The wind, that's what I remember the most from that night. the wind howled like a crazy banshee, bit at my skin as if it was trying to eat me alive. I remember the smell of metal in the air. That man standing over me.
"I'm sorry kid, wrong place at the wrong time. I hope whatever awaits you in the next life treats you better than this one did." his voice was quiet as I had struggled to breathe. In his hands was a sword drenched in blood. my eyes welled with tears, darkness swallowing my vision. I remember it all, The pain was unimaginable. Then it was over. I stopped breathing, a type of coldness took over the pain, like pins and needles poking my skin.
"Well, that wasn't how I planned my evening." That was the last thought in my mind, the starry sky was the last sight I would see on this earth.
Suddenly a voice called out
" You are well before your time young one. I shall send you somewhere where you will thrive to the best of your potential as an apology. I give you my blessing child. You will be strong as long as you put forth the effort." the voice was sweet, soft, and kind sounding. I opened my eyes to see a tall, thin gorgeous woman standing over me. her golden hair flowing in the wind as she bent down, placing her hand on my head.
"Thank you," I whispered as I left this world.
I awoke to grey cloudy skies above me, a faint outline of a planet in the sky. a light wind was making the grass dance around my skin. I sat up and looked around, the rain slowly dropping around me. I was at the edge of a large forest. it seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see on both sides. I stood and brushed myself off.
"Well, where should I go first. If this world's as dreary as the weather, I may be in trouble." I muttered out loud to myself.
I noticed weird movement in the forest and noped my way to the fields behind me. I began walking the rain getting worse. I walked for what seemed like hours, I turned all the way around and was shocked to see the forest behind me.
"What in the world?" I asked out loud.
I sighed, it looked like whatever sent me here wanted me to go into the forest.
As I walked into the forest everything changed. Birds were chirping, squirrels were running around, and predators lurked in the shadows hoping for an easy meal. The trees grew close together but far enough for a person to walk through. My shoulders scrapped a few trees tearing my clothes a bit as I walked. my mind was focused on moving ahead, for I noticed something stalking me out of the corner of my eye. I picked up my pace and so did whatever followed me. I sighed to myself. I wasn't here for twenty hours, yet something already wants to eat me. my horrible luck. I stood still and looked up. the treetops blocked out any light from the sky. the thing following me let out a ferocious howl as it pounced from the shadows. Fangs pierced my forearm as the creature swung me around and dropped me on the ground. I started punching with everything I had. the creature yelping with each hit till it let go and back off. If it wasn't trying to eat me, I'd say the creature was gorgeous. long flowing black fur on a muscular body. glowing yellow eyes glaring at me with caution, each movement considered. deep growls coming from a long snout similar to a wolf. the creature jumped again and tried to latch itself to me. I sidestepped and rolled. the creature rebounded and sank its teeth into my leg. I wrapped both my hands around as much of its throat as I could and began squeezing. the creature's eyes began to turn bloodshot as it bit down harder. the harder it bit the harder I squeezed. eventually, the creature went limp. its teeth locked into the flesh of my leg. I groaned in pain as I forced its jaws open.
"Well, this has been an amazing first day let me tell ya," I said out loud to myself. my wounds bled freely then a sudden bright green light surrounded my wounds and they disappeared.
"Ok, that's not normal." I chuckled.
Since it was dark and fighting wore me out, I decided that I'd build a camp. I scavenged around for food and anything to make a temporary shelter. I made a fire and relaxed by it. the forest was eerily quiet at night, not an owl or a bird chirping. no crunching leaves or branches. this world has not been friendly right off the get-go. I wonder what adventures are in store for me.