We kept walking in silence for a bit. No one mentioned what had happened, knowing I was still upset. My mind wondered. I had to get stronger, so I decided when we get to the next city, we would spend a week or so clearing contracts from the guild. We walked for several hours, Nekomata got tired of walking and wanted on my shoulders, I smiled and lifted her.
"Don't worry daddy I know you're the strongest. That means demon king doesn't stand a chance against you!" She giggled hugging my head.
"Thank you, my dear, everything will be ok. I'm just frustrated that she came and jeered at me like that. I want her head even more now." I replied with a grin.
Octavia and Elisa smiled at me. We finally saw the city in the distance. Carts lined up at the gates awaiting inspection. The gate guards stopped us but waved us through when seeing our badges for the adventure's guild. we walked through the gates to see a bustling city. Street food smells filled the air. We walked past those to an inn on the main strip.
"I'm sorry sir we only have one room, will that be, ok?" The clerk asked as we tried to get a room.
"Elisa is that ok with you?" I asked.
"Yea whatever I guess." She huffed.
I laughed as we went up to get settled. our room had a large table and a single giant bed. Elisa Huffed again in frustration.
" I swear if you two do anything nasty or You boy tries anything with me, I'll cut your mushroom off." She growled.
"Don't worry Elisa, old women aren't my style," I replied with a sly grin. She howled and smacked me a few times
"Who are you calling old your pain in the rear, where do you get off at making fun of me!" She howled with each smack.
we all laughed.
"Thank you, guys, for being here with me. I know everyone could be living different more comfortable lives." I said sitting at the table.
" Be quiet William. we chose to be here for a reason. This wasn't a situation we could ignore. You might be strong, but you have your shortcomings." Octavia replied.
"Yeah, like passing out after every big fight. who's going to carry you back if not us?" Elisa joked.
"If not for daddy I'd still be starving. so, this life is more comfortable than what I had before." Nekomata replied hugging me.
"You guys are the best you know that," I replied with a smile.
They all smiled and nodded. We decided to stop by the guild to tell them about what happened to Arkavia and to turn in the bounties we had collected. A few adventures murmured about us because of Abaddon's head swinging from my belt.
"Boy, why do you think it's ok to have that thing on your belt!" An older adventure demanded as he walked up to us.
"So, scum like you know that I'm not the one to test," I replied without even looking at him.
I felt a strong heavy hand grip my shoulder.
"Oh no," Octavia whispered.
"You know I wasn't going to waste my effort on you; however, it seems I need to teach you a lesson about respecting your elders. If you get on your knees and beg maybe I'll forgive you, oh, and give me that head!" He demanded trying to push me to my knees.
"Oh no here we go," Elisa said putting her face in her hands in frustration.
I spun around and sent the man flying. He smashed through a few tables before the wall stopped him. a crater appeared behind him from the impact.
"Was it worth it?" I asked glaring around
I had heard it was custom for new people to get hazed. I laughed and looked around me. the other adventures took a step back and a few went to carry the rude one to get help.
"I know you guys like busting everyone whose new chops so let me give you a warning. I'm not above taking your lives if you stand against me, if you seek revenge have your affairs in order, make sure your family will be taken care of because I will put you down." I yelled.
The lobby was filled with murmurs and whispers. several got up and left the guild office.
"Did you have to hit him that hard." a female voice asked behind me.
I turned back around to see a stacked blonde bombshell standing before me. She wore nobility clothing and had sea-green eyes.
"It's the only way some learn," I replied with a shrug.
"Hey stop ogling me!" She glared at me.
"Can't help it. I see a pretty woman I must admire the view." I replied pulling Octavia close to me.
"Playboy." Elisa Huffed.
I laughed as Octavia giggled.
"You approve of his ways girl?" The woman asked.
"He's strong ma'am, he will need plenty of kids." She replied with a shrug.
The woman sighed.
"My name's Sierra and I'm the guild master here. I was told you have a few things to report please follow me." She sighed as she led us to her office.
we sat down and began filling her in. I placed Abaddon's head on the desk for her to deliver to the right people
"you're saying this is the giant black knight demon Abaddon? and Veronica is the demon king. this just keeps getting funkier." she sighed again before gingerly putting his head in an ornate box.
"Stay at the inn for a bit while I see what the appropriate reward is for this. you guys are a massive headache by the way." She sighed again as she left.
"She sighs a lot," Nekomata said giggling.
"Your father has that effect on people dear," Octavia replied giggling. We went back to the inn and ordered food while waiting on Sierra.
We sat in Sierra's office for about an hour before she came back.
"You weren't lying." she sighed just throwing herself into the chair.
Her face was pale and sweaty. Her eyes darted to each of us.
"Who the fuck are you people?" She exclaimed.
"Sir William is the one who killed Abaddon. He also killed that were-bear." Octavia said puffing her chest out.
"Ok, um why does Abaddon look like he got worked over with fists?" She asked looking at me.
"Well, that's because he was. in battle sometimes you got to fight in many ways. He managed to get my sword out of my hands so all I punched him." I replied shrugging.
