The Monster in the tower.

"Sig Look at the barrier with boredom as he walks towards it completely ignore The administrators rule the ADministrator in response tries to amplify the Shinsu so this Rude Guy stop ignoring him As Sig reach the barrier and walks through it easily the Shinsu Amplifies itself turning red because of the Compression."

SIg: I may have caused problems for the rest of the Regular Shinsu Tends to swarm towards me like I'm some kind of beacon so I sadly increase the Shinsu in my attacks unconsciously SO sorry I might have to Nerf that test a little bit."

"Sig Look at the Shinsu before his eye lights up igniting flames in it the red Shinsu get sucked towards him like he's a black hole causing the barrier to Weaken Heavily Before he looks at the Test Administrator."

SIg: you might want to fix that instead of getting Sidetracked looking at me like a piece of meat.

"Lero Ro gets serious before the barrier is restored to normal SIg walks to the furthest corner well calling out to Khan and Rak to the great dissatisfaction of the rest before he looks at the rest with glazed-over eyes as if they are all glass."

SIg: I might have attracted the Attention of unwanted forces Opps.

"not even caring about fug Wolhaiksong or Zahard Empire he then sits there with his eyes closed well he's looking at like a monster Ignoring the gazes he decides to read the book the Ritual chapter looking over it he sees multiple references to awakening."

"the Shinsu Field Surprise them but quickly after they adapt and started pushing against it Anaak pushed right through it Sig look over with his typical Glazed eyes then look away as a giant man Yells about the barrier Sig look at him before walking towards him surprising the rest. Opening his book well walking slowly towards him."

Giant man: huh what are you gonna do?

"a twisted language come out of his mouth the pockets around him try to decipher it only getting numbers as a hole that is pure black open beneath him doing nothing an eye opens in the middle right between his legs."

giant man: Huh WHat the hell is this.

"all of a sudden Black Tendril emerge from the gate grappling onto his shoulder blades his legs and his torso before slowly pulling him down as a razor maw opens beneath him before spinning around like a paper shredder the man leg is a drug under as he screams."


sig: sigh it seems the taller they are the dumber they are.

"The Giant man's crotch is pulled under sending agonizing screams out as his mouth Foams up he's drug even further in blood Splurting everywhere coving the ground everybody else looks in horror at this as Sig look emotionless the giant man is completely submerged as Silence fills the room."

Sig: I'm not gonna get in trouble for this right?

"the hole in the ground closes slowly after the eye before vanishing as Shinsu floods the area around its base."

Sig: I won't get in trouble sir Ro right? I only killed an annoyance.

"Lero Ro look at Sig as if he's a monster as he just watches him shred a man to pieces and he's more worried about passing than anything else Before SIg look at him and walks back to the corner before pulling a book that has an indecipherable title on it."

Sig' Let's read the first ritual Chapter.'

'Those dammed to the view of pure insanity will perish in the presence of those creatures. The beings known as the outer gods or the Old ones are those who exist but shouldn't or the abomination they summon these rituals are a risk to all involved. Cthulhu the 1 who brings insanity and order so powerful those who disturb him will parish with a gaze. Even without a gaze merely entering his domain will cause great insanity. Those who seek him shall be murdered within their Dreams Cuthulu know only as the dreamer will not let those who view him will cease to be as the mere view of him drives all insane. even the smallest of his fragment will be the downfall of an empire cult that expand so far that even the largest force will be unable to reach his roots. held under the ocean by sleep the gate of R'lyeh may that ever enter even chaos may not be enough to stop the insanity. Cthulhu the most notable of the deities though not really a deity more of a priest of the true god of old god something so powerful that even its existence is unfathomable by mortals and immortals alike. mere a single tendril may bring Damnation to those who view it. Those who follow him are simply known as the Deep ones. his servant unknown to life nor death. Often the creation of madness merely squid-like ships releasing things unidentified by all who view them known from mass of claws and mouths to flesh organism much like Slime so powerful they enough are capable of levelling an entire continent.'

Sig' ho remind me not to summon the outer gods their minions should be enough and the Undead will probably work well enough send enough of them and you might as well be sending an entire Army up highly buffed 1s I just can't use the insanity unless it's a 1v1 deathmatch.'

"Sig look at the shinsu wall noting how 2 people he finds interesting trouble he sends a wave at them before they push through the wall with blood dripping down their heads to make it more realistic the administrator almost caught on by the steady increase but misinterpreted it as the tower assisting them."

"the rest of the crowd is still looking at him in horror at the incident that took place noting their blood still o the floor they decide to walk through the wall after it's reset by Lero Ro as it emits a dread feeling as that what Lero was feeling when he remade it,"

Sig: Such a small number I figured there be more.

"his glazed eye put despair into everybody he looks at as Sig skeleton comes out of its necklace and walk through the field as blood is sucked into him as flesh physically forms on the Skeletons armour body though nobody can see it they sense the Shinsu wrapping the being as if it's skin."