Forging the Kingdom Defending Jade Seal?

New Chu, a country northeast of Yu Nation.

Almost 5,000 years ago, there was a powerful dynasty in the Eastern Continent called the Chu Nation.

The New Chu Nation was the nation established by its descendants.

It had been 300 years since its establishment.

Although established a hundred years later than the Yu Nation, New Chu's prosperity was not inferior to that of the Yu Nation. In fact, it was even better in some aspects.

Unlike the Yu Nation, where the royal family had long lost their authority, New Chu's imperial family, the Xiang Family, had always held great power.

They were domineering internally and were like hungry wolves to outsiders. From time to time, they would take a bite out of the surrounding countries.

The Yu Nation was the nation that New Chu wanted to annex the most.

The frictions at the borders had never stopped. Small-scale wars broke out from time to time.