
"Who am I?" He asked himself

"What am I?"

He did not know.

He did not know his name, or how he was even birthed into the world. Only one thing rang through his mind... Power!

He eventually came to realize certain things after some time. For most of the time, he was sleeping, enveloped in total darkness, unable to do anything... To feel anything.

However, upon the body of his host being in mortal danger, or in the face of opponents vastly stronger than his host, he would emerge. He was the the accumulation of the thoughts and trauma of his host, the wish hidden in his heart for power birthed the hidden one within.

This was the very reason why... HE WAS STRONG.

As the polar opposite of his host, and the personality of power in him, he was the very essence of power. No one rivaled him. In the face of any opponent he would win, and it was only natural... After all he was born to win.