unorthodox existence

"Bam looks curiously at the mystery figure in front of him sig look back at him as an eerie smile appears on the shadow veiled figure sig walk towards bam causing him to worry but when Sig get close enough it talks."

Sig: Hello there I take it you are Bam my so-called other half hmm let you remain in control and sleep or not.

Bam: huh what are you talking about?

Sig: well your soul is weak very weak so weak a single flick could break its fragile existence

Bam: My soul is weak but I feel fine?

Sig: of course when the Soul is ill you will feel nothing as it's not a mental or physical problem

Bam: Then what is it?

Sig: simple your soul is probably Fragile because of the outside god or the outsiders as I call them they come from outside the tower much like yourself except you were brought outside by something.

"Sig hints to bam about something but does not give a direct or even remotely useful answer still debating whether to take his body now or when the Plot gets interesting thinking again it would be better to devour his soul and take his body over sig walk towards Bam before hugging him."

Bam: huh what is this warm feeling.

"all of a sudden the warm vanish everything vanishes as Bam looks again at the shadow veiled figure he sees a massive glob in its a place which has already run him over and sucked him in he feels something wrong but can't figure it out."

Bam: hu- ARGH!

"bamboo begins disintegrating as his physical body is changing drastically at this moment Bam tries to escape trying every method to try and get out but nothing works at he's getting dizzy slowly phasing out as if tired all of a sudden a burst hits the glob but does nothing the outside god manage to leave but only to see a horrifying sight."

Outside God: What in damnation is this It's utter chaos.

"before the Outside god can do anything he impaled by silver tendrils from the glob that just finish devouring bams soul the tendrils drag the outside god into it as he tries to escape failing miserably in reality the boys body is still adapting and changing."

Outside God: Argh what the hell is this urgggh I feel dizzy... very dizzy...

"the outside god is completely submerged in the glob of slime before being placed into sleep before being slowly disintegrated unaware of it even happing its true body is not capable of understanding what's happening before all a sudden the Outside god is unable to move as he is restrained by tendrils and being devoured as an eye Watch him."

"inside sigs soul, the outside god was completely and utterly disintegrated before its power was sealed by Sig as to not explode his body he growls at himself as he senses something else sealed within him he appears in the seal chamber seeing a figure of mist with 6 Black wings and a skeletal face. pale red eye glowing under the hood this being look at sig."

Inner reaper: So you are my host may I know why I was sealed here.

(not a shinigami, the literal inception of death aka Pop culture Skeleton long scythe dark cloak.)

Sig: I didn't even know you existed until I devoured bam and the outside god's souls

Sig: so after I release you I should probably have even more access to the Necronomicon

"the reaper can not understand at all what he just said or why he can't even comprehend it before An infinity symbol appear in his eye and the seal is released he walks out of the cell as he tries to leave he can't

Sig: I don't think you can leave you might be a part of my soul that I have to accept or something. But I can't right now since I am already preoccupied with how to deal with the coming events. Oh ya, what can I call you?

Inner reaper>reaper: you can call me Reaper...

Sig: very well Reaper

"Sig exit his mental Space and enter his physical body before sitting up with his hand on his head before a pretend aw come out even though the injury is healed completely bandage is placed on the fake injury that he purposefully created."

(if you think he's too smart do remember unrestrained mind allows you to view every possible outcome in tandem with the Necronomicon he can see every possible outcome before it even happens.)

Rachel: Are you ok?

Bam/Sig: I'm fine that hurt a little though. "he rubs his head.

Bam/Sig: who are you?

Rachel: well you can call me Rachel. "she says with a smile on her face"

Bam/Sig: I'm Sig Falma Necroa.

Rachel: what weird last name.

Sig: Nah it's not really.

Rachel: hmm

Sig: I'm the only 1 down here how would It be weird.

Rachel: and how do you know that.

Sig: that just how I am I woke up here with no memories of anything and then started building a tower to escape from this Dammed Cave.

Sig: only for it to be a crack of light that I can't even fit through.

Sig: then you Fell hit me and sent me flying to the ground.

Rachel: haha I'm sorry.

Sig: it's fine it's not like you knew that somebody was down here.

"Sig thinks about what to do after he already devoured bam and got plot armour he felt a unique energy wrap around him after he devoured bams Soul then there was the outside god his power nearly blow up his body so he had to seal it. And decided to test a theory of using the unique energy of the tower Shinsu to strengthen himself."

Rachel: So do you remember anything.

Sig: aside from how to talk no my past is blurry and blackout.

"like hell, I'd tell a bitch about my life. Just like that the false friendship between them was in place Sig just acted as he figured a person who lived outside the tower asked basic questions as such learned how to read and write though he really didn't need to and as such time pasts just like a calm tied years passed."