
An Unusual Request

Three days had passed in the blink of an eye. Sierra had someone bring our reward to the guild. A big bag of gold and a lengthy thank you letter. We spent our days hunting down monsters and for me just leveling up. I had gone up five levels since we arrived in Horum. My skills also all hit a wall in levels. Everything was stuck at level 10. I had surpassed what a normal human could even dream of being. Evelyn was adapting quickly to our group, we fought well together as a team. Everything was going smoothly. We had just wrapped up another monster extermination quest when the Guilds desk clerk handed me a red envelope.

"Someone is waiting for you in the meeting room Sir William." She said as she handed the envelope to me.

"This looks extremely important. Who is it that's waiting for me?" I asked looking at the envelope.

"I can't tell you." She said quietly.

I looked at the others and shrugged. We walked through the noisy guild to the meeting room. As I opened the door, I heard hushed arguing.

"He's just a teenager how can he be of anything of value to us?" an angry male voice whispered.

"What? Are you calling Sierra a liar? How about Elisa? You don't trust anything they say?" A soft female voice argued.

"It's not that I just feel like we are being too trusting of the humans. What if they betray us again?" The mail voice argued back.

"Enough one of you is hesitant to ask for my help so I'll take my leave," I said stepping through the door.

"Sir William I apologize on behalf of my friend here. We desperately need your help." The female called to me.

Two tall, thin, and gorgeous people stood up. Long silver hair flowed from Perfectly porcelain skin. The male was muscular and was dressed in armor. The female had silk flowing gown.

"Sir William these are my two friends, Eve and Stren. Both are Moonlight elves. They need our help." Elisa said as she hugged the female.

"Elisa how can you be so trusting of a human?" Stren asked as he sized me up.

"Trust me Stren, Master William would wipe the floor with you with one hand. He also is the most trustworthy human I have ever met. You can put your faith in him." Elisa argued for me.

"Humph, he's just a human," Stren said folding his arms.

"Look if the toddler here is done tantruming can we get down to whatever you needed?" I asked completely ignoring his reaction.

Eve bowed and motioned for me to sit down beside her. She began explaining how their tribe has recently been the target of slave traders. They would trap the elves on hunting trips and sell them because of how gorgeous they are.

"What do you want me to do exactly?" I asked.

"We would like to ask you to save our tribesmen. We are already a rare breed of elven, these monsters have been using our people as playthings. Many die to the cruel masters they get sold to. " Eve said quietly.

I looked at her sad face. Her eyes welled up with tears as she explained what was happening to her people. I felt a tinge of anger at the sight of her pain.

"I will gladly do whatever I can to help your people. I can't promise I can save everyone however I will make whoever is responsible pay with blood. Hey, Octavia see if you can't get ahold of Kiosha's group and have them get here." I said walking out of the room. Octavia whisked off in search of a messenger mage. Sierra stopped me when I came out.

"What was this all about? The elves rarely ever ask for human help let alone the mysterious moonlight elves." Her eyes scanned my face.

"If they had wanted you to know you would have been a part of the meeting," I replied shrugging.

She huffed and scurried off to yell at some brawling adventurers.

We walked to the inn to prepare. This time our enemies were human. I wonder if it would bother me. Octavia zoomed up to me and jumped on my back bringing her face close to mine.

"Good news my darling! Kiosha is on her way. Just her though. Her men said after the last escapade we went through they weren't willing to fight against whatever demons you're hunting now. I even told them the targets were human." She giggled.

"There's more you're not telling me isn't there?" I asked with a sigh.

She put her finger to my nose and flicked me.

"Don't be in too much of a hurry. you will know in good time." She giggled and let go of me.

We left Nekomata with the innkeeper to help around the inn while we dealt with the scum. Elisa was extremely agitated.

"Calm down. I promise you I have a plan. no matter what you must hide who you are. Keep a safe distance in case something happens to me." I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

She looked at me with concern but nodded.

"Octavia go find yourself a very elegant dress. you will play a huge role in this play of mine." I said smiling.

