Author's Ramble

This novel has ended. I hope I'll never write any sequels of it or I'll be fucking damned. I should have never even written the 1st book that sent me down this rabbit hole. I'm glad the 2nd book has ended at long last. Good riddance!

After many years of self loathing & continuous effort, I've finally reached the point where I can abandon the dao of culture & walk towards the path that leads to spiritual and mental upgrade. This means, no more eroticas. Ever.

Also, I'm going on a long hiatus.

Meanwhile, whether or not I'll self-publish these eroticas as proper books, remains undecided.

If I don't disappear entirely forever, I'll return with the '1 book a year' strategy and you'll get to read 'some' of the chapters of my clean kool books that I shall publish via amazon.

Now personally, I'm in a purgatory. The more I try to become a good person, the harder life gets. Bad karmas are constantly at my heels lashing my back every other day. I'm officially poor now and am surviving on my mother's savings. Spiritually, I wander like a stray dog from one religion to another, finding the same realizations everywhere:

'This world is not a good place.

There is no good place.

We were created to suffer.

Suffering was created for us. 

There is no fucking nirvana.

The matrix is absolute.'

None of you needed any of this nonsense.

Anyway, I hope you are all staying strong in your lives, and I pray to the universe that may you all succeed in all your positive endeavors. If you're sad or going through a rough patch; reach out to a friend, write a journal, bury a neighbor. Don't let it stiffle you for long. Everyone needs help sometimes. If you're happy; spread that happiness around. Help someone in need. Seek no repayment.

Now, I'd like to end this with hearty thanks for all your support these past years. May you be blessed with all the good things in the world.