I hope you will be safe

Mia was back in her room, busy sorting through the last few papers left on her desk. 

There wasn't any slowdown to the necessary administrative tasks stemming from how she basically organized a sect within a sect. Rather than that, a new batch of disciples was scheduled to soon join the outerpost, putting even more souls under Mia's responsibility. 

Nonetheless, the papers on Mia's desk only treated on the most important problems of her organization. 

The need for repairs to the training grounds after a disciple went berserk and devastated one of the cells. The two disciples missing from the roster. A financial report containing all the expenditures and income of resources. 

'Finally done,' Mia thought to herself when she placed the last piece of paper in the pile of the finished work. She then raised her head towards the window.

The day was long over, forcing the girl to cut well into her sleeping hours.