The Big White Goose's Surprise (1)


Qi Mingcheng, who had just relaxed, suddenly reached out and grabbed a small item.

A bullet!

A sniper bullet!

A custom-made sniper bullet aimed at his head.

If it weren't for the fact that Qi Mingcheng had always been vigilant, even when he was relaxed, this bullet would have hit his brain.

Without the protective true energy covering one's entire body, a special sniper bullet would be enough to kill a fourth-grade martial artist.

Of course, this was when a fourth-grade martial artist was distracted or was disturbed by other matters.

Ordinary sneak attacks and assassinations would not kill a fourth-grade martial artist so easily.

After entering the mind-nourishing stage, a martial artist's perception would improve every day.

They were extremely sensitive in predicting danger.

Qi Mingcheng being ambushed was clearly an opportunity that the mastermind had specially found.