Chapter 86

The Chu was happy when she saw the family pampering her again. Li Lian held her hands as soon as he came. This was the best plan, she have ever made. 

She wondered why she didn't think of it. Muqin was panicking. Did thru thought she was going to die? Chu Hua could not help but smile at their stupidity. Now that they were together, she was going to make sure that Yulan does not come close to them again.

The door opened. The doctor walked into the room with two nurses. 

Chu Hua was not worried because she already paid the doctor before the family came. As soon as Lu Jae brought her to the hospital, they asked him to wait outside. It was a nice opportunity to talk to a doctor, first.

"Hello, Mr. Li" The doctor shook his hands. 

"Hi, doctor" He responded, moving to the other corner of the room. "Tell me what exactly is wrong with my wife."