Xiao kissed Lyra back, locking her luscious lips with hers, then slipping her tongue out so Lyra could suck on it. Meanwhile Ryuga suckled on Xiao's breasts and fucked her faster. Lewd sounds occurred continuously for long.


"Ah yes, Xiao, lick me more…! Ahhn… suck my juices bitch! Ahhn!" Lyra moaned and cussed as she held Xiao's decapitated head against her crotch while the milf sucked and licked Lyra's dark brown hairy vagina.

"Fff...uuck! I'm coming! Ahnn!!" Lyra exclaimed, ejaculating her yin fluids on Xiao's mouth and face. Xiao gulped them down and continued to lick Lyra's sensitive vagina.

"Ah…you're the best, Xiao. Your mouth is incredible! No wonder you were the best whore in both Feur and Nyoru!" Lyra praised. "Heck, you can be the best whore in the whole world! How about it? I and Ryuga will help organize a great fuckfest, inviting cultivators from all around the world so they can fuck you and enjoy your services! How much money and yang chi you'll earn, Xiao! You'll be fucking rich & famous!"

"Ahaha, I'll pass." Xiao laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, but I think that's a good idea. Gen state will fund us." Ryuga said as he screwed Xiao in the ass.

"…I'm fine, thanks!" Xiao flustered. "Anyway, have you heard from my husband? And do you know what happened of my army? Where exactly are we anyway?"

"Hmm…I'm sorry Xiao." Lyra sighed. "Your army is all dead. So is your husband of course. There was no one left alive from Carny. We observed it from your camp that we had arrived at and found you in. That doctor was probably the only other person alive but I killed him after seeing how he spoke of turning you into a fuckdoll."

"And we're far away from there now. We'll be in Carny capital in 2 days. Right now we have camped in a forest area." Ryuga said. "We'll have a standoff at your capital with the Kol troops."

Xiao barely heard them. The moment she learned that Deodomus had died, she froze & her eyes turned vacant.

"Dead…dead. Again…? No… that can't be! He must be alive, that sly bastard!" Xiao thought hysterically. "Ahaha, yes! He must be alive. Nothing can kill him. He's my man! He's going to come back and ruin me more and more! That's right… Didn't he want me to make me a fuckdoll? Now I totally am! How can he not come to enjoy me?" Xiao's puffy lips twitched into a crazed smile.

"Oye, bitch you listening?" Lyra shook Xiao's head and pulled her up by the hair, staring at her. "Why are you smiling? Your husband is dead and you're smiling?"

"Hehe, now she's free to be debaucherous. She can fuck with any number of men, without restraint, right?" Ryuga remarked. "Although I doubt Deodomus would have had any problem with that anyway, but being a widow, now Xiao is completely free to do anything."

"Heheh…" Xiao giggled madly, listening only words like 'husband, dead, widow, fuck with men, free.'

"Ow, is that right you milf slut?" Lyra sneered, kissing Xiao lovingly. "You totally can do that. You are even a fuckdoll now with your head detached and all, hehe. Hey, shall we chop off your limbs too? They aren't exactly moving. Your body is paralyzed right?"

"Heheh…fuckdoll yes haha." Xiao giggled as her mind broke. "Chop limbs, yes..."

"Pwahahaha! Damn, this bitch is totally broken!" Lyra laughed and tossed Xiao's head towards Ryuga but it fell and rolled on the floor.

"Ah well. We have brought an Empyrean doctor with us. He can surely fix her." Ryuga smiled. "Mmm…removing limbs would be a bit unnecessary. I like her slender arms and thick thighs and long legs."

Lyra rolled her eyes. "I'll chop them myself now that Xiao agrees. Ah, how I love messing this princess up! I wish she'd do the same to me though mhnn…!"

"You're one fucking depraved milf. What did I ever see in you?" Ryuga sneered.

"You saw my big ass and breasts." Lyra sneered, slapping her hip on the side while squeezing a breast.

"Heheh, that I did… Alright, get on with whatever. But first.." Ryuga spoke while grabbing Xiao's breasts tightly and started fucking her faster.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! "Ahhh…coming!" Spurt! Spurt!

Ryuga ejaculated a large amount of semen inside Xiao and moaned.

"Uhhh…damn, no woman can match Xiao. Fucking amazing…!" Ryuga praised.

"Heheh, that she is!" Lyra said while Ryuga picked up Xiao's head and attached it to her body.

"Great, now hopefully she can experience the pain…" Lyra smiled viciously as she summoned a saw-toothed blade.

Lyra was a cruel warrior who always enjoyed tormenting her prey. Back in the day she used to rape other women and humiliate them in public. She had tried the same with Xiao too. Her galls had only grown bigger. Now she thought it fun to amputate her friend. Corrupted by lust, humans could do unimaginable things; horrible things!

