Bolting the dragon

A flurry of empowered bolts appeared before roughly half of my sentinels. 

The other half I put exclusively on defense, unwilling to make the mistake of underestimating my opponent. 

Still, half of all my sentinels formed a roundish shape of condensed mana in front of them. And then, like tears trickling down the face of a heartbroken maiden, small pieces of mana oozed out of the ball of the condensed power. 


Whenever a tiny piece of magic would turn autonomous, it would then shoot at the dragon, chipping away at its defenses. 

The first wave of bolts didn't do much. The second one, either. 

But my sentinels weren't shooting in waves at all. 

Maybe it was the influence of me, the host of the system, that turned those sentinels the way they were. Yet, seeing how each of the sentinels shot its bolts so fast, they practically turned into a laser line that tracked the movements of the dragon...