Fight Back

YEAR: 2161

LOCATION: Ranker's Hall, Beginner Region, Orion Academy

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room as Neo glared at Noah with contempt.

This was no surprise since Noah was the bully of Theo. Within Theo, Neo already knew who Noah was. Memories of Noah's ill treatment of Theo flashed through his mind. While he felt no pity for Theo, he still despised Noah for treating his vessel in such a manner.

"Insolent pig" Neo spat in contempt.

"Now, now... Neo. That isn't why I brought you here" Darey said.

"I apologize. The sight of this person irks me to no end" Neo answered.

Darey merely shook his head slowly and sighed. Nothing he could do about that.

Noah merely watched Neo, speechless. Everything about him was so different. What was going to happen now?

"What is the meaning of this?" Isobel asked with annoyance.

"Oh? This is my friend, Theo. He'll be having a Rank match right now" Darey announced.