Chapter 28...

He laughed at her question. If there was a woman in his life , his aunt would be the first to hear about it. "Yima, there is no such woman. I have only Chu Hua."

"She is very lucky" Ah lam gave a smile. If only Li Lian knew his wife's true character!

"Yes Yima" he answered, shyly. "How is Yang Mi today?"

"Fine. She told me that she wants to join you in the company now."

Li Lian turned to his aunt. He was surprised with what she just told him "Do you mean it ? Yang Mi has agreed to work??"

"Yes dear" Ah lam beamed. Li Lian tried for years to convince her to join the marketing department but Yang Mi refused. Nobody knew her reason.

"Why the sudden change? I am still surprised" he asked, with a laugh.

"I don't know too. She told me last night.  This is one of the best news I have received this week" Ah Lam sipped the cup of tea. Zhi Ruo brought it not long ago. "The beautiful girl in my house might have caused it."

"A girl?" Li Lian asked, quickly. He must have forgotten that Ah Lam had a visitor.

"Yes. The girl I found near the beach. She is very beautiful" she told her. "Yang Mi likes her too."

"Really?" He was surprised that Yang Mi accepted a female friend in the house. What was more amazing was the new girl putting on with his sister's character.

"Yes. But it seemed the girl lost her memory. May be partial , I am not sure" Ah Lam said, sadly. She cared a lot for Yulan. This was no time to turn her back on such a lovely girl.

"I feel sorry for her" Li Lian said, quietly. He has not met this girl that his second family loved so much.  Who was she?

"Well" Ah lam stood up and to leave. "That is that. I pray she finds those relatives of hers."

Without uttering a word, he stood up also and took his aunt's bag. He knew It was time for her to go back to work "Yang Mi can start anytime she wants. Tell her to prepare."

"I will dear. Thank you so much" She looked at him once more. Lian has helped a lot. He was a savior for many.


Chu Hua was angry. How dare Yang Mi walked out of her? This was the last time she was going to tolerate any insults from the so called sisters of Li Lian. They seemed to suffocate her. 

At home, Li Qin would look for opportunities to slam her in the face and outside the house Yang Mi would torment her. Many times, Li Lian supported her, even though he loved his sisters. This act of his, surprised her a lot. It's was obvious that he loved her a lot.

Last year, during Li Xian's birthday. Li Qin refused to play her own part. She was asked to take care of the little children that came around but she neglected her duties. Chu Hua had no choice than to cause a fight among the children by stealing their toys.

They cried through out, drawing attention from all the guests present. Li Lian was furious. Quickly, she shifted the blame to Li Qin.

The guests were surprised to see him shouting at his sister. They were yet to discover his bad temper.

Just like always, Little sister in law cried all night and again it's was still Li Lian who consoled her.


Instead of going to the office, she went straight home out of frustration. Muqin was sitting down discussing with the second wife of Elder Li. Anytime, they sat like this , something serious was about to happen or has happened.

"Muqin… afternoon" Chu Hua greeted, looking at them to see if any one would tell her what was discussed in her absence.

"Welcome Hua" Yan Zi was the one who replied her. She had a big smile on her face. "Come sit with us, dear."

"What Happened?" Chu Hua sat down next to her mother in laws. At least they were going to tell her whatever they discussed.  

"Li Qin's father is coming home in two days time" Muqin said, happily. Chu Hua wasn't excited. Why did he have to come now of all times?