
Sig narrows his eyes using the Warp sigil he implemented habitual, "I almost forgot I had to go there." He Remembers "oh yes Gustang, I hope you make good use of that little blonde-haired pawn."

He tilts his head. "Are you underestimating me or joking? I really can't tell with you?" Sig smirks. "Then that means I'm doing a good joke." he vanishes after that Gustang gaze at his prior location. "Truly an abomination beyond even Traumerei pets. It's a wonder since not even a Guide could escape his grasp."

Gustang vanishes after that as well, The Administrator finally Left to its own device it continues to set up the floor under the directive of Sig, the boy already having collected the Thorn.

Hwa, speaking to the Elders enacting their Double agent Role just as Sig Informed her to do the silver Dwarf, walks out and glances, "The elders, huh? So they are involved in your activities."

She takes a gaze at him. "I have no intention of telling you everything." The Dwarf nods "yes That obvious. He really is intelligent, even if he lacks restraint."

She Scoffs "lacks restraint any other man would've jumped at me or Yihwa Without a thought for him he barely shows a keen interest until he's absolutely Certain we are out of danger. This overprotectiveness is something I like about him, not to mention the fact he Feelsโ€ฆ. Safe"

She states before walking past Evan, "I know about at least that aura he's practically Charmed Yuri." Evan, Says Gazing outwards, Hwa smiling "He tends to do that."

Fully aware of the number of Women to expect in the end, before stopping at the entrance "After all, he's practically the next Khun Eduan." Evan Shocked at the statement whips around.

Hwa disappeared into the train. Having set up many things Evan grabs his head "that safe aura huh I suppose it's his nature." He whispers, having moved back into the train himself.

Sig working with code as usual "The big three huh Two realms etc I have to hack that system to prevent their power." Sig begins work immediately as Emily Walks into the room. "Are you occupied, sire?"

Sig glance back "Yes Emily?" she stands silent for a minute "I would like to have Proper Emotion." Sig halts his motions. Closing off the code, he looks at her. "Don't you have self learning?"

She lower her head, understanding it he nods "Alright." Popping out her control module. He looks at the living code of Emily, her body shutdown, "it operates like a duel DNA. So."

He lets go of it; the capsule floating in the air as it's opened, the intrinsic long code forming into lines in front of him a double Helix "I thought it would be triple."

He programs in even more code. "It has enormous storage capacity. I'll give it that." Finishing it the Helix a Redish hue. inserting it back into the capsule, he places it back in her head.

Her body falls to its knees as billions of Red lines spread throughout her. Sig Ponder the changes "hmm Very well hell Emily welcome back your codes been lengthen exponentially and a shinsu core has been formed inside of you."

She Stands up and trembles slightly on her feet, the feelings overwhelming as tears stream down from her eyes for the first time. "You're an artificial human, much like Vincent, Anna, and Albelda.

He smiles at her before he shoo's her out and begins working more on the temporary Overwrite code highly capable of such a thing. Aware of the Evil left by Jahad "This will be my first meeting with him." Sig mumbles.

Meeting up with the other groups in the morning, he looks at them. "You all ready to go?" they nod, the Groups prepares, he looks at Gustang's, pawn '๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’”๐’–๐’‡๐’‡๐’†๐’“ ๐‘ป๐’ ๐’๐’Š๐’•๐’•๐’๐’† ๐’๐’–๐’„๐’Œ๐’š ๐’ƒ๐’Š๐’•๐’„๐’‰.' he thinks looking at the blonde whore.

Before turning back and chatting leisurely with the group, approaching a hall of blades, he narrows his eyes. "You guys ready for a Fight. I'm probably going to sit back. Yuri bash on the glass knife "Alright Fine I'll let you out now.

Yuri appearing behind him, he throws the blade back to Khun. The man catches it. "Oh, you don't need it anymore?" Sig nods. "It's easier to use the central core." Khun nods. "It is indeed easier since it can run Multiple Enna cores." he shrugs

"That the minimal since it's Astronomically more powerful. I limit it. See, the Compartment storage I use for it is connected to all members of the groups,

Monster pop out Sig continues his conversation with Khun. "Could you make a miniature Nexus Core?" Sig shrugs. "I could, but it might be better for you to just use my Nexus core here."

He hands a Rhombus to Khun "that connects to the Nexus. Attach it to your Lighthouse Next time. We get a break and it should hook you right into the Nexus core with all the information I've gathered on it."

A much larger one of the beast appears howling at them. Sig watches Hatz Rip into it, the other just sitting back. "He wanted to personally take this one on." They say Sig Nods.

"I guessed as much a swordsman always looks for a challenge." he talks to the other members of the groups, and nods, agreeing with some of their points on how none of the weaker can get stronger because of how strong some others are

Sig promising to set up some challenge to improve their strengths, still trying to reach an area to rest. Sig raises a notice '๐‘ด๐’‚๐’š๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’๐’‚๐’Ž๐’† ๐’‰๐’–๐’๐’• ๐’Š๐’” ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’ƒ๐’†๐’”๐’• ๐’๐’‘๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’.' he recalls how it was fairly tame compared to the floors after.

"though the story change that fact should remain, I just have to be careful with my name. And the other." the clock hits 9 the door opens. Sig walks in second, seeing Karaka. "Oh, you hide in here. You should've. left well you still had the Chance Karaka but I won't kill you, after all even a tin can has a use in the end."

The words Getting a chortle from Yuri barely holding back her laughter at the now common word for Karaka. Sig Rolls his shoulder. "I need in there. That's about it."

Karaka goes for an assault Sig hammering his stomach, denting it as he's sent flying backwards." Sig Approaches the door opening, Sig pulls everybody into the Nexus core having gotten the basis of the glass knife. Before getting thrown into the World.

The gate opens as the scale sucks in everything