As the door swung open, I could hear hushed arguing.
"What if he wants to kill us? did you see what he did to that undead commander? He killed that monster with his fists. who do you know that can do something like that?" a male voice whispered.
"I can hear you," I said pushing the door the rest of the way open.
several people stood in front of a large statue of a female in a robe holding a fruit basket. Fear covered their dirty faces, staring at me with unknown worry. I sighed. what an ungrateful bunch.
"I apologize, they have seen some unfortunate things these last few weeks. Good sir, are you a royal knight? we dispatched for reinforcements a while ago but haven't received any word." An ancient man asked as he pushed through the group.
"No, I was just moving through the forest trying to find a way out. I don't have any memory of anything of this world. I apologize if you thought that I was here to save you." I replied.
The old man's eyes almost popped out of his head.
"You came from the forest of the damned?" The crowd gasped.
"Is that what that place called? I saw some buildings that were there but no humans. killed a creature there too." I said scratching my head.
a female with light red hair and golden eyes stepped forward, her hands clasped in front of her, in a tiny voice "Did you find my father? he had a shack near the edge of the forest. I haven't seen him since this all began." her eyes teary.
"I'm sorry. I came across the shack but I'm afraid whoever was there probably didn't survive." I said quietly.
She screamed and fell to her knees. a couple of people tried to console her.
I sighed rubbing the back of my head. This was extremely troubling.
"I'm sorry for your loss," I said kneeling in front of her.
she wrapped her arms around me and bawled. I hugged her. knowing her pain of losing her father.
"I'm sorry, I know it's hard. if there's a chance, he's alive I will help you look for him, ok?" I said letting her go.
she wiped her tears away and nodded. I stood up and looked at the old guy.
"What is your name young man?" He asked
"I don't have one or at least I don't remember it," I said quietly.
Before the man could answer the sound of hooves interrupted us.
The old man pushed past everyone. A worried look on his face. Everyone fell silent as he rushed out the door. I heard loud voices. I walked out to see a group of heavily armored knights, in front was a knight wearing a golden set of armor. In his hands was a large saber. His voice boomed loudly.
"Don't you know what could happen to you for wasting Imperial resources? Where's this undead commander?" The knights booming voice echoed in the air.
"Well, if you weren't blinded by all that shiny gold your wearing, maybe you would have seen the big fat dead thing laying in a pool of its on liquids." I raised my voice pushing the old man behind me.
The golden knight jumped down, his feet thudding the ground. his hands reached up and removed his helmet. A younger face glared back at me. purple eyes staring daggers at me.
" Am I supposed to be intimidated by whomever you think you are?" I said not impressed.
"Watch who you offend boy" was what he was going to say however I had grown bored of his attitude. my hand slammed across his face in a tremendous slap. The man covered his face. The rest of the knights dismounted and began rushing me until a golden glove raised to stop them.
"Let me know your name boy." He growled.
"Man, if I had known everyone was going to want my name, I would have come up with one before I left that stupid forest." I sighed.
The golden knight scowled at me and turned to the old man.
"what's his name? Did He come out from the forest of the damned?" He growled grabbing at the old man's cloak.
"He has no name, or memory from what he has said. however, we did watch him kill the undead commander with just his bare hands. He is truly strong, and he hasn't asked for anything in return." he replied.
while those two were talking I was looking at my stats
unnamed level 2 stat points available 10
strength 8+(0)
wisdom 9(+0)
agility 6+(0)
magic 0+(0)
vitality 10+(0)
charm 4(+0)
swordplay level 1
unarmed level 1
intimidate level 1
"Dear sir, are you there?" the old man asked gently nudging me.
"I was lost in thought," I replied adding my available stat points. three to magic, one to charm, six to strength.
The knights glared at me.
"Since you killed the undead commander, I will have to ask you to accompany me to Astoria. The queen will want to know about this." The knight said.
"I will go peacefully on one condition," I replied.
The knights looked at me as if I had slapped him again.
"Leave your knights here to protect them till I can return," I said looking at him.
The knight nodded and waved his hand at his men.
"Please make sure this place is well defended." The knight ordered.
he led one of the knight's horses to me to use, so began my next adventure.