I stayed away for what seemed like days, aimlessly walking the damaged streets. My mind was just empty, I was dealing with the price that had been paid. Octavia was the one who found me. I could sense her following me as I wondered. I stopped once in a while to help citizens with small things. Patched a few of them up and continued wondering. I could feel her concern.
"What do you want Octavia?" I said with a sigh.
"William I'm worried about you. We still need you." She said quietly.
Her hand reached out for me, Like a beacon amongst all the darkness. I took it and she pulled me close. Wrapping me in her arms. I broke down, I hated what I had to do to free this place. I sobbed as she hummed. The people seemed to gather around us, quietly grieving all they had lost. Mothers wept for husbands and sons, old men just silently stared, knowing everything I felt.
"We don't hate you, Sir William. If not for you, we wouldn't even be able to stand here right now. Your people saved us." An elderly man said grasping my shoulder.
I dried my eyes to look upon his wrinkly face. His blind eyes seemingly staring back at me. The people around us shouted their agreements. I nodded, knowing my duty was not done. More people were suffering because of the Demon king's crap. My anger reignited the fire in my belly as we walked back to the castle. Everyone seemed to be busy trying to give the last resting rights to the fallen. Priests from the church of the goddess stood praying before the fallen. Healers were tending to any of the wounded. Kiosha was guiding the adventurers in fixing the damage and doing the heavy lifting that was needed.
Elisa was busy securing the weak points in the walls created by the battle. Stren was coordinating with a few teams of Adventurers to hunt any beasts that got near the city while it recovered. Evelyn had begun hoarding any of the damaged armor she could find gleefully yelping each time she found something especially shiny.
"Serenity is already on her way back. She knows the Demon king's involvement and has issued a declaration of war on her. Sierra will also be rejoining us here. she will be our permanent guild contact. I just think she likes you." Octavia huffed.
"Octavia forgive me for not being in the mood for jokes. I have a lot of blood on my hands, the blood of our fellow countrymen. Needless blood at that caused by Veronica. I will pay her back tenfold for all the damage she has caused. Not just here but all across this kingdom. She will pay!" my voice raised drawing everyone's attention.
Kiosha thundered towards me and snatched me up in a massive bear hug.
"Stupid man, stupid, stupid, man." She howled crying as she squeezed me.
"Kiosha my ribs shit!" I gasped.
She let go of me immediately. I fell to my knees in the dirt gasping for air. Octavia giggled as she helped me to my feet.
Kiosha looked embarrassed.
" Thank you for worrying about me," I said brushing myself off.
Kiosha blushed then ran off to help a group nearby. Octavia drug me into the castle, up the stairs, and into the throne room.
"Why are we here?" I asked looking at her.
" Don't you think it's weird the demon king made such a sneaky move? She didn't publicly take over the country, instead, she decided to use legion. That's one of the big Whigs William, Legions destroyed entire kingdoms and you killed it, by yourself. This could lead to others seeing you as a threat. We need to think of what our next steps are." Octavia said pacing.
"You think Veronica did this to cause me even more problems?" I asked scratching my head.
"Something along those lines. She's a master manipulator. People are just playthings for her. The former demon king wasn't enough to stop her if that says anything about her. She's dangerous." Octavia seemed extremely concerned.
I pulled her close and kissed her.
"Whatever comes out way, we will deal with it. Nothing in this world can beat our determination." I said holding her.
She buried her face in my clothes and sighed.
I looked around the room, you couldn't tell a battle had taken place. Gustov's body was gone and so was legion. The throne was the only thing different. They had removed the old one and put a bright gold one in its place. I sighed; I had a feeling that things were going to get extremely complicated. I thought of how Veronica seemed to be pining for my attention. Everything lately seemed like she was testing me, seeing how strong I could get. Little did she know she had made a grave mistake. Any hope for her was out of the question, I deemed her unsavable. I had made up my mind Veronica had to die. Octavia seemed to feel my change in mood, she grabbed my hand and led me back outside. The sun was just setting so the stars were beginning to show. A slight breeze seemed to dance around us as we continued helping where we could.
