Chapter 01: Smiling Fox I

Although I was supposed to be feeling shitty after a drinking party with my old friends, I wasn't. It's strange, waking up in a familiar apartment room but knowing something is wrong. I never had posters on the wall, posters of unknown bands, I never put any indecent magazines out in the open either. Because upon waking up and getting out of bed I tripped on one of those and now I'm laying on the cold floor. That's also strange, last time I checked it was Autumn but the AC going on blast, and the way the sunlight filters through the window made me think it was Summer instead.

Did I get transported into a parallel universe?

That's my first thought, After what seemed an eternity laying on the floor, I got up and stood in front of a full-body mirror. That's me. Yeah, what did I expect? A mop of black hair, eyes that smile even when I didn't (some people called me a Fox because of it), and sickly pale skin. Even in this reality, I'm a sleep-deprived Author who only ate two meals a day and orders takeouts huh? That's sad.

But wait, I look a bit shorter?

I tilted my head and the figure in the mirror follows, I tiptoed while frowning. "I should be 180 something but this looks like...170-ish? No, I'm way taller than that. Probably, 175-ish? Huh, I shrunk?"

A rang startled me out of my train of thoughts, I looked around and saw a familiar phone vibrating on top of a low white table on the floor. I sat on one of the pillows surrounding it and grabbed my phone, the name 'Yuya' shows up on the screen. I raised an eyebrow, Yuya? I don't know anybody with that name.

I waited until the ring was over before opening the lock with my fingerprint. Easy, I licked my lips and began to scour through my phone. The Notes section was full of words like 'Don't forget, March 3rd!', 'Opening Ceremony Speech', 'Go Me!', 'Student Council Itinerary'. I clicked on the one with 'Opening Ceremony Speech' as the title. Well, the inside is predictable, just a bit too long for my liking.

"So I'm still in school? But, I've never had to do Opening Ceremonies though?"

The me here is really great, I smiled happily. Not long after, Another call from 'Yuya' showed up again. Sighing, I decided to accept it. Then a loud male voice reached my ears, piercing them to pieces. "YOU MORON! YOU FORGOT TODAY IS YOUR FIRST DAY AS THE PRES? HELLO? WHERE ARE YOU?"

"Ugh, so loud."


"Huh? 'Kay."

"You better." then with a click the other hung up. I blinked in wonder. Wow, President? I'm really amazing. So after going through the familiar routine of putting on my uniform did I realize something. I wore a white shirt under a brown sweater with the logo of a school I made up years ago, sewed onto it, and black pants.

"What in the world? Why is Arthea's logo sewed here?" I brushed my hand on it to feel the texture and it's real! After a moment of silence, I facepalmed, yeah why the hell won't it be real? This is confusing, I'm not going to lie. Seeing the time on my phone and realizing that it's almost 8 o'clock, I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room.

The house I'm in is the same as usual, empty. It used to be cold but now with Summer at its peak, I could feel my body getting warmer the longer I stayed. "Hmmm, This is interesting," I whispered while savoring the familiar-not-familiar air. Something is off and I can't shake the feeling of uneasiness. But because I'm feeling amused more than anything, I can at least pretend it's not there and just see for myself what world I got thrown into. Why I'm wearing Arthea's school uniform and why am I younger?

This will all be answered when I reach Arthea.

Now, if this is what I think it is I might have an idea of how to go there without being late. I licked my lips in anticipation, "Here goes nothing~". I willed the Image of the grand hall of Arthea in my mind. On the stage, there's a podium made of the finest wood, able to withstand the strongest of magic, the crest of Arthea-a sword bound by vines and flowers making it a circle-glowed bright under the sunlight.

I began to feel empty and airy as soon as I concentrated on the thought of being there, standing behind the podium. Not long after, I felt my body being carried through something and for a moment my head became dizzy. I unconsciously smirked, knowing my hunch was correct. Though I'll address this matter once everything got sorted out.

'I'll leave it to future me'

Now it took only a few seconds, after that, I feel my body welcoming the embrace of Gravity and my feet touched the ground. No, not the ground. Something like a wood, the stage maybe?

I blinked my eyes and raised my head, what greeted me was a row of students sitting and gazing at me with awe. Their mouth forming an 'o' and I realized, what the fuck I just did.

'Wow past me you really are something, trying to teleport even though you don't know whether your magic is capable? Teleporting into Arthea's Grand Hall on top of that? What possessed you into doing something so dumb?'

I mentally slapped myself from 3 seconds ago. Anyway, It's not like it can be undone so let's just go with the flow. Let's recall what the speech is and try to copy your Student Council Pres' from 7 years ago. I spread my arms wide, giving them the best smile I could muster, "Welcome to Arthea, Young and Brilliant Sorcerers. You are very lucky to be receiving tutelage and guidance under the talented Sorcerers our Academy has to offer. You are seeds that have yet to bloom, we will nurture you carefully so you can bloom into the flowers our Empire can be proud of!"

I placed my right hand on top of my heart, conveniently where the logo of Arthea is sewed on. "From now on you can pride yourself on being the next generation of dazzling Sorcerers. You can say that you are Arthea's! As long as you remember the principles of which Arthea is built upon, you will be alright!"

'What were the principles again? Shit, It's been years! I just know there's three...'

Then a brilliant idea struck me like a lightning.

"Now raise your voices and say it with me!" I curled my fist on top of the Arthea logo. What's principle number one?!"

"To Nurture!"

"Number two!"

"To Protect!"

"And finally, Number three!"

"To Help!"

I mentally cursed hearing those again. Considering I wrote this story when all those Time Traveling novels were a hit and I hurried while building the world so I didn't put much thought into school motto and what not. To think that I would face my greatest humiliation here, in another world of all times. I want to puke. I held in the frown that's threatening to break the smile I put on. Anyway, It became too bright for my eyes so I closed them and wore the usual expression in my last life. Yeah, the fox-like one.

Ah, myopia sucks. This world has magic but I'm still nearsighted? Embarrassing, I'm ashamed of myself. I'm sorry children, you must've suffered under the hands of my sleep-deprived self. It's been tough, I'm here now.

Wait, the voices stopped. I tilted my head, they must've waited for my next sentence. "That's all, once again, Welcome to Arthea. Enjoy!"

I lowered my arms and turned to walk down the stage. I looked at the five people sitting right on the front of the stage. One of them, a male with bright orange hair tied into a ponytail, was making faces at me. He tilted his head towards the empty seat beside him. The only empty seat in the middle of those five.

I nodded and walked to them. When I scanned their faces, neither stood out to me. Well one of them looks familiar once I got closer but other than that I didn't see any important characters.

'They were probably in the crowd of children here.' I sighed and folded my arms, letting my body sink into the chair. 'I want to see them soon, so I can help them-'

I frowned when I felt a piercing glare from my right. "What the hell? Who are you trying to show off for? I didn't know you could teleport!" hissed the boy. I tilted my head towards him and smiled, "Only for you, Honey~".

I deliberately opened my eyes to make eye contact with the boy.

"You! I-What the!"


Another voice joined in, this time it's a girl's voice. "Pay attention."

I shrugged. "Kay~" I closed my eyes again, feeling a little giddy for some reason.

"But how did you do it?" the boy whispered.

"You want me to teach you?"


I chuckled and brought a finger to my lips, "Come to my room and find out."


After that, I was slapped on the head lightly by the girl on my left, "Stop teasing him! And Yuya, don't fall for it!" she scolded. I pouted while rubbing the place she slapped, i genuinely wanted to help him okay!

I peeked with one eye open and saw Yuya's grinning expression then closed my eye again. "I hope you don't take candies from strangers, Yuya."
