From scratch to a pile

'This is really going to be a pain,' I thought, slashing some kind of a tall-growing, thin grass. 

It was the third element of the total of five that I had to gather to make my project a reality. 

There were three possible designs for what would become my living place from now on. 

The first idea was to just dig a hole big enough for me to lie flat in it. By covering its bottom with straw, I could make such a house somewhat bearable...

But it was too risky. A single rainy day, a single monster straying into the clearing, and I would be fucked beyond any recovery. With rain, my hut could even collapse and bury me alive. With a monster, I would wake up to the fact of being eaten unless the monster would be kind enough to wake me up first. 

Second, came the idea of fulfilling every kid's dream that lived anywhere near the trees. A tree-house!