Battle of the Martial Sages (2)

"Never mind. It's fine if you don't want to tell me your name."

Xiang Qingtian continued to mutter to himself, "I invited you here firstly to congratulate you on advancing to the Transcendent-grade and becoming a Martial Sage. Secondly, I want to discuss a collaboration with you."

Su Jingxing remained silent.

"This matter is the merger of our two countries.

Xiang Qingtian looked at Su Jingxing with a smile. "After the two countries merge, we will be the strongest nation in the Eastern Continent in the future. The overlapping areas of the Void World will also be connected, increasing the territory and obtaining more area. At that time, it will be easy for us to join forces to annex other countries. Brother, what do you think?"


Su Jingxing spoke. His deliberately adjusted low voice came from beneath his mask and echoed in the air.

"Ha, you're really a younger brother."