
An Unholy Nightmare

We began our journey to the second village. my mind was on what I had just done. A demon had controlled the knights, but why? There wasn't any war yet between demons and humans. I figured they were trying to take advantage of changing rulers to acquire more territory. My heartfelt heavy for the girl I made the promise to. I wonder if I would find her again. Octavia was staring at me.

"Are you ok? You seemed to lose it back there. I don't think anyone ever manhandled a succubus to such an extent. I kind of felt bad. Only kind of though." She seemed genuinely concerned for me.

"I'm fine. I guess you could say I'm possessive. That village was one I had saved. I'm frustrated that my effort was wasted because of some dumb ass with a conquest hard on. Now I have to knock out another demons' teeth because he played around somewhere he didn't belong." I replied angrily.

"So since I'm here with you does that mean I'm yours?" Octavia asked with a sly smile.

"We will see. I haven't made up my mind on that as of yet. However, we need to focus on whatever's awaiting us at the next village. I think there's a reason these were targeted. I'll need to make up a formal report for Serenity. We need her prepared." I replied with a sigh.

Octavia looked at me confused for a second before she put the pieces together.

"You want to go punch the demon king's teeth in, don't you?" She laughed.

"Very, very much so," I replied.

"You'd go to war with an entire nation huh?" She asked.

"Of course. the only way to get stronger is to face unwinnable situations and come out on top" I replied.

Octavia smiled.

"I knew I wasn't wrong about you. I felt a weird strength radiating off of you." She chuckled with a large smile.

I looked at her, I noticed how beautiful she was. Crazy came in extremely appealing packages I thought chuckling to myself. She smiled at me, her eyes dancing.

"Are you starting to fall for me, William?" She chuckled.

"Only a little," I replied quietly.

She beamed a large grin, obviously proud of herself.

"Sir, madam we are almost there!" The coachman said knocking on the window.

A small well-built gate manned by soldiers stood in front of us.

I stepped out and addressed the soldiers

"Queen Serenity has asked me to check on why this village has stopped correspondence. Please open the gates so we can discuss this with the lord." I called out to them.

Something was weird, something was very off. The soldiers turned to me slowly and then I noticed it. They were undead. Flesh falling off their faces and stiff jerky movements. They looked at me for a second before trying to hobble away. I sighed. This village was the reason The other one was attacked. I ran towards the undead and swiftly dispatched them.

"Hey, Octavia, we have a problem!" I called out.

her head popped out of the carriage and yelled back

"Well, it's still daylight out I will be practically useless. If you haven't come back by nightfall I'll come help."

"Well, she's as helpful as these guys right now," I mumbled.

"I heard that!" She yelled back.

"Rats." I sighed, that'll be a headache later.

I pushed open the gate and was immediately rushed by half a dozen undead. I punched and head-butted my way through. My system going crazy with exp alerts. I made my way slowly past the gate, looking at the destruction of the village. Half of the homes had been burnt to rubble, dead bodies littered the street along with weapons and scattered possessions. People had tried to flee, there was plenty of evidence of that. I pushed past the burnt houses, killing any undead I came across. by the time I got to the village square, I had leveled up twice. I stopped and put half of the points into strength and a half into agility.


level 5

Strength 18+(11)

wisdom 20+(2)

agility 13+(5)

magic 12+(3)

vitality 18+(3)

charm 10+(10)


swordplay level 3

sword mastery level 1

love of the vampire queen (max)

berserker level 1

charmed beginning level 1

harassing vines level 3

iron wall level 2

Wiseman level 2

I looked around the square for any survivors but what awaited me was a massive pile of bodies.

"Are you the one who killed my father?" a sickly yet familiar voice called out.

a mist began to roll in, silence filled the air. Suddenly the pile of bodies began to shift around. Out tumbled a giant Frankenstein zombie. What made my heart sink was whose face I saw.

"No," I uttered looking upon the face of the girl I made that promise to.

"See I knew that would get your attention boy!" a gruff voice echoed throughout the mist.

"You will pay," I yelled out.

A status window popped up

Berserker skill activated. Strength temporarily increased by 10, agility temporarily increased by 10, Vitality temporarily increases by 10, passive cool down extreme exhaustion.

"You left me there, broke our promise. I will kill you!" The zombie howled lumbering towards me.

"Hindering vines!" I called out.

Vines shot out of the ground and wrapped themselves around the limbs of the zombie, slowing it down and angering it in one go. It ripped and tore at the vines faster than they could rewrap around it. I took the opportunity and got in close. grabbing an arm and breaking it. The zombie howled in pain and smacked me away with its other hand. I was flung through the charred rubble of a house. I stood up and rushed it again. This time aiming for its leg. I kicked towards its knees bring it to the dirt. It screamed in anger thrashing about. I stood over it

"I will fulfill my promise one way or another. I'm sorry this is what they did to you if only I hadn't left. If only I took you with me, you'd still be alive. I shall let you rest." I said sadly as I stomped on the zombie's head.

"You truly are a cold-hearted killer. So unexpected for you to become so strong so fast. You're going to end up forcing our hand boy, I hope you're ready for what that entails. Are you capable enough to stand against the coming storm I wonder?" The gruff voice said laughing.

"Tell your king I fear nothing in this world, and the pain he delivered today will be returned tenfold. You warn that coward I'm coming." I howled.

my body began to feel the effects of the berserker skill. I began making my way back to the carriage. everything screamed out from the pain of pushing past my current limits, plus the wounds I received from fighting. As the carriage came into view, I felt my consciousness fade. The last thing I remember seeing was Octavia rushing towards me.