Draft 4

"[ACTIVATE: MAGIC TERRITORY]" Noir said with a smile.

Everywhere within a 50 meter range suddenly got covered in darkness.

Then once the darkness subsided, and light shone, everywhere became visible.

Noir looked at the vanishing house and smiled. The spell had been paused... Good.

He took his time to walk toward the building, as he walked on the dark shadowy platform which formed the ground, with dark smoke emanating from it. He looked above him, seeing an empty white sky layer spreading for miles. It seemed everything had worked out.

It didn't take too long before Noir finally reached the building. He touched it slightly, and suddenly the spell broke. Noir was not done. The building suddenly glitched and then vanished from it's location, leaving five strange figures sanding in place of where the building once occupied.

"Good. Now we're all set!" Noir said, looking at the five mages in front of him, frozen in time.