Surprise! (1)

It was the fat man from before!

Standing beside the giant frog's corpse, excitement was written all over his face.

When he discovered Su Jingxing's Blood Doppelganger, he did not panic or become wary. Instead, he greeted it like they were old friends.

"Hey, friend, do you want some frog meat?

"The flesh of the Shadow Demon Frog is quite delicious. Ever since I ate it once, I couldn't forget it. Look, I specially came here to hunt one.

"It was all thanks to you that I got the chance.

"For this, you have a share of this Shadow Demon Frog's flesh. How about I cut it out for you?"

The man with a round head, a round face, a round belly, and a round figure, who was in his thirties, looked at the Blood Doppelganger and gave a silly smile.

"By the way, my name is Ouyang Chan. What's your name?"

Su Jingxing remained silent.

Shadow Demon Frog?