
That's right, it was not a 100% success rate. There was only a 10% chance.

To be honest, this probability was a little low.

However, the ability of the Deduction Card moved Su Jing.

He did not know why the card he extracted from Yu Shengmou was a Deduction Card.

He only knew that he had hit the jackpot this time.

Deduction, deduction.

Once any martial art was successfully deduced, it would be a new martial art, with no repercussions.

Once such martial arts were cultivated, Su Jingxing would be the foundation.

Because he was the first to cultivate it.

Not to mention the ability to remove drawbacks.

Although there was only half of the mental cultivation technique in the Earth Origin section of the Three Origins Saber Art, compared to the Seven Steps Fist, at least there were no side effects.

The Seven Steps Fist was different.

This ultimate art of the Wei Family actually concealed a very big flaw.