Serenity arrived a day and a half After the battle. By then most things had been cleaned up. Soldiers buried those that fell, Families had mourned them. The city had a harsh silence about it. Serenity's carriage was the only thing heard besides some mother's wailing. I stood at the gate of the castle waiting on her. My face is solemn. My heart was still heavy for the lives I had to take. The carriage stopped with the door directly in front of me. Serenity stepped out wearing a long black gown with diamonds showered in the fabric. Over her face was a thin black veil. Tears streamed from her puffy eyes, as she mourned for her people. She Silently walked by me. Her eyes not daring to meet mine. Her guard bowed and sadly said.
"She can't speak with you, not until the period of mourning is over. She apologizes but this is tradition when a mass tragedy happens. She hopes Sir William will enjoy the palace for a few days and rest. She knows you must need it." The knight bowed and walked away.
I sighed, I didn't like time, it meant being lost in my thoughts. I walked back to my usual room in the castle. I paced back and forth in front of the mirror. I sighed and sat down. I felt like I was going crazy till Octavia, Kiosha, Elisa, and Evelyn bounced in They were all extremely chatty. seemingly not noticing me until they jumped on me, Surprising me. Octavia and Kiosha wrapped their arms around my neck. Both kissed each side of my cheek. Evelyn flopped onto my lap. Her tail wrapping around my leg. Elisa sat at the table in the corner of the room.
"We know you only did what you had to do; Serenity knows it to I'm sure my darling!" Octavia Smiled. Her eyes locked into mine.
"William you can rely on us. Don't think that you're alone." Kiosha said blushing.
"Hey, we got lots of treasure William. So not a complete loss." Evelyn huffed a few black puff rings.
I hugged Octavia and Kiosha.
"Thank you," I said quietly.
Their arms tightly held me, a type of compassion I wasn't familiar with. My eyes welled up and I broke down. My previous life had been hard. I had died alone. I had struggled alone. I had been just so used to shouldering every weight by myself. People had thought I was arrogant and cocky but in reality, I was just used to not having anyone to rely on. Noone stood by my side when I suffered, and I always celebrated my victories alone. This life might not be easy, but I can happily say that was the one big difference for me. I was beyond grateful to not be alone. The weight didn't feel as heavy as it did before. Kiosha stroked my hair while Octavia hummed. Elisa just looked at me with sad eyes while Evelyn just looked around cluelessly. We all chatted and joked around till there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it.
There stood the knight from earlier with a white envelope. He silently handed that to me and walked away. I opened the envelope to see pretty handwriting.
Dear William,
I apologize for not comforting you, after what you went through the knights told me you helped bury them. You helped each family mourn and wouldn't rest until they were taken care of. You have my utmost gratitude for the treatment you gave them. I wish to see you, please come to my Chambers.
I handed the letter to Octavia, who read it to Kiosha. They both looked at me with a joking grin.
"Our handsome hero now to bed the queen. How far you've come Sir William." Octavia said joking.
Kiosha chuckled
"With his strength, even the queen of orcs would look his way!" Everyone laughed.
I walked out towards the Queen's bed Chambers. The halls were quiet with the occasional maid or Butler scurrying from various parts of the castle. The Queens room Had two massive redwood doors. on each door was a golden armored knight. I handed one the note, he glanced at it bowed, and heaved open the heavy door. Serenity sat in the mourning gown, at a giant makeup table. Her veil hanging on the corner of the mirror.
"Leave us." her voice called to the guards.
She stood and walked to face me. Her finger dragged across my chest.
"How do I reward one who has done beyond more than enough for this kingdom and this queen. A man who wants neither land nor wealth. One who can't be swayed with power. How does one reward someone like that Sir William? I pondered and pondered the whole trip over here after receiving news of your victory. I thought of many things only to strike them from thought, but one remained. The highest honor I could give to you personally. A romantic night with the queen." Her hand's drug across my chest then down my back. Her touch was soft yet firm, each move premeditated. She walked back to the makeup desk and sat down.
"William, would you mind unzipping me?" She asked flipping her hair over her shoulder. I walked over to her and unzipped her dress. She stood up as the elegant gown fell to the floor. Her slightly tan skin seemingly glowing in the candlelight. What happened next was a battle of wills. She fought strong and fierce only falling when the sun rose back into the sky.