Everything must go according to plan. I even learned some new spells to make this event even more entertaining. The whole trafficking of people thing upset me. Everyone should be able to live as they please. Octavia returned in an elegant red and gold gown. Diamonds encrusted the neck and bust line. a slit in the hip, revealing black lace stockings. coiled up in the nape of her back lay a spiked whip.

"You have outdone yourself this time Octavia," I said wowed by her beauty.

She smiled and presented me with a black and gold outfit.

"I can't be the only one dashing tonight." She said smiling.

I nodded and changed, after that, we left heading towards the slave market. Eyes and heads turned our way, whispers accompanying each stare. Octavia held an umbrella over us as we walk. The heat of the day surrounds us. As we entered the slave market. The smell became horrendous, and the quality of treatment was astonishing. a man walked up to us trying to sell a pitiful group of people.

"I'm looking for something extremely rare and special," I replied in a nasty tone.

The man looked at me for a second then smiled.

"You're in luck today sir. my boss has some top-quality goods in the main hall. let me take you there." The man said as he led us through the crowds.

I felt anger building up. I hated what I saw, it disgusted me. Men fawning over female slaves, females fawning over the strong male slaves. We were led to a huge building with marble pillars. The man pushed open a large oak door and ushered us in. we could hear the sounds of auctions going and people inspecting slaves. The man leads us through the crowds and to a big fat man sitting on a throne-like chair.

"Boss this man is looking for something rare and unique. I told him you were the one to talk to." The man said bowing.

The fat man looked me up and down then smiled.

"You came to the right person please follow me," he said standing.

The fat man waddled back behind his chair and opened a door on the floor, revealing stairs. He leads us down the stairs to a large room with dangling chains. At the back of the room Sat about thirty moonlight elves huddled together. The fat man waved his arm towards the group.

"Was this what you were referring to?" He asked smiling.

"I'll take them all," I said snapping my fingers.

Octavia brought forward a giant bag of gold and set it down.

"That's a big order is you sure? I can't guarantee you will be satisfied with some of the females. not so many virgins in this group. A shame since they are all so beautiful." The Fat man quipped.

I shook my head.

"That matters not to me. please have them fully dressed and ready to leave as soon as possible." I replied.

The man nodded and started yelling for the elves to get up and to follow him. He opened another door and ushered them in. we walked back up the stairs and waited for the fat man. About ten minutes passed and he returned huffing.

"Here sir this is the market's emblem, you can come back here with this and receive a good deal on the next batch of slaves." He said smiling.

"If you get more elves save them for me," I replied handing him another bag of gold.

"Oh, and if you speak of this to anyone or stab me in the back I wi destroy your entire family, bed your wife and daughters and force you to watch. Am I clear?" I asked staring daggers at the fat man.

He stumbled back then bowed.

"I dare not offend your kind, sir," he uttered out.

I nodded and walked out of the building. In front sat a wagon full of the elves. Octavia and I got on the seat and drove away. suddenly Elisa was on the back.

"You bought them!!! How dare you!" She growled.

"I promised I would save them, I did, didn't I? No one's dead or dying. I have nothing else to use the massive treasury I've been building up so why not use an approach with zero harm?" I asked glaring at her.

The elves behind her whispered and looked at me in fear.

"Ma'am thank you for caring about us but this master has saved us from that dark damp cellar." A quiet voice called to her.

She hung her head in shame, "I have misjudged you Sir William please forgive me." Elisa said quietly.

"Worry not elf. I did this out of selfishness as well. The Moonlight tribe will continue to be targeted without powerful backing. in return, they can help me set up a new home for us to retire to after everything." I said smiling at her.

"We are getting a house?" Octavia squealed.

"Yes, so let's go to the realty agent and find us a good place to call home. The demon king will be around till I decide to deal with her until then we must have a headquarters. As much as I hate settling down in one place." I replied smiling.

We had a real agent show us massive homes, till we found one away from the city. The gates stood as a warning that something was wrong with the home.

"We will take it. This aura will make others stay away and whatever's here I can deal with." I spoke.

He nodded as we went past the gates.