Chapter 15.


Chu Hua put her hand around his arms when they walked in to the hall. He promised that would smile but it's never came no matter how hard Li Lian tried.

Smiling when people were around was not his thing. The big hall was beautiful decorated with tables and chairs. There were a lot drinks and food. He wondered how much Chu Hua used for the party.

He could not count the people in the hall. But when he tried a head count , there were Hundreds of them . Li Lian couldn't imagine how the night was going to be.

He didn't like crowds that why a date was in his mind. But Chu Hua rejected the idea. Now, that Li Lian was here, he had no choice than to enjoy the party.

The guests started coming to them one by one. The bodyguard tried to stop them but Chu Hua gave permission.

"Congratulations to you Mr. and Mrs. Li" They would say. Most of the guests came with gifts.

Li Lian looked at the heaps of them . Was these gifts not too much? Maybe for him but not for his wife. She was very happy tonight.

"Try to smile master, you look better with a smile" She said, when the photographer came to take pictures of them.

"I can't smile Chu Hua. Don't force me" he told her.

Chu Hua's face dropped. She was not going to get angry no matter how hard her husband tried. Li Lian knew how this party was important to her. He was trying his best to ruin it because she didn't accept his single date.

A Date just for the two of them! Who does that? Her voice echoed inside her head. Dates were meant for two people who were yet to be married or for two married couples, who wanted to spend time alone. It's was no option for an anniversary.

She scarified so much for him. Agreeing to this party ,was the little he could do for her.

"I want to meet the other women. Have fun" Chu Hua said, leaving him alone. What was she doing? The party was her idea. She was responsible for him tonight.

" Chu Hua" Li Lian called. She turned and winked at him. "Gosh! This woman is something else. Leaving without permission?"

In no time, she disappeared in to the crowd.

Li Lian had no choice but to look for where to sit. He watched how the dancers displayed their talents. But he didn't seemed to enjoy it.

The women were making passes at him but he ignored them. Just then , he remembered a quiet place.

There was a room reserved in the hall. When his father threw a party, he would invite only important guests in to the room. Li Lian hoped that no one would be in the room when he get there.

The door of the room was closed, which was unusual. Laughter and loud voices were coming from inside. It seemed occupied already. "May be it's was Li Qin and get friends" he thought.

Li Lian opened the door half way and he saw his wife and her friends instead. Strange! Chu Hua left him all alone just to come and gossip!

From her looks , it was clear to him, that she enjoyed every bit of the conversation, they were having. She sat as their leader and they praised her. Not bad , she deserved it after all Chu Hua was his wife.

Before he could closed the door , he heard them talking about the jewelry store.

"Have your husband agreed?" One of the women asked.

"Not really. We had a lot of arguments about this. Don't worry very soon I will open the business" Chu Hua replied, placing the cup on the table.

"So should we still counting on you ?" Another asked.

*Yes. I promise you all that the business will be in track by next month. I lied to my husband that I don't want to go on with again but I will."

Li Lian flung the door. The women rose from their seats. They were all shocked to see him at the door. With the expression he had on his face , it was clear that he listened to their conversation.

"Is not what you think Master" Chu Hua tried to explain. But there was no need for that. He had ears and their conversation spoke of the lies, she carried in her heart.

Without saying a word Li Lian left for the hall. Chu Hua was following him from behind with the other women. The more he thought of it the more he became angry. She promised never to raise this topic again but it was all a lie.

She lied to him!

People began to make way when they saw his angry looking face. He pushed the waiter who stood in his way. That was when Chu Hua caught up with him.

"Please don't make a scene Li Lian" She said, holding his hand. "I can explain, give me a chance."

As usual, no response.

He freed himself from her grip. Li Lian looked around and he saw his family standing at a corner with shock. They didn't Know why he changed all of a sudden.

"You should calm down master" Chu Hua picked a glass of water from a nearby tray and offered it to him.

"Noooo" he screamed, throwing the cup on the floor. "Stay away from me."

His family didn't move or try to stop him. They all knew his temper.

Quickly, he went out of the hall. The keys in his pocket belonged to his sister's car. She was not around so he could drive her car.

He ran a hand through his ruffled hair and bite his lower lip when he sat down in the car. Li Lian was feeling frustrated at the moment.

He needed to go away from the chaos. Again, he was betrayed by the person he loved.

With this thought in place he increased his speed, going at 263mph.