Ch. 31 Glitchy System and Robo-Buddy

Colton takes his dogs with him as Cass gets ready. He goes to the front of the Casino and sees the people leaving with their weapons holstered or on their backs instead of in their hands like they had always been.

Colton sharply inhaled as he remembers that somebody will have to drag the corpses out of the Boson Steve. But at least he won't have to do that.

Colton sees Beagle walk out and he seems to be down. Colton couldn't care less but he wanted to talk to Johnson. Since his quest isn't finished he wanted to know why.

So Colton tried to walk past Beagle but….

"Well, if it isn't the 'Lawbringer' of Primm" Beagle sarcastically remarks.

"What's your problem now? I did as you asked, brought a sheriff to town so you didn't have to be the sheriff" Colton stops and asks. Better to get rid of the roots of a problem so it doesn't grow.

Beagle crosses his arms over his chest. "My problem is that I'm no longer a deputy. I'm just a Beagle now. Apparently two-and-a-half months of law enforcement experience doesn't count for anything. The new regime is just that, all new. He's a good sheriff but a hard man. He doesn't abide by anyone slinking by the rules. I guess there won't be any trouble, but the man's law is hard"

Colton sighs. "And what are you going to do? You'll need to find a job or something you know. Can't exactly ride the fact your sister is married to the sheriff anymore. I don't mean this in a mean way. I'm just trying to give you a reality check"

Beagle didn't even take offense to begin with. He knows that he has to do something. But it was just easier riding that tailcoat. Surely there is something he can do…..

Beagle taps his foot on the ground. "I know. You worry about yourself. I've gotta go get some things in order…" Beagle walks off towards his shack.

Colton will have to keep an eye on him. Who knows what the coward will do to save his own skin. But that's for later. Beagle won't pull anything with Meyer kicking him out as deputy. It'll take some time for him to blend into the civilians, if ever.

Johnson and Ruby walk out together, arms linked together. Both smiling brightly. Colton admits that they look a decade younger when they are happy.

Colton waves at the wife and husband. "Glad to be out?"

Ruby speaks first. "Glad? I'm overjoyed, delighted, relieved. Thank you so much dearie, this is the safest the town has felt in a long time. We have a new sheriff and the NCR are just over yander. Even if they won't directly help, they'll defend themselves now that they're here. You've done right by this town"

"We can't thank you enough Colton" Johnson taps Ruby's elbow and smiles. His smile isn't as big as his wife's, but it's that old man smile with no teeth smile. "Come by my shop will you? You can take a look at the busted pile of scrap and see if you can salvage it. And for everything you've done, I'll give you a discount as well. You might find some things you'll like"

Colton nods. "It'll have to be quick. Me and Cass are going after the Powder Gangers today"

Ruby's face goes serious. "Make sure she doesn't get lost in her vengeance. It's a step slope made even steeper just being in the Mojave. You keep her and yourself safe, alright?"

Colton smiles. "Always. I won't put my friends and myself in situations we can't get ourselves out of" He points his thumb over his shoulder. "Now let's get over to your home, it's about time you get back to some level of normalcy"

The three walk to the Nash's residency. Colton stays behind the couple and answers some questions, but he doesn't answer much when it comes to the Powder Gangers.

Once inside Colton sees what looks like an eyebot on the counter corner.

Johnson and Ruby part ways.

"I'll prepare some lunch for you and Cass" Ruby tells not asks.

"It'll be much appreciated" Colton thanks the kind old woman.

Johnson goes behind the counter and sits on a stool. "Oooooohhhhhh" He groans and rubs his back as he leans forward on the counter. "It's good to be back" He looks at Colton. "Didn't think I would miss this place so much. And that's the bane to my happy life at the moment. It'd be great if you can take it, or just throw it out. At this point I don't care" Mr. Nash points at the eyebot with metal scrap around it.

Colton walks up to it. "I'll check it out quickly"

As Colton is giving it a once over he is unfortunately unable to find a way to make it work. But if he had some materials he could fix it up. He will need some scrap metal and electronics. And sensor modules since they seem to have been shot. By bullets.

"I'll need some parts to get this guy working…" Colton says to himself. But then he remembers. "Mr. Nash. I need to stop inside the Bison Steve for the required parts. I think they are in a room in there"

Johnson shrugs. "Then what are you waiting for? You're the one on a time constraint"

Colton doesn't bother saying goodbye and just books it out of there and into the Bison Steve. Not through the front door, but by the second floor entrance. He runs to the door next to the elevator and swings it open. And just sitting on its shelves is junk. But now it's junk that is useful to him.

He grabs the things he needs and runs back out to the Nash's house. Colton plans on taking care of the mines. He can either use them or sell them. Both are a bonus. Plus he doesn't want some idiot to get blown up for no reason after he just saved the town. But first, the robot.

He opens the door and drops the things on the counter.

Johnson looks incredulously at Colton. "I know you said you could fix it. But did you have to clutter the place up more?"

