Kill! Kill! Kill!


"What goes around comes around. It's finally my turn today!"

Su Jingxing laughed out loud.

He had extracted so many function cards and amongst them were also many special ones.

For example.

The Life Extension Card, Invisibility Card, Regeneration Card…

These cards each had their own unique features.

However, once this card appeared today, all the previous cards would have to give way.

Transcendent Body Card!

The card he had extracted from Liu Chenglong's corpse was actually a Transcendent Body Card!

As the name suggested, it was a functional card that could change one's physique to break the limits of ordinary human bodies, and undergo a perfect transformation.

As long as he unlocked it, Su Jingxing would immediately become a transcendent body martial artist.

Transcendent body martial artists, bloodline martial artists…