Her face was shocked. She seemed overwhelmed.
"I was asked to have you carry out monster extermination. The lord of this city has lost several men to a young dragon nearby. He has made his nest in a cave system underneath the city. I will lead you there." She said standing up.
As I stood up, she handed me a thick gold card.
"What's this?" I asked.
"The Horum gold card. Anything you buy will be billed to the city lord while you're here." She replied.
Octavia snatched the card from my hands and scuttled off saying something about buying new gear. I sighed then laughed.
Sierra led us through the streets to a large access door in the ground. She heaved the heavy metal door open and looked at me.
"This cave is connected to the sewers of the city, so I'm sorry for the smell." She said as she covered her face with a cloth. Octavia suddenly appeared beside me, handing me a large, curved sword.
"I know you need a new one after the fight with Abaddon. So, I hope this serves you well." She blushed as she handed me the sword.
I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"It's amazing thank you," I replied.
She giggled until the smell of the sewer filled our noses. I almost gagged.
Sierra handed each of us a cloth. We covered our faces and began to move into the sewers.
"Nekomata stay with the nice lady, ok?" Octavia said giving her a big hug. I smiled and knelt to her face level.
"You be a good girl and I will give you a gift when I come back ok?" I ruffled her hair.
She hugged me and nodded. we went into the darkness that was the sewer. The smell was still bad even with the cloth. Soft drips echoed around us as we made our way to the caves. We passed several deceased people, probably homeless who got sick and just died. We had no trouble making it to the caves. we sat above a large open area. in the middle lay a dark golden dragon. its body wrapped around armor and weapons of fallen heroes who had fought it. Its snoring filled the cavern. little puffs of fire shooting out every once in a while. Its tail flickering back and forth.
"Why won't you humans let me be? I just want the shiny things, why must you send armed men to fight me? Why did you make me kill? I wasn't trying to bother anyone." The dragon's voice growled out. It's head-turning to us. I jumped down and sheathed my sword. The dragon cocked its head as I sat in front of it.
"You poor thing, you never wanted to hurt anyone did you?" I asked feeling sympathy for it.
"No! I was made to make this place my home by my people, they said all dragons must go out on their own to experience the world. Yet all I have experienced is people attacking me, I might have taken a few shiny things, but I never hurt people unless they tried to hurt me." The dragon explained.
"Well how about this, leave your horde to me so I can return it, and give me something so I can prove that I hunted you, then I'll let you join us. We will be going on many adventures. We would welcome you with open arms." I said as the others overcame their fears and sat next to me.
"A human, a vampire, and an elf? What a strange combination. Are you sure you will be able to live with a dragon? what if we become hunted because someone found out? would you still stand with me?" The dragon inquired.
"Yes, without hesitation, if you agree you become my friend and my friends will always have my support," I replied standing.
The dragon seemed to smile; a blind bright light enveloped its body. Suddenly where the dragon stood was a young naked woman. Her dark skin seemed to glow in the darkness of the cave. Her black hair flowed in curls. Her golden eyes stared back at me.
"Have you had enough ogling of my body yet?" Her unamused voice asked.
"I apologize, I wasn't expecting you to appear in a human form," I replied averting my eyes.
"Your gorgeous," Octavia uttered unable to stop staring.
The dragon walked over to the pile of armor and weapons. She pulled out a cloth tunic and put it on. She then grabbed something else and walked over to me. She handed me a scale, a large tooth, and a ring.
"This will prove you dealt with me. Dragons don't usually allow humans to have their scales. This ring is a space inventory ring. that way you can carry everything here out. I hope you will keep your word. They call me Evelyn. What are your names?" She asked as she looked at us.
We introduced ourselves and then packed everything up into the ring. We walked back through the sewers and out into the city.
"Thank the goddess those smells were getting to me," Elisa said with a stretch.
I nodded, that smell was toxic, nose hair burning kind of nasty. We walked back to the guild and walked up to the service desk.
"Dragons are gone," I said putting the scale and tooth on the table.
The poor service girl turned white as she scuttled off. seconds later Sierra popped around the corner breathless.
"You killed that dragon this fast?! what kind of monster are you?" She huffed as she checked the tooth and scale.
"I also brought back the effects of the deceased please return them to their families," I replied emptying the ring onto the desk.
Sierra's face fell for a second and she quietly said
"Thank you. my brother was among those that fell to the dragon." Her face welled with tears as she came across a chest piece. A giant hole in the stomach of it told the story of how whoever wore it fell in battle. She broke down sobbing holding onto that armor.
"I'm sorry your brother died. I hope he rests in peace." Evelyn said stepping forward.
Sierra just sobbed.
"We will deliver your rewards later Sir William. For now, please return to the inn." The clerk asked of us as she comforted Sierra.
I nodded and we headed back to the inn.
"Sir William! We were told to give you a better room by the guild. It had two beds and living space." The lady who ran the inn welcomed us.
"Thank you. we will be going to rest now." I replied heading up the stairs.
The inn was quiet that day as if everyone knew something sad had taken place.