Son, We Also Have A Family Heirloom

Chu Weiliang left to report the situation in the town to his superiors.

The long-lost Ghost Ride organization had reappeared!

According to Chu Weiliang's final explanation, it had been nearly a hundred years since any members of the Ghost Ride appeared.

Of course, this "disappearance" referred to the kind of information that was exposed and known by the government or large-scale sects.

No one knew whether Ghost Ride had been operating in secret or not.

In the past hundred years, no one had seen a single member of Ghost Ride. Or rather, all those who had were dead.

As a result, many people thought that the organization, Ghost Ride, had been wiped out.

However, as He Quanshui's identity as a member of Ghost Ride was exposed, this ancient organization that had existed for thousands of years emerged once again.

As soon it did, it caused a large-scale massacre.

Massacred an entire functional town!