Colton smiles at Johnson. "Don't worry. I'll clean up after myself"

And so Colton gets to work on fixing the robot. He replaces the damaged servos and the heavily damaged gyroscopes. It was probably easier than trying to repair it considering that bullet holes are hard to patch. For robots and humans.

Colton finishes his project a few minutes later and the robot humms to life and floats up into the air. It looks around and then down at Colton.

"Would you look at that…" Johnson is surprised to actually see it working. "I thought you were kidding. Guess I was wrong"

Colton nods. Even he is surprised he was able to do it. Sure it wasn't the best. But it did the job.

"Bzzz bz Bzzzzt" The eyebot beeps at Colton.

Colton doesn't know what to say. "You don't happen to have a manual for you, do you?"

The eyebot just hovers in the air and no response is given.

Colton scratches his head. "Ok…. How about…" He looks at the metal of the robot. "Activate protocol…. Companion?" He says, unsure if that's even a thing. But in the Fallout games your Allie's are called Companions that follow you so this just feels right.

"Bz bz bz bzz~" It seems to happily chirp.

[ ED-E is now a companion granting the [Enhanced Sensors] perk ]

[Enhanced Sensors]

-While ED-E is a companion, the player can detect enemies at an increased range. Additionally, enemies will appear on the player's compass and can be targeted in V.A.T.S. even when cloaked.

Colton's mind goes hazy for a second but it comes back and he couldn't be happier about this perk. "ED-E huh?" He mutters.

"Is that it's name? Guess that makes sense, but not very original. I could have looked at the license plate and done the same" Johnson adds as he looks at the metal armor. It's got a gun attached to the bottom of it and a mini radar dish ontop of it, both towards its front. It's pretty banged up in certain spots but looks pretty good otherwise.

"It doesn't really matter now does it? Or are you just salty you didn't connect the dots sooner?" Colton jokes.

"Bah~. Whatever" Johnson waves his hand in an uncaring manner. "At least it won't be hear anymore. Now get to cleaning"

Colton starts cleaning the metal and other junk from the counter. "Where did you say he came from?"

Nash rubs his chin. "A courier dropped it off a couple months back. I got it working for a little while, but the darn thing pooped out. My tinkering isn't what it used to be. I haven't been able to get it up and running again. I was hoping to use it for some courier work, but that ain't gonna happen. Would have made delivering some packages a bit easier" He smirks at ED-E. "And cheaper"

"You had some plans for it? Any idea what I could do with it?" Colton asks. Apparently this old man knows more than he originally let on.

Nash shakes his head. "Not a bit. I imagine there must be some people around curious about that kind of technology"

Colton runs his chin this time. "True, but I'll probably keep him. I'm sure he will be of some use to me more than a few extra caps"

"If that's what you think" Mr. Nash says in a tone that means it's not his problem anymore.

"Do you have some ammo?" Colton asks. Better to have more than less.

Mr. Nash smiles. "I was waiting for you to ask"

Mr. Nash grabs some containers from under the counter and hefts them up onto the counter. "What you need?"

Colton thinks for a second. "Got any .308 and .357 rounds?"


Colton walks out of the shop and lets the door close behind his new companion ED-E. Plenty of ammo in his pockets and pack. And lunch packed away for him and Cass.

He is about to take a step when time slows down to not even a crawl.



- Return to Eddie

- •

- •

- •Rendezvous with Sergeant Lee west of the NCRCF up on the mountain•

6/8 Objectives Completed]

[Title Earned: Law Bringer]

[The [Law Bringer] perk has been gained]

[Law Bringer]

-You deal +10% damage against those who break the law or are evil.

[Quest Completed: [My Kind of Town] ]

"You damned system!" Colton shouts. "Why are you just now updating me on all this! And you stopped time as well! How is this consistent? Did you finally break or something?"

[Level Up!]

"I'm suddenly less mad" Colton says to himself as he calms down.

[ Welcome to lvl 11!

Barter = 27

Energy Weapons = 31

Explosives = 34

Guns = 100

Lockpick = 31

Medicine = 50

Melee = 32

Repair = 48

Science = 36

Sneak = 24

Speech = 89

Survival = 41

Unarmed = 37

Assign 14 skill points]

[Skills Increased:

Medicine = 53

Speech = 100


Colton wonders what his max Speech perk will be. And he doesn't have to wait long.

[Speech has reached 100]

[ [Devil Speech] has been earned]

[Devil Speech]

-Watch your tongue and that of others. You know how to spin a conversation in your direction from time to time. And, if you choose to know, you are able to tell if someone is lying to you, from time to time, no matter how small the lie is. You gain the ability to manipulate your vocal cords, you are the master of impersonations. People are more willing to hear you out, partially because your voice is alluring to most like that of a Siren.

Time resumes after the perk is displayed, Colton is amazed at the perk.

"Holy shi-" Colton grabs the sides of his head before he can finish. It feels like something is snaking it's way inside and around his brain. Information about talking to people, peoples posture habits, ways to tell if someone is lying, and other Speech and perk related things take root in his brain. And his throat burns. But it's specifically his vocal cords that feels like they're tearing and mending repeatedly. It's just as bad as when the system purged his body when he first got it.

