
'...' - thoughts

[...] - telepathy



~3rd person~

As the girl ran through the allies of what can only be called the slums, Kali focused on the quest she received from Jinx. Said quest being to help the host defend herself against a hostile. Normally such a quest would be acceptable, however from the way the girl weaves through the allies with ease it's unlikely she will have to defend herself. And if that wasn't enough to give Kali a headache, the girl still hasn't even been noticed by anyone despite the noise she made from running over scattered junk.

Noticing kali's thoughts Jinx thought she found the perfect opportunity to boast.

[Naturally, if you are given a quest something will happen if the quest demands it. In this case, the host will be put in a position where she would have to defend herself no matter how unlikely. However, this means it could happen 10 years from now. In the end the quest given will have an opportunity to be completed. That's already more than what other systems- *cough* *cough* -things could give you. Yeah yeah I get it, I'm great... now praise me!]


And that's the most common answer Jinx will get from her self boasting.

Kali was going to as some questions based on the answer Jinx gave her, but stopped when she noticed the girl enter a building that looked significantly better that the surrounding ones. Navigating through the rooms and hallways filled with people she stopped at a door at the end of one of the hallways. Knocking three times on the door the girl stands back to wait for it to open. If her hair wasn't covering her eyes, Kali would have been able to see some fear in them.

The door flung open, and a hand shot out from the dark room. Grabbing the girl by her shirt, she was dragged into the room. Kali was annoyed she couldn't hear what was being said, in fact she was annoyed that she still couldn't hear anything. She swore in her head that if she doesn't get the ability to hear than she would make Jinx regret it. Truthfully, Jinx should have given both a sense of sight and hearing to Kali at the same time but she wanted to mess with Kali. So when Jinx heard Kali's thoughts she shivered and immediately gave up any idea she had on continuing to mess with her.

"..ERE SUPPOSED TO BE BACK 20 MINUTE'S AGO!" A male voice screamed soon followed by another male and female voice echoing what the first voice said. In front of Kali's host was a middle aged man flanked by a teenage boy and girl. They all had the same black eyes but the guy had black hair while the teenagers had mostly black hair with a strip of white in them. The girls hair was only to the top of her back, while the boys her was put up to look like spikes. When Kali saw the girl was shaking in fear but didn't look at all confused as to why she was in this situation, she realized that this wasn't the first time this happened. Kali soon realized that she could use this to complete the quest and started using her new skill and spoke... thought?

Anyways, she communicated in the softest way she could. [Don't panic, and try not to show any reaction to me. Despite how crazy this will sound to you, I'm the gun you stole from that shop. From the way that I see it, you stole me to use me. What better time is there than now. I know you don't know how to respond to me yet, I'll teach you later. The first thing I want you to do is when that bad man stops paying attention to you, take me out of you hoodie and shoot him. You only have the magazine(the mag has 10 shots) that was already in the gun so you can't miss. Aim for his chest, and once he goes down take out the other two. I know I'm asking for a lot, but I'm asking you to help yourself. Don't do it for me, do it for you.]

The girl, despite being spooked by the voice in her head, didn't make any reaction besides her eyes showing confusion. The guy, however was too tired from the whole 15 minutes of berating the girl and was going to go back to the kitchen to get another drink.


The guy fell straight to the floor holding the area above his right hip too shocked by the sudden pain to even scream. That, however, was covered by the two teens who started screaming once they saw their dad fall to the ground. They didn't have too long to scream for as they soon followed him to the ground as two more shots were fired.

The girl was breathing heavily staring at the scene Infront of her. Her brain was screaming at her that despite what they did to her they were still her family, and that she was going to be alone now. She was close to having a panic attack when the gentle vice entered her mind again.

[Calm down I know what your thinking, and it's not true. They treated you as if you were worse than garbage. If anything, I'd bet that they were going to get rid of you once you lost your value. You did the right thing by protecting yourself. I know I can't ever replace them, but I'm here for you. I won't leave you alone.]

Kali was panicking a bit while trying to figure out how to calm the girl, but luckily that was enough as her breathing steadied out. Truthfully, Kali was a little tempted to just let the girl get through this without trying to comfort her, but she didn't want to act the same way her organization did with her, not to her host anyway. In the meantime, while the girl was still trying to regulate her breathing, Kali got the quest complete ping.


Quest Completed: Be used by your owner to defend themselves

Reward(s): Introduction to Cultivation(Given to both owner and host), Qi bullets(skill is given to the owner)


After accepting the reward a huge amount of information was forced into the into the girl's and Kali's brain.

Kali felt like her nonexistent head was going to explode while the girl fell directly unconscious. Kali can't understand most of what was just forced into her head but after sifting through, and sorting, the information it became apparent that there were two types styles of cultivation. While each person could chose their own path of cultivation, their training fell under spiritual or physical. Each person will have different goals on their journey to becoming gods, so each person will have their own style of cultivation. However, if a person has a normal goal, such as to become strong, they can use methods of cultivation passed down by senior cultivators. While it produces faster results, they wouldn't be as strong as they would if they made a method unique to them. That however isn't easy to do, and geniuses like that are often killed before they can become threats. Back to the types of cultivation, physical cultivation is naturally the easier of the two but is more often than not more painful. It focuses on training the body to become invincible, and for the person to have godlike strength. Spiritual cultivation, however, is a broader category with the person strength into their soul to become stronger. Most methods mix the two with a heavy focus on whatever the person wants(A physical cultivator would mainly strengthen the body and a bit of the soul, and the opposite with varying degrees of intensity). Their are realms of power that a person using a pre-made method can follow.

So on and so on, Kali decided to look over the different realms when they become relevant to her and her host. For now, Kali used a lot of her processes if power to sort that out so she fell asleep right after she was done, leaving jinx the last awake.

Jinx being the last awake(she can make herself fall asleep if she wants) thought 'Well, me 'n Kali have made great progress!' she thought before deciding to also fall asleep. If Kali heard her she would scoff and only say "what progress?"