
Mia woke up in her bed. 

It was a strange notion. To wake up in a bed that she could call her own. 

Back in the past, when she was still living with her family, she simply shared the space by the fireplace with her many siblings. Then, as a slave, she shared the dormitory with other masterless slaves. And with Arthur, she didn't have a bed that she could call her own, as she shared it with her beloved. 

Yet now, she woke up in her own bed. In her own room. In her own place.

'I still have the old habits,' she thought the second she looked through the massive window taking nearly half of one of the room walls. 

The sun was barely up. Its rays were still cold, only announcing the start of the day. 

But it was nonetheless. 

'I need to get going,' she thought, pushing the sheets out of her body and getting up from the bed.