"Here, eat this." Ryuga slipped a pain-reduction pill in Xiao's mouth while Lyra grabbed one of Xiao's legs and started cutting it.

Shkrrsh…Skrrsh! Fleshy grating sounds occurred as Lyra cut through Xiao's flesh and bones while grinning at her.

"Ahhh! Ahhh!!!" Xiao screamed as pain assaulted her senses. Blood splattered on Lyra's face, giving her a savage appearance while also pooling underneath Xiao's leg. Soon the leg was chopped off above the knee and tossed away. The second leg was then amputated, slowly. Then Xiao's arms one by one were cut off as she screamed and trembled in agony while Ryuga pressed her down.

"Hahaha! Ahh, perfect! Now you're a perfect fuckdoll, Xiao! Hahahaha!" Lyra laughed watching her bleed and scream in agony.

Ryuga slipped a healing pill in Xiao's mouth to heal her wounds. The limb stumps healed and closed off, leaving a limbless mindbroken fuckdoll.

"Hehe….hehehe…" Xiao suddenly laughed & so did Lyra and Ryuga and for a few moments all three seemed just as crazy as they actually were.


Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Lewd sounds were occurring deep in the night as Ryuga fucked Xiao's asshole from behind. Xiao's head was detached from her fuckdoll body and placed in a bowl on the floor. Her face and hair were wet with layers of semen and she had handprints on her swollen cheeks. There was blood dripping down her nose, giving her a pitiful appearance. Apparently she had been getting fucked all day and even into the night. This was a small tent while outside the jungle echoed seldomly with hoots and howls of owls and wolves. There was no sign of any army whatsoever as they were resting inside Ryuga and Lyra's multiple rings. It was easier this way to move undetected by the enemies.

Inside the lone tent in the jungle, Lyra had just finished drinking a bottle of alcohol and sauntered over to Xiao's head. She was butt naked.

"Hikk! Ah Xiao… let's resume our fun shall we?" Lyra slurred. "I haven't fucked you in such a looong time you know!" She squatted before the head and started urinating on it.

Fshhhhsh…! "Ahnn…fuck…how do you like it, you fuckdoll?" Lyra asked while pissing.

"Hehe huehohe…" Xiao giggled madly, enjoying the golden shower. Even opening her mouth to drink the urine which only passed down from the hole in her neck disk and filled into the bowl.

Before long, Xiao's head was half submerged in urine. Her messy hair were flowing out of it.

"Ahh…what a relief." Lyra moaned and then pulled Xiao's head by the hair, watching the urine drip down off it. She then tossed the head in the air and kicked.

Bam! "Ahhn!" Xiao squealed as her head was kicked away into the canvas wall of the tent and Lyra broke into a mad laughter.

"Hahaha! Ahh, what fun! Fuck!"

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Meanwhile meaty clapping sounds were continuously echoing as Ryuga fucked Xiao's ass in heat.

"Fuck…! Such a tight asshole! This fuckdoll is the best! Unlike your mother, Lyra. That bitch is so loose!" Ryuga said, slapping Xiao's hips and squeezing them hard, continuing to pound her.

"Hey-hey, my mother has been getting used by the troops nonstop since last year!" Lyra protested. "Of course she'd be loose!"

"Hehehe, yeah-yeah. Fuck, I think I'll keep Xiao's body. She can still rule with just her head right?" Ryuga smirked. Lyra rolled her eyes.

"If there is a state left to rule after the war." Lyra said. "We should hikk! Be on the move. Reach the capital."

"Tomorrow for sure ahh…what's the hurry? Carny troops are all dead. Our troops remain strong in our spatial rings. We can reach Carny in no time. Let's just enjoy this bitch to our hearts' content!"

"Hehe, alright. Let's do so-hikk! I'll join you in a-hikk…minute."

Lyra walked over Xiao's head, picked it up and took it out of the tent where there was a shit box.

"Rest in this dump, fuckdoll Xiao. We're going to have fun with your body in the meantime." Lyra sneered. "You will not recognize it tomorrow hehehehe!"

Saying so, Lyra dropped Xiao's head in the shit box, where it submerged into human excretion and screamed and laughed maniacally while the box lid was replaced, covering her in darkness.

Inside the tent, Lyra's expression sobered up at once.

"How much more do we need to do?" She asked.

"There is no limit. This body is useless now. So is her cultivation." Ryuga said seriously. "Xiao is finished. We might as well fuck the hell out of her and keep her as our fuckdoll. It'd be a fitting compensation for our aid in Carny's protection in this war."

"Hmm-hmm, I agree. Alright, no holding back then." Lyra sneered, summoning a dagger. "Ah I can't wait to destroy that sexy body of hers!

Strange & lewd sounds leaked out of the tent for several more hours then.

At some point, a dark male figure approached the tent and slid open the shit box, looking at Xiao's head. He chuckled, just a bit and then put the lid back and disappeared into the darkness.