Leap Over Roofs And Walk On Walls!

There was someone nearby!

After his soul power increased, Su Jingxing became more sensitive to other people's gazes, and attention.

Was it kind or malicious? Was it mockery or praise?

He could feel it without meeting the other person's eyes.

For example, right now, the person who was secretly watching him did not have any ill intentions.

As such, Su Jingxing didn't get up immediately. Instead, he maintained his original position with composure.

After waiting for a while, the other party was still peeping. He decided not to tolerate it anymore.

Even if the other party did not have any ill intentions, being stared at like that made him feel uneasy.


With a flash of his figure, Su Jingxing used the Eight Steps Rising Dragon and flew among the treetops. He stepped on one tree after another and rushed towards the direction of the gaze with lightning speed.
