Since You Can't resist, Just Accept Your Fate


A silvery-black fist imprint smashed down from the sky, causing the empty air to explode.

The violent force that was released descended and formed a clear circular pathway through the air.

At the end of the pathway, the mutated earthworm opened its mouth and roared into the sky.


The terrifying sound wave was born again. It was like an assault cannon that was released from the mouth of the mutated earthworm. It moved upwards to meet the silvery-black fist imprint.

The two collided in midair——


A deafening blare echoed hundreds of meters away.

The shockwaves from the collision swept out in all directions.

Everywhere it passed, things collapsed, shattered, or split apart.

Amidst the chaotic sounds, the silvery-black fist imprint and the terrifying sound wave neutralized each other.

One moving down, one pushing up.