A few minutes later and Colton is left taking shaky breaths as he tries to forget the pain. He wasn't able to stay standing and is kneeling down on his left knee as he holds his head with his left hand and his right hand is on the ground so he doesn't fall.

"Why? Why must I torture myself so…." Colton questions.

He pushes up off the ground and uses his left hand to check his throat while he dusts his right hand off on his pants.

Colton's throat is a bit sore. But after some purified water it's not too bad.

"Bz bzzzt bzt" ED-E buzzes at Colton in worry.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me, let's get going" Colton waves for the eyebot to follow him. He makes sure to disarm and take the mines outside the Bison Steve and let Meyer know the mines are taken care of.

With things done in Primm, Colton waits for Cass at the entrance of the NCR camp. The soldiers look at the flying robot and whisper to eachother but leave it at that.

Around 7 minutes later Cass walks up looking the best she has since Colton met her.

"You're looking good. Did the Fixer help?" Colton asks.

"Thanks for that by the way" She then rolls her eyes. "And I thought you actually liked how I looked" She sarcastically says as she adjust the strap keeping her shotgun on her back. Her jacket as brown as ever and her necklace ontop of her shirt.

Colton puts his right hand on his chest and acts offended. "I do like how you look. I'm just saying you look better after getting rid of that addiction. Now if only we can fix that liver and attitude"

"If only…" Cass walks past Colton.

Colton follows Cass. ED-E and the dogs following them.

"You don't even know where we're going" Colton lets Cass know.

"It's gotta be North, I know that" She puts her hands in her pockets.

Colton admires the view in front of him as Cass walks. But he is once again reminded of the women he has had to mercy kill. He picks up his pace and walks next to Cass as he puts his goggles and face mask on. "Northwest. And we will be doing some climbing" He flatly says.

Cass glances over at Colton. "Everything ok?"

Colton just looks down the I-15. "Yeah, just thinking about getting rid of the Gangers" He changes his tone. 'Gotta get over this. I'll have to do it a lot more anyways…' He says inside his mind, referring to mercy killing people.

Cass drops it. She won't pry if Colton doesn't want to answer.


They eventually make their way to the rendezvous point. A few Geckos got in their path but were easily disposed of and fed to the dogs. Colton did have to alter ED-E a bit. The radio and sounds he was making were annoying and would give away their position. It took a while but Colton was able to do it, and he even found a way to broadcast his own Pipboy radio through ED-E and his speakers.

On the mountain, were a lot of NCR soldiers hiding behind rocks at the top. And there was one a man that looked to be in charge.

Colton and Cass approached him. And they got some unique looks. It's not everyday you see a pack of dogs and a flying robot following a man dressed like Colton.

"I'm Sergoant Lee. Lieutenant Heyes radioed ahead to say you were on the way. We've got surprise on our side, and that's about it. Once we blow a gap in the fence, we've got to pour on the fire and keep them disorganized. Our goal's to take out their leader, some assbag named Eddie. With the ringleader gone, the rest will fold. That's all the briefing you're going to got. Let's go" Lee says and grabs his service rifle. He turns towards the troops and is about to start their charge forward when Colton stops him.

"Wait. Do you guys have a rifle for Cass? Shotgun isn't the best for this encounter. And where is the explosive placed? I can get inside and find a better place for it" Colton quickly says.

Lee looks back at Colton. "You can get inside?" He thinks for a minute. "Alright. Change of plans" He hands his service rifle to Cass and points at Colton. "I'll get you some C4 and you place it right there along the fence between those two towers. We've already set one up over between those two" Lee points out. "We've got to do this right now so follow me and I'll get you the explosives. Once shit hits the fan you should stay away from any Gangers. We've got snipers ready to take out the ones in the towers, you can help clear out the ones on the ground"

Colton nods. "Sounds like a plan" He turns to ED-E and his dogs. "You lot stay with Cass and protect her as you would me alright?"

He gets some buzzes and barks in response and turns to Cass. "How many will you end up killing?"

"A lot" Cass states. "Why? You want to make another bet?"

"I'm feeling a bit luckier today. How about…." He thinks as he taps his chin. "….winner can make the other do something, within reason of course"

Cass smirks. "I get to kill Gangers AND make you do something of my choice? I still haven't cashed in that first favor yet either"

Colton raises an eyebrow. "And I still don't know how old you are, thanks for reminding me. So, what is it? Like 27?"

Cass smiles and shakes her head. "Stop, you'll make me blush"

"If you don't hurry up we will proceed without you!" Sergeant Lee quietly shouts.

"When I get back" Colton says and then goes off towards Lee, leaving Cass with the robot and dogs.

Cass looks at the floating eyebot. "I know Colton introduced us on the way here, but still. I don't think I'll be able to get used to you"

"Bz bzzt" ED-E sadly chimes.

"Nothing personal" Cass says. "Just, gotta get used to ya. It won't be easy"


Colton gets handed the C4 and told that in 15 minutes the trigger is being pressed no matter where the C4 is inside the prison. A few more unpleasant words and warnings and Colton is on his way inside.